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17 PhD Degree-Fully Funded at Karolinska Institute, Sweden

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 The Karolinska Institute, Sweden invites online Application for number of  Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at The Karolinska Institute, Sweden

Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.


(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title:  PhD student – Single cell analysis of the developing and aging inner ear

We are seeking a highly motivated student with a strong bioinformatics background who is interested in using single-cell computational tools to better understand the complexity of cell types in various conditions, their potential interactions, and biological impacts in a whole organ. The candidate’s primary responsibility will be to establish pipelines for analyzing gene expression data from single-cell RNA-sequencing (Smartseq3xpress and 10X), spatial transcriptomics, and other platforms, including chromatin accessibility sequencing (ATAC-seq and multi-omics). The candidate will analyze cell-type-specific aging clock, GRNs, loss of gene-to-gene transcriptional coordination, and transcriptome imbalance, among other things, to make significant advances in the genetic regulation of complex organ emergence and senescence in mammals. The doctoral student will be employed on a funded studentship for a 4-year full-time position. The position will be based in the Lallemend lab at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, with internships in the laboratory of Prof. Matthew W. Kelley at NIH. For more information on Lallemend’s lab, please visit, and for information on Kelley’s lab at NIH, visit

Deadline : 22.Aug.2023

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(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral (PhD) student position in Neuroplasticity and regeneration

An intriguing feature of the nervous system is plasticity, the remarkable lifelong capacity to change and adapt in light of intrinsic and extrinsic stimuli. The doctoral project aims at providing a comprehensive understanding of the neuronal plasticity (mechanisms and structural changes) contribution to neuroprotection and regeneration of spinal networks after injury. Thus, the outlined research can deliver new, essential knowledge regarding the organization and dynamic adaptations of the adult spinal networks. The results are expected to have a substantial impact because the experiments are designed to lay the groundwork for the development of new, targeted treatments for SCI and other spinal neurodegenerative diseases.

Deadline : 15.Jul.2023

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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral (PhD) student position in Virus-Host interactions

Increasing evidence indicates the role of imbalanced immunometabolism in the virus-induced pathology. These cellular functions are regulated by post-translational modifications by ubiquitin and ubiquitin-like polypeptides (UbLs), such as ISG15. Interfering with the UbL-dependent processes through deconjugation is a powerful strategy used by the virus to dysregulate cell intrinsic defenses and promote infection. Viral proteases encoded by RNA viruses like the Coronavirus papain-like protease (PLpro) and Nairovirus OTU-like protease (Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever virus, CCHFV-L1 protein) has deubiquitinase (DUB) and deISGylase (DISG) activity, which can cause antiviral and metabolic reprogramming. We have previously studied the DUB activity of herpesvirus large tegument protein (Epstein-Barr virus, EBV-BPLF1; Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus, KSHV-ORF64). However, a knowledge gap persists in the mechanism of action of different classes of viral DUBs and DISGs.

Deadline : 15.Jul.2023

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(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral (PhD) student position in Molecular Aging

The hypothesis is that long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) contribute to pathological progeria hallmarks in the vascular wall and the development of cardiovascular disease. We will benefit from relevant progeria models and modern sequencing technologies, down to single-cell level, to identify lncRNAs in the in cardiovascular system. Antisense oligos will be used to validate potential lncRNAs for causal involvement in disease pathology and as therapeutic agents. The PhD student is expected to participate in the experimental design, experimentation, analysis, and  presentation/publication of research results. The research work includes standard molecular biological techniques, immunostainings, base scope, histology, cell culture, next generation applications for genome-wide analysis (single-cell and bulk sequencing), and digital droplet PCR. We use tissue samples from patients and model systems. The student is expected to be part of the group and to develop in accordance with the common group goals and research interests.

Deadline :13.Jul.2023

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(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: 

The PhD student joining our team will have the opportunity to develop innovative 3D imaging techniques under expert supervision. The project’s objectives are designed to foster the advancement of high-throughput 3D imaging to be used in basic research to increase our understanding of the central nervous system and enable practical applications in clinical diagnostics of tumor samples. The research aims include: 

Deadline : 30.Jun.2023

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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral (PhD) student in Translational Breast cancer research

The PhD studies correspond to 4 years of full-time studies. The research program for this PhD position will include analytical but also more practical work, as well as scientific writing and courses, seminars, and presentations. The overall objective of the PhD studies is to improve the prediction of who will develop metastatic disease and die from breast cancer by determining key tumor characteristics influencing this risk, using unique clinical trial cohorts with long-term follow-up. The goal is to already at diagnosis be able to improve the clinical management by identifying patients at high and low risk for fatal disease. We hypothesize and have previously shown that the early risk factors up to 10 years after diagnosis differ from the late or long-term risk factors for fatal breast cancer disease. Further, young (premenopausal) women have a worse prognosis as compared to older (postmenopausal) women and their risk is potentially also impacted by different factors. In addition, we have previously shown that intra- tumor heterogeneity of ER influences the risk of fatal breast cancer. Therefore as a continuation in these PhD studies, the aim is to determine the importance of intra-tumor heterogeneity down to single cell resolution, which now is also possible using spatial proteomics and novel image analysis methods that we will combine and develop further.

Deadline : 27.Jun.2023

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(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral studies in RNA-mediated DNA repair in cancer

Accumulating evidence reveals that RNA plays a key role in the regulation of DNA repair and genome stability. However, the underlying mechanism(s) remains poorly understood. The PhD student will perform research focused on RNA biology and DNA repair employing human cell lines as model system, including cells from patients with dyskeratosis congenita disorder. This project is designed not only to elucidate novel mechanisms underlying the regulation of genome stability via RNA, but also to provide new insights into the pathogenesis and treatment of associated diseases. A better understanding of the function and regulation of RNA in connection with DNA repair may pave the way for novel anti-cancer therapies based on restoring or blocking specific RNAs.

Deadline : 23 jun 2023

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(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral (PhD) student position in research on Covid-19 and mental health

The COVID-19 pandemic, and its resulting societal, behavioral and economic changes, have had widespread impacts on population health, including mental health. This doctoral project will investigate the mental health of individuals with COVID-19, their families, and the general population, both before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. We will use unique research materials, including register data, in Sweden, and will collaborate with international research groups from other Nordic countries and beyond. As a doctoral student, you are expected to lead the individual studies in the PhD thesis, including project coordination, study design, data collection, data analysis, manuscript writing, and result dissemination.  

Deadline : 22.Jun.2023

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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral (PhD) student position in genomic analyses of neurons

This PhD project is focused on investigating how alternative splicing is functionally affecting our brain. The project is to a large degree dependent on computational analyses of deep Smart-seq data from the brain to elucidate the extent and general rules for how splicing affects the brains cell types and functional connections. This has relevance for human disease. The candidate will handle large data and learn all aspects from sequencing technologies, bioinformatics, computational biology, experimental neuroscience, and exploring high-dimensional data for biological patterns.

Deadline : 21.Jun.2023 

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(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral (PhD) student position in Translational Cancer Metabolism

A cancer cell’s metabolism is very distinct from the normal cell it originates from. This rewiring of metabolism occurs because rapidly proliferating cells needs to generate new biomass to build a new cell.  The goal of this doctoral project is to identify new factors that are critical to drive non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) development and progression. The specific aim is to define differential gene expression patterns and to identify which metabolic states exists across NSCLC pathogenesis. Thus, the work will involve biopsy collection in the hospital and sample preparation for metabolomics, genomics and transcriptomics approaches, analysis of data, bioinformatics on the obtained data. Once this is established, validation and targeting of identified metabolic signatures/nodes will be experimentally tested in cell lines and mouse models.

Deadline : 21.Jun.2023 

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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student position in computational pathology

This PhD position will include both methods development and applied research in the area of computational pathology in cancer, where applications of computer vision, deep learning and machine learning methodologies are central. The research will include multiple data modalities, such as histopathology images, molecular profiling data, and clinical data. Under supervision, the PhD student will be responsible for literature review, model implementation, data analysis, result interpretation, scientific article writing and data presentation.

Deadline :16.Jun.2023

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(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral (PhD) student position in the project “Untangling mechanisms underlying mechano-translation”

The doctoral student will use newly developed large-scale approaches and algorithms to study how a repertoire of mechanisms determine patterns of mRNA translation in cancer depending on tissue composition. Many of the data sets will be generated in close collaboration with Staffan Strömblad (KI), who is an expert in mechanotransduction. The importance of the identified mechanisms for cancer phenotypes can then be evaluated and patient subgroups showing alterations in these mechanisms can be identified. These studies may thereby enable precision medicine approaches for cancer treatment.

Deadline : 15.Jun.2023

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(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doktorandplats Forskarskolan i hälsovetenskap (FiH)

Det aktuella forskningsprojektet syftar till att öka kunskapen och medvetenheten om etisk stress bland vårdpersonal på akuten samt utveckla en modell för att rutinmässigt hantera etisk stress. Projektet i sin helhet har potential att bidra till förbättrad arbetsmiljö på akutmottagningarna som ingår i studien. Mer specifikt är doktorandprojektet indelat i fyra delstudier där den första fokuserar på att undersöka förekomst och upplevelse av etisk stress hos olika vårdprofessioner på två akutmottagningar i Region Stockholm. Den andra delstudien avser att leverera en serie workshops på dessa akutmottagningar för att öka medvetenheten om etisk stress. Den tredje delstudien kommer undersöka hur arbetsplatserna för närvarande agerar vid händelse av etisk stress. För den fjärde delstudien kommer doktoranden att utveckla en modell för rutinmässig hantering av etisk stress utifrån resultaten i delstudierna 1-3. Flertalet kvantitativa och kvalitativa forskningsmetoder kommer att tillämpas för de olika delstudierna.

Deadline : 14/6/2023

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(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD position in Biostatistics

The successful applicant will work on the development and application of statistical models for studying breast cancer tumour progression, patient survival and mammography screening outcomes. The project will include analyses of data from large, detailed studies of breast cancer and mammography screening (with large-scale genetics and image data). The student will interact with other academic statisticians and with specialists in other fields, e.g. cancer epidemiology and screening.

Deadline : 13.Jun.2023

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(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral (PhD) student position in Uremia-induced cardiovascular complications and potential for novel therapeutics

As a doctoral student you will be involved in a project investigating different aspects of how and why chronic disease develops and is associated with several cardiovascular complications. The project includes epidemiological and experimental studies using both in vivo and ex vivo techniques to assess cardiovascular malfunctions and pathogenetic mechanisms involved, which could later be potentially targeted by novel therapeutics. As a doctoral student, you will carry out several different types of studies that will be associated with novel biomarkers and mechanisms, as well as screening of novel therapeutical agents. The overall goal of the research project is to better characterize the disease process and identify effective screening and treatment methods.

Deadline : 12.Jun.2023 

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(16) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD student position in tumor evolution and drug resistance

In this project we will use a technique called cell barcoding to identify efficient drug combinations to overcome metastatic heterogeneity in pediatric neuroblastoma. In cell barcoding a molecular barcode is inserted into cells’ genomes which makes it possible to monitor thousands of tumor subclones simultaneously and see how they evolve as they respond to drugs. We use this to identify and characterize cell populations that survive standard of care treatment, and to identify drugs specifically targeting those cell populations – a concept we have termed Precision Lethality.

Deadline : 12.Jun.2023

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(17) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral (PhD) student position in Multi-scale modelling and multimodal brain imaging in Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is highly heterogeneous regarding the onset, characterization, and progression of symptoms, and individual disease trajectories often diverge even when clinical symptoms are initially typical. This PhD project offers a strong, unique, and highly realistic potential to advance the understanding of how the neurodegenerative progression in Parkinson’s disease influences functional brain activity that manifests as clinical symptoms. This field is now at a critical window of opportunity, where the imaging technology (e.g., on-scalp MEG) and powerful modelling infrastructures (e.g., TVB, EBRAINS) are both available to enable this study, while MEG-based neuromarkers (on-scalp MEG-based neuromarkers in particular) are highly under-explored opportunities. To advance the mechanistic understanding of PD, the doctoral student will be tasked to apply a personalized medicine approach where functional magnetoencephalography (MEG) recordings of PD patients’ brain activity are combined and modelled together with structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron emission tomography imaging (PET), deep brain stimulation (DBS), pharmacological treatment and clinical symptom assessments. Within the doctoral project, the student will develop computational multi-scale models that predict the individual treatment effects, symptom manifestations and disease progression from structural and neurochemical changes on functional brain dynamics, using e.g. the Virtual Brain (TVB) neuroinformatics platform.

Deadline : 12.Jun.2023

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About The Karolinska Institute, Sweden – Official Website

The Karolinska Institute sometimes known as the (Royal) Caroline Institute in English is a research-led medical university in Solna within the Stockholm urban area of Sweden. The Nobel Assembly at the Karolinska Institute awards the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. The assembly consists of fifty professors from various medical disciplines at the university. The current rector of Karolinska Institute is Ole Petter Ottersen, who took office in August 2017.

The Karolinska Institute was founded in 1810 on the island of Kungsholmen on the west side of Stockholm; the main campus was relocated decades later to Solna, just outside Stockholm. A second campus was established more recently in Flemingsberg, Huddinge, south of Stockholm.

The Karolinska Institute is Sweden’s third oldest medical school, after Uppsala University (founded in 1477) and Lund University (founded in 1666). It is one of Sweden’s largest centres for training and research, accounting for 30% of the medical training and more than 40% of all academic medical and life science research conducted in Sweden.

The Karolinska University Hospital, located in Solna and Huddinge, is associated with the university as a research and teaching hospital. Together they form an academic health science centre. While most of the medical programs are taught in Swedish, the bulk of the PhD projects are conducted in English. The institute’s name is a reference to the Caroleans.



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