Newcastle University, England invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at Newcastle University, England.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: NuAcT PhD studentship on Accessible Smart Sustainable Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure
The concerns over global warming, climate change, energy crisis, has called for electrification of the transport sector. However, there are still some unsolved challenges associated with EVs that are worth investigating. One of them is availability of smart and sustainable charging infrastructure for the EVs. Cities or urban areas will be the early adopters of EVs and so establishing Accessible, Smart and Sustainable Charging Infrastructure (ASSI) in the cities is important. Despite availability of considerable number of research works in this paradigm it is observed that none of them has solved the problem of developing charging infrastructure that is accessible, sustainable, as well as smart in nature. Hence, this proposal aims to delve into planning of ASSI in the context of cities. Thus, the key research question that will be addressed is how to make the charging infrastructure accessible, sustainable, and smart for cities? Specifically, the research will consider the following research objectives:
1. To formulate charging infrastructure planning and operation models considering power distribution as well as transport network
2. To develop tools for charger placement and charging scheduling
3. To propose intelligent algorithms for charging infrastructure planning
Deadline : 30th November 2023
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: NUAcT PhD studentship: Defining the role of histone 3 lysine 4 methyltransferases in the cellular response to hypoxia.
The supply of oxygen plays a key role in the regulation of cancer and immune cell function. This project will investigate how oxygen levels can control gene expression and the function of cancer and immune cells, with the aim of identifying new drug targets to treat cancer and neurodegenerative diseases. The cellular response to hypoxia (low oxygen) is critical to life and is primarily coordinated by a family of transcription factors known as Hypoxia Inducible Factors (HIFs). Hypoxia and HIF activation are prominent features in many diseases such as cancer and neurodegeneration, making the targeting of the HIF pathway therapeutically attractive. Although the activation of HIF in hypoxia is well characterised, a significant unanswered question is how HIF transcriptional specificity is controlled at the chromatin level. One mechanism could be through the HIF-dependent recruitment of specific chromatin remodelers. This project will investigate the role of histone modifying enzymes in the cellular response to hypoxia. You will use cutting-edge genetics and proteomics; including CRISPR, RIME, TurboID and chromatin immunoprecipitation to interrogate how chromatin modifying enzymes coordinate the HIF response and assess their functional impact on cancer and immune cell function.
Deadline : 1 November 2023
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Peter and Norah Lomas PhD Scholarship in Economics
Newcastle University Business School invites applications for a number of three-year PhD studentships for full-time students undertaking a PhD in Economics or Economic History, starting their studies in September 2024. The school particularly welcomes applications that are theoretical and/or quantitative and that are aligned with one or more of the following key research themes in economics:
- Economics of safety, health, environment, and risk
- Behavioural and experimental economics
- Labour, education, and health economics
- Macroeconomics, policies, and institutions in open economic systems
- Spatial, urban, regional, international, and industrial economics
- Applied time series econometrics
- Finance, financial economics, and financial econometrics.
Deadline : 5th December 2023
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD in Chemical Engineering: Developing Wearable Sensors to Improve Multimorbidity Care.
Our previous research focused on developing novel polymer-based sensors for COVID-19 detection and diagnosing cardiac conditions. Molecular imprinting was used to develop polymer receptors, which were immobilised onto screen-printed electrodes to facilitate accurate, rapid, and low-cost measurements. Your role will be to advance this research by adapting our sensing technology to monitor numerous biomarkers relevant to multimorbidity and integrate the sensor into a wearable device. This will involve polymer synthesis, characterisation techniques, electrochemistry, device fabrication, and gathering patient/clinical feedback.
Deadline : 30th November 2023
(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD studentship in Bayesian computational statistics – Monte Carlo methods for simulating from multimodal posteriors
In Bayesian inference, the posterior distributions often exhibit a multi-modal characteristic. It is a challenging problem to draw random realisations from such multimodal posteriors via traditional Monte Carlo methods, such as Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) which could get stuck in a local mode of the posterior. To tackle this challenge, methods based on ‘mode jumping’ or ‘space augmentation’ have been proposed in the literature.
The aim of this project is to develop a novel sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) method, based on space augmentation of continuous Markov chains. Convergence properties of the new SMC method will be studied as well.
This project will be supervised by Prof. Hongsheng Dai, and Dr. Murray Pollock. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to join the PINCODE project team, and work with Prof. Gareth Roberts at University of Warwick and Dr. Louis Aslett at Durham University.
Deadline : 19 February 2024
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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentship in Computer Science: Computational Neurology (Epilepsy)
We are seeking a highly motivated PhD student to develop computer models of the brain in order to optimise epilepsy treatments such as surgery and stimulation, and develop new treatments such as chronotherapy.
By using real-world patient data from EEG, MRI, wearable sensors, etc. the student will process the data, develop advanced analytic tools, and perform computer simulations of the treatments. The goal is to ultimately use these computer models and software tools to contribute to clinical decision making in collaboration with our partners in the NHS & med tech industry.
Deadline : 24 January 2024
(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentship in Computer Science: Trustworthy, Transparent, and Self-aware Autonomous Agent Systems
Autonomous agent systems have the promise to improve our lives with applications ranging from a swarm of drones in mission-critical tasks to sophisticated robots in care homes. To realise this potential, these systems need to be trustworthy (safe to employ by users), transparent (accountable for humans to scrutinise), and self-ware (capable of collaborating with other agents/humans), in particular, under an environment pervaded by uncertainty.
Deadline : 31 January 2024
(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentship in Computing: Software Security for Autonomous Systems (Robots)
We seek a highly motivated graduate to conduct research in software security for robots. Due to the complexity and autonomy of robot systems, traditional approaches to design security are not often sufficient to protect them.This PhD project aims at
- analysing security of robots software, including application layer and the operating system, to formally detect and repair software vulnerabilities, and
- enhancing security of robots with self-protection capabilities to autonomously protect them against attacks.
Deadline : 1 November 2023
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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentship in Cyber Security: Hardware and Embedded Systems Security for the Internet of Things
We are seeking candidates to develop hardware-assisted mechanisms for securing Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Relevant directions include:
· Enhancing CPU designs, e.g. RISC-V, to support instruction-level encryption and authentication.
· Methods for file-based and full-disk encryption, and establishing trust in constrained devices.
· Building ‘encryption by default’ into general and real-time operating systems (RTOSs), e.g. Linux and Zephyr.
The candidate will develop prototypes combining theory and practice; strong low-level skills (Assembly, C/C++/Rust) are essential. Experience in FPGA development, microcontrollers, and system security would be advantageous.
Deadline : 20 November 2023
(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD studentship in Geospatial Engineering: Continental hydrological surface loading deformation from GNSS observations.
Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) provide precise measurements of the Earth’s surface movements associated with a variety of geophysical phenomena such as plate tectonics and sea-level change.
GNSS-derived surface displacements times series are used to estimate the so-called secular linear velocities, under the assumption that tectonic plates move as rigid bodies. To what extent this assumption is correct directly affects our ability to construct accurately the spatial and temporal patterns of the Earth’s surface deformation.
One of the processes that challenge this assumption is related to crustal deformation due to fluctuations in terrestrial water storage. The seasonal exchange of water between the continents and the oceans generates changes in surface loading that causes elastic deformation of the Earth’s surface. This project will focus on using GNSS observations to characterize crustal deformation caused by the redistribution of water mass across a broad range of timescales, and assess how this affects our ability to estimate meaningful secular velocities of the Earth’s crust. This will also improve our understanding of the broad-scale continental hydrological signals.
Deadline : 26th January 2024
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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentship in Physics – Computing with electromagnetic waves.
We are looking for an outstanding student to do research in theoretical physics for the control of light-matter interactions using microwave and photonic structures including arbitrary manipulation of waves using metamaterials and metasurfaces. Postgraduate students at Newcastle University can also take part in a range of paid teaching activities, with training provided.
This PhD studentship is part of a recently awarded project from The Leverhulme Trust. The project will merge multiple expertise from Physics, Materials Science, Computing Science, Metamaterials, Photonics and Engineering. The successful candidate will join the Metamaterials and Plasmonics group as part of the Emerging Technologies and Materials group within the School of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics at Newcastle University.
Deadline : 31 January 2024
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(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentship in Planning/Landscape: The environmental impacts of housing development
Accelerating global urbanisation is having significant detrimental impacts on human and non-human species and environments. This is an intellectual and practical challenge in cities globally as governments struggle to meet the needs of growing populations with increasing demands on natural resources. Suites of concepts for environmental policy have been embraced by the planning profession to promote sustainable cities. However, most approaches have fault-lines: they separate ‘humans’ from ‘nature’ thus failing to account for mutual interdependence, and view land as a commodity to be owned and exploited, failing to recognise it as a vital resource for ecosystems and communities to flourish together. Recent concepts, like nature-based thinking and degrowth have shifted academic thinking towards more eco-centric approaches. However, the impact on policy and practice is limited.
Deadline : 9th January 2024
(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:PhD studentship in Stronger Shores: Using drones to monitor restoration success in important kelp and seagrass habitats
This is an exciting opportunity to develop novel drone, satellite and other remote methods for monitoring the restoration of important marine habitats, such as kelp and seagrass. Part of the ‘Stronger Shores’ project, you will develop new methods for mapping and evaluating the success of Nature-Based Solutions for coastal erosion, flood risk, climate change and biodiversity management. You will be an integral member of a strong team which includes Local Government, UK Government agencies, consultancies, NGOs and UK universities.
Deadline : 20th November 2023
(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD studentship in the Biosciences Institute: Neural circuits for auditory social cognition in nonhuman primates
Social cognition disorders, such as anxiety and autism spectrum disorders, can have a serious impact on an individual’s quality of life. However, the brain circuits underlying these disorders are still poorly understood, which has limited the development of effective treatments. Therefore, a robust preclinical model is needed to assess social and cognitive behavioural characteristics of individual animals, and to quantitatively assess phenotypic traits associate with social cognitive disorder that will enables us to target specific brain circuits to advance treatment options in selected animals.
This studentship will provide training in the development of comprehensive assessments to identify animals who exhibit phenotypic traits associated with social cognitive disorders (e.g., autism and anxiety). The student will develop viral vector approaches for neural tracing combined with fMRI and electrophysiology in the social brain circuits of macaque and marmoset brains.
The research has the potential to advance precision medicine approaches for social cognition disorders. The information obtained from this project could not only develop targeted treatments that are more likely to be effective on identified individual animals who are at high risk, but it will also greatly advance the 3Rs and animal welfare. The student will join a synergistic partnership between Newcastle University and partners in the UK, US, and Japan.
Deadline : 1 November 2023
(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentship in the Health Economics Group: The use of synthetic and/or real-world data within early economic modelling to guide the adaptive design process of controlled trials.
This project will investigate the use of synthetic controls and/or real-world data within early economic modelling and whether this in turn can help the adaptive design process of controlled trials.
Early economic modelling can be used to determine whether a technology has the potential to be cost effective early in its development cycle. Furthermore, they can inform where future research would be best undertaken to reduce decision uncertainty through a value of information analysis. The adaptive design of trials is a methodology aimed at improving the efficiency and increasing patient benefit from controlled trials. Traditional evidence generation via controlled trials is an expensive and lengthy business and HTA bodies such as NICE are developing frameworks for the incorporation of real-world data into decision-making. The use of synthetic data and/or real-world data in combination with early economic modelling to develop a framework for informing adaptive trial design may offer a more efficient way of conducting research.
Deadline : 23 November 2023
(16) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentship in the Translational and Clinical Research Institute: Digital Health Engagement and Behaviour Change
Are you interested in figuring out how digital interventions can have a significant impact on health and well-being? This PhD project will investigate how psychology and behavioural science concepts can be applied to improve engagement with digital and artificial intelligence health tools.
Digital tools are becoming an increasingly important tool in healthcare, but frequently fail to sustain sufficient user engagement to achieve their intended behavioural and health outcomes. Engagement is a multifaceted concept that includes affective, cognitive, and behavioural aspects, but is often overlooked or reduced to system usage in digital health evaluations.
In this PhD, you will examine how to incorporate psychological theory and insights from related fields into the design of digital interventions, investigate how and when such strategies should be incorporated to optimise user engagement with the intervention and target health-related behaviours and evaluate their impact on behavioural and health outcomes. You will learn to conduct systematic literature reviews, collect and analyse qualitative and quantitative data, and design and develop digital health interventions.
Deadline : 19th January 2024
(17) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentship: Social Sustainability in Livestock Supply Chains
The Agriculture, Food Systems and Rural Development directorate in the School of Natural and Environmental Sciences, Newcastle University, is offering a funded PhD studentship (home fees) to investigate the social sustainability and stakeholder expectations of livestock systems. The position is affiliated with the Applied Social Science Group at the Centre of Rural Economy (CRE).
The social aspects of livestock production systems, compared to environmental and economic aspects, are not always fully accounted for in the sustainability discourse. However, sustainability assessment is a critical step in supporting the attainment of sustainability goals in food systems. Social sustainability is defined at two levels: internal (farm and family) and external (society). These values are related to societal expectations, are constantly changing and are likely to vary across different species. This raises the questions of ‘are public and farmer valuation of different social sustainability criteria consistent?’ and ‘where are the key points of convergence and divergence?’. The successful candidate will shape a research project that robustly assesses social sustainability and stakeholder expectations of different livestock systems from multi-stakeholder perspectives. The project will combine quantitative and qualitative analytical methods. Enthusiasm for research, the ability to think and work independently, excellent analytical skills and strong verbal and written communication skills are also essential requirements. The ideal candidate will be comfortable with (or willing to learn) analytical software (e.g., STATA or R).
Deadline : 14th November 2023
About Newcastle University, England –Official Website
Newcastle University (legally the University of Newcastle upon Tyne) is a public research university based in Newcastle upon Tyne, North East England. It has overseas campuses in Singapore and Malaysia. The university is a red brick university and a member of the Russell Group, an association of research-intensive UK universities.
The university finds its roots in the School of Medicine and Surgery (later the College of Medicine), established in 1834, and the College of Physical Science (later renamed Armstrong College), founded in 1871. These two colleges came to form the larger division of the federal University of Durham, with the Durham Colleges forming the other. The Newcastle colleges merged to form King’s College in 1937. In 1963, following an Act of Parliament, King’s College became the University of Newcastle upon Tyne.
The university subdivides into three faculties: the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences; the Faculty of Medical Sciences; and the Faculty of Science, Agriculture and Engineering. The university offers around 175 full-time undergraduate degree programmes in a wide range of subject areas spanning arts, sciences, engineering and medicine, together with approximately 340 postgraduate taught and research programmes across a range of disciplines.The annual income of the institution for 2021–22 was £543.2 million of which £109.6 million was from research grants and contracts, with an expenditure of £624.3 million.
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