Aalborg University, Denmark invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at Aalborg University, Denmark.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
Aalborg University contributes to the knowledge building of the global society as well as the development of prosperity, welfare and culture of Danish society. This is accomplished through research, research-based
education, public sector services and knowledge collaboration. AAU educates students for the future and activities are based on a dynamic and transformative collaboration with the surrounding community.
AAU Energy is a dynamic engineering research department in continuous growth and inspiring surroundings.
AAU Energy has a very international environment and covers all areas of clean and sustainable energy systems of the future within electrical, thermal and mechatronic energy technology. AAU Energy has campuses in both Aalborg and Esbjerg, this position is located in Aalborg.
The mission is to be world leading in both research and research-based education of the energy engineers of the future. AAU Energy has approx. 300 employees of many nationalities, of which 25 are administrative staff. In addition, AAU Energy constantly has approx. 50-70 guest researchers from around the world.
Deadline : 25.04.2024
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
Trods en række tiltag de senere år står vi i en situation, hvor det bliver stadig vanskeligere at tiltrække elever til Social- og sundhedsuddannelserne og sikre at eleverne gennemfører. Rekrutteringsvanskelighederne bunder blandet andet i, at området anses som lavstatus og med begrænsede karrieremuligheder. At etablere SOSU-uddannelsesområdet som et forskningsfelt forstås som et af de tiltag der skal bidrage til at høje områdets anseelse og attraktivitet. Dog er SOSU-området på nuværende tidspunkt relativt uvant med at samarbejde med forskningsinstitutioner og anvende forskning som led i udviklingen af organisatoriske og undervisningsmæssige forbedringer. Der er således et misforhold mellem intentionen om mere forskning, evnen til at skabe synergi mellem forskning og SOSU-uddannelse, og SOSU-uddannelsessystemets organisatoriske kapacitet til at arbejde forskningsinformeret. Ph.d.-projektet tager afsæt i, at oplæringsvejledere, underviserne og ledere(på sosu-skolerne og i oplæringen) er centrale omdrejningspunkter i det forskningsinformerede arbejde.
Ph.d.-projektet er finansieret af Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond (www.dff.dk) og vil derfor tage afsæt i spørgsmålet om, hvordan der kan oparbejdes organisatorisk kapacitet til at arbejde forskningsinformeret indenfor SOSU-uddannelserne for herigennem at højne kvalitet og attraktivitet. Centrale områder i projektet vil være: 1) Hvordan man på SOSU-skolerne og i oplæringen(kommunerne) forstår forskning og dennes indflydelse på uddannelseskvalitet 2) Hvilke faktorer og organisatoriske karakteristika der påvirker brugen af forskning 3) Hvilke kompetencer der er nødvendige for at opbygge organisatorisk kapacitet og 4) Hvordan der kan opbygges samarbejde mellem SOSU-uddannelse og forskning.
Ph.d.-projektet vil være empirisk funderet og tager afsæt i et samarbejde med: Randers Social- og sundhedsskole, SOSU Fyn, Social- og Sundhedsskolen STV, Norddjurs Kommune, Odense Kommune og Thisted Kommune. Ph.d.-projektet kan med fordel benytte sig af forskellige kvalitative metoder, men i særlig grad forventes det, at den ph.d.-studerende vil anvende aktionsforskning til sammen med de deltagende organisationer at udforske ph.d.-projektets genstandsfelt. Det er således en fordel, men ikke et krav, at man har erfaring med aktionsforskning og/eller at planlægge og gennemføre organisatoriske udviklingsaktiviteter. Som Ph.d.-studerende skal man således have lyst til at samarbejde med en række forskellige aktører og være indstillet på at bevæge sig ud i det empiriske felt og samarbejde tæt og ligeværdigt med feltets aktører.
Deadline : 30.04.2024
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PHD FELLOW IN MACROECONOMICS
Apply now for the MSCA-funded EPOG-DN(Economic Policies for the Global bifurcation-Doctoral Network) project, which aims to establish a community of economists capable of collaborating with various disciplines, sectors and stakeholders to address ecological challenges. It gathers 8 full partners (beneficiaries) and 13 associated partners from different fields and sectors.
The project explores the pathways toward achieving strong sustainability, where social, economic and environmental objectives are not substitutable with each other. The project introduces the concept of global bifurcation, which encompasses a range of multidimensional and systemic processes. The project proposes a distinctive strategy for tackling the complexity of global bifurcation, which involves a socio-technical, socio-economic and socio-ecological perspective, all working in concert to develop a systemic approach. More information about the project can be found on https://www.epog-dn.eu
This specific PhD position is for DC5:Stock-flow consistent modelling with a Unified assets Framework for Improved Sustainability decision-support(SUFIS)
The main objective of PhD is to contribute to improved decision-support for sustainable development by adding stock-flow consistency to an integrated economic-environmental model, simultaneously balancing the accounting framework across natural, manufactured, human, social, and financial assets, providing a model and empirical data implementation that is sufficiently transparent, flexible, scalable, and accessible to be applicable for supporting practical decision-making. In the project, the model will build on the Danish supply-use tables and the Danish environmental accounts to create a stock-flow consistent integrated economy-environment model for Denmark with explicit feedback effects of stock changes on employment, consumption and technological innovation. Despite the focus on macroeconomics in the choice of model, the project is highly interdisciplinary in its choice of method, the work on the databases, and in the applications.
Deadline : 30.04.2024
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
Department of Health Science and Technology carries out multidisciplinary research, teaching and dissemination within biomedical engineering, sports science and medicine. The department has more than 250 employees and is responsible for more than 1700 students. More than 70 PhD students are enrolled in the doctoral school affiliated to the department. The researchers are organized in a number of research groups and centres, and the department has at its disposal laboratory and clean room facilities for cell growth, molecular biology, brain analysis, 3D movement analysis, respiratory and circulatory examinations, sensory and motor functions analysis, etc. All study programs at Aalborg University involve problem-based learning, organized around cases and projects. For more, see:www.hst.aau.dk
As The Faculty of Medicine wishes PhD positions to enable careers both within and outside the university, the vacant positions are created in such a way that the competences achieved in the position will qualify for both a research career and a career in the commercial and/or public sector. At least a year before the position expires, you will be offered an interview to clarify your future career.
We are excited to offer a fully-funded PhD scholarship opportunity for a motivated and ambitious researcher to join our dynamic team. The selected candidate will explore the intricate landscape of autoimmune reactions, dissecting their roles in both autoimmune diseases and cancers.
The applicant should have research interest in(1) Understanding the mechanisms underlying autoimmune reactions.;(2) Comparing the immunological pathways active in autoimmune diseases versus cancers and(3) Investigating potential therapeutic interventions to modulate these reactions.
Deadline : 30.04.2024
(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
The PhD student is to pursue research on a topic related to the core interests of VINO: police misconduct, police use of force, and/or police oversight. The successful candidate can define and develop their project idea related to these topics and shall submit a project plan describing their preliminary ideas. For this PhD position, we welcome applications from candidates with excellent qualitative and/or quantitative methodological skills who have a scientific background in political science, public administration, international relations, or history. Candidates with alternative scientific backgrounds and interests in the subject matter are also encouraged to apply.
Deadline : 01.05.2024
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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
The scientific focus of the PhD-project is to analyse conditions for responsible use of AI in different institutional settings. The project is expected to expand theoretical and empirical knowledge about implementation processes and the use of advanced technologies in contexts of wicked problem-solving, institutional change and leadership. For this PhD position, we welcome applications from candidates with excellent qualitative and/or quantitative methodological skills. Furthermore, experience with developing experimental or quasi-experimental designs for social science research. is considered an advantage but not a requirement.
We welcome particularly applications from candidates with a scientific background in political science, public administration, management studies and/or Information Systems(IS). Candidates with alternative scientific backgrounds and interests in AI-led political and organizational transformation are also encouraged to apply.
Deadline : 01.05.2024
(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
The national Pioneer Centre for AI and the Visual Analysis and Perception Lab at Aalborg University invite applications for a fully funded PhD fellow working on novel algorithms for under water computer vision.
Our marine environments are under pressure from rising temperatures, eutrophication, fishing activities, and more. This leads to a decline in biodiversity, destruction of habitats, and collapse of fish stocks, which can have huge negative societal and environmental implications. Addressing these challenges requires comprehensive and sustainable strategies that must be based on solid scientific research. However, traditional manual data gathering, and analysis tools are not scalable or sufficient to provide in-depth insights across vast underwater areas and across extended periods of time. Therefore, innovative approaches and advanced technologies are imperative to efficiently enhance our understanding and management of marine ecosystems. The PhD project will contribute to our overall effort that seeks to leverage computer vision and artificial intelligence to develop novel sensing and perception systems capable of providing unprecedented insights into the hidden world beneath the water’s surface. The goal is together with marine biologists to push the boundaries of our current understanding of underwater environments, enabling more accurate and comprehensive monitoring and conservation efforts.
In this PhD project, we are particularly interested in algorithms for long-term monitoring. This involves novel algorithms for detection of different types of marine organisms. The algorithms should be robust with respect to changes in turbidity and illumination, and also strive towards re-identification of the same individual across time. The team already has developed several fully annotated underwater datasets from where the PhD project can start, and more data will be collected and annotated together with our marine biologist collaborators. This includes data captured in advanced marine labs where conditions can be simulated as well as data captured in the wild using underwater mounted sensors and drones.
The PhD student will be part of a team focusing on a multitude of long-term research objectives in relation to underwater computer vision for environmental monitoring. Flexibility regarding the specific research questions to focus on is an option. The candidate will be a member of thePioneer Centre for AI, a 5-university Danish research endeavor, and physically sitting in the Visual Analysis and Perception Lab at Aalborg University. Both the center and lab are highly international and well-funded, working on a broad range of fundamental and applied research topics within AI and computer vision.
Deadline : 01.05.2024
(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
The Visual Analysis and Perception Lab at Aalborg University invites applications for a fully funded PhD fellow working on novel algorithms for pain and stress detection in horses.
Recognition of pain and stress in animals is important to protect the well-being of animals. Existing work shows that pain and stress in horses may be manually recognized from the co-occurrence of certain facial activities, coded as Action Units(AU) in a facial action coding system. Based on existing datasets, this PhD project will strive to automate this process. First, the focus will be on research and development of novel computer vision methods capable of robustly detecting AUs. Next, the focus will be on novel AI methods for classifying normal vs. pain vs. stress faces. Lastly, head pose detection of horses in videos moving freely in a box stable will be the focus, such that we are able to identify the video segments with a near-frontal view of the head. This will allow us to validate the automated pain and stress classification algorithm on videos of horses under free-living conditions.
The candidate will be a member of the Visual Analysis and Perception Lab at Aalborg University where 25+ international researchers are working on a broad range of fundamental and applied research topics within AI and computer vision.
Deadline : 01.05.2024
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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
The Center for Molecular Prediction of Inflammatory Bowel Disease(PREDICT) is looking for appointing a talented PhD student to conduct research at the intersection of the medical and data sciences. Jointly supervised by Associate Professor Kristine Allin and Aleksejs Sazonovs. The PhD student will work on combining unique Danish healthcare and demographic registry data with the omics data generated by PREDICT, chiefly the currently available genomics data for around~10,000(and growing) patients with inflammatory bowel disease(IBD).
The PhD student will join our international and interdisciplinary group of dedicated researchers at PREDICT, Department of Clinical Medicine, Aalborg University, at the beautiful Copenhagen South Harbour campus.
Deadline : 01.05.2024
About Aalborg University, Denmark –Official Website
Aalborg University (AAU) is a Danish public university with campuses in Aalborg, Esbjerg, and Copenhagen founded in 1974. The university awards bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees, and PhD degrees in a wide variety of subjects within humanities, social sciences, information technology, design, engineering, exact sciences, and medicine.
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