University of Basel, Switzerland invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at University of Basel, Switzerland.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: MD-PhD student in neurosurgery
Are you excited about neurosurgery? Would you like to acquire in-depth knowledge of clinical research? Would you like to participate in multiple clinical research projects, including multi-center randomized trials, and conduct your own research projects?
We are looking for an MD PhD student in the Department of Neurosurgery at the University Hospital of Basel with immediate effect (or by appointment).
Deadline : Open until filled
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Ph.D. Position/Assistantship in Urban Studies
Candidates should hold a Master’s degree in urban studies, architectural or urban history, geography, anthropology, history, political science, sociology, or a related field. Candidates with a Master’s degree in architecture or design are also invited to apply, if they can demonstrate their research adheres to scientific standards in the social sciences or humanities. Your proposed research should be integrated into and advance our current research agenda. Upon selection, the candidates will have to fulfill the conditions for admission to doctoral studies in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Basel. Fluency in written and spoken English is required; German language proficiency is an asset.
Deadline : April 12, 2024.
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student position: deciphering the molecular basis of allostery in CRISPR associated proteins using single-molecule experiments
The Biomolecular Nano-Dynamics group at the Dept. of Chemistry, University of Basel is looking for a highly talented and motivated PhD student with a background in (bio-)physics, or biophysical chemistry to join our team for the study of allosteric mechanisms governing recently discovered CRISPR associated proteins using novel techniques, such as single-molecule fluorescence/FRET and nanopore trapping.
Deadline : April 30th, 2024
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD candidate with scientific interest in Cancer Immunology & Immunotherapy
The Department of Biomedicine is a joint effort between the University of Basel and the University Hospitals Basel. It unites basic and clinical scientists to advance our understanding of health and disease and to develop pioneering therapies benefiting the lives of patients in areas of unmet need. With more than 70 research groups and 900 employees, the Department of Biomedicine is the largest department at the University. We are located in the heart of Basel across 6 different locations. Be part of our future!
Embedded into a joint research effort the research groups led by Prof. Zippelius at the Department of Biomedicine (“Cancer Immunology”) and PD Dr. Matter at the Department of Pathology are seeking a highly motivated PhD candidate with scientific interest in Cancer Immunology & Immunotherapy.
Deadline : 15th April 2024
(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Biozentrum PhD Fellowships – Summer Call 2024
We are looking for ambitious and highly motivated young talents from all over the world to join the Biozentrum Basel International PhD Program and our scientific community.
Deadline : May 24, 2024
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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Opportunity in Biomedical Ethics
The Institute for Biomedical Ethics at the University of Basel (IBMB), Switzerland (, is currently looking for dynamic and independent graduate students (Master’s degree) who are interested in carrying out their PhD work in the ethics of automation. The PhD position is part of our work as partners in the National Center for Competence in Research (NCCR) in Dependable, Ubiquitous, Automation, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. The Developing Ethics for Automation project collects qualitative interview data as well as quantitative survey data to investigate public and expert attitudes towards integrating ethics in automation across different aspects of society (including autonomous vehicles, smart energy networks, and beyond). The successful candidate will ideally start work in August 2024.
Deadline : 30th April 2024.
(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in MRI Physics and Methodology
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), developed in the early 1970ies, offers exceptional soft tissue sensitivity and has powered the astounding progress of medicine in the past fifty years. And it still does. Realizing these potentials by way of research and development is one of the most important challenges in state-of-the-art biomedical engineering. Our research is focused on the fundamentals of magnetic resonance physics, and on the development of dedicated MR methods and on data post-processing methods for applications in the field of biophysical, biochemical, and clinical sciences. For further information, please visit our web page:
We are seeking a PhD candidate to join our research team for the development and implementation of novel MRI methods for structural and functional lung MRI from low (0.55 T) to high field (3 T).
Deadline : Open until filled
(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD-Student*in im Bereich forensische MRI Bildgebung
Das Institut für Rechtsmedizin der Universität Basel sucht per 01.05.2024 oder nach Vereinbarung eine*n PhD-Student*in im Bereich forensische MRI Bildgebung.
Das Institut für Rechtsmedizin der Universität Basel gehört organisatorisch zum Gesund-heitsdepartement des Kantons Basel-Stadt. Es deckt alle Bereiche des forensisch-wissenschaftlichen Leistungsspektrums ab und hat einen universitären Leistungsauftrag in Lehre & Forschung. Die Forschungsgruppe Forensische Medizin & Bildgebung ist Teil des Instituts und versteht sich als Bindeglied zwischen forensischer Dienstleistung und Forschung in biomedizinischer Technik.
Das geplante PhD Projekt ist Teil einer SNF geförderten Drittmittel-Studie und umfasst die Anwendung von postmortaler MRI Bildgebung des Gehirns, sowie die Validierung von quantitativem MRI mittels Standardmethoden (z.B. Histologie).
Deadline : Open until filled
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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in social acceptance of artificial and sustainable fuels
The political support of conventional biofuels has illustrated that national legislation (e.g., in the USA or the EU) has global socio-economic as well as environmental implications. Aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, several political institutions have launched strategies to foster the use of sustainable fuels and platform chemicals (SFPCs), i.e. carbon-free fuels (e.g., through hydrogen or ammonia) or carbon-neutral fuels (e.g., fuels containing non-fossil carbon from biomass). Within the framework of the project, sustainable fuels (SF) are defined to be fuels that meet a set of environmental and social sustainability criteria. While most SFPCs are expected to be imported to Switzerland, implications on international markets, social impacts (e.g., food security), and indirect environmental effects (e.g., global land-use change) depend on the technology pathway and are unknown. The goal of the PhD position is to contribute to a better understanding of the societal perspective in relation to sustainable fuels. The works will be embedded in the Swiss Federal Office of Agriculture SWEET-funded project “”. Specifically, the PhD will examine social acceptance of different technological pathways and possible related environmental and socio-economic impacts in Switzerland. In order to do so, there is a need for both qualitative and quantitative assessment of consumer attitudes and demand intention (acceptance) for sustainable fuels and platform chemicals (SFPC), to understand assessment pathways and uptake scenarios. Expected tasks include undertaking two online surveys (one including an experiment) to identify preferences with respect to different identified and legally feasible policy options, general acceptance, attitudes and other potential determinants of future acceptance. In combination with others, a policy report outlining best practices on SFPC promotion and implications for Switzerland will be prepared. Research activities will form the basis of multiple academic research papers for a PhD.
Deadline : August 1, 2024.
(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in Neuropharmacology
The Neuropharmacology research group at the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences seeks applications for an open PhD position.
The Neuropharmacology group, led by Prof. Linda Simmler, investigates the mode of action of psychoactive substances pre-clinically. The research focus is on hallucinogenic compounds (psychedelics) that are under evaluation for clinical use in psychiatric disorders. We aim to understand their effects on neuronal circuits and synapses, and link to behavior and disease models.
Deadline : Open until filled
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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student position in Blood Cancer Research
The Department of Biomedicine (DBM) is a joint effort between the University of Basel and the University Hospitals Basel. It unites basic and clinical scientists to advance our understanding of health and disease and to develop pioneering therapies benefiting the lives of patients in areas of unmet need. With more than 70 research groups and 900 employees, the DBM is the largest department at the University located in the heart of Basel. The group for childhood leukemia, affiliated with the University Children’s Hospital (UKBB) & the DBM studies genetic alterations involved in the development, maintenance and relapse of acute myeloid leukemia (AML). We use various models to dissect critical cellular and molecular mechanisms of AML initiation and maintenance (Stavropoulou et al. Cancer Cell, 2016; Lopez et al., Cancer Discovery, 2019, Forte et al., Cell Metabolism, 2020; Leonards et al., Nat Commun 2020, Piqué et al., Blood 2023).
Deadline : Open until filled
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(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in Health Economics
You will become part of an international research group in an English-speaking environment and are welcome to interact closely with members of the new Basel Center for Health Economics (BCHE). The Center also includes groups working on behavioral health economics and development economics at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH). Your research contributes to SNSF projects related to health and labor economics, including an SNSF project on “Economic, Behavioral, and Health Consequences of Medical Guidelines” that investigates doctor decision-making following medical tests and its impacts on health outcomes.
You will conduct high-level scientific research towards a PhD and assist and participate in research, teaching and administrative tasks. Teaching duties may be carried out in German or English. The position will entail a performance review after 1 year after which the position can be extended to a total of 4 years.
Deadline : Open until filled
(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student position in Computer Vision
Papyri preserved by the dry climate of Egypt are an unparalleled source of information about the Ancient World. However, their large number, diversity and current dispersion have impeded a comprehensive grasp of their nature and content. In particular, palaeography, the study of handwritings that has the potential to unveil where, when, and by whom a text was written, still relies on experts’ assertions that rarely reach consensus. New technological advances in Computer Science, notably in Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing now allow building the big picture of the writing culture of Greco-Roman Egypt and developing scientific analyses of scripts. Funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation for five years, the Starting Grant project EGRAPSA (literally “I have written” in Ancient Greek) aims at providing a new theoretical framework to the palaeography of Greek papyri. Starting from sound evidence, it aims at retracing the evolutions of handwritings, generating a model that, in turn, can contribute to organizing the papyrological documentation in a coherent panorama, improving the solidity of dates and writer identifications made on palaeographical grounds. The ground-breaking dimension of the project is to encompass the entire papyrological documentation in its full complexity to measure similarities and explain evolutions by focusing on the reconstruction of the dynamics of writing, thus to literally re-trace handwritings. For further information, see the project website
Deadline : Open until filled
(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position Youth Mental Health (100%)
The Faculty of Psychology is one of the seven faculties of the oldest university in Switzerland. With our focus on Society & Choice and Health & Interventions, we are successful nationally and internationally in research and studies.
The newly established Department of Youth Mental Health addresses mental health and transdiagnostic symptoms of emotional dysregulation in children and adolescents. To do this, we use a combination of clinical, experimental, neurobiological and everyday surveys.
With the planned research project, we would like to find out to what extent psychophysiological data collected using smartphones from young people from the general population is related to their emotional experiences in everyday life and their mental health.
We are looking for a person who is equally interested in clinical child and adolescent psychology as well as innovative research methods and is motivated to complete a PhD degree.
Deadline : Open until filled
(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Two PhD Positions in Neuroimmunology
The Department of Biomedicine is a joint effort between the University of Basel and the University Hospitals Basel. It unites basic and clinical scientists to advance our understanding of health and disease and to develop pioneering therapies benefiting the lives of patients in areas of unmet need.
With more than 70 research groups and 900 employees, the Department of Biomedicine is the largest department at the University. We are located in the heart of Basel at 6 different locations. Be part of our future!
The Clinical Neuroimmunology Laboratory in the Department of Biomedicine, headed by Professor Tobias Derfuss, is planning to open a PhD position in early Summer of 2024 and a second position at the end of 2024 or early 2025. Research in the lab is aimed at understanding the causes and pathomechanisms of autoimmune diseases affecting the nervous system, particularly multiple sclerosis and myasthenia gravis.
Deadline : Open until filled
(16) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Fully-funded PhD position in Near & Middle Eastern Studies
This collective project aims to renew our perspective on the period between the end of the Ottoman Empire and the beginning of the age of nations in the Arab world by paying particular attention to local actors. The focus on unrealized social and political projects promoted by local actors allows us a look at the Arab world beyond the colonial framework and beyond the prevailing nation-state model. It also offers a view of alternative articulations of belonging and political community, using case-studies stretching from North Africa to South West Asia and the Arabian Peninsula. Futures Interrupted will be particularly attentive to the ways in which these unimplemented or unfinished projects dealt with the social pluralism which characterized the region at that time and which, in many parts of the area, was upset by the colonial division into separate states that occurred mostly after the First World War.
The project will follow a bottom-up approach, proceeding from daily life and practice and moving up to social and political movements. It will be source-driven, not theory-driven, while engaging critically with existing social and political theory. Its objective is to enrich the pool of concepts at the disposal of political science and sociology through a grounded historical analysis of social and political imaginaries in the Arab world.
This implies the search for new types of sources, specifically in order to document non-elite experiences and imaginaries. The crossing of a great variety of archival sources will bring into dialogue the different levels of discourse, activism and constraint linked to political action. Oral history will occupy a particularly important place within the research strategy, since it allows access to narratives of social groups which rarely leave written sources. Given the chronology of the project, this will entail the analysis of existing oral history archives, in addition to interviews with the remaining witnesses of the last two decades under study (1940s to 1960s). Poems, songs, ego-documents and self-narratives will constitute another source for the analysis of idioms of belonging, community and political action.
Deadline : April 30, 2024
About The University of Basel, Switzerland – Official Website
The University of Basel is a university in Basel, Switzerland. Founded on 4 April 1460, it is Switzerland’s oldest university and among the world’s oldest surviving universities. The university is traditionally counted among the leading institutions of higher learning in the country
The associated Basel University Library is the largest and among the most important libraries in the country. The university hosts the faculties of theology, law, medicine, humanities and social sciences, science, psychology, and business and economics, as well as numerous cross-disciplinary subjects and institutes, such as the Biozentrum for biomedical research and the Institute for European Global Studies. In 2020, the University had 13,139 students and 378 professors. International students accounted for 27 percent of the student body.
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