University of Helsinki, Finland invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at University of Helsinki, Finland.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Researcher, Mathematical Inverse Problems
The InversePDE project studies inverse problems for partial differential equations (PDEs) and geometric inverse problems. A typical inverse problem is the determination of the coefficient functions of a PDE from indirect data. The project aims to obtain unique solvability and stability results for inverse problems and to develop solution algorithms for these problems that are based on machine learning. The project will study inverse problems for linear and non-linear hyperbolic and elliptic PDEs by applying analysis, differential geometry, microlocal analysis, and probabilistic methods. The project will also combine methods of machine learning, in particular neural networks, and manifold learning techniques, with the mathematical theory of inverse problems to invent new algorithms that are rigorously guaranteed to work. We are looking for doctoral researchers interested in working on inverse problems and their applications. Women and other underrepresented groups in the field of mathematics are strongly encouraged to apply.
Deadline : 01.10.2023
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Researcher on social inequalities in antibiotic use
The doctoral researcher position is part of the Academy of Finland funded RESET research profiling action based at the University of Helsinki. RESET aims to build an inter- and transdisciplinary research environment that bridges life and social sciences, offering sustainable and just solutions and increasing system resilience.
The doctoral researcher will carry out an individual research project addressing antibiotic use in Finland. The project will use population-wide register data that combine socio-demographic information with health care data. The project is connected to the RESET research theme of “Emerging infectious diseases in changing environments – solutions for preventing pandemics” which investigates the social practices that drive the ecology and evolution of antimicrobial resistance.
Deadline : 31.8.2023
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Researcher in Host-Symbiont interactions
The project is funded by the Finnish Research Council. We are aiming to characterize the diversity and prevalence of host-symbiont-virus interactions already in place naturally in diverse pollinator species of the Baltic region, and to experimentally test symbiont-induced resistance against pathogens in these insects. Virus control strategies using microbial symbionts are feasible, and we aim to further develop and provide such innovative, sustainable, and environmentally friendly approaches to the conservation of pollinators in our agricultural landscapes. The tasks will include field work, molecular work, and both viral and bacterial community analyses, and writing of manuscripts; there are also opportunities for the doctoral researcher to develop their own research ideas. The project is in collaboration with Pr. Thomas Walker from Warwick University, UK; Pr. Dalial Freitak from Graz University, Au; and Pr. Johan Ekroos from University of Helsinki, Fin.
Deadline : 15.8.2023
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Researcher in Food and Consumer Sciences
The Doctoral Researcher will be appointed for a fixed-term 4-year contract (start date: September 1, 2023, or according to agreement) to complete a Doctoral Degree in a project entitled “Innovative meat analogs from whey protein and plant protein/fiber to facilitate omnivores’ transition to more sustainable diets”. The position will be supervised by a multidisciplinary team from two of the six units of the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry: Docent Kirsi Jouppila (Senior University Lecturer in Food Technology), Dr. Asmo Kemppinen (University Lecturer in Dairy Science and Technology) and Dr. Antti Knaapila (University Researcher in Sensory Science) from the Department of Food and Nutrition, and Prof. Mari Niva (Professor in Consumer Studies) from the Department of Economics and Management).
Deadline : 7.8.2023
(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral researcher, aerosol physics
As a doctoral researcher you will conduct research and contribute to the development of new methods and instrumentation for nanoparticle measurements. You will conduct calibration and validation measurements both in the laboratory and at field stations and perform data analysis. The results will be disseminated in scientific peer-reviewed journals, international conferences, doctoral network events and events with industry. At the universities, the work will be supervised by professors Katrianne Lehtipalo (University of Helsinki), Markku Kulmala (University of Helsinki) and Topi Rönkkö (Tampere University). You will also be supported by practitioners in the steering group, including company representatives.
Deadline : 07.08.2023
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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral researcher, software engineering
As a doctoral researcher, you will conduct research and contribute to developing new methods for automatically retrofitting products using software solutions. You will work with the behavioural models of existing products. Part of the product’s functionality change can be programmed, but other aspects may need to be experimented with using AI/ML. The cloud testing environment potentially allows using machine learning methods for searching for a good fit of the new product configuration to match the behaviour of an existing product. The results will be disseminated in scientific peer-reviewed journals, international conferences, doctoral network events and events with industry. At the universities, the work will be supervised by professors Tomi Männistö (University of Helsinki) and Kari Systä (Tampere University). You will also be supported by practitioners in the steering group, including company representatives.
Deadline : 07.08.2023
(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Researcher in Plant Genetics
We are seeking a doctoral student to work on a project investigating the genetic factors underlying mechanisms of temperature-mediated plasticity in flowers in A. thaliana. The aim is to use take advantage of the natural variation in A. thaliana and combine molecular and genetic methods with field studies to understand the adaptive potential of flower size plasticity in plants.
We seek highly motivated candidates with excellent communicational skills, and who can work both independently and in team environments. Fluency in English is expected. The candidate should have MSc degree in genetics, molecular biology, biology or related fields and to have proven academic ability to take initiative and think independently as well as experience in working with plants.
Deadline : 21.7.2023
(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Researcher in Behavioural Ecology or Evolutionary Ecology
The research group of Ulrika Candolin ( is seeking a highly motivated PhD student to join our research project: ‘Coping with light pollution: integrating behavioural, physiological, and genetic research in the study of the European glow-worm‘ The aim of the project is to determine the impact of light conditions – both natural and artificial – on the ability of organisms to cope with modern LED lights, and to evaluate the underlying mechanisms, using the glow-worm as the model species. Insights gained will be used to identify measures that can be taken to reduce negative effects of man-made lighting systems on the species and biodiversity in general.
Deadline : 21.7.2023
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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Researcher in Molecular and Structural Biology
We are searching for a highly motivated and dedicated doctoral researcher to contribute to a pivotal project funded by the Academy of Finland. This study aims to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of acidocalcisome proteins responsible for phosphate regulation in protozoan parasites. We aim to assess these proteins’ potential as drug design targets through detailed structural and functional studies. Our successful candidate will employ state-of-the-art techniques such as x-ray cryo-EM and x-ray crystallography to probe the structure of acidocalcisome proteins and carry out biophysical and both in vitro and in vivo functional studies. Your work could significantly advance scientific understanding and contribute to the development of novel treatments for parasitic diseases like sleeping sickness and leishmaniasis.
Deadline : 16.7.2023
(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Researcher in Thermochronology
The selected applicant will work as a part of the research project “EXploiting Thermochronometer sensitivity to RAdiation damage to quantify rates of Craton exhumation through Time (EXTRACT)” funded by the Research Council of Finland. The project aims to quantify long-term rates of craton exhumation using thermochronological analyses of bedrock samples collected at a variety of study sites across Finland.
Deadline : 14.7.2023
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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Researcher in Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning
The doctoral researcher will investigate biodiversity change, species interactions and their interplay on ecosystem functioning in boreal forests and tundra. The project will involve analysis of observational data, and experiments in the forests, tundra, and greenhouse. Functional traits will often be used to quantify biodiversity and its change in time, across environmental gradients and in experimental treatments. The doctoral researcher will be encouraged to design their own research project within the scope of the overall project in collaboration with the PI. The successful candidate will be able to take part in the activities within REC, OEB and the wider University. Five percent of working time will be devoted to teaching and supervising undergraduate students.
Deadline : 9.7.2023
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(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral researcher in Macroevolution and Palaeoecology
This project investigates how functioning of terrestrial ecosystems change over long times. We will integrate and analyse the mammalian and plant fossil record of the Turkana Basin in East Africa over the last 30 million years including the present-day ecosystems of the Turkana Basin to answer how terrestrial communities change over time, and if they do, whether certain kinds of functional relationships are more persistent than others. This will help to understand what kind of terrestrial ecosystems are viable in general and sustainable in the future.
Deadline : 4.7.2023
About The University of Helsinki, Finland – Official Website
The University of Helsinki is a university located in Helsinki, Finland since 1829, but founded in the city of Turku (in Swedish Åbo) in 1640 as the Royal Academy of Åbo, at that time part of the Swedish Empire. It is the oldest and largest university in Finland with the widest range of disciplines available. In 2018, around 31,200 students were enrolled in the degree programs of the university spread across 11 faculties and 11 research institutes.
As of 1 August 2005, the university complies with the harmonized structure of the Europe-wide Bologna Process and offers bachelor, master, licenciate, and doctoral degrees. Admission to degree programmes is usually determined by entrance examinations, in the case of bachelor’s degrees, and by prior degree results, in the case of master and postgraduate degrees. Entrance is particularly selective (circa 15% of the yearly applicants are admitted). It has been ranked a top 100 university in the world according to the 2016 ARWU, QS and THE rankings.
The university is bilingual, with teaching by law provided both in Finnish and Swedish. Since Swedish, albeit an official language of Finland, is a minority language, Finnish is by far the dominating language at the university. Teaching in English is extensive throughout the university at master, licentiate, and doctoral levels, making it a de facto third language of instruction.
Remaining true to its traditionally strong Humboldtian ethos, the University of Helsinki places heavy emphasis on high-quality teaching and research of a top international standard. It is a member of various prominent international university networks, such as Europaeum, UNICA, the Utrecht Network, and is a founding member of the League of European Research Universities.
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