Lund University, Scania, Sweden invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at Lund University, Scania, Sweden.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Biology
The thesis will investigate the evolution of dioecy via independent origins of genetic sex determination systems within the Hawaiian island radiation of flowering plants in the genus Wikstroemia (Thymelaeaceae). The specific aims include (i) generation of high-quality genome assemblies for 6 species representing each form of dioecy and hermaphrodites; (ii) use a combination of experimental greenhouse crosses as well as genomic and bioinformatic approaches to identify sex-linked sequences and candidate sex-determining genes associated with each; and (iii) depending on the interests of the student, investigate the mechanism and timing of recombination suppression, study more closely the functional genetics of sexual dimorphism, or investigate macroevolutionary patterns in sex-determination systems within the Hawaiian clade. Supplement with further details about the research project and work duties. The goal of this PhD project is to understand the genomic changes giving rise to at least two and possibly three parallel transitions from hermaphroditism to dioecy (separate sexes) via the evolution of new sex chromosomes within the endemic Hawaiian radiation of the flowering plant genus Wikstroemia (Thymelaeaceae; 12 spp.).
Deadline : 28.Nov.2023
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD-position in neurodegenerative diseases genetics
The main task of the doctoral student is to conduct their research studies, which includes participation in research projects and mandatory courses. The doctoral student will perform statistical analyses of genetic data collected from healthy control individuals, and patients with Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases. The analyses will aim, among other things, to elucidate the function of genetic variants and molecular signaling pathways. The project will also involve integrative omics analyses, where genetic data from large relevant cohorts are analyzed together with other high-dimensional data types, such as proteomics, metabolomics, and quantitative neuropathology. The research will primarily consist of genetic/statistical analyses, writing scientific articles, and presenting results at national and international conferences. The majority of the research is conducted in collaboration with other members of the group. Other tasks within the research group may become relevant.
Deadline : 26.Nov.2023
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Diagnostic Radiology
The Diagnostic Radiology research group performs research related to clinical imaging diagnostics. LUCI (Lund University breast Cancer Imaging) is an interdisciplinary group of scientists that conducts research mainly focused on innovative clinical imaging methods in breast cancer diagnostics, with a particular focus on cancer screening and artificial intelligence. Diagnostic Radiology and LUCI are both headed by professor Sophia Zackrisson and consist of both scientists and technical staff. More information can be found here. We care about creating a positive, respectful, and stimulating environment. We value communication and collaboration and a workplace that promotes learning and development for all employees. We are also committed to building a safe and positive environment for all employees through mutual respect and tolerance.
Deadline : 26.Nov.2023
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Biology
Biology is the broad subject about all living things. It encompasses everything from processes at the molecular and cellular level to global processes at ecosystem level. The subject is divided into a range of sub-disciplines and specialisations. The PhD programme at the Department of Biology includes many of these specialisations, from molecular biology to applied ecology, from viruses and individual cells to evolutionary biology and global biodiversity. Taking on research studies at the Department of Biology generally means focusing on a delimited part of the research area of biology and may include field studies, experiments, theoretical studies, or a combination of these.
Deadline : 24.Nov.2023
(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Integrative Computational Chemistry
The Department of Chemistry belongs to both the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Engineering (LTH) at Lund University. The Department of Chemistry has a unique strength for Sweden with education in all areas of chemistry and research by internationally leading research groups, ranging from basic to applied research. The department also has the advanced instrumentation needed in modern molecular research. The Department of Chemistry has about 310 employees, of whom about 170 are postgraduate students. The number of full-time students enrolled in undergraduate studies is almost 500. In the Division of Computational Chemistry, we study biophysical chemistry, statistical thermodynamics, suspension dynamics, and quantum chemistry. While we strongly focus on fundamental research and model development, our methods have been applied to various systems such as Life Sciences, clay, cement, seawater, dental environments, wood fibres, sand, and dairy products! We also have a well-equipped experimental lab for preparing protein samples and conducting physical chemistry measurements. Moreover, we have a new BioSAXS at our disposal: Marie Skepö is a professor of Theoretical Chemistry and an Excellent Teacher Practitioner at the Science Faculty, LU, Sweden. Her background is in surface- and colloid chemistry, and she has a PhD. in Physical Chemistry from LU. Her primary research focuses on intrinsically disordered proteins and bio-molecular interactions, From bulk solution to surface interaction. The lipid bilayers and clay surface play an essential role in the latter. The main techniques are atomistic and coarse-grained molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations in combination with biophysical solution and surface adsorption techniques, predominantly X-ray and neutron scattering. Skepö is vice director of LINXS, Institute of Advanced X-ray and Neutron Scattering, Head of the Division of Computational Chemistry, and Assistant Head of the Department of Chemistry at LU. Skepö research group currently consists of two PhD students and two postdocs, whereas two PhD students and two postdocs will start in 2024. Every year, Skepö supervises two or three master/summer project students as well. Skepö has supervised nine PhD students to completion, six as the principal supervisor, and eight postdocs. For more information, please see
Deadline : 22.Nov.2023
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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Technology and Society – specialised in critical materials
The doctoral student will be admitted to doctoral studies in technology and society, specialised in critical raw materials. The climate transition of energy systems increases demand for low carbon technologies and the materials embedded in those technologies. Some of those materials are perceived as critical. In recent years, interest among researchers and policymakers is increasing to better understand the dynamics of which materials are indeed critical for low carbon transitions and why. Methods currently used for assessing criticality do not sufficiently capture the rapid technological change that impacts material demand. For example, battery chemistries are changing. The aim with the doctoral project is to develop methods that improve the understanding of how technological development can impact which materials that are, or could become, critical.
Deadline : 20.Nov.2023
(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student within Medical Molecular Biology
The Medical Molecular Biology research team at the Department of Laboratory Medicine within the Faculty of Medicine currently conducts research in posttranscriptional regulations in prostate cancer progression and is at the forefront of its field. At present, the research team is focusing on the epitranscriptomic regulations of prostate cancer metastases.
The research team is led by Dr. Yvonne Ceder. The group is international and comprises research, administration and technical staff. We are now looking for a highly motivated PhD student with molecular biology training. As a workplace, we safeguard a positive work environment with respect and consideration in our relations with one another.
Deadline : 19.Nov.2023
(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Student in Mechanical Engineering Science: Degradation dynamics of coated tools studied with advanced X-ray methods (MSCA COFUND project PRISMAS)
The research group focus is on the study of material processing and machining process with strong focus on developing fundamental machining science at the intersection of mechanics, thermodynamics, materials science, and tribology. The PI holds an Adjunct Professorship appointment at Lund University within Iprod and is also co-founded by the Swedish foundation for strategic research (SSF) and Seco Tools AB to support the development of in-situ/in-operando investigation methods for studying the degradation mechanisms of cutting tools and coatings materials for metal cutting applications. He is a fellow of the international academy of production engineering (CIRP), has co-supervised 12 PhD students, 4 postdoctoral fellows and is currently co-supervising one PhD student at Lund University and one at the University of Sheffield. The project is also closely connected with an international multidisciplinary collaborative research team bringing together academics from Lund University, Chalmers, Imperial College and the University of Oxford, and two industrial partners (Seco Tools and Element 6) covering topics related to material science and processing of ultrahard materials and coatings, advanced material characterization, micromechanical testing, and synchrotron X-ray analysis.
Deadline : 17.Nov.2023
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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Student in Aerosol Technology: Particle surface and bulk measurements in-situ using synchrotron radiation and mass spectrometry online (MSCA COFUND project PRISMAS)
The main duties of doctoral students are to devote themselves to their research studies which includes participating in research projects and third cycle courses. The work duties will also include teaching and other departmental duties (no more than 20%).
As a PhD student engaged in the research projects Aerosol particle surface characterization in-situ for enhanced atmospheric science and Chemically resolved lung deposition measurements on regionally transported particulate air pollution your work will focus on physicochemical aerosol characterization using state-of-the art (and beyond!) tools. The work will be primarily experimental, but as the work includes advanced analytical tools and data analysis, good theoretical skills are needed. You will work in close collaboration with researchers at and outside Lund University, combining complementary expertise in aerosol characterization, atmospheric science, pollution health effects, as well as mass- and photoelectron spectroscopy. The main method to be used is “online” aerosol measurement facilitated by aerodynamic focusing of particles for synchrotron and/or mass spectrometry experiments. Your PhD studies will generate knowledge about the processes which underly climate and health impact from aerosol. There will be emphasis on the possibilities, limitations, and development of novel instrumentation. You are expected and encouraged to participate in international conferences and travel for experiments as needed. (The vast majority of your experiments will be in Lund, Sweden).
Deadline : 17.Nov.2023
(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Electrical Engineering with focus on energy efficient transistors for computation
Steep-slope transistors are a class of components with subthermal operation. The transistor offers the possibility to operate at low voltages, which opens up energy-efficient calculations. Integration on III-V nanowires enables energy-efficient computation in scaled geometries.
Deadline : 15.Nov.2023
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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Student in Microfabrication for metal processing
The goal of the project is to develop new concepts for processing and treating advanced alloys using microfabrication techniques. Particular focus will be placed on research regarding advanced steels that hold potential in upcoming green technologies for materials production and energy storage, such as steel production with hydrogen and the handling of molten salts, which involve extremely demanding environments from a corrosion perspective.
Deadline : 13.Nov.2023
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(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Physics within the discipline of theory of nanostructures coupled to microwave cavities
The research at the division of Solid State Physics within the Physics Department is focused around different aspects of nanophysics, ranging from materials science to quantum physics, to different applications. The division plays a central role in NanoLund, the major interdisciplinary research environment within nanoscience and nanotechnology at Lund University. Research on semiconductor nanowires is an area where the division of Solid State Physics is at the international forefront. The research includes both material growth and characterization of nanowires, as well as their use in different devices and in, for example, experiments in fundamental quantum physics and quantum technology. Theoretical research within nanowires, quantum science and quantum technology is conducted in close collaboration with the experimental activities. More information can be found at:,
Deadline : 10.Nov.2023
About Lund University, Scania, Sweden – Official Website
Lund University is a prestigious university in Sweden and one of northern Europe’s oldest universities. The university is located in the city of Lund in the province of Scania, Sweden. It traces its roots back to 1425, when a Franciscan studium generale was founded in Lund. After Sweden won Scania from Denmark in the 1658 Treaty of Roskilde, the university was officially founded in 1666 on the location of the old studium generale next to Lund Cathedral.
Lund University has nine faculties, with additional campuses in the cities of Malmö and Helsingborg, with 40,000 students in 270 different programmes and 1,300 freestanding courses. The university has some 600 partner universities in nearly 70 countries and it belongs to the League of European Research Universities as well as the global Universitas 21 network. Lund University is consistently ranked among the world’s top 100 universities.
Two major facilities for materials research are in Lund University: MAX IV, a synchrotron radiation laboratory – inaugurated in June 2016, and European Spallation Source (ESS), a new European facility that will provide up to 100 times brighter neutron beams than existing facilities today, to be opened in 2023.
The university centers on the Lundagård park adjacent to the Lund Cathedral, with various departments spread in different locations in town, but mostly concentrated in a belt stretching north from the park connecting to the university hospital area and continuing out to the northeastern periphery of the town, where one finds the large campus of the Faculty of Engineering.
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