Lund University, Scania, Sweden invites online Application for various Postdoctoral Fellowship in their different Departments. We are providing a list of Postdoc Fellowship positions available at Lund University, Scania, Sweden.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Engineer in electrophysiology
MultiPark is a strategic research area at Lund University and conducts both experimental and clinical research regarding neurodegenerative diseases, in particular Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases. At the present MultiPark consists of about 50 research groups, whereof around 50% are experimental and the other 50% clinical research groups. More information regarding MultiPark can be found here MultiPark finances several technical research platforms both consisting of equipment and personnel. These platforms offer services to researchers and research groups who need to use the different techniques for specific research projects. The MultiPark financed research platforms important for reaching our strategic goals and perform excellent research. Within the technical platforms, as well as in the whole MultiPark, we find a good working environment with respect and consideration of one another to be extremely important. We are constantly working hard to create the conditions for job satisfaction, development and participation for all coworkers.
Deadline :01.Aug.2023
(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title: Postdoctoral researcher in Medical Radiation Physics, MRI
Deadline : 31.Jul.2023
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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post doctor in potassium channel structural biology
This position is part of a larger multidisciplinary project recently funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg (KAW) Foundation focusing on potassium ion channels, which will be conducted in Stockholm, Linköping, Gothenburg and Lund in Sweden by five separate research groups. Ion channels are essential for life across organisms and a sophisticated understanding of their function is imperative for basic, biomedical and applied research. The overarching goal of the proposed project is to develop ion channel activators and inhibitors. Previously unmet specificity needs will be achieved by targeting subtype- and conformational-specific features, thereby limiting side effects. The focus will be on Kv7 channels linked to a range of severe neurological disorders, including epilepsy, sleep disorders and autism.
Deadline : 31.Jul.2023
(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-doctoral fellow in Accelerator physics and Free Electron Laser
The main duties involved in a post-doctoral posistion is to conduct research. Teaching may also be included, but up to no more than 20% of working hours. The position shall include the opportunity for three weeks of training in higher education teaching and learning.
Deadline : 21.Jul.2023
(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post doctor in medical membrane protein structure biology
With this position, we intend to intensify our work in understanding at the molecular level how TRP ion channels work. This is a collaborative project between two groups led by Pontus Gourdon and Peter Zygmunt, respectively. Here is a selection of articles recently published by the groups (see also
Deadline : 30.Jun.2023
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(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post doctoral position in ultrafast optics
The main duties involved in a post-doctoral position is to conduct research. You will be part of a small group within a larger research group. Teaching may also be included, but up to no more than 20% of working hours. The position includes the opportunity for three weeks of training in higher education teaching and learning. The purpose of the position is to develop the independence as a researcher and to create the opportunity of further development.
Deadline : 18.Jun.2023
(07) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral researcher in Systems Virology
In the role of Postdoctoral researcher, you will analyse the gene that codes for the envelope of HIV-1 and HIV-2, respectively. As the sequences have been generated from longitudinally collected samples, virus evolution is analyzed through so-called Bayesian phylogeny and phylodynamics (state-of-the-art). This is done after in-depth analysis of the presence of different recombinant variants of HIV (which must be sorted out prior to phylogenetic analysis since they often violate the evolutionary assumptions made in selecting appropriate substitution models). Moreover, the two virus types evolve at different rates, and advanced comparative analyzes will therefore need to be developed, including different types of model evaluation such as path-sampling and steeping-stone approaches. In addition to this, advanced biostatistics and bioinformatics analysis of large-scale data generated through so-called data-independent acquisition mass spectrometry (DIA-MS) collected from longitudinal sample series will be performed. Molecular biological and bioinformatics analysis of data is compiled in reports and finally by writing manuscripts that are submitted to scientific journals for review and publication. During the employment period, active participation in group meetings and project presentations is also expected (this also includes own presentations).
Deadline : 16.Jun.2023
(08) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-doctoral fellow in Environmental Science
The successful candidate will develop, parameterise, and validate models relating biodiversity of birds and plants to forest structures affected by forest management. Statistical methods such as Joint Species Distribution Modelling and other types of hierarchical models will be used to relate existing and new species datasets to spatially overlapping habitat and land cover data. Within the project, these models will be i) integrated with forest ecosystem and management planning models able to project future forest structure under scenarios of alternative management, and ii) combined with comparative analysis to evaluate the effects of forest policy interventions. The work will be carried out with an interdisciplinary project team with expertise in ecology, biodiversity science, mechanistic modelling and more. The postdoc is expected to present results at international conferences, produce high quality scientific papers, and play a role in disseminating the results. Stakeholder interactions are a part of the project. The postdoc is also expected to actively participate in and contribute to the general scientific discussion in the research group.
Deadline : 16.Jun.2023
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(09) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-doctoral fellow in Environmental Science
This postdoctoral fellow will work in an interdisciplinary project at the Center for Environmental and Climate Science. Within the project, a conceptual framework is being developed for how nature-based solutions can generate synergies and mitigate conflicts between biodiversity conservation, climate action, public health and human well-being. As the framework is developed by an interdisciplinary team, it builds on knowledge of biodiversity, ecological processes, environmental psychology, and epidemiology. A central part of the work is to systematically map existing evidence for how trade-offs and synergies between climate benefit, biodiversity and health can be affected by nature-based solutions. The focus is on the extent to which there are mechanistic connections, e.g. in that biodiversity affects the resilience of ecosystems to climate change, and to what extent there are indirect associations, e.g. in that the structure of ecosystems affects both diversity and climate. Empirical or model-based analyzes will be used to investigate how the design and/or spatial placement of nature-based solutions affects synergies and conflicts between biodiversity conservation and other purposes of nature-based solutions, such as carbon sequestration.
Deadline : 16.Jun.2023
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(10) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Researcher in Economic History, 5 month, 50%
The position consists of both research and some teaching. Administrative tasks can also be included. The project in which the prospective researcher will work contains development oriented economic history related to agricultural transformation and social capabilities and policy relevant research on economic shrinking and resilience. Teaching is at the undergraduate and graduate level and will have an emphasis on courses in Development studies, Asian Economic History and Agricultural Development. Courses can be in both Swedish and English.
Deadline : 15.Jun.2023
(11) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research engineer in the department of Mass spectrometry
We are looking for a research engineer that will be a part of our team. The main work will be sample preparation for structural proteomics, i.e. wet lab work and mass spectrometry, followed by data analysis and visualization of data for users of the infrastructure. We envision that you will start with the easiest assignments and then as you learn and become more experienced, progress to increasingly difficult/qualified work.
Deadline : 12.Jun.2023
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(12) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral researcher in protein bioinformatics
A predictive computer model will be developed based on clinical information from our collaborators. The project consists of organisation and harmonization of clinical data, development of measures for the model, impelementation of the model, its testing and validation with patient data.
Deadline : 11.Jun.2023
(13) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral fellow in Cardiac Inflammation Research
We are looking for a motivated Postdoctoral research fellow for a unique project aiming to develop an immunomodulatory treatment against cardiac inflammation, by targeting the pro-inflammatory alarmin S100A8/A9. More information about the treatment can be found in our recent publications in the European Heart Journal (Marinkovic et al, 2019) and Circulation Research (Marinkovic et al, 2020). The treatment has recently been highlighted in Nature Reviews in Immunology as one of the most promising up-and-coming anti-inflammatory therapies in myocardial infarction. In-vivo and in-vitro experiments will be performed to define the underlying immunopathological mechanisms and to develop a possible therapy for patients. The position offers a great opportunity to be involved in a project with high potential for future clinical applicability. You will work in direct collaboration with Dr. Alexandru Schiopu, the principal investigator leading the project, and with the other members of the group. You are expected to independently design and perform experiments, supervise junior members, run statistical analyses, interpret the data and present the results in publications and at international meetings.
Deadline : 11.Jun.2023
(14) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral positions in Automatic Control
The main duties involved in a post-doctoral position is to conduct research within the respective project. The candidate is also expected to contribute to the general scientific discussion at the department, to the teaching of PhD level courses. Teaching may take up to no more than 20% of working hours. Depending on the research project, the candidate may also be expected to initiate and maintain inter-departmental or industrial collaborations, and to assist in supervising students on MSc and PhD levels. The position includes the opportunity for three weeks of training in higher education teaching and learning. The purpose of the position is to develop the independence as a researcher and to create the opportunity of further development. Travels may be included in the work duties.
Deadline : 08.Jun.2023
(15) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral fellow in Economic History
The Postdoctoral fellow will work closely with a supervision team. S/he is expected to create data linkage strategies and link the various sources in the Cape of Good Hope Panel Project. S/he is also expected to produce research papers broadly related to themes such as economic development, living standards, and inequality. The Fellow must be willing to interact with students at the Department of Economic History and to participate actively in the common activities of the Department. The position involves a limited amount of teaching and/or supervision of Bachelor and Master’s Theses.
Deadline : 07.Jun.2023
About Lund University, Scania, Sweden – Official Website
Lund University is a prestigious university in Sweden and one of northern Europe’s oldest universities. The university is located in the city of Lund in the province of Scania, Sweden. It traces its roots back to 1425, when a Franciscan studium generale was founded in Lund. After Sweden won Scania from Denmark in the 1658 Treaty of Roskilde, the university was officially founded in 1666 on the location of the old studium generale next to Lund Cathedral.
Lund University has nine faculties, with additional campuses in the cities of Malmö and Helsingborg, with 40,000 students in 270 different programmes and 1,300 freestanding courses. The university has some 600 partner universities in nearly 70 countries and it belongs to the League of European Research Universities as well as the global Universitas 21 network. Lund University is consistently ranked among the world’s top 100 universities.
Two major facilities for materials research are in Lund University: MAX IV, a synchrotron radiation laboratory – inaugurated in June 2016, and European Spallation Source (ESS), a new European facility that will provide up to 100 times brighter neutron beams than existing facilities today, to be opened in 2023.
The university centers on the Lundagård park adjacent to the Lund Cathedral, with various departments spread in different locations in town, but mostly concentrated in a belt stretching north from the park connecting to the university hospital area and continuing out to the northeastern periphery of the town, where one finds the large campus of the Faculty of Engineering.
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