University of Groningen, Netherlands invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at University of Groningen, Netherlands.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position Critical material sustainability and energy transition (V24.0036)
We seek a PhD candidate who is passionate about energy and sustainability scientific problems with a focus on the critical material perspective. Successful candidate will be under supervision of Prof. Xin Sun, working with colleagues at the Integrated Research on Energy, Environment and Society group (IREES –, within Energy and Sustainability Research Institute Groningen (ESRIG).
Deadline : 14 April 2024
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD positions in RNA Structure Ensembles & Dynamics (2.0 FTE) (V24.0031)
We are looking for two talented and enthusiastic candidates for a fully funded 4-year PhD position. The PhD candidates for this project will be working at the RNA Structure Ensembles & Dynamics group led by Dr Danny Incarnato, which is embedded in the Molecular Genetics department of the Groningen Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Institute (GBB –
Deadline : 31 March 2024
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD positions in theoretical quantum chemistry/physics (2.0 FTE) (V24.0043)
We invite applications for two PhD positions, one with Dr. Remco Havenith at the University of Groningen and one with Prof. Claudia Filippi at the University of Twente in the Netherlands. We are looking for talented and highly motivated candidates to work on a collaborative project between the two groups on the combined development of advanced valence bond and quantum Monte Carlo methods for the study of excited-state processes in complex systems.
Deadline : 29 February 2024
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position on the topic “EPISTEMIC RESPONSIBILITIES OF FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS” (V24.0038)
Financial institutions play a crucial role in the context of shifting global power dynamics and international challenges (climate emergency, artificial intelligence, armed conflicts, migration). In this project, you will work on the topic of human rights due diligence responsibilities of financial institutions. The goal of the project is to identify and normatively ground the responsibilities of financial institutions to acquire evidence and knowledge about their stakeholders.
We are looking for excellent research master students who are interested in normative questions concerning global finance and human rights. The ideal candidate has an excellent academic track record and extensive experience with normative and/or conceptual research methods.
Deadline : 29 February 2024
(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhDs legal aspects of the development of HVDC – Doctoral Network ‘Inter-oPEn’ (V24.0018)
A consortium of 8 universities forms the consortium ‘Inter-oPEn’ to work on the development of HVDC electricity networks. The consortium stands out for coupling the technical developments with the legal aspects in order to foster innovation in the energy sector. The project is funded by the European Union as a Marie Curie doctoral training network (…)ns/doctoral-networks). At the University of Groningen, we have two 4-year PhD vacancies. The two PhDs will focus on energy law and technology law respectively.
Deadline : 28 February 2024
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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position Molecular Pharmacology (1.0 FTE) (V24.0023)
The PhD candidate will work with advanced disease models for lung fibrosis including cell culture, lung organoids and precision-cut lung slices to study the role of the WNT pathway in lung fibrosis in more detail. For the project you will be working closely with researchers from Boehringer Ingelheim and spend part of your research project working within the research premises of Boehringer Ingelheim in Biberach an der Riß, Germany.
Deadline : 19 February 2024
(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD positions in Continuous Enzyme Evolution (2.0 FTE) (V24.0013)
We are looking for two PhD candidates in the group of Prof. Clemens Mayer, who leads the Molecular Evolution group at the Stratingh Institute for Chemistry. Within the framework of a recently funded ERC Consolidator Grant, you will overcome unaddressed challenges associated with the application of biocatalysts that promote synthetically-useful transformations. In your project, you will not only engineer these enzymes at an unprecedented rate and scale, but also map their fitness landscapes.
Your research will focus on continuous evolution, an umbrella term for approaches that achieve cycles of rapid mutation, selection and amplification inside living cells. By minimizing human intervention and enabling parallelization, continuous evolution approaches can autonomously explore longer and more numerous evolutionary trajectories. In your project, you will initially construct, automate, and apply a continuous evolution platform to autonomously engineer enzyme that perform sought-after C-C, C-halogen, or C-N bond-forming reactions. In the last part of the project, you will make use of third-generation sequencing techniques and bioinformatics tools to map the sequence-structure-function relationships of these biocatalysts.
Deadline : February 11th 2024
(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position Biomimetic Robotics and Biomechanics: Bird-Inspired Aerial Robot Design (1.0 FTE) (V23.0822)
Are you passionate about aerial robot design and biomechanics of flight? Applications are invited for a fully funded PhD position with David Lentink in the Biomimetics Group at Groningen. You will become part of a project in which our team studies how birds fly in turbulence by dynamically shape-shifting their body. In the project you will be responsible for translating bird biomechanical insights into your advanced biomimetic aerial robot that can fly like a bird.
Deadline : 10 Februaryl 2024
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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Promovendus/PhD Welzijn van leraren en leerlingen in het speciaal onderwijs en professionalisering (V24.0027)
Goed opgeleide, competente leraren die zich voor langere tijd aan een school verbinden zijn een onmisbare basis voor alle leerlingen, in het bijzonder leerlingen met extra ondersteuningsbehoeften. Voor zowel leraren als leerlingen is externaliserende problematiek echter een belangrijke stressfactor die daarmee indirect bijdraagt aan het lerarentekort. Hoe kunnen leraren beter leren inspelen op deze complexe problematiek? In dit onderzoek wordt een interventie onderzocht die in en voor het speciaal onderwijs is ontwikkeld – de ABC-methodiek. Leraren worden geschoold in de oorzaken van externaliserend gedrag en reflecteren op hun eigen handelen door intervisie gericht op concrete gebeurtenissen in hun eigen klas. Het doel van het onderzoek is beter begrijpen of en hoe deze interventie werkt op individueel, klas- en schoolniveau, in eerste instantie in het speciaal onderwijs en in een later stadium ook in het regulier primair onderwijs.
Deadline : 7 februari 2024
(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD positie in het Disabled city project (1,0 fte) (V23.0824)
De PhD positie is verbonden aan de Faculteit Ruimtelijke Wetenschappen. Het begeleidingsteam bestaat uit wetenschappers van zowel de Faculteit Ruimtelijke Wetenschappen als de Faculteit Medische Wetenschappen (Afdeling Bewegingswetenschappen en Revalidatiegeneeskunde).
De Faculteit Ruimtelijke Wetenschappen is een groeiende faculteit met een open karakter. Met ongeveer 110 medewerkers en 120 PhD’s richten we ons op hooggekwalificeerd onderwijs en onderzoek op het gebied van planologie, demografie en geografie. Met twee bachelor- en zeven masteropleidingen biedt de faculteit brede opleidingsmogelijkheden aan zo’n 1100 studenten van over de hele wereld. Ons motto is: we are making places better together.
Deadline : 5 februari 2024,
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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Knowledge-Infused AI for Human-Technology Integration (V24.0004)
Synergies between humans and AI-enabled systems are relevant in situations involving complex and high-stakes decision making. The effective integration of humans and AI can be based on knowledge representations in the form of ontologies and knowledge graphs, while neuro-symbolic learning can be a powerful mechanism to drive knowledge-infused machine learning. The incorporation of domain knowledge is hardly achievable without the collaboration of multi-stakeholder teams, and therefore a co-creative and evaluative approach to shaping Knowledge-Infused Artificial Intelligence is needed. Your research will therefore be expected to take a multidisciplinary perspective, including both contributions in linked data and knowledge-driven AI, as well as in effective multi-stakeholder co-creative and evaluative approaches to harness domain-relevant expertise and knowledge. Pilot project-use cases will feed into the study and will offer a rich testbed for the validation of the developed approaches. The research will be carried out within the European research project HumAIne Hybrid Human-AI Decision Support for Enhanced Human Empowerment in Dynamic Situations. The project will provide novel solutions for collective intelligence (including Active, Neuro-symbolic, and Swarm Learning) for decision making and human empowerment for manufacturing, smart cities, healthcare, finance, and energy.
Deadline : 1 February 2024
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(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position on Human-Centred Digital Twins in Industrial Work Environments (V24.0003)
Digital twins enjoy significant take-up in a wide range of industries and application domains. The live coupling of the physical and digital worlds in digital twins targets the near real time operation and control of physical systems, in a form of mixed physical-digital-human system. Recent research has targeted the development of Human-Centred Digital Twins, as the Digital Twinning of physical and digital entities in socio-technical systems, but with clear emphasis on the actual role, contribution, and benefit of the human operator. A human – centred Digital Twin would be more effective if it achieves a cognitive coupling between humans and machines. A starting point for such coupling is to develop context models for situation awareness. Overall, your project will research requirements, methods, tools, and their application in project uses cases, resulting in a proposed framework for sliding work sharing between human and non-human actors, which would be a significant enhancement over currently available Digital Twins. The research will be carried out within the European research project AI4Work: Human-centric Digital Twin Approaches to Trustworthy AI and Robotics for Improved Working Conditions.
Deadline : 1 February 2024,
(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position Dynamic analysis and human vibration perception of hand held (V23.0732)
We are looking for a candidate to undertake research in the field of dynamics and vibration, with a particular focus on dynamic analysis and modelling of in hand vibrations of consumer products. This project is in collaboration with Philips.
The aim of this project is to analyse the vibrations transmitted by consumer products to their hands in order to improve their perception. An accurate model of the product dynamics coupled to hand can provide us with predictions on how the vibrations are perceived by the consumers. These predictions from the models can be made at an early stage before any prototypes are made. If unpleasant human perception being predicted, then the vibration levels can be reduced by design modification for healthy products.
Deadline : 30 January 2024
(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in Predictive Maintenance (V23.0730)
We are looking for a candidate to undertake research in the field of dynamics and vibration, with a particular focus on predictive maintenance of engineering structures.
To support the modern, robust and smart factories, it is critical that breakdown maintenance is reduced to a minimum and the management is allowed to have the luxury of a pre-planned scheduled maintenance. To accomplish this, predictive maintenance is required, which can accurately track assets’ performance, status and real time health condition using real-time vibration data. In recent era, the use of machine health and condition monitoring technologies in predictive maintenance practices has escalated owing to the interest from major industries like manufacturing, aerospace and civil, for which reliability in operations is a crucial factor. For reliable monitoring and diagnosis of machines, vibration analysis is carried out in order to anticipate the defects and degradations that can affect the performance of a machine. Predictive maintenance requires online and real time indicators of a machine’s status and health using instrumentation and control equipment for data acquisition and analysis. In this project, we will acquire vibration data using sensors, data acquisition on an engineering system. We will analyze both time domain and frequency domain data to predict the health of the structure in different operating conditions. This vibration data will be effectively utilized to assist in devising a predictive maintenance plan and to reach the root cause of these issues up to the source component. Finally, timely maintenance strategy will be pursued in order to avoid breakdown maintenance.
Deadline : 30 January 2024
(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position on the topic Supply Chain Resilience (V23.0664)
The graduate school Economics and Business has available: a PhD position on the topic “Supply Chain Resilience”.
The PhD-position is part of the Project ‘Next Gen Supply Chain Resilience – Short-Term Wins, Long-Term Gains’ sponsored by the Topsector Knowledge Institute TKI Dinalog including the University of Groningen, a university of applied science, a consultancy company and over 10 companies. You will work within an exciting, international environment in the largest Operations Department in Europe. The content of the PhD is guided by the project plan (improving and extending the existing SC resilience scan, exploring resilience beyond the focal company and building resilience for long-term mega trends), and provides ample opportunities to apply different research methods (e.g., (scenario based-) surveys, experiments, qualitative case studies) from different angles (e.g., incorporating insights from international business, organizational behavior, team research, sustainability, purchasing, or strategic management).
Deadline : 29 January 2024
About The University of Groningen, Netherlands –Official Website
The University of Groningen is a public research university in the city of Groningen in the Netherlands. The university was founded in 1614 and is the second-oldest university in the Netherlands. In 2014, the university celebrated its 400th anniversary. Currently, RUG is placed in the top 100 universities worldwide according to three international ranking tables.
The university was ranked 65th in the world, according to Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) in 2019. In April 2013, according to the results of the International Student Barometer, the University of Groningen, for the third time in a row, was voted the best university of the Netherlands.
The University of Groningen has eleven faculties, nine graduate schools, 27 research centres and institutes, and more than 175-degree programmes. The university’s alumni and faculty include Johann Bernoulli, Aletta Jacobs, four Nobel Prize winners, nine Spinoza Prize winners, one Stevin Prize winner, royalty, multiple mayors, the first president of the European Central Bank, and a secretary general of NATO.
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