University of Groningen, Netherlands invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at University of Groningen, Netherlands.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD SCOOP position on “The merits and defects of competition” (V23.0575)
We are seeking a candidate for a PhD project on the philosophical and social psychological aspects of competition in science, with the aim of understanding the balance between competitive and collaborative aspects of the scientific enterprise. The position is located at the Faculty of Philosophy but the project is part of a collaboration between social psychologists and philosophers of science working on the epistemological characteristics of groups. The PhD candidate will work on a philosophical project that bridges social epistemology and social psychology.
Deadline : 15 September 2023
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: 4 PhD/Postdoc positions: Single-molecule Protein Sequencing and Enzymology (V23.0478)
Exciting opportunities are available for a highly motivated and talented individual to join the Laboratory of Giovanni Maglia at the University of Groningen as a Postdoctoral or PhD Researchers. We are seeking passionate researchers who are eager to contribute to our ongoing efforts in understanding the intricacies of protein structure and function at the single-molecule level. These positions are sponsored by national (NWO – Dutch Research Council) and international (NIH – USA National Institute of Health) research organizations and focus on the cutting-edge field of single-molecule protein sequencing and enzymology with nanopores.
Deadline : 14 September 2023
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position on Trade and economic development in developing countries (V23.0403)
The rise of global value chains (GVCs) has changed the impact of trade in the growth trajectory of developing countries by providing new ways for countries to specialize in specific activities rather than building up entire industries from scratch. However, there are also concerns about the rising skill intensity of technology, which might result in developing countries losing their cost advantage in producing low-skilled products. These developments pose a number of (empirical) questions, including whether participation in GVCs benefits developing countries in terms of jobs and incomes; what determines the size and patterns of gains or losses from GVC; whether technological change and the specialization of countries in some segments of the value chain are contributing to their development process; and what are alternative paths to prosperity, as the traditional concept of industrialization (i.e. the path to development of many modern advanced countries), is less promising in a highly fragmented production structure.
Deadline : September 17/2023
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position Design of operations and networks for sustainable energy systems (V23.0295)
The PhD researcher will be responsible for conducting research on (re)designing operations processes and/or logistics networks of sustainable energy systems, such as offshore wind farms, solar parks, etc. This may include developing and applying mathematical models, data analytics techniques, and simulation tools to identify and assess opportunities for increasing the efficiency, reliability, and environmental performance of energy systems. Inspired by practical cases, the candidate will develop innovative solutions that would support the deployment and integration of sustainable energy sources at scale. The specific topic of research will be decided together with the supervisory team, taking into account the candidate’s preferences and experiences.
Deadline : 3 September 2023,
(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position Beauty in Film Theory (1.0 FTE) (V23.0533)
We are offering a 48-month PhD position (full time, 1.0 FTE) within the project ‘Cinematic Beauty: Exploring the Experience of a Major Aesthetic Phenomenon’, funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO) in a five-year Open Competition M grant (Principal Investigator: Dr. Julian Hanich, University of Groningen). The appointed candidate will have an expertise in questions of (film) aesthetics and film and media theory. The overall project (henceforth: CinematicBeauty) aims to shed light on the pleasurable affective response that audiences experience when they consider a film beautiful. Since the beginning of cinema, movie-goers have encountered beauty in film’s many forms and genres. But astonishingly, scholars of film have never studied cinematic beauty in a systematic way. In addition to the Principal Investigator and the PhD position advertised in this vacancy, the CinematicBeauty team also features a postdoc researcher with a background in phenomenological interview techniques (12 months, 2024). Thus, the PhD will play a major role in one of CinematicBeauty’s three sub-projects.
Deadline : 1 September 2023
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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position Biomimetic Robotics: Bird-Inspired Aerial Robot Design (1.0 FTE) (V23.0432)
We seek a PhD candidate who is passionate about curiosity-driven research, designing bioinspired robots, and reading and writing broadly accessible multidisciplinary research papers about it. We are a social and dynamic research community with a fully equipped robotics research lab and makerspace for high-quality robotics research. In addition, the research team is studying the aerodynamics and biomechanics of bird flight in our animal research labs and aviaries, which will inspire your robotics research. The research instrumentation is world-class and includes a Wind Tunnel, Automated Turbulence Generation System, 3D High-Speed Videography and Surface Imaging, Automated Motion Capture, Particle Image Velocimetry, Anemometers, Large Volume Stereo Fluoroscopy (XROMM), 6-axes Load cells among other instruments and setups. Our robotics maker space includes 3D printers, a laser cutter and machining equipment complemented with robot flight testing resources and strong university machine shop support. The PhD learning experience includes multidisciplinary experimental research, designing robots, and multidisciplinary modelling to corroborate data. Soft skills include team-based research, high-impact writing, visual & oral presentation, networking, and career development.
Deadline : 1 September 2023
(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD cognitieve rehabilitatie bij mensen met psychotische aandoeningen (1,0 fte) (V23.0498)
Mensen met complexe psychiatrische problemen (veelal psychotische aandoeningen, zoals schizofrenie), ervaren vaak beperkingen in het dagelijks leven (bv. bij boodschappen doen, schoonmaken, agenda bijhouden, financiën). Bij een deel van deze mensen zijn deze problemen zo groot dat zij niet langer zelfstandig kunnen wonen en terugvallen op vormen van beschermd wonen. Vaak worden problemen in het dagelijks leven veroorzaakt door cognitieve stoornissen. Bovendien blijkt uit onderzoek dat bij mensen met complexe psychiatrische problemen, de cognitieve stoornissen samenhangen met verminderde neurale plasticiteit. Eerder onderzoek toont aan dat cognitieve remediatie training (CR; een vorm van cognitieve rehabilitatie) het dagelijks functioneren van mensen met een psychotische stoornis verbetert en hen helpt hun persoonlijke doelen te bereiken. Dit promotieproject behelst een grote multicenter randomized controlled trial (RCT) waarin we onderzoeken of we dagelijks functioneren bij deze doelgroep kunnen verbeteren met een nieuwe vorm van CR training. Deze training is gericht op het leren van nieuwe cognitieve vaardigheden én het leren gebruiken van deze nieuwe vaardigheden in het dagelijks leven. Bovendien onderzoeken we of een combinatie van CR training met milde hersenstimulatie (transcranial Direct Current Stimulation) neurale plasticiteit kan stimuleren en het effect van CR training kan vergroten. In een pilotstudie lieten we reeds zien dat deelnemers zo’n combinatie van CR training en hersenstimulatie goed vol kunnen houden, leuk vinden om te doen en dat de training hen helpt hun doelen te bereiken.
Deadline : 6 september 2023.
(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Individual and collective strategies to improve unsatisfactory working conditions (V23.0542)
To develop solutions for urgent social issues and to strengthen the impact of science, the Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences is making 5 PhD positions available as part of the starter grants for new assistant professors. For this we are looking for you as a motivated and enthusiastic graduate who has completed a (Research) Masters degree. You will have the opportunity to make an original contribution to science on one of the following projects through a 4-year PhD trajectory: “Individual and collective strategies to improve unsatisfactory working conditions”. The project starts from the observation that in recent decades working conditions have been deteriorating, resulting in insecurity, unsatisfactory wages and increasing work pressure. The declining trade union membership rates during this same period suggest that only a small number of workers actively adopted collective strategies to improve working conditions. In line with broader societal trends like individualization and flexibilization, they developed individual strategies to enhance working conditions. A recent example from the Netherlands is the increasing number of self-employed nurses who, in response to the tight labor market, negotiate improved working conditions compared to when they were employed. The employed strategies by workers signal cooperation problems in the labour market and have consequences beyond the individual. Using a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, this project seeks to set light on the conditions under which workers opt for individual and collective strategies used by workers to improve their working conditions and the consequences of these strategies for organizations/companies and labour market institutions.
Deadline : 28 August 2023
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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position Talent selection and development in tennis (1.0 FTE) (V23.0541)
To develop solutions for urgent social issues and to strengthen the impact of science, the Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences is making 5 PhD positions available as part of the starter grants for new assistant professors. For this we are looking for you as a motivated and enthusiastic graduate who has completed a (Research) Masters degree. You will have the opportunity to make an original contribution to science on one of the following projects through a 4-year PhD trajectory: “Talent selection and development in tennis”. Young tennis players are regularly monitored on multi-disciplinary (i.e., physical, technical, tactical, and psychological) talent characteristics or indicators. The aim of this monitoring is to improve the selection and development of talented tennis players. However, evidence-based insights into talent selection and -development are still largely lacking. Therefore, this PhD project will focus on the following two important questions: For talent selection, can we determine profiles of psychological, physical, technical and tactical indicators that are needed to become a professional tennis player? And for talent development, how can we better understand, and improve the profiles of psychological, physical, and technical-tactical skills of individual players? By obtaining insight into optimal talent profiles, more effective decisions can be made in the talent selection and -development process.
Deadline : 28 August 2023
(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Accumulation of Daily Work Stressors & Consequences for Employee Self-Evaluations (V23.0540)
To develop solutions for urgent social issues and to strengthen the impact of science, the Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences is making 5 PhD positions available as part of the starter grants for new assistant professors. For this we are looking for you as a motivated and enthusiastic graduate who has completed a (Research) Masters degree. You will have the opportunity to make an original contribution to science on one of the following projects through a 4-year PhD trajectory:” Accumulation of Daily Work Stressors & Consequences for Employee Self-Evaluations”. Throughout the working day, people may experience a variety of work stressors in the form of distinct negative events and episodes of high job demands, such as interpersonal conflicts, bullying, work interruptions, and technical problems. Such stressors pose risks to individuals’ functioning because they may exceed one’s resources, which can have detrimental consequences for one’s health and performance. Studies that investigated individuals’ reactions to daily negative events revealed that such stressors trigger negative emotions, fatigue, and reduced job satisfaction. This PhD project aims to advance our knowledge about the consequences of daily stressors for individual outcomes by focusing on the accumulation of daily stressors besides studying individuals’ short-term reactivity to such stressors. We argue that the accumulation of daily stressors over time impairs individuals’ self-evaluations in terms of their state self-efficacy and self-esteem. The PhD candidate will conduct field studies using experience sampling study designs to study the effects of employees’ accumulation of daily work stressors on state self-evaluations, the cognitive and emotional processes underlying these relationships, and between-person differences as boundary conditions in daily working life.
Deadline : 28 August 2023
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About The University of Groningen, Netherlands –Official Website
The University of Groningen is a public research university in the city of Groningen in the Netherlands. The university was founded in 1614 and is the second-oldest university in the Netherlands. In 2014, the university celebrated its 400th anniversary. Currently, RUG is placed in the top 100 universities worldwide according to three international ranking tables.
The university was ranked 65th in the world, according to Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) in 2019. In April 2013, according to the results of the International Student Barometer, the University of Groningen, for the third time in a row, was voted the best university of the Netherlands.
The University of Groningen has eleven faculties, nine graduate schools, 27 research centres and institutes, and more than 175-degree programmes. The university’s alumni and faculty include Johann Bernoulli, Aletta Jacobs, four Nobel Prize winners, nine Spinoza Prize winners, one Stevin Prize winner, royalty, multiple mayors, the first president of the European Central Bank, and a secretary general of NATO.
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