Maastricht University, Netherlands invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at Maastricht University, Netherlands.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD positie: Hoe doe je goed juridisch onderzoek en hoe beoordeel je dat?
Ben jij op zoek naar diepgang en het uitbreiden van jouw kennis? In deze uitdagende rol als PhD-kandidaat op het gebied van de kwaliteit van juridisch onderzoek, speel je een cruciale rol in het verkennen van de veranderende dynamiek binnen het academische landschap. Wereldwijd ondergaat de beoordeling van onderzoek een evolutie, met een verschuiving naar kwalitatieve methoden zoals narratives, peer-review, en belangrijke prestaties. Deze ontwikkelingen stellen de juridische discipline voor nieuwe uitdagingen en vragen.
Je taak is om een diepgaand begrip te ontwikkelen van de normen en criteria die ten grondslag liggen aan de beoordeling van onderzoeksvoorstellen, proefschriften, publicaties, en onderzoeksrapporten in de juridische wetenschap. Specifiek gericht op de Nederlandse context, maar met een brede internationale oriëntatie, zal je proefschrift niet alleen indicatoren voor de kwaliteit van juridisch onderzoek onderzoeken, maar ook een raamwerk ontwikkelen voor de beoordeling ervan. Dit raamwerk moet als leidraad voor individuele onderzoekers en instituten kunnen dienen, maar ook voor externe visitatiecommissies en beursverstrekkers.
Deadline : 3 mei 2024
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Gelijkwaardige zorg: gezondheidsvaardigheden van mensen met reuma in de poliklinische zorg
Je zal onderzoek gaan doen binnen het HEAVEN (HEAlth literacy interVENtion) project op de afdeling reumatologie in het Maastricht UMC+. In dit project ga je samen met het onderzoeksteam een zorginterventie (door-)ontwikkelen, implementeren en evalueren, met als doel om de dagelijkse reumazorg beter af te stemmen op de gezondheidsvaardigheden van mensen met reuma.
“Gezondheidsvaardigheden omvatten de combinatie van persoonlijke eigenschappen en omgevingsfactoren die men nodig heeft om toegang te krijgen tot gezondheidsinformatie en zorgvoorzieningen, en deze te kunnen begrijpen, beoordelen en te gebruiken om gezondheidsgerelateerde beslissingen te nemen. Dit omvat ook het vermogen om helder over deze beslissingen te communiceren, en om vervolgens actie te ondernemen.”
Uit onderzoek is gebleken dat er voor mensen met chronische aandoeningen gezondheidswinst is te behalen door het bieden van “responsieve zorg”, oftewel zorg die inspeelt op de behoeften van patiënten op het gebied van gezondheidsvaardigheden. Dit project bouwt voort op eerder onderzoek, door voor het eerst “responsieve zorg” te implementeren in de reumatologiepraktijk. De interventie zal zich met name richten op de ‘jaarlijkse algemene controle’ door de reumaverpleegkundige. Er zal eerst worden gekeken naar het verbeteren van het verwijsproces en dus ook opkomst van patiënten voor dit jaarlijkse controlebezoek. Daarnaast worden verpleegkundigen getraind in enkele universele technieken (o.a. de terugvraagmethode), wordt er gebruik gemaakt van een nieuwe gesprekstool (CHAT-iRD), en er worden materialen ontwikkeld en gebruikt die inspelen op wat mensen met reuma echt nodig hebben om hun gezondheid te verbeteren. Tijdens je onderzoek ga je dus niet alleen samenwerken met je onderzoeksteam, maar ook met zorgverleners en patiënten.
Deadline : 14 apr 2024
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD / Arts-assistent | School for Cardiovascular Diseases | vakgroep Fysiologie
Gecombineerde aanstelling als PhD-kandidaat en Arts-assistent niet in opleiding tot medisch specialist (ANIOS) voor translationeel onderzoek naar atriumfibrilleren binnen afdelingen (elektro)fysiologie en cardiothoracale chirurgie.
Je zal als promovendus verantwoordelijk zijn voor het coördineren van de “Maastricht Atrial Tissue Bank” (MATRICS studie). Het hoofddoel van de MATRICS studie is het verwerven van diepgaande kennis van de pathofysiologische mechanismen die leiden tot atriumfibrilleren bij patiënten die een openhartoperatie ondergaan. Je zal als promovendus betrokken zijn bij alle facetten van het onderzoek, zoals inclusie van proefpersonen, het uitvoeren van elektrofysiologische metingen op de operatiekamer, follow-up van de proefpersonen en uiteindelijk ook de data analyse.
Deadline : 30 Apr 2024
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position on Preclinical Neonatal Neuroconnectivity
The department of Neonatology of the Maastricht University Medical Center (MUMC+) and the laboratory of Pediatrics of Maastricht University (UM) have received a grant from the Dutch Brain Foundation to study ‘Optimal timing of cell therapy for cerebral palsy after perinatal asphyxia’. The PhD position is funded by this grant and a matching fund from the Center of Integrative Neuroscience of Maastricht University.
We are looking for a talented PhD candidate who will use advanced multiscale neuroimaging to longitudinally test the efficacy of cell therapy in combination with therapeutic hypothermia in a preclinical sheep model of perinatal asphyxia.
Our team offers you an exciting learning environment in the fields of translational neonatology and multiscale neuroimaging. The supervising team consists of dr. Reint Jellema (pediatrician-neonatologist in Maastricht UMC+), dr. Tim Wolfs (head of the laboratory of Pediatrics of Maastricht University), prof. dr. Alard Roebroeck (head of Computational Brain Connectivity lab (CBClab) of Maastricht University).
Deadline : 15 Apr 2024
(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD candidate synthesis & evaluation of biobased, responsive and self-dispersible waterborne resins.
This project is part of the SusInkCoat consortium with partners both the public and the private sector. The goal of the SusInkCoat project is to develop switchable and adaptive functional polymers and additives for low environmental footprint.
Plastics have their drawbacks: their production consumes energy and leads to greenhouse gas emissions; they are made from non-sustainable materials; they do not decompose; and less than 10% are recycled. Much progress has been made in making plastics more sustainable for larger applications. However, thin films, such as those used in coatings and inks, are lagging behind. The SusInkCoat project is changing that. Researchers are developing new materials, processes and applications to improve the durability, functionality and recyclability of coatings, thin films and inks. In addition, the consortium is training a new generation of chemical developers for whom sustainability and circularity are core values.
The task of Maastricht University is to develop biobased monomers and stimuli-responsive latex resins thereof via emulsion polymerization, as well as the chemical and physical polymer characterization. The resins are designed to be crosslinkable via reversible bonds and the recyclability of the thermosets will be studied. Properties of the resulting inks and coatings will also be investigated. The PhD student will work closely together with academic and industrial project partners in the consortium. Samples will be upscaled for the testing by the industrial partners. Based on their feedback, the synthesis work will be tuned.
Deadline : 30 Apr 2024
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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD candidate: synthesis and evaluation of biobased covalent adaptable networks (project SusInkCoat)
This project is part of the SusInkCoat consortium with partners both the public and the private sector. The goal of the SusInkCoat project is to develop switchable and adaptive functional polymers and additives for low environmental footprint.
Plastics have their drawbacks: their production consumes energy and leads to greenhouse gas emissions; they are made from non-sustainable materials; they do not decompose; and less than 10% are recycled. Much progress has been made in making plastics more sustainable for larger applications. However, thin films, such as those used in coatings and inks, are lagging behind. The SusInkCoat project is changing that. Researchers are developing new materials, processes and applications to improve the durability, functionality and recyclability of coatings, thin films and inks. In addition, the consortium is training a new generation of chemical developers for whom sustainability and circularity are core values.
The task of Maastricht University is to develop biobased monomers and recyclable thermosets thereof, as well as the chemical and physical polymer characterization. Recyclability of the thermosets will be obtained by the introduction of dynamic bonds and their dynamic behavior will be studied. Properties of the resulting inks and coatings will also be investigated. The PhD student will work closely together with academic and industrial project partners in the consortium. Samples will be upscaled for the testing by the industrial partners. Based on their feedback, the synthesis work will be tuned.
The PhD student will be appointed at the Aachen-Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials of Maastricht University, which is part of the Faculty of Science and Engineering. You will work in the Sustainable Polymer Synthesis group of Associate Professor Katrien Bernaerts, which focusses on the synthesis and design of polymer materials with tunable properties and recyclability exploiting the functionality of biobased building blocks. You will operate from the Brightlands-Chemelot Campus in Geleen (Nl), where the labs are located.
Deadline : 30 Apr 2024
(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Researcher: Human rights due diligence on crimes that undermine democracy and the rule of law
Interested in conducting cutting-edge PhD research into enhancing human rights due diligence on serious violations amounting to crimes that undermine democracy and the rule of law in and via the Netherlands (‘ondermijning’), in a dynamic interdisciplinary public-private research consortium? We are passionate about supervising you and five other PhD candidates as well as, in the fifth year, three postdoc researchers in this state-of-the-art prestigious five-year research programme, innovative in focus and approach, with both academic and societal impact. Please apply now to be a force for a more resilient democracy and rule of law.
Deadline : 01 Apr 2024
(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Researcher: Socio-legal research into crimes that undermine democracy and the rule of law
Interested in conducting cutting-edge socio-legal PhD research into crimes that undermine democracy and the rule of law in and via the Netherlands (‘ondermijning’), in a dynamic interdisciplinary public-private research consortium? We are passionate about supervising you and five other PhD candidates as well as, in the fifth year, three postdoc researchers in this state-of-the-art prestigious five-year research programme, innovative in focus and approach, with both academic and societal impact. Please apply now to be a force for a more resilient democracy and rule of law.
Deadline : 01 Apr 2024
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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Researcher: Criminology on the triad in crimes that undermine democracy and the rule of law
Interested in conducting cutting-edge criminological PhD research into crimes that undermine democracy and the rule of law in and via the Netherlands (‘ondermijning’), in a dynamic interdisciplinary public-private research consortium? We are passionate about supervising you and five other PhD candidates as well as, in the fifth year, three postdoc researchers in this state-of-the-art prestigious five-year research programme, innovative in focus and approach, with both academic and societal impact. Please apply now to be a force for a more resilient democracy and rule of law!
Deadline : 01 Apr 2024
(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Researcher: Statistics regarding crimes that undermine democracy and the rule of law
You will be a PhD researcher in our interdisciplinary public-private research consortium that seeks to address the fundamental problem of crimes that undermine democracy and the rule of law in and via the Netherlands (in Dutch: rechtsstaat-ondermijnende criminaliteit or in short ondermijning). Realizing that, for such a complex issue, the sum is more than its parts, more than 28 scholars from at least nine disciplines jointly conduct interdisciplinary research under the overall theoretical framework of complexity science. Given that neither the private sector nor the public sector can address this challenge on its own, 22 private and public agencies including three banks, two intelligence and law enforcement agencies, two applied knowledge institutes, three ministries, three NGOs, and three network organizations collaborate in this interdisciplinary public-private research consortium. Altogether, our COMCRIM community intends to gain a fundamental understanding of crimes that corrode democracy and the rule of law and develop proactive, evidence-based solutions thereto that foster resilience including on rule of law principles like accountability to the law, equality before the law, and fairness in the application of the law. To achieve this aim, we inter alia conduct a study for the development of statistical diagnostic tools that can be used on official statistical data for social and/or business networks. This should yield statistically sound methodology that in future might also be used to detect and quantify volumes and value of illicit goods and services in the overall economy, or unexplained mismatches in input and output of goods and services transmitted over such networks.
Deadline : 01 Apr 2024
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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD candidate on corporate venture capital and ESG in strategic management
The Department of Organization, Strategy, & Entrepreneurship (OSE) at the School of Business and Economics (SBE) of Maastricht University offers a 4-year PhD position for a student with a Master of Science degree, starting in September 2024. At SBE, we offer a dynamic and challenging job in an internationally oriented organisation where students receive an advanced education and scholars conduct exciting research. The PhD candidate will have the opportunity to carry out research within the OSE department, in the context of the topic described below, and within the PhD programme of the Graduate School of Business and Economics (GSBE). The PhD student will be part of a research group that has published their research in top-tier academic journals, such as Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, among others. PhD students will receive a budget for research funding and conference travel.
The selected PhD student will work on a research project aimed at studying how incumbent companies can leverage corporate venture capital (CVC) as a strategic tool to address the dual challenges of technological innovation and corporate responsibility. The main objective of the project is to advance knowledge on how CVC, particularly in sectors characterized by rapid technological advancements, (e.g., green technologies) can enable companies not only to stay ahead of competition, but also to significantly improve their environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance. The project also seeks to uncover the influence of top management teams and company structure in shaping effective CVC strategies that align with these dual objectives. This PhD project will focus primarily on the scholarly fields of strategic management and integrate knowledge from related fields of Entrepreneurship, and Economics of Innovation. The project’s envisaged methods are empirical (e.g., construction and analysis of panel data sets) supported by qualitative insights from the in-depth interviews with CVC managers.
Deadline : 25 Mar 2024
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About Maastricht University, Netherlands –Official Website
Maastricht University is a public university in Maastricht, Netherlands. Founded in 1976, it is the second youngest of the thirteen Dutch universities.
In 2019, 19,000 students studied at Maastricht University, 54% of whom were foreign students, with over 4,000 employees. About half of the bachelor’s programmes are fully offered in English, while the other half is taught wholly or partly in Dutch. Most of the master’s and doctoral programmes are in English. Besides traditional programmes, Maastricht University also has an honours liberal arts college: University College Maastricht and a Maastricht Science Programme in the same liberal arts tradition. The satellite University College Venlo opened in 2015.
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