Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in Business Processes, Logistics & Information Systems at Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR)
- hold an MSc, MA or MPhil degree in business or economics, or from related fields such as psychology, sociology, engineering, or mathematics (depending on PhD project)
- have excellent results in your first degree or graduate study
- show explicit interest in and motivation for scientific research
- have a GMAT or GRE test result that is not older than five years, and an indication of the required score is 85 per cent (required for all entering PhD students
- have TOEFL or IELTS test results. For internet-based TOEFL test, ERIM requires a total score of at least 100 and all section scores (writing, speaking, reading, and listening) should be at least 23. A minimum score of 600 is required on paper-based TOEFL test. For IELTS, the minimum overall band score is 7.5 and all section scores (writing, speaking, reading, and listening) should be at least 6.5. The language test results should not be older than two years.
Deadline : 15 September 2022.
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student for “Bringing patients’ outcomes data to clinical practice” (1.0 fte)
We are looking for a PhD student with affinity for both qualitative and quantitative research methods to design and evaluate optimal data communication and visualization strategies using routinely collected health data.
Deadline : 22 Aug 2022
View All Fully Funded PhD Positions Click Here
(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Law & Health Care (1,0 FTE)
Gezondheidszorg is schaars. De vraag naar gezondheidszorg overtreft per definitie het aanbod. Gezondheidszorg kan niet in alle behoefte voorzien; bijgevolg zijn er onvermijdelijk mensen die niet de zorg krijgen die zij nodig hebben. Gezegd wordt daarom wel dat gezondheidszorg een goed is dat per definitie gerantsoeneerd wordt.
Deadline : 31 aug 2022
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Local public infrastructure and agency in times of disasters (1 FTE)
The research project investigates: (1) the conditions under which citizens’ initiatives and forms of community participation arise and continue to exist in times in the event of disasters and pandemic, and the roles a local public infrastructure can play to support them; (2) The functions and governance that a local public infrastructure must meet in order to respond adequately to problems that arise in disadvantaged neighbourhoods in the event of disasters and pandemics (e.g. reliable information, healthcare, income, food supply). Connecting both aspects, group-based forms of (self) resilience and institutional resilience, gives insight in how local public institutions can stimulate, but also obstruct, the capacities of disadvantaged populations to resist and recover from external threatening conditions, such as covid 19, urban heat or energy poverty.
Deadline : 5 Sep 2022
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(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Combatting mis- and disinformation in the Covid pandemic (1,0 FTE)
We have a PhD position for the research project ‘Combatting mis- and disinformation in the Covid pandemic’. The research project is part of the frontrunner program “Towards social and urban resilience for pandemics and disasters (SURE)” of the Pandemic & Disaster Preparedness Center (PDPC). The research project investigates the presence, effects of and remedies for the online and offline presence of mis- and disinformation. More specifically, the project addresses 1) the presence of dis- and misinformation in Dutch social media and in mass media during various stage of the pandemic, (2) the effects of this type of information on knowledge about, trust in and compliance with COVID-19 measures, and (3) possible intervention strategies targeted at increasing digital literacy of citizens by developing an app that trains and helps people to identify incorrect information.
Deadline : 24 Aug 2022
(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD-candidate – Present Heroes: Sporting role models and mediated meaning making amongst urban adolescents
The PhD project forms the contemporary component of a work package on diversity in sport with the title Arenas of Belonging: Sport Heroes as Models of Aspiration, Inspiration, and Participation. It focuses on the way in which (dominant) popular representations of sport heroes function as mechanisms of belonging and exclusion for ethnic/racially diverse youth in the Netherlands. We want to analyze how representations of sport heroes are at work amongst youth in contemporary communities. How do sports heroes impact young people’s personal and collective ethnic/racial and (trans)national identity, sense of belonging, and their future aspirations? Community-based participatory research will be applied, together with quantitative methods, to deliver an in-depth understanding of contemporary adolescents’ heroes and their personal and intersocial meanings in terms of identification, representations (including mediated stereotypes), and feelings of belonging. The PhD will work closely together with a postdoc and with a PhD-candidate from the second part of the work package titledPast Heroes: Historical analysis of representations of black athletes and constructions of ‘Dutchness’ and belonging, 1950s-present.
Deadline : Sept 1, 2022
Click here to know “How to Write an Effective Cover Letter”
(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Student – Senior Friendly Care Trajectories (1,0 FTE)
We zoeken een promovendus voor een project rond seniorvriendelijke zorgtrajecten. Het onderzoek vertrekt vanuit een combinatie van de wetenschappelijke disciplines Health Service Operations Management (HSOM) en Integrated Care. Met de vergrijzing van de bevolking neemt het aantal oudere patiënten met multimorbiditeit toe. Ouderen wonen langer thuis en hebben daar vaak een combinatie van institutionele zorg, thuiszorg en sociale ondersteuning nodig. Perioden van ziekenhuiszorg, in geplande opnames of noodsituaties kunnen na ontslag leiden tot wijzigingen in de (thuis)zorg. Overdrachten tussen instellingen en professionals, evenals integratie van zorg thuis, vereisen planning en coördinatie om continuïteit en kwaliteit van zorg voor de patiënt te waarborgen. Het leveren van de juiste zorg op de juiste plaats op het juiste moment zorgt voor seniorvriendelijke en kosteneffectieve zorg met als hoofddoel een zo goed mogelijk herstel na een ziekenhuisopname. “Heractiveren” (reablement) speelt een belangrijke rol en wordt gedefinieerd als “een persoonsgerichte, holistische benadering die tot doel heeft het fysieke en/of andere functioneren van een persoon te verbeteren, hun onafhankelijkheid te vergroten of te behouden in zinvolle dagelijkse activiteiten in hun woonplaats en hun behoefte aan langdurige diensten te verminderen”. Het verbeteren van de mogelijkheden voor heractivatie kan niet alleen een optimalisatie van de bestaande zorgorganisatie vereisen, maar ook een verbetering van de zorgverlening door het ontwikkelen van innovatieve manieren voor zorgverlening en voor transfers tussen institutionele en thuiszorg.
Deadline : 12 aug 2022
About Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands – Official Website
Erasmus University Rotterdam is a public research university located in Rotterdam, Netherlands. The university is named after Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus, a 15th-century humanist and theologian.
Erasmus MC is the largest and one of the foremost academic medical centers and trauma centers in the Netherlands, whereas its economics and business school, Erasmus School of Economics and Rotterdam School of Management are well known in Europe and beyond. Currently, Erasmus University Rotterdam has been placed in the top 100 universities in the world by five major ranking tables. In 2017, the university was ranked by Times Higher Education as 69th in the world with its business & economics as 17th, and clinical health as 42nd in the world, and was ranked among top ten business schools in Europe by the Financial Times. In 2015, Erasmus University Rotterdam was ranked by Times Higher Education as 20th in Europe and 72nd in the world, with its social sciences as 40th, and clinical health as 35th in the world.
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