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14 Postdoctoral Fellowship at University of Southern Denmark, Denmark

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University of Southern Denmark, Denmark invites online Application for various Postdoctoral Fellowship in their different Departments. We are providing a list of Postdoc Fellowship positions available at University of Southern Denmark, Denmark.

Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.


(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title:  Postdoc til EEG-neurofeedback projekt

Institut for Psykologi, Syddansk Universitet, søger en engageret og dygtig postdoc til et spændende og innovativt 2-årigt forskningsprojekt inden for EEG-neurofeedback. Projektet fokuserer på behandling og forståelse af PTSD (posttraumatisk stresslidelse) og smerte ved at anvende avancerede EEG-teknikker. Ansættelsesstart er den 1. marts 2024 eller snarest muligt derefter.

Deadline : 02/09/2024

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(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc summary/title: Postdoc in Advanced Food Microscopy

The position is part of an interdisciplinary project aiming to combine food (micro)structure with deep-learning image analysis and is a collaborative effort between SDU FOODLAB and researchers from the Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (UCPH). The project will investigate microstructures in food matrices using different advanced optical microscopy techniques to image protein and fat microstructures and their changes over time upon different processing conditions such as enzymatic, physicochemical, or heat. The project aims to adapt advanced optical microscopy for studying food to understand the microstructural origin of texture, and to develop better quantitative tools for describing macromolecular network assemblies in food systems. The postdoctoral researcher employed in this position will be working in close collaboration with the project partners at UCPH to exchange microscopy images (SDU) and image analysis tools (UCPH)

Deadline : 01/11/2024

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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in sponge physiology

We are looking for a postdoc to explore the physiology of sponges in relationship to the oxygen content of the environment. This work will be primarily experimental (although fieldwork would likely be involved) and will consider how external oxygen concentration influences sponge behavior including the quantification of oxygen cycling within the sponge. We have some established methods to explore internal oxygen concentrations in two dimensions, but we anticipate further development of technology to obtain a 3-D view. This work is coupled to understanding how oxygen concentrations might have impacted sponge evolution, but it is also highly relevant to understanding how environmental deoxygenation might impact sponge survival in the future. In addition, the postdoc might also explore the physiological reasons as to how and why sponges regulate their internal oxygen concentrations. 

Deadline :01/16/2024

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(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc i historien om dansk børnepsykiatri

Universitetet søger at ansætte en postdoc-forsker i historien om dansk børnepsykiatri i en periode på to år, der skal besættes den 1. marts 2024 eller så hurtigt som muligt derefter. Stillingen er fuldtid og eksternt finansieret af Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond (DFF). 

Deadline : 16.01.2024

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(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in bone biology

We are seeking a postdoctoral fellow to work in the field of bone biology, with focus on examining role of skeletal stem cells in regulation of skeletal homeostasis during aging.

The applicant will be expected to transcriptomic methods of single cell RNA-seq, bioinformatic tools, genetic mouse models and pharmacological targeting approaches to explore the role of candidate genes in formation and function of skeletal stem cells.

The postdoctoral fellow will be responsible for the planning of the project as well as data acquisition, preparation and analysis, manuscript writing, and other activities for disseminating the results. Furthermore, the candidate will be expected to apply for research funding from external funding agencies.

Deadline : 01/22/2024

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(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: 2.5-Year (30-Month) Postdoctoral Fellow at the Acoustics Lab of the Centre for Industrial Electronics

Industry is not just machines! The future of production lies in the efficient and effective collaboration between humans and machines, especially within Europe, where production and labor costs are high. To facilitate a smooth holistic interoperability, we must optimize the interaction between humans and machines. So far, most interoperability, i.e. human-robot-interaction (HMI) relies on touch/tactile interfaces, i.e. on button presses. We will develop and test sound and/or speech signals to enhance and streamline the interoperability between worker and machine. Integrating knowledge from the speech sciences into HMI, while at the same time taking into account characteristic factory-noise conditions, can lead to innovations that lift acoustic interoperability to a new level of intuition, efficiency, and effectiveness. 

The successful candidate will lead the process of creating an acoustic user interface for efficient HMI in factory halls, supervised by the PI and supported by two further project-team members. Together with engineering network partners like SoundFocus ApS and AllGoodSpeakers ApS, the project aims at providing the following deliveries: (1) a new, noise-robust and multi-purpose acoustic “vocabulary” for HMI in manufacturing contexts that will be easily adjustable to different cultures and languages, e.g., inspired by knowledge of sound symbolism and the “biological codes” of speech prosody; (2) a speech/sound output of the robot that reflects human speech behavior by imitating natural speech-melody variations, mirroring workers’ emotional states, and using a distance-, speaker- and noise-adjusted way of speaking; (3) a database of industry-noise sounds that also benefits other research purposes as well as practical well-being, hearing-protection measures and developments.

Deadline :01/16/2024

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(07) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Position Available For Studying The Role Of Sialic Acids In Early Brain Development Using Brain Organoids

Protein glycosylation, the process of attaching sugar units to proteins that reside on the surface of cells, plays a crucial role in cell communication and migration, vital for the formation of organs like the brain. A significant distinction between humans and our primate kin is the existence of a sugar molecule known as sialic acids (SA) on the proteins of cell surfaces. Humans, due to a mutation in the CMAH gene (which converts N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac) into N-glycolylneuraminic acid (Neu5Gc)), only possess the precursor molecule Neu5Ac. In contrast, greater Apes possess both Neu5Ac and Neu5Gc. This mutation occurred post our common ancestry with chimpanzees. This alteration in SAs has led to changes in proteins that interact with sialic acid and other related proteins. Coupled with other variations in enzymes associated with SA biology between humans and monkeys, these changes could affect brain development and contribute to unique human traits. In our current project, we aim to utilize gene editing technology (CRISPR/Cas9) to alter key genes involved in SA biology in induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). We will then use these modified cells to investigate early brain development in iPSC-derived 3D brain organoids, employing Omics and imaging techniques.

Deadline : 02/02/2024

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(08) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-doc position in microalgae molecular bioengineering

The  Algae Synthetic Biology and Biotechnology group, led by Associate Prof. Michele Fabris, at the SDU Department of Green Technology (IGT), invites applications for a 1.5-year postdoc position in algae molecular bioengineering and synthetic biology. This position is funded by the EU Horizon Program project AquaBioSens, which aims at improving water quality surveillance and early warning of water-borne threats to the environment, food industry and human health.

Deadline :01/04/2024

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(09) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in translational pharmacology

The translational pharmacology research group at Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmacy and Environmental Medicine, University of Southern Denmark, is looking for a fully financed, full-time postdoctoral researcher with start April 1st, 2024, for two years or as soon as possible thereafter. 

Over the recent years, we have built a research group comprising approximately 10 individuals with a background in pharmacy, medicine, and biomedicine. We are currently three PhD student’s, one postdoc, one laboratory technician, one MSc thesis student, one assistant professor and one professor in the group. We have a well-established cell laboratory working with human cell models (e.g., induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cells of the peripheral nervous system and 3D primary human hepatocytes). 

Deadline : 01/15/2024

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(10) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Assistants/Postdocs within AI-based collaborative robotics

SDU Robotics invites applications for one or more Research Assistant/Postdoc positions. We are currently extending the team working on the recently started European project Fluently which focuses on AI-supported decision-making processes and collaboration between humans and machines in manufacturing contexts.

The candidates will be integrated in the section SDU Robotics, which is a team of approx. 60 employees, specialized in research and development of robot solutions within the welfare, industrial and medical domain. We value teamwork, professional diligence, enthusiasm for robotics and the drive to adopt new skills and extended responsibilities. We offer an open, international team with flexible work organization and support of individual development.

SDU Robotics is part of the Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute, University of Southern Denmark (SDU), and located at the main Campus in Odense, at the core of the Odense Robotics Cluster involving Universal Robots, Mobile Industrial Robots (MIR) and 120+ startups and established companies in robotics. 

Deadline : 01/03/2024

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(11) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc position in Safe and Trustworthy Intelligent Cyber-Physical Systems

The Software Engineering Section at the Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute, University of Southern Denmark (SDU Odense Campus) invites applications for an 18-month full time Postdoc position with the possibility of extension for the project Safe and Trustworthy Intelligent Cyber-Physical Systems. The start date is as soon as possible and will be agreed upon with the successful candidate.

We seek candidates with relevant background experience who are interested in applying and scaling formal methods to AI-enabled CPS design to increase confidence in safety, security, robustness, or resilience of the CPS and to provide evidence that the systems avoid failures, are robust against attacks, and are capable of recovery.  

Deadline : 02/01/2024

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(12) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Plant-based Food Micro-Imaging

The SDU FOODLAB at SDU Biotechnology, Department of Green Technology at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) invites applicants for a 24-month postdoctoral research fellowship in plant-based food imaging with an expected starting date of February 1st, 2024, or as soon as possible thereafter.

The position is part of a collaboration between SDU and Novozymes in a project aiming to understand the fundamentals of the texture of plant-based meat analogs at the microscopic level and how desired textural attributes such as juiciness and fibrillar structures take their origin at the microstructural level. The project will employ different advanced optical and fluorescence microscopy techniques to visualize and quantify the microstructural features of plant-based meat analogs and the effect of different enzymatic modifications. Further, it will involve rheological and physicochemical assessment and sensory description of the food matrices and enzyme treatments, among other techniques. 

Deadline : 01/11/2024

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(13) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc for Interdisciplinary Maritime Research Platform at the Department of Law, University of Southern Denmark

At the Department of Law, University of Southern Denmark, a postdoc position will be available as of 1 February 2024, or by further agreement. The place of work will be Campus Odense.

You will be a part of an interdisciplinary group of researchers all connected to the research project “SDU Maritime Research Platform (MRP)”. The project was established in 2022 and builds on a grant from the A/S Dampskibsselskabet Orient’s Fond. The platform contains diverse maritime research projects across four faculties at the University of Southern Denmark. The projects all relate to the maritime aspects of the offshore sector and have partly a shared and partly a specific focus. The themes cover a wide range of disciplines such as sustainability, safety, human factors, history, logistics, maritime engineering and architecture and maritime operations. All participants form an integral part of the platform, and it is a precondition that you are interested in – and willing to – engaging in cross-disciplinary discourse and idea development.

Deadline : 01/03/2024

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(14) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc-stilling i publikumsstudier ved Institut for Design, Medier og Uddannelsesvidenskab

”Popular Culture Imaginaries in the Museum” er et forskningsprojekt finansieret af Augustinusfonden i et samarbejde mellem Syddansk Universitet og Nationalmuseet i København under forskningsledelse af professor Susana Tosca. Projektet introducerer et originalt forskningsperspektiv i krydsfeltet mellem forskningsfelterne: transmedier, museologi og publikums- og receptionsstudier og undersøger den rolle som populærkulturalle forestillinger har i forhold til museumsdesign og museumsoplevelsen. Populærkultur gør i stigende grad brug af kulturarv som inspirationskilde til medieprodukter i alle genrer, fra tv-serier som Vikings or Moon Knight, computerspil som Assassin’s Creed, eller tegneserier som Vinland Saga. Projektets empiriske arbejde fokuserer på udstillingerne Vølven og Ægypten på Nationalmuseet og vil bidrage til udviklingen af udstillings- og formidlingspraksis på Nationalmuseet såvel som på andre museer i Danmark og i udlandet.

Deadline : 04.01.2024

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About University of Southern Denmark, Denmark –Official Website

The University of Southern Denmark  is a university in Denmark that has campuses located in Southern Denmark and on Zealand.

The university offers a number of joint programmes in co-operation with the University of Flensburg and the University of Kiel. Contacts with regional industries and the international scientific community are strong.

With its 29,674 enrolled students (as of 2016), the university is both the third-largest and, given its roots in Odense University, the third-oldest Danish university (fourth if one includes the Technical University of Denmark). Since the introduction of the ranking systems in 2012, the University of Southern Denmark has consistently been ranked as one of the top 50 young universities in the world by both the Times Higher Education World University Rankings of the Top 100 Universities Under 50 and the QS World University Rankings of the Top 50 Universities Under 50.


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