Karolinska Institute, Sweden invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at Karolinska Institute, Sweden.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral (PhD) student position in molecular biology of Merkel cell carcinoma
The doctoral projects will focus on the understanding of how Merkel cell polyomavirus regulates tumor immunity in Merkel cell carcinoma. The student will be supervised by Weng-Onn Lui (principal supervisor), Martin Hysek and Eleni Anastasiadou (co-supervisors) with combined expertise in cancer biology, virology, histopathology and microRNA. The projects are performed in collaboration with both national and international researchers and conducted in human clinical samples and experimental models using a combination of single cell spatial technologies, biochemistry, molecular biology and immunological methods. The student is expected to play a strong role in scientific hypothesis, experimental design, experimentation, data analysis, presentation of results at meeting and conferences, and manuscript preparation. The student will be responsible to follow the general rules and regulations and time plan of the doctoral program.
Deadline : 18.Feb.2025
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral (PhD) student position in Precision Psychiatry
The main purpose of your PhD project is to improve outcome prediction for involuntary psychiatric care (IPC) patients while preparing for their hospital discharge. In Sweden, around 8,000 individuals are treated annually in IPC by legal mandate (Lag (1991:1128) om Psykiatrisk Tvångsvård, LPT). Patients in IPC are treated against their will because they oppose voluntary care yet their need for care is deemed indispensable. Patients in IPC constitute a high-risk clinical subgroup that require a lot of clinical and legal resources yet we know surprisingly little about their risk for self-harm, acute readmission, and suicide after hospital discharge. This means that clinicians currently rely heavily on subjective judgment and limited data to assess patient risk and decide on discharge from IPC. This decision-making process presents a high-risk situation, but empirical evidence to support the decision-making clinician is scarce. In this project, you will apply both qualitative research and modern statistical modelling with state-of-the-art population data to build an accurate risk prediction instrument to help clinicians to arrive at better discharge decisions for future IPC patients.
Deadline : 10.Feb.2025
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral (PhD) student position investigating the effects of artificial blue light on behavior, thoughts, and emotion in the subway system.
The overarching research aim is to explore psychological and behavioural effects of artificial blue light (B-LED) exposure on behaviours, emotions and thoughts with the aim to prevent suicide in the subway system. The project will include experimental, observational, qualitative and survey methods to broadly investigate mechanisms behind differences in responses during B-LED exposure and control conditions. The scientific framework includes suicide research, environmental psychology, psychophysiology and Bayesian statistical modelling. The doctoral student is expected to become an independent scientist during the studies and to be a main contributor in the data collection, analysis and reporting of the scientific results. The scientific work and academic courses will be formalized in relation to learning objectives in an individual study plan which the student needs to follow in a professional way during the whole four-year study period.
Deadline : 07.Feb.2025
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student position on human B-cell genome instability and malignant transformation using genetically engineered organoid
We are looking for a highly motivated PhD student with an interest in B-cell related diseases. The successful candidate will work on projects focused on B-cell malignancies, with the primary objective of understanding the development and progression of B-cell tumors using a genetically engineered organoid model. By utilizing this immune organoid system in combination with genome editing techniques, the candidate will identify key drivers and map the steps that lead to genome instability and malignant transformation in human B-cells. The role will also involve investigating the impact of viral infections on B-cell lymphomagenesis. This research aims to provide new insights into the mechanisms driving disease onset and progression, ultimately contributing to the development of innovative preventive and therapeutic strategies for B-cell lymphoma patients.
Deadline : 07.Feb.2025
(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral (PhD) student position in psychiatric epidemiology
The doctoral student project aims to identify contributing factors to the rise in psychiatric diagnoses and medication use in children and adolescents. The PhD student will receive training in advanced epidemiological and statistical methods to analyze data from over 34,000 children and adolescents, collected annually since 2004, and linked to national Swedish registers, with information on diagnoses, medication, and sociodemographic factors. These unique data allow us to explore time trends in symptom presentation, background factors, and outcomes among youth diagnosed with ADHD, autism, depression, or anxiety. The project has a strong public health focus and involves collaboration with an interdisciplinary team of epidemiologists, statisticians, and psychologists.
Deadline : 06.Feb.2025
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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral (PhD) position in chromatin dynamics of HIV latency
The project focuses on studying the composition and dynamics of the HIV-1 reservoir in primary cells and cells directly isolated from HIV-1+ study participants. The goal in to identify molecular mechanisms that control the HIV-1 provirus. The doctoral student will work to identify integration sites of intact and defective proviruses and study the activation of individual latent cells to understand the impact of chromatin structures on proviral latency reversal. The project involves using advanced cell and molecular biology techniques, single-molecule sequencing, and bioinformatic analysis. The student will be responsible for conducting experiments, analyzing data, and contributing to the development and assessment of new treatment modalities aimed at improving clinical outcomes and potentially curing HIV.
Deadline : 03.Feb.2025
(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral (PhD) student position in spatial transcriptomics, bioinformatics, and cancer immunology
The Engblom lab recently developed a new method to study B cells and B cell receptors within their tissue microenvironment using spatial transcriptomics. The candidate will contribute to cutting-edge research in spatially resolving immune responses during tumor progression and anti-cancer therapy.
The PhD projects will be focused on adapting and using the spatial vdj method to pre-clinical and clinical studies, analyze B cell clonal dynamics using spatial transcriptomics, and develop new bioinformatic approaches to study and analyze these interactions.
The candidate is expected to learn to design research questions and hypotheses, design experiments, analyze data, take courses, write scientific manuscripts, communicate science to their peers and the general public, and to critically engage with the scientific community.
Deadline : 31.Jan.2025
(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doktorand inom arbetshälsa med fokus på psykisk ohälsa
I det här doktorandprojektet får du möjlighet att bidra till forskning om samhällsproblem kopplade till psykisk hälsa och arbetsmiljö. I din roll som doktorand kommer du att undersöka arbetsmiljöfaktorer kopplade till hälsa och återgång i arbete efter sjukskrivning på grund av psykisk ohälsa. Fokus ligger på personliga assistenter, en viktig och ofta understuderad yrkesgrupp inom den svenska välfärden. I din roll kommer du att få delta i olika faser av ett forskningsprojekt, inklusive planering, insamling och analys av data och rapportering. Du kommer också att kommunicera forskningsresultat till andra forskare och samverkande aktörer. I projektet kommer både kvantitativa och kvalitativa metoder att användas för att undersöka arbete och hälsa för personliga assistenter.
Deadline : 2025-01-31
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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Student in Studies of Metabolism and Differentiation in Childhood Tumors with focus on Neuroblastoma
We are looking for a motivated and committed student who would like to pursue doctoral studies in the field of pediatric tumor biology. The employment will focus on using hiPSCs to model neuroblastoma development. Duties include planning experiments, performing laboratory work including cultivation of human cell lines, hiPSCs, gene expression analysis, chromatin immunoprecipitation, flow cytometry, immunofluorescence, western blotting, protein-protein interactions, confocal microscopy, metabolic differentiation studies, single cell transcription analysis, as well as work using relevant models of neuroblastoma. In addition, the doctoral student is expected to participate in other ongoing projects within the Lab and contribute to the collaborative nature of the Lab, presenting data, learn to write scientific articles and grant applications, aid in Bachelor and Master student supervision, as well as help in maintaining general workflow in the lab.
Deadline : 31.Jan.2025
(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: 1-2 doctoral students in computational pathology and medical artificial intelligence
AI and machine learning (ML) provide new opportunities for precision medicine, where data-driven approaches are applied for improved diagnostics, prognostication and treatment decisions. One of the medical disciplines that are becoming increasingly data-driven is pathology, where digital scanning of tissue samples is becoming a routine practice and provides vast amounts of image data usable as the basis for more efficient and accurate clinical management of diseases like cancer.
We apply the latest AI techniques to the analysis of digital pathology data with the aim of improving the efficiency, accuracy and reproducibility of pathological assessments. We also increasingly work on multi-modal analytics, where image data is processed together with molecular information and clinical variables to build AI models capable of estimating the most likely future course of an individual’s disease and predicting optimal therapeutic options.
The doctoral student will work in projects analyzing the performance of both in-house developed state-of-the-art AI models and publicly available foundation models in prostate cancer diagnosis, grading and prognostication across diverse patient populations and digital pathology platforms. The student will develop algorithms for new emerging solutions enabled by AI for streamlining the clinical histopathology workflow, for example by using generative AI for virtual staining and molecular profiling of tissue samples based only on routine tissue specimens, with the aim of making precision medicine approaches in pathology more accurate, scalable and cost-effective.
Deadline : 31.Jan.2025
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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student position PhD in Medical Science
The overall aim of this PhD project is to identify molecular targets that predispose for severe disease outcomes in persons affected with MS and characterize the biological mechanisms involved in determining disease progression in affected individuals. Identifying pathological mechanisms will give insights into the molecular causes of neurodegeneration and will also provide potential therapeutic targets to halt disease progression.
The specific aims are to:
- Identify candidate genes for MS severity for mechanistic studies.
- Establish the role of hallmark genes in inflamed neurons during MS development.
- Evaluate the relative contribution of immune versus neuronal processes to MS progression.
Deadline : 28.Jan.2025
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(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: 1-2 Doctoral position in cancer epidemiology
Globally, around 5% of new cancer cases are attributable to high-risk HPV infections, which include cervical, vulvar, vaginal, penile, anal and oropharyngeal cancers. The objective is to perform an internationally leading research program to guide the prevention and early detection of HPV-related cancers. We will evaluate the effectiveness of HPV vaccination to prevent HPV-related cancers, assess whether HPV vaccination is associated with fertility and reproductive outcomes, and predict the impact of HPV vaccination on the future disease burden of HPV-related cancers. The student will gain experience in both observational studies and mathematical modelling. The project will leverage the excellent Swedish register infrastructure through a research database that links several Swedish population and healthcare registers.
Deadline : 28.Jan.2025
(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral (PhD) student position in applying DNA as a tool for spatial mapping of transcriptomics and organizing biomolecules
In the last decades it’s been shown that nucleic acids can serve not just as the storage media of genetic material, but also as building blocks at the nanoscale. Nucleic acid nanotechnology is based on self-assembly of carefully designed synthetic DNA and can create both static objects and patterns at the nanoscale and dynamic systems that interact with nucleic acids in cells and tissues.
We are looking for a doctoral student to take both a computational and experimental approach to work on two aspects of nucleic acid nanotechnology. The student will work as part of a European consortium to develop a self-assembled route to the spatial mapping of transcriptomics based on the concept of DNA microscopy. Here DNA nanotechnology will be used to locally amplify transcripts to build a 3D network of connected transcripts. This will be combined with sequencing to decode the connections of the network to attempt to build a 3D map of transcripts. Secondly, the student will work in collaboration with researchers at the department of medicine to produce DNA origami nanostructures functionalized with patterns of nanobodies binding to the surface proteins of Henipavirus in order to understand their cell entry mechanism.
Deadline : 24.Jan.2025
About The Karolinska Institute, Sweden – Official Website
The Karolinska Institute sometimes known as the (Royal) Caroline Institute in English is a research-led medical university in Solna within the Stockholm urban area of Sweden. The Nobel Assembly at the Karolinska Institute awards the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. The assembly consists of fifty professors from various medical disciplines at the university. The current rector of Karolinska Institute is Ole Petter Ottersen, who took office in August 2017.
The Karolinska Institute was founded in 1810 on the island of Kungsholmen on the west side of Stockholm; the main campus was relocated decades later to Solna, just outside Stockholm. A second campus was established more recently in Flemingsberg, Huddinge, south of Stockholm.
The Karolinska Institute is Sweden’s third oldest medical school, after Uppsala University (founded in 1477) and Lund University (founded in 1666). It is one of Sweden’s largest centres for training and research, accounting for 30% of the medical training and more than 40% of all academic medical and life science research conducted in Sweden.
The Karolinska University Hospital, located in Solna and Huddinge, is associated with the university as a research and teaching hospital. Together they form an academic health science centre. While most of the medical programs are taught in Swedish, the bulk of the PhD projects are conducted in English. The institute’s name is a reference to the Caroleans.
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