15 PhD Position – Fully Funded at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Position at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Position available at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student position in human body modelling for motor cyclist safety.
In this PhD project you will enhance the finite element human body model “SAFER HBM” further, to predict motorcycle rider injuries in crashes. The current SAFER HBM represents a seated occupant. The SAFER HBM will be validated for motorcycle rider kinematics in the most common crash modes and it will also be able to predict the most common injury types sustained by the riders.
Deadline of PhD Position: 10 June 2021
(02) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student position in Learning in Stochastic Traffic Networks.
Understanding efficiency and behavior aspects in partially automated (vehicular) technology in large-scale (traffic) context is an unsolved problem nowadays. Our main goal is to develop learning methods for uncertain traffic networks. We will rely on interdisciplinary approaches among i) mathematical sciences (stochastic Partial Differential Equations sPDE, numerical schemes) ii) non-negative system theory (kinetic, compartmental models), iii) traffic flow theory (hyperbolic conservation vehicular laws, network efficiency) glued by machine leaning concept. We propose to learn the 1) parameters and 2) solution of sPDE network (or their approximated) models. Learning the solutions of such models enables us to predict traffic network behavior.
Deadline of PhD Position: 4 June, 2021
(03) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in road-user modeling
In this PhD project you will collect data from instrumented vehicles in real traffic and on test track and use that data to model human behavior. In particular, you will investigate how cyclists and e-scooterist approach an intersection and negotiate the infrastructure with motorized vehicles. The aim of your work is to describe -mathematically- (i.e., with computational behavioral models) how cyclists and e-scooterists behave in traffic. These models will be used to inform the design of automated vehicles, intelligent vehicle systems, and support Euro NCAP testing.
Deadline of PhD Position: 6 June 2021
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(04) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student position in Optimization of Patient Flows for Hospitals.
The PhD student position is with the research group in Automation at the Division of Systems and Control, within the Department of Electrical Engineering. The research group focus on development of tools, algorithms and methods for analysing, monitoring and controlling complex systems. The group has been working for a long time with IT and AI support for planning, coordination and control of healthcare and industrial processes. They have developed an open-source tool called Sequence planner that has been used at an emergency department for analyzing, controlling and monitoring of complex and evolving patient flows at a hospital in real time. The phd student will extend this work by developing AI-based scheduling and planning tools and algorithms for supporting the healthcare staff with for example patient prioritization, prediction and monitoring, planning, operation scheduling, online prioritization, and resource allocation, as well as staff scheduling. The student will initially work in a project with the goal to improve the information overview for clinical decisions and patient flows and deliver predictive and proactive decision support for psychiatric emergency care, but will also initally work with operation and staff optimization.
Deadline of PhD Position: 11 June, 2021
(05) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in physical chemistry; photocontrol of chemical reactions.
The position is placed in professor Maria Abrahamsson’s research group at the division of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. Our research concerns light-matter interactions in molecules and materials that are relevant to solar energy conversion. This means that we study light-induced electron and energy transfer processes and what governs them, using optical spectroscopic and electrochemical techniques. The specific project will address a challenge with photocatalytic reactions, namely how one can can control the electron transfer mechanism and thus electron transfer rates, yields and selectivity of product formation. Here we will explore if this control can be achieved using IR-light. You will learn how to use steady state and time resolved spectroscopies, including ultrafast laser spectroscopy, and how to analyze the obtained data.
Deadline of PhD Position: 6 June, 2021
(06) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in tribology of metal cutting.
This research project is tightly linked with the Chalmers Centre for Metal Cutting Research (MCR) and will be performed in division of Materials and Manufacture. You will work closely with researchers in academia and experts in industry to develop a generic physics-based platform for modelling and simulation of tool wear in machining of steels. This platform benefits from combined semi-analytical and FE-based methods for the estimation of thermo-mechanical loads on the tool as well as DFT/MD and CALPHAD simulations to obtain the material inputs for tool wear estimation. The goal of this simulation-based platform is to enable the optimization and adaptation of machining processes to batch-to-batch material variations. Hence, thorough understanding of complex interactions between the tool materials and micro-constituents within the workpiece materials during machining processes is vital. The focus of this PhD project is on detailed characterisation of workpiece materials and worn tool surfaces to determine the underlying tribological mechanisms and to develop physics-based models based on those observations.
Deadline of PhD Position: 10 June, 2021
(07) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student position in Atomistic modeling of NOx reduction.
The project CHASS is an industrial doctoral training programme, supported by the EU Marie Sklodowska-Curie ITN-EID action, which aims to educate four PhD students. The project targets deactivation of SCR catalysts for NOx removal from diesel exhaust gases, with special focus on poisoning by SO2 and exposures to high temperatures. The aim is to build models based on a fundamental chemical understanding of the catalysts, which can be applied in the development of exhaust systems.
Deadline of PhD Position: 6th June, 2021
(08) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: 2 PhD positions in biophysics and cell biology of protein aggregation.
The PhD positions are placed in Elin Esbjörner’s research group in the Chemical Biology division at Chalmers.
The group studies protein aggregation and amyloid formation from a biophysical and cell biological perspective. We have keen interest in understanding how amyloid proteins interact with endolysosomal trafficking compartments and exosomes in neurons, and to explore crosstalk between trafficking dysfunctions and protein aggregation in Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and ALS. The two offered PhD projects are within this research scope. One will focus more specifically on Parkinson’s pathology and one more generally on amyloid-trafficking crosstalk. Both project offer great possibilities for collaboration and to develop research skills in both biophysics and cell biology. In addition, the projects require use of advanced bioimaging and nanofluidic tools for single particle analysis.
Deadline of PhD Position: 30 May 2021
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(09) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student position in Pain Rehabilitation.
Our group developed a novel treatment for phantom limb pain (PLP) using myoelectric pattern recognition (machine learning) for the decoding of motor volition, and virtual and augmented reality for real-time biofeedback. This treatment is now used worldwide. However, we are now further developing technology to fully eliminate pain de due to sensorimotor impairments and this position is related to the translational research related to this work.
Deadline of PhD Position: 30th May, 2021
(10) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD students in Quantum Nanophotonics.
Our new team is part of the Quantum Technology division of the Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience (MC2). We work with the experimentalists in the Photonics division and the theorists at the Applied Quantum Physics division. The larger effort currently has about 50 researchers and is expanding rapidly. Our department hosts the state-of-the-art MC2 Nanotechnology Laboratory cleanroom, the largest such facility in Northern Europe. We have cutting-edge cryogenic, microwave and optical measurement capabilities at our disposal, including seven dilution fridges. We are in a position to build and operate large-scale quantum processors!
Deadline of PhD Position: Open Until Filled
(11) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position – AI guided design for next generation peptide drugs.
We’re currently looking for an industrial PhD student to join a collaboration between AstraZeneca and Chalmers University of Technology to develop a next generation peptide drug discovery platform with a focus on creating a machine learning based pipeline to design and predict novel peptide drugs with improved properties. The innovative project is embedded in an ongoing interdisciplinary collaboration project for peptide based drug discovery between Chalmers University and AstraZeneca.
Deadline of PhD Position: 23 May 2021
(12) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student position in Innovative Rain Gardens for Sustainable Treatment of Urban Runoff.
The aim and scientific challenge of this project is to design, construct and explore an innovative and sustainable rain garden where microplastics, metals, and organic pollutants from urban runoff are retained, degraded, or recovered. The goal is to significantly reduce the transport of urban pollution to receiving waters and to contribute to green infrastructure and a circular economy in the society. In this project, innovative rain gardens are developed and their efficiency in treating stormwater from the cocktail of urban pollutants are studied. It is also to study if and how the accumulated pollutants are degraded, and whether the metals can be used as a resource.
Deadline of PhD Position: 30th May, 2021
(13) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student position in climate targets and energy choices.
As a PhD student your main responsibility is to pursue your own doctoral studies, which includes work on the mechanisms and feasibility of energy transitions but also to undertake doctoral courses. You will research energy choices, plans and targets, particularly in developing and emerging countries to characterise their drivers, level of ambition, and feasibility. The work is embedded in the energy transitions group at Physical Resource Theory.
Deadline of PhD Position: May 21st, 202 or Open Until Filled
(14) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student position: Photonic-Crystal Surface-Emitting Lasers in III-Ns.
As a PhD student in our group you will be exploring different schemes for photonic-crystal surface-emitting lasers in III-N-based materials. Your work will be mainly experimental and you will be trained in device fabrication using state-of-the-art equipment in our clean room as well as characterization of fabricated devices in our new measurement laboratory. In addition, you will have access to our in-house-developed simulation tools for laser design and modeling. The photonic crystal design will be done in collaboration with partners within the project. Your major responsibility as PhD student is to pursue your own doctoral studies, during which you are expected to develop your own ideas and communicate the results of your research verbally as well as in writing. The PhD position is a full-time temporary employment with a starting salary of about 3 000 Euro/month, limited to maximum 5 years.
Deadline of PhD Position: 19 May, 2021
(15) PhD Position – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student position in Quantum Materials
The general focus of this PhD project is based on the investigation of magnetic and electronic properties of quantum materials under extreme conditions. In general, quantum materials display a delicate interplay of several interactions (charge, spin, orbital, and lattice) on the atomic-scale. Applying external stimuli (e.g., magnetic field or pressure) can give rise to unexpected exotic phenomena. Uniaxial pressure (strain) is a crucial tuning parameter for obtaining a fundamental understanding of quantum matter and, eventually, developing its functionality for applications.
Deadline of PhD Position: 1st June 2021
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About Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden –Official Website
Chalmers University of Technology is a Swedish university located in Gothenburg that focuses on research and education in technology, natural sciences, architecture, mathematics, maritime and other management areas.
The university was founded in 1829 following a donation by William Chalmers, a director of the Swedish East India Company. He donated part of his fortune for the establishment of an “industrial school”. Chalmers was run as a private institution until 1937, when the institute became a state-owned university. In 1994, the school was incorporated as an aktiebolag under the control of the Swedish Government, the faculty and the Student Union. Chalmers is one of only three universities in Sweden which are named after a person, the other two being Karolinska Institutet and Linnaeus University.
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