University of Helsinki, Finland invites online Application for various Postdoctoral Fellowship in their different Departments. We are providing a list of Postdoc Fellowship positions available at University of Helsinki, Finland.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Researcher on Animal Crosslocations
Deadline : 15 June 2023.
(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title: Postdoctoral Researcher in Super-Resolution Microscopy
We are looking for an enthusiastic and motivated postdoctoral researcher, who is interested in applying (and possibly developing) super-resolution microscopy and single-particle tracking, to join our research group for an ERC project. In addition to super-resolution microscopy, the project will apply genetic engineering, RNA-sequencing, machine learning, and modelling to analyze, integrate, and make sense of single-cell and molecule level data. Our team will work on multiple topics at the interface of physics, chemistry, and biology: intracellular spatial organization, macromolecular crowding, liquid-liquid phase separation, heat- and cold-shock protein dynamics, and gene regulation. The postdoctoral researcher will have a key role in contributing ideas, analyzing and interpreting the findings, and writing up the research, in collaboration with the broader project group.
Deadline : 31.5.2023
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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Researcher position in marine biodiversity
The position is shared between the Aquatic Community Ecology Group of Janne Soininen and the Plankton Biodiversity Group of Aleksandra Lewandowska biodiversity and is a part of the EU funded project ACTNOW: Advancing understanding of Cumulative Impacts on European marine biodiversity, ecosystem functions and services for human wellbeing tnow
Deadline : 31.5.2023
(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Researcher or Doctoral Researcher in designing sustainable animal based diets
The candidate will be responsible for implementing research on qualitative designs of ‘eco-culturally sufficient diets’ for Finland. The designs seek novel ways to imagine sustainable ways of using animal-based foods in our diets. The candidate will conduct qualitative research on the cultural values attached to animal- and plant-based foods; focus groups with stakeholders will be a primary method of data collection. Work will be done in close collaboration with other project researchers.
Deadline : 31.5.2023
(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Researcher or Doctoral Reseacher in Sensory Ecology
The focus of the research project is to investigate how predators (mainly birds) interact with moving prey. The specific research project and aims will be determined in consultation with the candidate based on their interests and expertise. Previous experience working with birds is not required but it is a plus.
Deadline : 24.5.2023
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(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral researcher in Group Saarela, Human Immune Disorders
The aim of the project is to generate a DNA damage response (DDR)-based scoring system to predict ageing progression and the risks of age-predisposed Alzheimer’s disease (AD) at individual level by utilizing clinical and population databases, and omics data from collaborating partners in Norway, Finland, Sweden and Japan. The project will further develop a ‘composite biomarker’ comprising polygenic and clinical risk scoring system for the prediction of biological age and individual susceptibility to AD.
Deadline : 22.5.2023
(07) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-doc in validation of molecular/cellular mechanisms of pubertal timing in Atlantic salmon
The post-doc will be responsible for conducting and co-supervising research within the project using molecular genetic and/or cellular approaches aiming to functionally validate molecular interactions suggested by earlier functional genomics research (e.g. Kurko et al. 2020; Verta et al. 2020; Ahi et al. 2022, 2023). The project could involve approaches including any of the following: CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing in cell lines and/or salmon, Tol2-mediated reporter assays, etc. This work is complemented by ecological, evolutionary and quantitative genetic research being conducted in related projects by others in the group.
Deadline : 22.5.2023
(08) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Researcher in statistics with applications in human genetics
The work of the postdoctoral researcher will focus on methodology to utilize a rich set of results from genome-wide association studies to infer simultaneously causal relationships between genetic variants and multiple outcome variables including disease endpoints. Relevant statistical methods include regression modeling, variable selection, multivariate analysis and missing data techniques. The balance between theoretical and applied work will be determined according to the background and skills of the postdoctoral researcher. Five percent of the working time will be allocated to teaching or supervision duties.
Deadline : 21.5.2023
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(09) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCHER (Organic Chemistry / Natural Products Chemistry)
Deadline : 17.05.2023
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(10) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Reseacher in machine learning/ecology
The postdoctoral researcher will work for the project “Biomonitor4CAP – Advanced biodiversity monitoring for results-based and effective agricultural policy and transformation” (see, funded by the Horizon Europe programme (HORIZON-CL6-2022-BIODIV-01-06). The project supports the EC`s ambition of enhancing biodiversity of agricultural landscapes. It uses advanced systems to monitor biodiversity and changes over time and in space. The BioMonitor4CAP project will design advanced biodiversity monitoring systems mainly assessing diversity of targeted species and habitats to be tested, calibrated, and demonstrated in five European regions representing the major agroecological regions of the EU and one region in Peru representing one of the global biodiversity hotspots.
Deadline : 2.5.2023
(11) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral researcher (anthropology) specialising in Vanuatu
The successful applicant will be expected to contribute to three work packages:
1) Local quantification traditions: what kinds of base units and number bases are used in the various vernacular, informal, and parallel scales, measures, or numeracy systems in Oceania. What are their material properties, and what kinds of numbers do they afford?
2) The establishment of regional quantification regimes: what are the diverse effects that large-scale modes of appraisal or evaluation can have on the social constellations and physical environments upon which they are brought to bear?
3) Composite indicators and data: how far can a conceptual approach grounded on material properties be extended? Can it be applied to the global indicators that connect the South Pacific with North Europe?
Deadline : 1.5.2023
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About The University of Helsinki, Finland – Official Website
The University of Helsinki is a university located in Helsinki, Finland since 1829, but founded in the city of Turku (in Swedish Åbo) in 1640 as the Royal Academy of Åbo, at that time part of the Swedish Empire. It is the oldest and largest university in Finland with the widest range of disciplines available. In 2018, around 31,200 students were enrolled in the degree programs of the university spread across 11 faculties and 11 research institutes.
As of 1 August 2005, the university complies with the harmonized structure of the Europe-wide Bologna Process and offers bachelor, master, licenciate, and doctoral degrees. Admission to degree programmes is usually determined by entrance examinations, in the case of bachelor’s degrees, and by prior degree results, in the case of master and postgraduate degrees. Entrance is particularly selective (circa 15% of the yearly applicants are admitted). It has been ranked a top 100 university in the world according to the 2016 ARWU, QS and THE rankings.
The university is bilingual, with teaching by law provided both in Finnish and Swedish. Since Swedish, albeit an official language of Finland, is a minority language, Finnish is by far the dominating language at the university. Teaching in English is extensive throughout the university at master, licentiate, and doctoral levels, making it a de facto third language of instruction.
Remaining true to its traditionally strong Humboldtian ethos, the University of Helsinki places heavy emphasis on high-quality teaching and research of a top international standard. It is a member of various prominent international university networks, such as Europaeum, UNICA, the Utrecht Network, and is a founding member of the League of European Research Universities.
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