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15 PhD Degree-Fully Funded at Aalborg University, Denmark

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Aalborg University, Denmark invites online Application for number of  Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at Aalborg University, Denmark.

Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.


(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Reannouncement: PhD Position in DigiBreak – Ethnographic Perspectives on Telecommunication Disruptions and Cyberattacks – Subproject Greenland

The PhD student is expected to contribute to DigiBreak by undertaking research in the Greenlandic case involving fieldwork in north and east Greenland(2 x 1,5 months). The aim of DigiBreak is to investigate ethnographically how people experience and manage digital infrastructure breakdowns, specifically telecommunication and cybersecurity breakdowns in Greenland and Denmark. Mobilizing literature from science and technology studies(STS), media studies and social anthropology, the project aims to redefine digital breakdowns as everyday“normal” occurrences rather than extraordinary crises. The DigiBreak project focuses on mundane resilience and adaptability strategies at infrastructural peripheries. Shifting attention to such mundane practices fosters an understanding of breakdown and infrastructural edges in highly digitised societies.

The PhD student is expected to conduct ethnographic research and engage with the research done in DigiBreak. In the application, candidates are encouraged to state their interests within the fields of science and technology studies, infrastructure studies, and arctic studies in the form of a brief project proposal(see below). The purpose is to demonstrate the candidate’s ability to pose relevant, original, and theoretically engaged questions within a specific focus area.

Deadline : 22.04.2025

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(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Carlsberg Foundation Humanities PhD Fellowship

The Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, in collaboration with the Carlsberg Foundation, invites applications for a Humanities PhD Fellowship. The PhD Fellowship must involve a basic research project within humanities and is available in all humanities fields and areas of research at the Faculty of Social Science and Humanities.

Deadline : 15.04.2025

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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Stipend/Integrated PhD Stipend in Hydrogen Sulfide Scavenging

The PhD stipend is announced in connection to the INNO-H2S project funded by the Energy Technology Development and Demonstration Programme(EUDP) and led by Associate Professor Marco Maschietti(AAU). The project consortium comprises a strong team of industry partners(TotalEnergies Denmark, OKEA ASA, SLB, MMS Nordic) and an academic partner(DTU Offshore).  

In offshore oil and gas production, hydrogen sulfide(H2S) is removed from produced gas by direct injection of MEA-triazine(H2S scavenger) into the gas stream. This process leads to the generation of a wastewater, which unfortunately contains large amounts of unreacted MEA-triazine and is often discharged into the sea due to lack of feasible alternatives. The INNO-H2S project aims at demonstrating a technology based on nanofiltration for the recovery and re-use of unspent MEA-triazine. The INNO-H2S includes one research-based work package that is focused on understanding the conditions leading to losses of MEA-triazine and fouling due to MEA-triazine degradation by hydrolysis or other side-reactions.

The prospective PhD student will focus on the research-based work package of the INNO-H2S project by designing and executing laboratory experiments aimed at understanding the chemical equilibrium and kinetics of the hydrolysis of MEA-triazine and other side-reactions, and the conditions that may lead to dropout of solids and fouling in the H2S scavenging process. Modelling of chemical reaction kinetics and chemical processes will also be part of the work. The tasks will be carried out in close collaboration with academic researchers and industry specialists that will be working on the associated work packages of the INNO-H2S project.    

The prospective PhD student should have strong interest in chemical reaction engineering and industrial chemistry. Furthermore, he/she should be enthusiastic in envisioning the industrial application of the research results. As the position is part of a collaborative industry-academia research project, the candidate should show excellent interpersonal and communication skills and team spirit to solve problems together with different stakeholders.

Deadline :  14.04.2025

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(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: One or more PhD Stipends in 6G wireless communication systems: intelligence, satellites, and sensing

The applications and communication scenarios in 6G will be challenging due to stringent requirements in terms of latency, reliability, privacy, and efficiency. Furthermore, 6G networks are envisioned to integrate a wide range of user terminals and network elements, which vary from small devices with limited capabilities to terrestrial base stations and even low Earth orbit(LEO) satellites, creating a diverse and dynamic 3D environment. Within the general area of 6G we are opening one or more PhD positions along the following research lines.

Research line 1:”Networks for privacy-aware data acquisition and reliable machine learning approaches in 6G” focuses on the development of a new communication model, with supporting theory and protocols, to provide guarantees in reliable and timely prediction in 6G networks. The project has two main aims. First, to contribute to the adoption of ML-driven applications through collective intelligence using massively distributed”high-quality” private data; however, without violating data privacy.

Second, to utilize the dense connectivity and computing infrastructure offered in 6G to guide for accurate and reliable decision-making. This study project will be conducted in collaboration with researchers from the Network intelligence, Wireless, and Security laboratory at Virginia Tech(NEWS@VT), led by Prof. Walid Saad, in Blacksburg, VA, USA.

Research line 2:”Digital twinning for 3D network optimization” focuses on developing distributed digital twin architectures and mechanisms for distributed network optimization. This project aims to contribute to a flexible architecture based on O-RAN that leverages digital twins the on-the-fly adaptation of large-scale 3D networks with LEO satellites as core network components.

This study project will be conducted in collaboration with researchers from the North Eastern University, Boston, USA, and Keysight, Denmark.

Research line 3:”Energy-efficient Sensing and Computing in 6G networks” is dedicated to the interplay of data collection/sensing, communication, and computing according to the requirements for learning or inference by various AI modules deployed in the devices and the network. This line of work will investigate the fundamental tradeoffs among latency, accuracy, and energy efficiency.

Deadline : 13.04.2025

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(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Stipend/Integrated PhD Stipend In Computational Materials Chemistry

A PhD stipend or integrated PhD stipend in computational materials chemistry is available. Development of new sustainable energy materials, including materials for improved battery technologies, is required for our transition to a carbon neutral society. Computational materials chemistry allows us to accelerate the design and discovery of new materials, but often important effects of temperature and disorder are neglected.

The PhD project is part of the Villum Young Investigator project titled“Entropy in materials design: Accelerated discovery of disordered solid electrolytes”, which focuses on developing computational predictions of disordered crystalline materials and applying these to discover novel solid-state electrolytes for batteries. Thus, the prospective PhD student should have an interest in working in a collaborative team with a common focus on computational materials science.

This PhD project will focus on developing methods combining density functional theory calculations with machine learning to predict finite temperature stability of materials by including vibrational and substitutional disorder. In collaboration with other team members, these methods will be applied to design disordered solid electrolytes.

The PhD student will be part of the computational materials chemistry group led by Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, Kasper Tolborg, within the Section of Disordered Materials, which offers state-of-the-art computational and experimental infrastructure and facilitates a dynamic work environment and interdisciplinary collaborations.

All interested candidates are encouraged to apply, regardless of their personal background. We value diversity and see it as a strength.

Deadline : 11.04.2025

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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD stipend in Digitalization of recycling line for spent batteries from electric vehicles

The recycling of spent lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) from electric vehicles (EVs) becomes an urgent problem for the green transition. However, today, most European countries abandon the hydrometallurgical recycling approach, as it is not economically viable due to the high labor cost. Instead, a pyrometallurgical recycling approach is widely adopted, but this approach often leads to serious environmental problems. If manual labor can be partly replaced by digital technologies, the more environmentally friendly hydrometallurgical recycling approach is expected to be promoted in Europe. Thus, the focus of the PhD project is to develop a methodology to digitalize the recycling line of spent LIBs from EVs for a large-scale application, while integrating existing research. Specifically, the project will address four challenges towards the first several steps in LIB recycling process (i.e., collection, diagnosing, sorting, and disassembly):

  1. Information asymmetry between different stakeholders in the LIB recycling process;
  2. Non-standard battery design;
  3. No clear guidance about the development of battery passport;
  4. Highly manual battery recycling process, especially in terms of sorting, disassembling, and material separation.

Deadline : 07.04.2025

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(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD position (Doctoral Candidate 15) in ‘Frontier Research Competences for Neuro-modulation and Oscillations in Pain

More information about the project can be found
FRESCO4NoPain offers 17 Doctoral Candidates positions to begin on 1st of September 2025 or soon before and a list of all available position can be found on Please consult the‘Guide for Applicants’ document for further details.

This specific PhD/DC position is for Individual research Project(IRP)15:‘Neuromodulation-driven entrainment of pain and mood-related cortical oscillatory activity’. Doctoral Candidate 15 will describe the changes in brain oscillatory activity triggered by mood manipulation with and without experimental pain; characterize the anti-nociceptive effects of neuromodulation-driven entrainment of oscillatory activity with moodmanipulation in humans and describe how neuromodulation guided by EEG oscillatory pattern affects experimental pain and mood models. 

Deadline : 07.04.2025

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(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD position (Doctoral Candidate 13) in ‘Frontier Research Competences for Neuro-modulation and Oscillations in Pain

More information about the project can be found 
FRESCO4NoPain offers 17 Doctoral Candidates positions to begin on 1st of September 2025 or soon before and a list of all available position can be found on Please consult the‘Guide for Applicants’ document for further details.

This specific PhD/DC position is for Individual research Project(IRP)13: Close-loop, non-invasive motor cortex neuromodulation and its analgesic efficacy in people with chronic pain. Doctoral Candidate 13 will develop a close-loop approach to specific for motor cortex neuromodulation to increase analgesic efficacy and compare the closed loop approach to traditional rTMS treatment in a clinical trial in patients with chronic pain.

Deadline :  07.04.2025

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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD position (Doctoral Candidate 8) in ‘Frontier Research Competences for Neuro-modulation and Oscillations in Pain

More information about the project can be found
FRESCO4NoPain offers 17 Doctoral Candidates positions to begin on 1st of September 2025 or soon before and a list of all available position can be found on Please consult the‘Guide for Applicants’ document for further details.

This specific PhD/DC position is for Individual research Project(IRP)8: Close-loop, EEG-triggered, non-invasive spinal cord neuromodulation and its efficacy to modulate pain mechanisms and experimental pain models. Doctoral Candidate 8 will characterize the brain oscillatory changes caused by non-invasive magnetic stimulation of the spinal cord; determine if the analgesic effect of magnetic trans-spinal stimulation on experimental pain models are related to brain oscillatory activities and test a close- loop EEG-triggered approach controlling spinal cord magnetic stimulation to increase its anti-nociceptive effects in experimental acute and long-term(days) human pain models.

Deadline : 07.04.2025

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(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD position (Doctoral Candidate 7) in ‘Frontier Research Competences for Neuro-modulation and Oscillations in Pain

More information about the project can be found
FRESCO4NoPain offers 17 Doctoral Candidates positions to begin on 1st of September 2025 or soon before and a list of all available position can be found Please consult the‘Guide for Applicants’ document for further details.

This specific PhD/DC position is for Individual research Project(IRP)7:‘Personalise by synchronisation: Analgesic effects of neuromodulation-driven entrainment of pain-related cortical oscillatory activity’. Doctoral Candidate 7 will describe the changes in brain oscillatory activity triggered by human experimental pain models; characterise the anti-nociceptive effects of neuromodulation-driven entrainment of oscillatory activity in humans and describe how neuromodulation guided by EEG oscillatory pattern affects experimental pain models compared to classic neuromodulatory approaches.

Deadline : 07.04.2025

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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Stipend/Integrated PhD Stipend in Glass Electrolytes

A PhD stipend or Integrated PhD stipend is available in the area of glassy electrolytes for solid-state batteries. Development of safe lithium batteries with high energy density and long cycle life is critically needed for sustainable energy storage. The use of solid instead of liquid electrolytes offers a key step forward, but slow ion transport is the Archilles’ heel of solid electrolytes. The proposed project aims at addressing this problem by developing metal-organic framework(MOF) glass electrolytes, as these feature a nanoporous structure without grain boundaries.

Guided by atomistic simulations, we will elucidate which chemical modifications of the MOF glass structures are most effective in increasing ionic conductivity and reveal the relationship between porosity and ionic conductivity. We will use the developed MOF materials to construct coin cell batteries and visualize the structural changes in operando during charging/discharging using advanced x-ray diffraction. The aim is that these results will lead to design principles for making highly conductive solid electrolyte materials for batteries.

The prospective PhD student should have an interest in working in a multidisciplinary team and perform both experimental and computational materials science. The PhD project is part of the Independent Research Fund Denmark project“Designing Metal-Organic Framework Glasses for Solid-State Batteries,” which is headed by Professor Morten M. Smedskjær. The prospective PhD student will collaborate with other PhD students and Postdocs in the research group, who are working on related projects.

A relevant educational background within Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Condensed Matter Physics, Materials Science or similar is necessary. Excellent oral and written English language skills are a requirement. We seek a candidate with strong competences in materials science/chemistry, excellent analytical skills, and ideally some proficiency in Python(or equivalent). Experience with glass science, battery materials and/or structural characterization is highly advantageous.

All interested candidates are encouraged to apply, regardless of their personal background. We value diversity and see it as a strength.

You may obtain further information about the scientific aspects of the project from Professor Morten M. Smedskjær,+45 9940 3578, [email protected]. Group website:

The place of employment is Aalborg University, and the place of work is Department of Chemistry and Bioscience, Aalborg University, Fredrik Bajers Vej 7H, 9220 Aalborg Ø, Denmark.

Deadline :  31.03.2025

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(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Stipend/Integrated PhD Stipend in mathematical statistics

Piracy is a prominent and increasing concern for international shipping. To mitigate risk and prevent attacks it is pertinent to understand the spatial and temporal patterns of piracy. This project aims at developing spatio-temporal statistical models for forecasting occurrences of pirate attacks in space and time.The project will offer rich opportunities for both theoretical as well as applied research in topics such as space-time counting processes, space-time asymptotic statistics, and computational statistics.

You may obtain further information from Professor Rasmus Waagepetersen, Department of Mathematical Sciences, phone:+45 3122 4299, email:[email protected] concerning scientific and practical aspects of the stipend.

Deadline :  31.03.2025

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(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD stipend in Membrane processes for metal’s recovery from spent Li-ion batteries

Aalborg University contributes to the knowledge building of the global society as well as the development of prosperity, welfare and culture of Danish society. This is accomplished through research, research-based
education, public sector services and knowledge collaboration. AAU educates students for the future and activities are based on a dynamic and transformative collaboration with the surrounding community.

AAU Energy is a dynamic engineering research department in continuous growth and inspiring surroundings. AAU Energy has a very international environment and covers all areas of clean and sustainable energy systems of the future within electrical, thermal and mechatronic energy technology. AAU Energy has campuses in both Aalborg and Esbjerg, this position is located in Aalborg.

The mission is to be world leading in both research and research-based education of the energy engineers of the future. AAU Energy has approx. 300 employees of many nationalities, of which 25 are administrative staff. In addition, AAU Energy constantly has approx. 50-70 guest researchers from around the world.

Research and teaching are in the absolute world elite in the field of energy, and we have extensive and leading workshop and laboratory facilities, where research and innovation are carried out in direct collaboration with industry to a great extent.

The position is offered in relation to the research group”Advanced Biofuels” and the PhD student will be positioned to the section for“Thermal Engineering”.

The PhD position is funded through the Horizon Europe project BeyondBattRec
( coordinated by Aalborg University. The candidate will design, and test membrane processes to recover acid and valuable metals from spent Li-ion batteries. Th focus will be on
application of membrane distillation and crystallization. The candidate is expected to have experience in lab scale testing and modeling of membrane processes.

The applicant must provide and upload a proper project description, which describes the applicants initial thoughts and ideas related to the specific project applied for. This includes a brief state-of-the-art(including short list of references), a time schedule and how the applicant intends to shed light on the project objectives. The project description should have a length of 4-5 pages.

Deadline : 24.03.2025

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(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Stipend – Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Network “Reworlding”, Reconnecting for Sustainable Work Platforms

The project will investigate how to design and establish physical spaces, legal, economic, and technological services, capable of promoting the emergence of platform cooperatives in the city of Aalborg. That implies co-designing, together with the cooperative movement and marginalised social groups as unemployed graduates or international workers, strategies that can allow the establishment of platform cooperatives at the local level.

More specifically, the objectives of the project are: (1) Perform Participatory Action Research (PAR) with the goal of establishing the Future Jobs Lab– an umbrella initiative supporting the emergence of different platform cooperatives in Aalborg. (2) Detect and articulate the specificities of reconnecting physical spaces, legal, economic, and technological services, in a way that is capable of supporting marginalised groups, as unemployed graduates or migrants, in building their local platform cooperatives in a variety of service and industrial sectors. (3) Co-design and test strategies for prototyping future work platforms in their institutional, physical, and technological elements.

The expected results include: (1) PAR report on co-designing the Future Jobs Lab. (2) Collection and description of strategies and design capabilities for sustainable work platforms. (3) Prototypes of digital, physical, and institutional elements for sustainable cooperative work platforms.

The project includes two periods of secondment, one at Tænketanken Demokratisk Erhverv (Copenhagen, Denmark) and one at the University of Limerick (Ireland).

The selected candidate will become a part of the research group “Techno-anthropology and Participation”.

Deadline :  17.03.2025

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(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Stipend/Integrated Stipend in Multimodal Reasoning with Large Language Models

This PhD stipend is funded by the Pioneer Centre for Artificial Intelligence’s collaboratory, Signals and Decoding. The Pioneer Centre for AI is located at the University of Copenhagen, with partners at Aarhus University, Aalborg University, The Technical University of Denmark, and the IT University of Copenhagen. PhD students at the Pioneer Centre for AI will have extraordinary access computing resources, to international researchers across many disciplines within computer sciences and other academic areas, as well as courses and events at the centre, and meaningful collaboration with industry, the public sector, and the start-up ecosystem.

Deadline :  17.03.2025

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About Aalborg University, Denmark –Official Website

Aalborg University (AAU) is a Danish public university with campuses in Aalborg, Esbjerg, and Copenhagen founded in 1974. The university awards bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees, and PhD degrees in a wide variety of subjects within humanities, social sciences, information technology, design, engineering, exact sciences, and medicine.



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