Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD researcher in the field of cyber security (4 years, full-time)
The PhD project was initiated by CLECS, Center for the Law and Economics of Cyber Security, in collaboration with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management. The PhD researcher will work at Erasmus School of Law and be part of the Erasmus Graduate School of Law. In addition, the PhD project will be embedded in the LDE (strategic alliance Leiden University, TU Delft and Erasmus University Rotterdam), more specifically the LDE
Deadline : June 2, 2024
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in the department Law & Markets
The overarching mission of the Department of Law & Markets is to develop and deliver cutting-edge, high-quality research and teaching on legal institutions shaping markets and their implications for sustainability and socio-economic justice. The research group specifically studies legal and societal problems generated in the complex dynamics of international, European and domestic laws regulating trade, industry, investment, money, and more generally markets. The focus is on how to make the law in any form socially, environmentally and financially sustainable, how to deal with technological innovation on an inclusive basis and how to combine private and public interests responsibly. Researchers have different profiles, including public law, international and EU law, legal theory, and commercial law, and the Department is keen on multidisciplinary research.
The Department is responsible for a considerable part of the bachelor and master curricula of Erasmus School of Law. Specifically, Law & Markets provides bachelor teaching in, constitutional and administrative law, international and European Union law, jurisprudence, legal philosophy and commercial law. Furthermore, Law & Markets is responsible for 6 Master programmes including in public law, international and European Union law and commercial law. Most of the bachelor teaching is in Dutch, while most of the master teaching is in English.
Deadline : 10 Jun 2024
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Vacancy
Our research team has identified gaps in the toolkit of outcome measures used in evaluating the impact of healthcare interventions, particularly in non-curative care.
Several broad outcome measures of wellbeing have been developed for outcome measurement in non-curative care, including ICECAP, ASCOT, EQ-HWB, SWB-5D, QOL-ACC, WIX and WOOP. These measures are at different stages of development and are intended for use in different health and social care contexts. However, the performance of these measures in assessing the benefits of non-curative technologies is still unclear. Without comparative psychometric evidence it is difficult to inform further development of these and other measures, and for users to know which measure to select for their specific purpose or particular context.
To address this gap, we are seeking candidates with expertise in psychometrics to contribute to the evaluation of the outcome measures listed above. The successful candidate will play a key role in assessing the validity, reliability, and comparative performance of these measures, as well as contributing to the refinement of their applications where necessary.
Deadline : 14 Jun 2024
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in Operations Research at Erasmus School of Economics (Fulltime)
The capacitated vehicle routing problem (CVRP) is a classical optimization problem in Operations Research, and lies at the heart of many extended variants that incorporate considerations encountered in practice. The research project focusses on the CVRP, because theoretical and computational results typically carry over to its variants.
The CVRP is NP-hard and therefore exact algorithms are typically too slow to be used in real-world applications. The ultimate goal of the scientific community working on vehicle routing, is to be able to solve the CVRP to optimality in a reasonable time so that optimal solutions can be used in practice. This would reduce costs, energy, emission, congestion, noise, etc., on a large scale. State-of-the-art algorithms work with set-partitioning formulations for the CVRP, which provide strong but slow to compute LP bounds. There is no theoretical argument why set partitioning formulations should yield superior algorithms than those using compact formulations, which provide weaker but faster to compute LP bounds. Although researchers have been developing ever stronger compact formulations, recently it has been proven that there does not exist a strongest compact formulation, and compact formulations will never achieve the same strength as the set partitioning formulation. This demonstrates the futility of searching for a strongest compact formulation, and this avenue of inquiry has proven to be a dead-end. These recent results have shown that strong compact formulations can be found which are very large in size and computationally unattractive. This brings into focus the need to look for compact formulations that are as strong as possible while still being computationally attractive.
Deadline :1 Jul 2024
(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: (5-year) PhD position in the department Law, Society & Crime
The Department Law, Society & Crime provides a home to researchers in Criminology, Criminal Law, Sociology of Law and Health Law. Research in the Department focuses on four distinct, albeit interrelated research lines:
- The study of phenomena related to unsafety, insecurity, and marginalization, and the social responses to these phenomena, both from a legal normative perspective and an empirical perspective;
- The analysis of fundamental assumptions underlying rules and regulations and studying the implementation of regulation, its effectiveness and its legitimacy, and the unintended consequences of the way in which the law is implemented;
- The study of actors and professions within the (criminal) justice system, including judicial decision-making and the way in which legal professionals operate;
- Fundamental legal reflection on the role of legal sanctions, (reforms in) criminal proceedings, and the study of transitions between legal domains including questions about competences between various jurisdictions and authorities.
Deadline : 10 Jun 2024
Polite Follow-Up Email to Professor : When and How You should Write
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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: 2 (5-jarige) PhD posities in het departement Law & Business
Het facultaire motto ‘Where law meets business’ staat zonder meer centraal in het academisch onderzoek dat binnen het departement Law & Business van Erasmus School of Law wordt verricht. Het onderzoek heeft steeds betrekking op één of meerdere rechtsgebieden die onmisbaar zijn voor het functioneren van ondernemingen, zijnde arbeidsrecht, financieel recht, ondernemingsrecht en burgerlijk recht, en kenmerkt zich door de gecombineerde bestudering van zowel het ‘klassieke’ Nederlandse recht – inclusief de Europese of supranationale invloed daarop – als de concrete uitwerking en toepassing daarvan in de praktijk. Dit laatste wordt aanzienlijk verstrekt door de bijzondere aandacht die binnen het departement wordt besteed aan rechtseconomie en, in het bijzonder, aan de vruchten die de wisselwerking tussen rechtseconomie en meer traditioneel juridisch onderzoek kan afwerpen.
Deadline : 10 jun 2024
(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD VICI-onderzoek Houdt opvoeding sociale ongelijkheid in stand?
Sociale ongelijkheid tussen kinderen groeit. We weten dat verschillen in opvoedgedrag deze ongelijkheid in stand houden, maar we weten nog heel weinig over waardoor dat komt. In dit NWO VICI-project gaan we bestuderen hoe vaders en moeders omgaan met onverwachte gebeurtenissen, om zo nieuwe mechanismes te ontdekken die samenhangen met verschillen in hoe mensen de tijd naar hun hand kunnen zetten. Om de onderzoeksvragen te beantwoorden wordt een 100-dagen-dagboekstudie uitgevoerd onder 200 ouders in Rotterdam. Deze gegevens worden gekoppeld aan longitudinale data over de ontwikkeling van hun kinderen, en aangevuld met diepte-interviews.
Deadline : 9 jun 2024
(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD – Learning and developing new forms of small-scale youth care
In connection with the phasing out of closed youth care and to better meet the needs of young people, new small-scale forms of youth care with accommodation are currently being developed. Small-scale youth care consists of family homes and living groups for 4 to 6 young people who cannot (temporarily) live at home. The aim of small-scale youth care is to offer young people who cannot live at home due to various problems a more individual, integrated, specialist approach, based on tailor-made solutions, with a lot of attention, contact and care. In this project, as a PhD candidate you will conduct research into these new forms of youth care.
Deadline : June 9, 2024
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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PHD student in Environmental Sustainability and Health Technology Assessment
With a focus on Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs), you will develop and refine methodologies that evaluate the environmental impact alongside the cost-effectiveness of healthcare technologies. In addition to assessing impact, you will issue recommendations to ultimately shape and ensure the future of sustainable healthcare practices.
As a PhD candidate in this role, your research will not only contribute to academic knowledge but also have practical implications, influencing policy decisions and healthcare practices. You will be working in an exciting, dynamic academic environment, under the guidance of leading experts in the field. Your work will involve systematic literature reviews, data collection, preference research, and analyses like decision modelling. You will play a crucial role in developing a framework that could redefine how healthcare technologies are assessed and implemented in the future, considering their environmental footprint.
Deadline : 31 May 2024
About Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands – Official Website
Erasmus University Rotterdam is a public research university located in Rotterdam, Netherlands. The university is named after Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus, a 15th-century humanist and theologian.
Erasmus MC is the largest and one of the foremost academic medical centers and trauma centers in the Netherlands, whereas its economics and business school, Erasmus School of Economics and Rotterdam School of Management are well known in Europe and beyond. Currently, Erasmus University Rotterdam has been placed in the top 100 universities in the world by five major ranking tables. In 2017, the university was ranked by Times Higher Education as 69th in the world with its business & economics as 17th, and clinical health as 42nd in the world, and was ranked among top ten business schools in Europe by the Financial Times. In 2015, Erasmus University Rotterdam was ranked by Times Higher Education as 20th in Europe and 72nd in the world, with its social sciences as 40th, and clinical health as 35th in the world.
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