Newcastle University, England invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at Newcastle University, England.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentship – Process Industries: Net Zero 3D Heat Pipe Technology
This PhD project will develop next generation 3D Heat Pipes, to maximise thermal transport efficiency within advanced electronics for space and terrestrial applications.
Vapour chambers and loop heat pipes are proposed for development into a 3D format. Vapour chambers are ultra-thin heat pipes used to rapidly spread heat in the x-y plane. They have various applications in electronics cooling/heat spreading. 3D vapour chambers are a recent advancement combining a state-of-art 2D vapour chamber with a traditional heat pipe structure to allow heat spreading and dissipation across all 3 dimensions. Loop heat pipes incorporate a complex evaporator with flexible transport lines, that require development for utilisation in a 3D environment. This project will focus on the advancement of vapour chambers and loop heat pipes into 3 dimensional environments.
Potential applications include in-orbit satellite applications, where maximising thermal performance of waste heat transport from discrete, high heat flux heat sources is paramount, and aerospace applications where the geometry between the heat dissipating source and the heat sink may be tortuous. Other applications include battery pack cooling, cooling of PEM fuel cells and various other key enabling technologies in the drive to net zero.
Deadline : 24th November 2024
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Newcastle University Overseas Research Scholarships (NUORS) (2025 entry)
Newcastle University is committed to offering support to the very best international students hoping to pursue a programme of research. We are pleased to offer a small number of University funded NUORS awards for outstanding international students who apply to commence PhD studies in any subject in 2025/26.
Deadline : 16th May 2025
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: NUAcT PhD Studentship: Hydrogen Integration Empowers Net Zero
We welcome applications from students who are interested in hydrogen integration in energy systems.
Possible topics may involve:
● Optimisation, flexibility, and resilience evaluation of national energy systems (including power/gas/hydrogen/heating systems)
● Offshore/onshore nexus of energy/transportation systems
● Large temporal and spatial scales of climate-dependant energy systems
● Human-centred energy demand forecasting, behaviour characterisation, and risk modelling
● Advanced optimisation/control algorithms and their application in energy systems
Deadline : 30th November 2024
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Peter and Norah Lomas PhD Studentships in Economics
The studentship will cover full PhD fees (home and international) and, as such, are aimed at exceptional PhD candidates (we reserve the right to make no awards). The studentship provides an annual stipend equal to that provided by UKRI studentships (which for 2025/26 is yet to be announced, but for reference it was £19,237 in 2024/25) for living costs, paid to students in regular instalments. Fee increases over the years will also be covered by the studentship.
Deadline : 29. November 2024
(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD in Civil Engineering (Water Resources): Development of a shallow water and floating debris modelling system to improve understanding of transport dynamics of debris and its impact on key hydraulic infrastructure.
The aim of this project is to develop a coupled multi-layer shallow water and floating debris modelling system to investigate the transport dynamics of debris and the impact on hydraulic structures in fluvial environments.
The hydrodynamic models currently used in engineering practice lack the capability to accurately model: a) linear features such as bridges, gates and weirs which act as obstructions to flow; b) floating debris; and c) dam breach formation. These features can heavily influence flow characteristics, flood risk and operation of infrastructure dangerous loading of structures and increased scour.
Hydrodynamic models based on the multi-layer shallow water equations have recently been developed to represent the effects of gates and bridges. These models will be further enhanced and validated for a range of realistic structures.
Floating debris can cause blockages in waterways,. It can also cause damage to structures such as bridges and culverts. Floating debris can also be transported by dam break waves. However, most of the dam breach models are empirical and carry a significant level of uncertainty. In this work, physically-based dam breach models will be used to derive reliable input breach hydrographs for the hydrodynamic model.
Deadline : 11th November 2024
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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD in Electrical Engineering: Multimodal Data and Processing led Explainable AI: Application Maritime Domain
We are in the era of Data and AI. The main demand on AI from the responsible data engineering bodies is to provide explainable AI (XAI). This project will focus GEO-located multimodal data and XAI for downstream tasks in the maritime domain.
The proposed innovation will impact the industry by exploiting the generalized and fast-deployable AIs feature extractors (multimodal data processing and feature extraction pipeline is already achieved in Innovate UK AKT2I project). The major focus will be on explainable classification of the multiple maritime downstream tasks such as vessels behaviour prediction, monitoring, anomaly, and threat detection.
This innovation is also crucial to transfer Newcastle University’s unique strength in signal and information processing to yield physics-informed and signal processing led XAI for the above-mentioned maritime downstream tasks. This project will transform from our own fundamental breakthroughs/algorithms on multimodal data processing i.e., multi-target tracking for security and surveillance, abnormal event detection, behaviour analysis; intelligent sensing, and noise and complex signal enhancement.
Deadline : 11th November 2024
(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD studentship – Digital Transformation in Operations and Supply Chain Management
This PhD project aims to investigate the complexities of digital transformation (DT) within the context of Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSCM). Despite advancements in technology, many companies struggle with the sociotechnical aspects of transformation, including organizational culture, supply chain structures, and strategic alignments. This research will contribute to bridging these gaps by developing a comprehensive understanding of how DT can foster innovation and value creation in dynamic environments.
The project will focus on exploring key elements of DT, including advanced technologies (e.g., smart manufacturing, AI, digital platforms), the transition from traditional hierarchical supply chains to decentralized, relationship-based networks, and the sociotechnical systems required to support this shift.
The PhD will involve a mix of methodological approaches. The methodology will unfold in conducting a systematic literature review to compile existing research on DT in OSCM and identify research gaps; conducting both company case studies and a broader scope of survey questionnaire to articulate the in-depth insights of understanding the sociotechnical dynamics of DT in OSCM.
Deadline : 29. November 2024
(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentship – Process Industries: Net Zero – Renewable and Advanced liquid fuels from Lignocellulosic Residues
The PINZ CDT will train the next generation of process and chemical engineers, and chemists, to develop the new processes, process technologies and green chemistries required for the process industries’ transition to Net Zero.
Renewable and advanced liquid fuels will play an important role in the transition to Net Zero emissions by 2050, particularly in “hard-to-abate” sectors. Although lignocellulosic residue- derived liquid fuels have been investigated via bio/chemical and thermochemical processes, significant challenges remain in that pre-treatments remove large percentages of the feedstock (lignin), low yield overall and/or low quality of products. This project will focus on the development of a novel approach to convert the residues to advanced liquid fuels with minimum upgrading requirements. This is a co-created project with PuriFire Labs Ltd.
The candidate will investigate advanced liquid fuels production focusing on mechanistic understanding effects of types of feedstock and operating conditions on products properties, as well as assessing sustainability and techno-economic feasibility of the developed technology and products in Newcastle University.
Deadline : 24/11/2024
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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentship in Civil Engineering – Stresstest: Development of a stress testing platform to ensure resilient electricity networks.
Storms Arwen demonstrated that we do not have sufficient resilience in our energy networks. This storm resulted in over 74,000 customers off supply for over 48 hours. This situation is likely worsen, with state-of-the-art climate projections (UKCP18) suggesting extreme winds are likely to increase in the UK and windstorms such as Storm Arwen will become more frequent.
This project will develop an energy network stress testing platform that incorporates asset databases, weather and weather impact information and climate projections so that electricity operators can perform climate resilience stress tests on their networks. The project will test the feasibility of producing such a platform by using machine learning to train models on a very large number of historical faults and weather observations, and then use these to test the resilience of energy assets using the latest UKCP18 climate projections. To understand how this affects society, the researcher will use demographic information to translate asset failures into societal consequences (e.g. households without power etc). Finally, they will use the framework and climate projections to assess how resilience degrades in a future climate if we do not reinforce our networks and to identify where reinforcement is most needed.
Deadline : 11th November 2024
(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD studentship in Geospatial Engineering: Measuring groundwater changes using geodetic Earth Observation
Changes in terrestrial water storage exhibit significant spatiotemporal variability due to climate change and associated anthropogenic effects. In particular, new patterns of rainfall, snowfall, and temperature are altering the timing and magnitude of groundwater recharge and surface water runoff.
Geodetic observational networks can precisely measure and monitor the redistribution of the Earth’s water at continental to global scales. Over the last two decades, the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission has played a key role in measuring gravity changes caused by large-scale water redistribution. Many advances have been made using GRACE to understand and monitor large-scale terrestrial water changes.
In recent years, Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) and Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) have shown great potential for monitoring surface water loads and groundwater changes by accurately measuring displacements of the Earth’s surface caused by water loading.
In this project, we aim to integrate multiple geodetic observations, such as GNSS, InSAR, and GRACE, to estimate changes in total water storage and its partitioning over continental basins to inform sustainable water management. We particularly aim to use geodetic techniques to identify locations with substantial imbalances in water fluxes, especially those related to groundwater exploitation and depletion.
Deadline : 11th November 2024
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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD studentship in Human Nutrition and Exercise Research Centre: Gut hormone dysregulation in anorexia of ageing: Enhancing knowledge and exploring treatment strategies.
Interested in nutrition and healthy ageing, and how the ageing gut effects eating in later life? This project will explore how appetite-related gut hormones respond to feeding in older adults who experience low appetite and are at risk of undernutrition.
A loss of appetite in later life, termed anorexia of ageing, is experienced by approximately 30% of free-living older adults and over half of those in residential care. Anorexia of ageing is associated with increased risk of undernutrition, sarcopenia, and morbidity, culminating in an increased risk of mortality. With an ageing population, this is an imposing challenge for current and future healthcare provision.
In this PhD, you’ll advance knowledge of the role of gut hormones in anorexia of ageing and identify treatment strategies to increase food intake in older adults at risk of undernutrition. Through randomised control trials, you’ll determine the responses of gut hormones to experimental manipulation of nutrient and energy ingestion, and ingestion method.
Deadline : 11th November 2024
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(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentship in Mechanical Engineering: Improve motor learning in children through connecting robots
Many real-life scenarios involve collaboration between two individuals, where the reliance on haptic communication arising from physical interactions is crucial. This project will investigate the mechanisms underlying the collaboration between humans, by physically coupling two individuals through robots.
The main objectives are: i) to investigate how to take full advantage of haptic communication for enhancing motor learning, studying how learning is affected by the levels of connection and how these can be optimised to improve the acquisition of new motor skills; ii) to apply the knowledge gathered from the use of connecting robots to a real-life application, i.e. to foster handwriting learning in primary school children while interacting with their teacher or caregiver.
Deadline : 11th November 2024
(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD studentship in neuroscience – The role of clonal haematopoietic mutations in Alzheimer’s disease
Interested in how the aging immune system may modify the progression of neurodegenerative diseases? The project will explore how somatic mutations carried by immune cells may influence the progression of Alzheimer’s disease – potentially leading to new therapeutic avenues for the disease.
Recently somatic mutations that occur within the bone marrow with age have been identified in association with both slower progression of Alzheimer’s disease and also reduced levels of neuropathology within the brain. How this occurs is unknown.
In this PhD studentship you will aim to understand whether and how these somatic mutations within immune cells may contribute to disease progression. To do this you will:
- Derive microglia and other immune cells from iPSC cell lines
- Use a variety of functional, and immunohistochemical techniques to determine their activation and function in disease
- Study human post-mortem tissue with a variety of ‘omic approaches
- Utilise and perform flow cytometry to isolate immune cells from human tissues
- Work with a leading group in Japan to understand immune cell migration in the brain
- Develop new functional assays to understand how immune cells interact with neurons to modify the progress of disease.
Deadline : 18/11/24
(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentships – Process Industries: Net Zero – Data Driven Optimisation for Process Scale-up
This PhD project is part of the CDT in Process Industries: Net Zero. The successful PhD student will be co-supervised by academics from the Process Intensification Group at Newcastle University. Nestling has designed a containerised cultivation and processing plant for a broad range of microorganisms with a focus on mycelium. The system is fully automated; the SCADA system is connected to the cloud and provides performance data, enabling the monitoring of critical process parameters (CPPs) and critical quality attributes (CQAs). Nestling wishes to collect the data and apply machine learning techniques to identify process efficiency improvements and enable prediction across scales for a given biological process.
The PhD project will develop, construct and apply Machine Learning techniques to the process data generated at the pilot scale to enable the prediction of process performance at larger scale. This will enable customers using Nestling’s new platform to recognise best practice, identify key vulnerabilities and predict economic outcomes from process deviations.
Deadline : 24/11/2024
(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentships – Process Industries: Net Zero: Development of Sustainable Manufacturing Processes for Confectionery Products
The PINZ CDT will train the next generation of process and chemical engineers, and chemists, to develop the new processes, process technologies and green chemistries required for the process industries’ transition to Net Zero.
Climate change is one of society’s greatest challenges. As the world’s largest food and beverage company, Nestlé has pledged its commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and achieving net zero emissions from their global manufacturing processes by 2050.
Working with Nestlé Research and Development Centre , the objective is to develop an alternative method to cook confectionery products, replacing the current steam-based cooking process with an electrified energy source that does not rely on fossil fuels.
The successful candidate will utilize their expertise in thermal properties of materials and heat transfer to explore and evaluate potential solutions. The project will involve researching and assessing state-of-the-art technologies, determining their technical feasibility, and identifying how they can be leveraged to formulate a sustainable cooking solution.
Deadline : 24/11/2025
About Newcastle University, England –Official Website
Newcastle University (legally the University of Newcastle upon Tyne) is a public research university based in Newcastle upon Tyne, North East England. It has overseas campuses in Singapore and Malaysia. The university is a red brick university and a member of the Russell Group, an association of research-intensive UK universities.
The university finds its roots in the School of Medicine and Surgery (later the College of Medicine), established in 1834, and the College of Physical Science (later renamed Armstrong College), founded in 1871. These two colleges came to form the larger division of the federal University of Durham, with the Durham Colleges forming the other. The Newcastle colleges merged to form King’s College in 1937. In 1963, following an Act of Parliament, King’s College became the University of Newcastle upon Tyne.
The university subdivides into three faculties: the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences; the Faculty of Medical Sciences; and the Faculty of Science, Agriculture and Engineering. The university offers around 175 full-time undergraduate degree programmes in a wide range of subject areas spanning arts, sciences, engineering and medicine, together with approximately 340 postgraduate taught and research programmes across a range of disciplines.The annual income of the institution for 2021–22 was £543.2 million of which £109.6 million was from research grants and contracts, with an expenditure of £624.3 million.
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