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08 Postdoctoral Fellowship at Maastricht University, Netherlands

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Maastricht University, Netherlands invites online Application for various Postdoctoral Fellowship in their different Departments. We are providing a list of Postdoc Fellowship positions available at Maastricht University, Netherlands.

Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.


(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title:  Postdoc on value-of-information from validating clinical prediction models and AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) can support diagnosis and prognosis, and support optimization of patient care. Whether this is achievable depends on the reliability of an AI-model. Testing of AI is often done on small numbers, and AI-models are not equally useful in all locations and patient populations. Reliability can be measured with value-of-information measures that reflect the risks of uncertainty, expressed as the expected number of misdiagnoses. This allows physicians and policymakers to decide for each AI-model: is it ready for use, or is more research needed?

In this project, you will develop and disseminate these value-of-information measures. In this role, you will conduct interdisciplinary research at the intersection of statistics and health economics to assess and enhance the reliability of AI models in healthcare. You will share your findings through academic publications and presentations. To support the dissemination of methods developed in this project, you will engage with healthcare decision-makers and AI researchers, organize workshops, and develop guidance on the use of the methods for different stakeholders. You mentor junior team members, supporting their academic and professional growth. Additionally, you will actively contribute to the institute’s academic environment by participating in seminars, workshops, and collaborative research.

Deadline : 12 Jan 2025

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(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc summary/title: Post-Doc in Making and Design in Hospitals

The project focuses on the unexplored yet potentially insightful practices of material creativity where existing materials are being repurposed for another use. This post-doc will focus on spaces in or connected to hospitals, either formally or informally, such as makerspaces and design labs. Makerspaces have been studied critically and ethnographically by scholars (e.g. Richterich 2022), and in the U.S. build on a long-celebrated nation-building history of “great tinkerers” (Foege 2013). The post-doc will look specifically at hospital makerspaces, a yet to be explored site in social studies of medicine. Another well-established approach to practices relevant to this project comes from design. Examples of hospital design spaces include the Helix Centre at St Mary’s Hospital, in the UK. Existing examples of creative material practices in both sites include designing mask patterns, feeding tube holders and carer kits.

The goal of this postdoc will be to examine what is happening in these experimental spaces, and the role of making and design spaces in hospitals more generally. Two cities have already been identified as fruitful places for exploration: London where Helix is situated, as well as important archives on material experimentation at the Wellcome and city makerspaces active during the pandemic; as well as Boston, with initiatives such as Maker Health, which aims to build the “health making capabilities” of hospital staff. In your role you will design an ethnographic research project around these sites, with the potential to adapt the fieldwork program depending on your own research, interests and contacts.

Deadline : 20 Feb 2025

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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc Epidemioloog ‘LongCovid’

Als Postdoc epidemioloog ‘LongCovid’ krijg je de unieke kans om onderzoek te doen naar de onderliggende mechanismen bij LongCovid, ook wel post-Covid genoemd. Naar schatting hebben 450.000 mensen in Nederland LongCovid met een brede waaier aan klachten. De precieze onderliggende mechanismen van deze klachten zijn nog grotendeels onbekend, wat het moeilijk maakt om ze goed te behandelen. Daarom gaan we in een nieuw ZonMw project onderzoek doen om erachter te komen wat deze klachten veroorzaakt. We gaan patiënten met ernstige klachten in het onderzoek betrekken en richten ons op een specifiek mechanisme: trombo-inflammatie. Dit is een combinatie van problemen met bloedplaatjes, ontstekingsreacties en bloedstolling. Het onderzoek poogt dit mechanisme verder ontrafelen, omdat het klachten veroorzaakt, zoals ademhalingsproblemen en moeite met concentreren en denken. Daarnaast onderzoeken we hormonale verschillen tussen mannen en vrouwen, omdat vrouwen vaker langdurige klachten lijken te hebben.

Deadline : 5 jan 2025

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(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc ‘Kansrijke overgang tussen po en vo voor leerlingen met taalproblemen’

Als postdoc werk je bij het Researchcentrum voor Onderwijs en de Arbeidsmarkt (ROA) in twee projecten aan thema’s als een kansrijke overgang tussen po en vo, onderwijsongelijkheid en basisvaardigheden, waarmee je bijdraagt aan relevante inzichten voor wetenschap, praktijk en beleid.

Ten eerste werk je in het project “Een kansrijke overgang tussen po en vo voor leerlingen met taalproblemen” samen met partners uit onderwijs en onderzoek aan het ontwikkelen van een interventie die scholen in po en vo helpt om leerlingen met een taalachterstand beter te begeleiden en te ondersteunen in de overgang van po naar vo. Zie ook Als postdoc voer je binnen dit project coördinatie- en onderzoekstaken uit, in samenwerking met de projectleider. Je overlegt en stemt af met de verschillende (interne en externe) partners binnen het project. Ook ondersteun je de verslaglegging en rapportage van de voortgang en resultaten van het onderzoek.

Deadline : 7 jan 2025

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(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Health, Well-Being, and Educational Performance

The Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA) of Maastricht University’s School of Business and Economics is seeking to appoint one postdoctoral researcher on the project: Early predictors of school success: physical, mental and social health and behavior (see also In this project (started in October 2022), we study how different aspects of health, well-being, and (un)healthy behaviour of primary and secondary school pupils are related to their educational performance and educational career. We collect unique new data on physical, mental, and social health and behaviour (e.g., diet, social media use, substance use, physical activity, and bullying), at two crucial education transition moments at selected schools in primary and secondary education. We survey pupils and their parents, combining reliable and validated survey measurements with innovative ways of data collection, which will be linked to data on educational performance from the Nationaal Cohortonderzoek Onderwijs (NCO). The data collection in primary schools has been completed in spring 2024; the data collection in secondary schools will be completed in January 2025. The postdoctoral researcher will focus on analysing the data, and on the dissemination of the findings to various audiences.

Deadline : 15 Jan 2025

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(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Researcher Inline Analysis in Plastics Recycling

In the plastic packaging value chain, there is only limited information available on the plastics in that chain to assess circularity and recyclability goals, especially the use of post-consumer recyclates (PCR) in packaging.

Quality specifications, monitoring, and standardisation of materials are common in certain industries like chemistry and pharma but are, at this point, only in an infancy state in plastic waste management. A major challenge when it comes to mechanical recycling of plastics is that the quality of the material is not monitored throughout the whole process. Inline monitoring is however essential for predicting the final quality of PCR.

Deadline : 12 Jan 2025

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(07) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: PostDoc in AI-driven solutions for Climate Breakdown and Food Safety

The Institute of Data Science (IDS), a research unit within the Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS) is looking for a post-doctoral researcher to work on the application of data science and AI methods to address the risks of climate breakdown and its impact on food safety, using knowledge representation, reasoning and machine learning. You will join the Ambrosia project which is developing new tools and techniques to support food producers (farmers) and food processors to manage the risks concerning the interaction between climate change and food safety. The focus of the project is on mycotoxins in grains and enteric diseases in horticulture.

As part of the project, there will be the opportunity to collaborate with a number of partners across Europe, including leading research and technology organisations, as well as specialists in AI, machine learning, food safety, climate change and agrifood related information technology. The focus of the research at Maastricht will be on a) the integration of large-scale heterogenous data sets and models concerning climate projections and food safety risks in order to provide concrete advice to food producers and processors, b) applying deductive and non-deductive reasoning methods to help establish predictive and correlative models concerning food safety and climate change.

Deadline : 5 Jan 2025

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(08) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: PostDoc in Unraveling the role of additives in the mechanical recycling of polyolefin blends

Understanding the processing-structure-property relationship is extremely important for producing high-quality products from recycled polyolefins like PE and PP. To date, effective European recycling rates of polyolefins are stuck at around 40%, and one of the main bottlenecks is an understanding of how these polymers – often cross-contaminated with each other – behave and interact during the recycling process.

These polyolefin mixtures are usually immiscible, leading to phase separation and heterogeneous morphologies. The final properties of the blends are strongly dependent on the final morphology, which depends on, for instance, the processing conditions, viscosity ratio, interfacial tension, and their volume fractions. The use of compatibilizers can substantially affect the morphology and, therefore, the performance of the blends. How do these compatibilizer additives behave during mechanical recycling?

Deadline : 31 Dec 2024

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About Maastricht University, Netherlands –Official Website

Maastricht University  is a public university in Maastricht, Netherlands. Founded in 1976, it is the second youngest of the thirteen Dutch universities.

In 2019, 19,000 students studied at Maastricht University, 54% of whom were foreign students, with over 4,000 employees. About half of the bachelor’s programmes are fully offered in English, while the other half is taught wholly or partly in Dutch. Most of the master’s and doctoral programmes are in English. Besides traditional programmes, Maastricht University also has an honours liberal arts college: University College Maastricht and a Maastricht Science Programme in the same liberal arts tradition. The satellite University College Venlo opened in 2015.


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