Utrecht University, Netherlands invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at Utrecht University, Netherlands.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD in Pharmacoepidemiology Methods (1.0 FTE)
Post-marketing safety monitoring of COVID-19 vaccines has been crucial in flagging relevant safety signals, as these vaccines were developed and distributed at unprecedented speed. Rapid safety evaluation studies test safety signals for causality, and regulatory instances rely on such early-stage observational studies to inform their policies. However, due to the novelty of the COVID-19 vaccine situation, it is unclear which approach would provide the optimal balance between speed and robustness. As a result, a variety of study designs and analytical methods have been applied to the same safety signal, yielding heterogeneous results and uncertainty about whether observed differences occur due to true variation between populations or due to varying levels of confounding or bias between designs.
Deadline : 13 January 2023
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD researcher modelling global sustainable consumption and production patterns (0.8 – 1.0 FTE)
We are looking for a colleague who enjoys working in a team and has strong analytical skills. Preferably you have experience in using models to explore research questions related to resource flows. In a period of 4 years, you will be able to do your PhD by contributing to the PICASSO project and the IMAGE model.
Deadline : 8 January 2023
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD on Value co-creation in AI developments in dementia care (1.0 FTE)
The Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development is offering a 4-year PhD position on co-creation of innovation pathways for humane technologies in preventive health and dementia. The vacancy is part of the ZonMw/NWO funded project QoLEAD external link (Quality of Life by use of Enabling AI in Dementia), and led by the Expertise Center for Dementia and Technology. The QoLEAD project is an interdisciplinary, multistakeholder collaboration of TU Eindhoven with Maastricht University, Alzheimer Nederland, JAIN-TIGNL, Radboud University, TUDelft, TNO, UMCG, Fontys HS, UT/Tranzo, Rotterdam HS, Utrecht University, Vilans, Avoord, Zonnehuisgroep Amstelland, Tante Louise, SVRZ Servicecentrum, UMCN/UKON, CZ and VGZ. In QoLEAD project partners will develop so-called warm technologies, which are technologies developed in citizen-led fieldlabs to help people with dementia living their lives as independent as possible. These fieldlabs start with what people themselves consider important.
Deadline : 15 January 2023
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD for research project ‘Algorithmization and transformation of work of academic medical professionals’ (1.0 FTE)
This project is part of the Gravitation programme Public Values in the Algorithmic Society (ALGOSOC). The Gravitation programme is an initiative by the Dutch government to support excellent research in the Netherlands. The funding is reserved for scientific consortia that have the potential to rank among the world’s best in their field. ALGOSOC is a response to the urgent need for an informed societal perspective on automated decision-making. Funded by the ministry for Education, Culture and Science for a period for 10 years, research in the ALGOSOC programme will develop a deep understanding of the systemic changes that automated decision making entails for core public institutions, for society, and for how public values are realized. The research will focus on three sectors: justice, health and media. The programme brings together researchers in law, communication science, computer science, media studies, philosophy, public governance, STS, economy and social sciences from five Dutch universities (Amsterdam, Utrecht, Tilburg, Delft and Rotterdam). Together, the ALGOSOC community will develop solutions for the design of governance frameworks needed to complement technology-driven initiatives in the algorithmic society.
Deadline : 16 January 2023
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(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD on Explaining and Contesting Automated Legal Decisions (1.0 FTE)
This project is part of the Gravitation programme Public Values in the Algorithmic Society (ALGOSOC) . The Gravitation programme is an initiative by the Dutch government to support excellent research in the Netherlands. The funding is reserved for scientific consortia that have the potential to rank among the world’s best in their field. ALGOSOC is a response to the urgent need for an informed societal perspective on automated decision-making. Funded by the ministry for Education, Culture and Science for a period for 10 years, research in the ALGOSOC programme will develop a deep understanding of the systemic changes that automated decision making entails for core public institutions, for society, and for how public values are realized. The research will focus on three sectors: justice, health and media. The programme brings together researchers in law, communication science, computer science, media studies, philosophy, public governance, STS, economy and social sciences from five Dutch universities (Amsterdam, Utrecht, Tilburg, Delft and Rotterdam). Together, the ALGOSOC community will develop solutions for the design of governance frameworks needed to complement technology-driven initiatives in the algorithmic society.
Deadline :16 January 2023
(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD on fairness of NLP-supported clinical decision-making process in healthcare (1.0 FTE)
This project is part of the Gravitation programme Public Values in the Algorithmic Society (ALGOSOC). The Gravitation programme is an initiative by the Dutch government to support excellent research in the Netherlands. The funding is reserved for scientific consortia that have the potential to rank among the world’s best in their field. ALGOSOC is a response to the urgent need for an informed societal perspective on automated decision-making. Funded by the ministry for Education, Culture and Science for a period for 10 years, research in the ALGOSOC programme will develop a deep understanding of the systemic changes that automated decision making entails for core public institutions, for society, and for how public values are realized. The research will focus on three sectors: justice, health and media. The programme brings together researchers in law, communication science, computer science, media studies, philosophy, public governance, STS, economy and social sciences from five Dutch universities (Amsterdam, Utrecht, Tilburg, Delft and Rotterdam). Together, the ALGOSOC community will develop solutions for the design of governance frameworks needed to complement technology-driven initiatives in the algorithmic society.
Deadline : 16 January 2023
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(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD on New Players in ADS-based Services in Healthcare (0.8 – 1.0 FTE)
This project is part of the Gravitation programme Public Values in the Algorithmic Society (ALGOSOC). The Gravitation programme is an initiative by the Dutch government to support excellent research in the Netherlands. The funding is reserved for scientific consortia that have the potential to rank among the world’s best in their field. ALGOSOC is a response to the urgent need for an informed societal perspective on automated decision-making. Funded by the ministry for Education, Culture and Science for a period for 10 years, research in the ALGOSOC programme will develop a deep understanding of the systemic changes that automated decision making entails for core public institutions, for society, and for how public values are realized. The research will focus on three sectors: justice, health and media. The programme brings together researchers in law, communication science, computer science, media studies, philosophy, public governance, STS, economy and social sciences from five Dutch universities (Amsterdam, Utrecht, Tilburg, Delft and Rotterdam). Together, the ALGOSOC community will develop solutions for the design of governance frameworks needed to complement technology-driven initiatives in the algorithmic society.
Deadline : 16 January 2023
(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in Ontology Enrichment using Intelligent Document Processing (1.0 FTE)
This position is a collaboration between the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) and Utrecht University (UU). You will be employed by UU and join the Software Technology for Learning and Teaching group of Professor Johan Jeuring. You will work under the daily supervision of Dr. Sergey Sosnovsky. During the project you will work in close collaboration with Freek Bomhof and Dr. Maaike de Boer from the Data Science Department of TNO. At TNO you will get the opportunity to contribute to several ongoing TNO projects developing and applying ontology engineering technologies in practical applications.
Deadline : 31 January 2023
(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in Advanced Deep Data-Driven Nowcasting Models (1.0 FTE)
Meteorological services worldwide experience an ever-increasing demand of nowcasts, i.e., forecasts with short lead-times with a high temporal and spatial resolution, and a high update frequency. Nowcasting tremendously impacts the socioeconomic needs of many industrial sectors which rely on weather-dependent decision-making. Furthermore, nowcasting applications have found their way to the broad public, making it a ubiquitous feature of modern, industrialized societies as is used for planning, organization and management of a wide range of both personal and economic aspects of life. Therefore, making accurate nowcasting is a crucial factor in many weather-dependent systems (such as in modelling energy consumption, power load forecasting, traffic networks, Renewable Energy, environmental modelling) for cost savings, efficiency, health, safety and organizational purposes.
Deadline : 9 January 2023
(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in Predictive Asset Maintenance using Operations Research and Machine Learning (1.0 FTE)
In this research project you will analyse datasets and investigate the degradation trends of components based on time series of measurements. You will be working towards accurately estimating the degradation of components and striving to predict when failures are likely to arise. For this, you will develop Remaining-Useful-Life (RUL) prognostics using machine learning algorithms and/or stochastic processes.
Deadline : 7 January 2023
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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position ‘Resisting Class-based Domination’ (4 years, 1.0 FTE))
The research project ‘Theorizing freedom from below’ starts from the assumption that theorizing freedom in a way that gains a critical grip on the social world requires rethinking freedom from below; that is by shifting the focus from the lived experience of freedom to the lived experience of slavery and other forms of domination – and the struggles against it. The classic republican ideal of the free – i.e. white, male property-owning – citizen serves as a guide to select relevant struggles: starting in the late 18th century, we will analyse resistance against race-based, gender-based and class-based domination through the work of activists and writers not commonly part of the philosophical canon. This approach not only enriches the phenomenological basis of normative theories of freedom. It allows us to investigate conceptual, methodological, and practical questions: How are freedom and resistance linked? Why does it matter at all from whose perspective abstract normative concepts are theorized? And how does this perspective bear on the practical role of philosophical theories of freedom in reproducing – or overcoming – unfreedom?
Deadline : 2 January 2023
(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position for the Odor-Based Selective Recognition of Veterinary Disease (OBSeRVeD) project (1.0 FTE)
Are you the PhD candidate that would like to apply knowledge and expertise for the development of an e-nose for use on poultry farms within the project Odor-Based Selective Recognition of Veterinary Disease (OBSeRVeD)? Do you have a strong affiliation with technical innovations as well as farm animal health? And would you like to work in a multidisciplinary team with other researchers from different universities and universities of applied sciences and in close collaboration with poultry farmers and farmers’ advisors, societal organisations and industrial partners? If the answer is yes to these questions, please look at the positions that we have to offer at Utrecht University and Wageningen University & Research.
Deadline : 2 January 2023
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(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position for the EU project ‘BioSecure’ (0.8 – 1.0 FTE)
The continuous threat of outbreaks of notifiable infectious diseases such as Avian Influenza in poultry and African Swine Fever in pigs, and zoonotic infections such as Salmonella and Campylobacter, stresses that taking biosecurity measures is important in livestock farming to minimise the risk of infectious microorganisms entering, establishing or spreading within and between farms and to humans. We are searching for a PhD candidate or postdoc that would like to contribute to enhanced and cost-effective biosecurity measures and tools in livestock production, especially in pig and poultry farming. Do you share our ambition to help reduce animal disease and public health risks? Do you have a strong affinity to farm animal health, welfare and sustainability? And would you like to work in a multidisciplinary international team of nineteen European partners with close collaborations between knowledge institutes and stakeholders to achieve this? If the answer is yes to these questions, please look at the positions that we have to offer at Utrecht University for the Horizon Europe-funded ‘BioSecure’ project.
Deadline : 2 January 2023
(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in 3D-printing of medicines (1.0 FTE)
Traditional pharmaceutical manufacturing is not capable to deliver personalized medications on a large scale. Especially for solid dosage forms, technological solutions to enable personalized therapy are in dire need. Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) 3D printing is a highly innovative manufacturing technology that can enable mass personalisation of medicines. In this project, you will develop and design enabling powders for taste masking and increased drug loading for SLS 3D printing. You will investigate the performance and properties of the novel powders and printed medicines and optimize both, powder manufacturing and 3D printing. You will develop dosage forms for individualised therapy of paediatric and adult patients to facilitate and speed up the translation of SLS 3D printing to clinical application.
Deadline : 2 January 2023
(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD in chemical biology approaches to study Protein Crotonylation (1.0 FTE)
Have you ever wondered why our proteome shows a higher degree of diversity and complexity compared to the genome? The answer is Post-translational modifications (PTMs)! PTMs can chemically modify proteins at any stage after translation and they nearly regulate the entire biology of a cell. Scientific evidence shows that aberrant states of PTMs are frequently implicated in human diseases. The research community has been aware of and interested in PTMs for decades but, in the past 10 years, the ability to detect and quantify these has changed rapidly to the point where new post translational modifications are continuously being discovered. Among the PTMs, ε-Lys Protein crotonylation (Kcr) was a recently discovered one and is the focus of this project. Kcr is involved in pathological conditions such as cancer, neuropsychiatric disorders, inflammation and cardiac disease, but, to date, it remains still unexplored. Kcr represents a truly unique and exciting experimental challenge since traditional genetic methods are not sufficient for its identification. However, chemistry offers an unprecedented solution to this unexplored biological problem which you will further explore!
Deadline : 2 January 2023
(16) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Multi-Messenger Astronomy and Astrophysics (1.0 FTE)
The consortium aims to study dense nuclear matter by combining information from multiple observational and experimental channels: gravitational waves emitted by binary neutron star mergers, the gamma ray bursts and “kilonova” afterglows caused by them, X-ray observations with NICER, radio observations of pulsars, nuclear physics experiments, and heavy-ion collisions in earth-based particle accelerators such as the Large Hadron Collider.
Deadline : 2 January 2023
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About Utrecht University, Netherlands – Official Website
Utrecht University is a public research university in Utrecht, Netherlands. Established 26 March 1636 (385 years ago), it is one of the oldest universities in the Netherlands. In 2018, it had an enrolment of 31,801 students, and employed 7,191 faculty and staff. In 2018, 525 PhD degrees were awarded and 6,948 scientific articles were published. The 2018 budget of the university was €857 million.
Utrecht University counts a number of distinguished scholars among its alumni and faculty, including 12 Nobel Prize laureates and 13 Spinoza Prize laureates. Utrecht University has been placed consistently in the top 100 universities in the world by prominent international ranking tables. The university is ranked the best university in the Netherlands by the Shanghai Ranking of World Universities 2019, ranking 13th in Europe and 49th in the world.
The university’s motto is “Sol Iustitiae Illustra Nos,” which means “May the Sun of Righteousness Enlighten Us”. This motto was gleaned from a literal Latin Bible translation of Malachi 4:2. Rutgers University, having historical connections with Utrecht University, uses a modified version of this motto.
Utrecht University is led by the University Board, consisting of prof. dr. Henk Kummeling (Rector Magnificus), prof. dr. Anton Pijpers (Chair) and prof. mr. Annetje Ottow (Vice Chair).
Close ties are harboured with other institutions internationally through its membership in the League of European Research Universities (LERU), the Utrecht Network and the European University Association (EUA).
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