Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom invites online Application for various Postdoctoral Fellowship in their different Departments. We are providing a list of Postdoc Fellowship positions available at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (FTC – 42 months) – PDRA
The project is in applied stochastic analysis, more specifically it is concerned with the development of multiscale methods for stochastic dynamics which are multiscale in time. The dynamics considered in this project are (mostly) either stochastic differential equations or continuous time random walks. The core issue that this project will address is the development of a theory which enables to treat slow-fast systems, when the fast system has multiple invariant measures (equilibria).
The analysis of systems which are multiscale in time is commonly dealt with thorough the use of (stochastic) averaging and homogenization techniques. When using these methods a key assumption is that the dynamics for the fast scale is ergodic, i.e. that it admits a unique invariant measure (more precisely, one assumes that the so called `frozen process’ is ergodic, for each fixed value of the slow process). Under this assumption, the purpose of multiscale methods is to derive a reduced dynamics, which well approximates (in some appropriate sense) the initial fast-slow system.
The goal of this project is to bring conceptual and analytical advances to the field of multiscale methods, by producing a coherent framework to tackle the study of systems which are multiscale in time, when the fast process has multiple invariant measures. While this project is primarily devoted to developments in stochastic analysis, its goals are application driven and so it is important that the applicant would be willing to gain a “broader perspective” on the matter.
Deadline : 31st January 2025.
(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title: Research Assistant in Nanomaterial Science (Optical Trapping)
Heriot-Watt University Malaysia is seeking to recruit an enthusiastic candidate to help deliver research in the area of Applied Physics/Chemistry – optical trapping and deposition of nanomaterials. The successful candidate will be employed for a period of up to 3 years (depending on performance) and will be required to fulfil the research obligations of a project entitled Investigation of the Substantive Physical Mechanism of Optical Gradient Force for Solution-based Nanoparticle Transportation and Deposition on Fiber Ceramic Substrate. This research is funded by Ministry of Higher Education of Malaysia under Fundamental Research Grant Scheme and aims to develop a new theory of physics for optical tweezer effect in nanoparticle deposition.
The post-holder will be required to demonstrate a thorough knowledge of nanomaterial and optical science and competent experimental skills and to have a working knowledge of a range of topics within the sphere of their chosen discipline. They will also be expected to work as part of a wider research team, and to develop strong links with colleagues located at the Malaysia and Scottish campuses, as well as with those partners and collaborators related to the project.
Deadline : 11 January 2025
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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in Systems Human Factors
TransiT is the UK’s largest research hub dedicated to rapidly decarbonising transport through digital twinning. Led by Heriot-Watt University and the University of Glasgow, this £46 million initiative unites 8 universities and 67 industry partners to address transport decarbonisation. TransiT will create a Federated Transport System of Systems (FTSoS), integrating digital twins across road, rail, air, and maritime transport modes. By leveraging real-time data and advanced modelling, in collaboration with industry and all research partners, TransiT will identify the most cost-effective, energy-efficient pathways to net-zero emissions for policy-makers and industry actors, while ensuring accessibility and resilience for all stakeholders involved. The programme includes a team of 27 research associates across 8 universities who will deliver this ambitious research.
The applicant will have a prominent role within the Human Factors work stream. They will be expected to carry out literature reviews, apply specific human factors techniques such as CWA to demonstrator scenarios, interpret and present findings, and contribute to the production of scholarly articles and other research outputs. This is an exciting opportunity both to advance the state of the art in Human Factors, but also to apply it directly to a near term and important challenge.
Deadline : 20 January 2025
(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate in Satellite-Based Quantum Time Transfer
The Edinburgh Mostly Quantum Lab seeks a talented and motivated scientist for developing a cube-sat payload for entanglement-based quantum time transfer within a project funded by the European Space Agency (ESA) and led by our commercial partner Xairos Ltd. The primary goals of the project are to:
- Model satellite links for quantum time transfer with entangled photon sources.
- Develop an engineering model of an entangled photon source suitable for deployment on a cube-sat.
The project is expected to lead to technological progress and high-impact scientific publications in the area of quantum light source development and entanglement-based quantum time transfer with satellites. The work will be carried out under the supervision of Professor Alessandro Fedrizzi, who is the principal investigator on the project.
Deadline : 15th January 2025
(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate in Ultrafast Nonlinear Optics in Gas-Filled Fibres
The Laboratory of Ultrafast Physics and Optics (LUPO, https://lupo-lab.com) seeks a talented and motivated scientist to carry out a research programme focused on developing novel ultrafast light-source technologies. The role will involve working in close collaboration with our industry partner—a major player in the semiconductor lithography sector—to harness new techniques in nonlinear optics in gas-filled fibres to develop light sources with unique properties.
The project is expected to lead to significant technological progress and high-impact scientific publications in the areas of ultrafast and nonlinear optics. The work will be conducted in a special environment combining the academic freedom and creativity at a university with a stimulating and demanding interaction with Europe’s leading technology company.
Deadline : 20th January 2025
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(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in Quantum Technologies
These positions are associated with two new UK National Quantum Technologies Hubs: Quantum Sensing and Imaging (QuSIT) and Integrated Quantum Networks (IQN). As such, one position will focus on the area of quantum sensing and imaging, and the other on quantum communications. Please specify which role you are interested in at the time of application.
In these roles, you will be involved in cutting-edge research projects focusing on the study of high-dimensional quantum systems and their application in enhancing quantum technologies. Your research will aim at gaining exquisite control over the spatial and temporal structure of light, with the ultimate goal of pushing the information, noise and sensitivity limits of next-generation quantum technologies for communication, sensing and imaging. You will play an integral role in ongoing BBQLab projects as well as in the planning and delivery of upcoming research projects.
This is a role with a significant amount of responsibility. It will involve overseeing all aspects of our group’s research—from supervising the activities of junior group members, to contributing to the planning and writing of external grant proposals. There is plenty of flexibility for pursuing your own research agenda as long as it is aligned with lab activities. You will have a strong support network for the development your own career through independent grant/fellowship applications. A willingness and ability to travel globally would be an advantage.
Deadline : 30th January 2025.
(07) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in Transport Modelling
We are recruiting Research Associates with experience in transport, supply chain and logistics modelling, to contribute to the development and use of MILES to support this research portfolio. The post-holder will work closely with the existing software team to undertake development and analysis using MILES and developing its links to other solutions from our multi-institutional project teams, working collaboratively towards impactful outcomes that contribute to the goals of the TransiT, DARe and ACES projects.
Deadline : 20th January 2025
(08) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Researcher in Deep Learning for Image Reconstruction
The Biomedical and Astronomical Signal Processing (BASP) laboratory at Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh (HWU), headed by Professor Yves Wiaux, is recruiting a postdoctoral researcher in computational imaging.
The BASP laboratory is developing cutting-edge research on all aspects of computational imaging, from theory and algorithms, to applications in astronomy and medicine. Dr Wiaux is a Professor in the School of Engineering and Physical Sciences at HWU. He is also Honorary fellow at the (UoE) School of Informatics, and Academic Guest at the (EPFL) Signal Processing Laboratories.
The position is open in the context of a large research project aiming to develop a new generation of computational imaging algorithms intended to deliver simultaneously precision, robustness, efficiency, and scalability of the image formation process. The algorithms will be developed leveraging cutting-edge deep learning and optimisation techniques, as well as high-performance computing implementations. They will be validated for applications in both radio astronomy and magnetic resonance imaging in medicine.
Led by Prof. Wiaux, the project is supported by a unique team of international partners: Prof. Pesquet from the Digital Vision Centre at Université Paris-Saclay (CVN), Prof. Pock from the Institute of Computer Graphics and Vision at Graz University of Technology (ICG), Prof. Thiran from the EPFL Signal Processing Laboratories (LTS5), Mr Jackson at the UoE Parallel Computing Centre (EPCC), Prof. Smirnov from the South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO), Dr Akiyama from MIT Haystack Observatory (Haystack), Dr van Heeswijk from the Radiology Department of Lausanne University hospital (CHUV).
Deadline : 13th February 2025
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(09) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research and Innovation Associate
An opportunity has arisen for an enthusiastic, dynamic individual to work on the EPSRC-funded project: Electrochemical Profiling Of Extracellular Vesicles, led by Dr. Devadoss. This full-time, 12-month position is supported by Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) through Early Career international collaboration grant. The successful appointee will be a motivated researcher with a strong background in electrochemical analysis and bioassay development. They must work closely with the existing research team, international and national collaborators and industry partners. The primary goals of the project are:
- To develop the graphene based electrochemical immunoassay through appropriate chemical and biological functionalization strategies incorporating the antibodies specific to clinically validated Triple negative breast cancer (TN BC) specific biomarker.
- To validate the electrochemical profiling technique to distinctively detect total EVs as well as to TN BC specific tumour derived EVs surface proteins at clinically relevant concentrations ((<50 EVs per µL).
- To demonstrate the real-time electrochemical profiling of tdEVs surface proteins using blood samples from TN BC patients collected at various stages of NACT treatment (pre- and post NACT) and post-surgery.
Deadline : 19th January 2025.
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(10) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate
Tropical seabird populations are declining worldwide but remain understudied. This 4-month post-doctoral position will use new and existing seabird tracking from the Chagos Archipelago (Indian Ocean) to help improve our understanding of tropical seabird movement ecology. This position forms part of a 4-year collaborative project funded by the Bertarelli Programme for Marine Science involving academics from Heriot-Watt University (Prof Stephen Votier), University of Exeter (Dr Alice Trevail) and Zoological Society of London (Dr Robin Freeman).
We are looking for someone with experience of analysing animal movement data (from GPS, for instance) to support the team. The appointee will be expected to support data processing and undertake analysis as directed by the team.
To support the seabird research team in the Chagos Archipelago, the successful appointee will be expected to undertake the following:
- Analyse and manage seabird tracking data (e.g. by cleaning and processing scripts from GPS).
- Write papers based on existing Chagos seabird data.
Deadline : 10th January 2025
About Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom – Official Website
Heriot-Watt University (Scottish Gaelic: Oilthigh Heriot-Watt) is a public research university based in Edinburgh, Scotland. It was established in 1821 as the School of Arts of Edinburgh, the world’s first mechanics’ institute, and subsequently granted university status by royal charter in 1966. It is the eighth oldest higher education institute in UK. The name Heriot-Watt was taken from Scottish inventor James Watt and Scottish philanthropist and goldsmith George Heriot.
Known for its focus on science and engineering, it is one of the 39 old universities in the UK comprising the second cluster of elite universities after Oxbridge.
Heriot-Watt was established as the School of Arts of Edinburgh by Scottish businessman Leonard Horner on 16 October 1821. Having been inspired by Anderson’s College in Glasgow, Horner established the School to provide practical knowledge of science and technology to Edinburgh’s working men. The institution was initially of modest size, giving lectures two nights a week in rented rooms and boasting a small library of around 500 technical works. It was also oversubscribed, with admissions soon closing despite the cost of 15 shillings for a year’s access to lectures and the library.
The School was managed by a board of eighteen directors and primarily funded by sponsors from the middle and upper classes including Robert Stevenson and Walter Scott. It first became associated with the inventor and engineer James Watt in 1824, as a means of raising funds to secure permanent accommodation. Justifying the association, School Director Lord Cockburn said:
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