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17 Postdoctoral Fellowship at NTNU, Norway

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NTNU, Norway invites online Application for various Postdoctoral Fellowship in their different Departments. We are providing a list of Postdoc Fellowship positions available at NTNU, Norway.

Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.


(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title:  Postdoctoral Fellow in Solid Insulation Systems under Power Electronics Converter Stresses

The postdoctoral fellowship position is a temporary position where the main goal is to qualify for work in senior academic positions.

The Department of Electric Energy (IEL) at NTNU has a vacancy for a full-time 100% position as a Postdoctoral Fellow within the field of degradation and breakdown in solid insulation systems under power electronics converter stresses.

During the last decades power electronic converters (PECs) have been introduced to control and transform electric power – and permeate society for numerous applications: zero-emission transport, renewable energy, and transmission. The PEC is a key technology to succeed with the electrification of society and reach the climate goals set out by the EU and UN.

PECs function as on/off switches, resulting in sharp-edged square wave voltages with a high repetition rate. These sharp voltage flanks introduce different stress distributions internally in components and can induce or accelerate degradation and lead to premature breakdown. The SwoP (Impact of switched voltage waveforms on power components and grids) project will develop methods to measure, characterize, and predict the increased stresses and accelerated degradation of power components exposed to fast PECs.  Failure modes in electrical insulation will typically be partial discharges (PD), i.e., small local sparks that degrade insulation, and dielectric heating. PD measurements are feasible for quality assurance and factory assessment testing, as it identifies potential defects. However, there is no good documentation of the correlation between PD level and life expectancy. Performing ageing studies along with diagnostics (e.g., PD and dielectric spectroscopy) gives insight into the relevance and information that could be derived from PD measurement. This should be combined with analysis of the mechanical and chemical material deterioration that leads to decreased electric withstand strength. To manufacture novel and lightweight insulation systems for electric propulsion and renewable energy generation, knowledge is thus needed on degradation mechanisms and suitable insulation materials under PEC stresses.

Deadline : 26th February 2024

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(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc summary/title: Postdoctoral fellow in Cardiovascular Biomechanics

The postdoctoral fellowship position is a temporary position where the main goal is to qualify for work in senior academic positions.

Do you have a passion for biomechanics and biomedical engineering? Do you want to use your skills and knowledge to make a difference in cardiovascular health? Do you enjoy working in a stimulating and collaborative research environment? If you answered yes to these questions, then you might be the perfect fit for our team!

We are the Biomechanics group at the Department of Structural Engineering at NTNU in Trondheim. The position will be organized under the group’s activities related to cardiovascular modelling headed by Professor Leif Rune Hellevik. We develop computational models of the cardiovascular system to help diagnose, manage, and treat cardiovascular diseases. Our projects (MyMDT, ENTHRAL, atherosclerosys) cover various aspects of cardiovascular modeling. We use methods from 0D/1D to FSI, with techniques for parameter estimation, optimization, uncertainty quantification, and sensitivity analysis. We also work closely with researchers from St. Olavs University Hospital and the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences in Trondheim.

Deadline : 16th February 2024

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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow in Production & Supply Chain Management in energy sector

This postdoctoral position is funded by the European project H2GLASS on “advancing Hydrogen (H2) technologies and smart production systems TO decarbonize the GLass and Aluminum SectorS” and will involve internationally renowned research institutes and industries. You will work in collaboration with SINTEF Energy.

We are looking for you who want to contribute to the development of new knowledge in production and supply chain management within the energy sector. You will develop and create new knowledge on how to use digital twin models to represent the correlations between the process parameters and process performance indexes, up to the supply chain level. In H2GLASS project, through the collaboration with the other partners, process parameters will be collected in real time during production and the process performance will be predicted dynamically using the developed digital twin models. Multi-objective optimization will be conducted to seek optimized process parameters (for smart production planning and control) for achieving best overall performance at production site and supply chain level. Maintenance models will be also integrated in the process planning and optimization logic.

The research will be closely integrated with the group’s research in other sectors, and it will be linked to the Logistics 4.0 Lab, Norway’s first logistics laboratory that merges digital technologies with traditional production and logistics systems, enabling researchers, practitioners, engineers, pioneers, students, and other enthusiasts to come together and collaborate on common ground.

Deadline : 15th February 2024

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(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Researcher

We are excited to announce a job opening for the position of Researcher at the Neurophotonics lab ( ) at the Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience, NTNU, Norway. This position involves establishing the optical lab and developing portable photonic devices for brain imaging. The lab is located at the prestigious Kavli Institute at NTNU in Trondheim. As a researcher, you will be trained by the group leader in optical and electronic design, microscope assembly, and support the system operation and maintenance within the lab. You will report directly to Dr. Weijian Zong.

The Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience, designated as a Kavli Foundation Institute in 2007, aims to understand neural circuits and systems in the cortex and identify neural-population mechanisms underlying high-level cognitive functions. Dr. Zong established his group at the Kavli Institute in late 2023, focusing on developing cutting-edge optical tools to monitor and manipulate neural activity in naturally-behaving animals. Dr. Zong’s recent achievement includes the development of a miniature portable 2-photon miniscope (MINI2P) for high-resolution multiplane imaging of thousands of neurons in the cortical tissue of freely-moving mice (W. Zong et al., Cell, March 2022).

Deadline : 11th February 2024

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(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title:      Postdoctoral Fellow in LCA of green energy infrastructure for coastal shipping

The postdoctoral fellowship position is a temporary position for two years, where the main goal is to qualify for work in senior academic positions.

Your work tasks will be within our new research project REFUEL, which is funded by the research council and 9 industrial partners. Through this project, you can contribute to making green energy a realistic alternative for the coastal fleet. The aim of this project is implementation of zero emission and low carbon solutions for this fleet, and to find solutions that are also applicable to other geographical areas and other ship types.

You will be working closely with a team of 4 PhD candidates, 3 professors and researchers, and representatives from the industry partners. The partners cover the whole value chain from production of zero emission fuel to implementation on board a vessel. As a member of the project, you will also participate in reporting and publishing of the work at conferences and in scientific journals. Your working place will be at NTNU Ålesund. At our department, you will be part of a large international research group, counting more than 40 PhD candidates.  

Deadline : 11th February 2024

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(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Fellowship on using digital tools for routine care during health emergencies

We have a vacancy at the Department of Health Sciences in Ålesund (IHA) for a postdoctoral research fellow in the field of evidence synthesis to understand the impacts of digital tools, such as interactive telemedicine and simplified communication technologies, to support routine care for chronic conditions during health emergencies. The period of employment is for 2.5 years (100%).

The position is linked to the three-year interdisciplinary RAPIDE (Regular and unplanned care adaptive dashboard for cross-border emergencies) European project. Funded by the EU’s Horizon Europe programme, RAPIDE aims to develop, validate and demonstrate a portfolio of tools that support healthcare systems to make robust decisions, enhance the resilience of health care professionals and patients, and provide flexibility in the modalities of care delivery, thereby maintaining access to regular care during health emergencies. NTNU is a partner in this project and Prof. Simon Lewin and Assoc Prof. Mads Solberg represent the Department of Health Sciences in Ålesund in this project.

Deadline : 8th February 2024

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(07) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoktor innen Samskaping og ledelse innen kommunal sektor

Postdoktorstillingen er en 2-årig kvalifiseringsstilling der hovedmålet er å kvalifisere for arbeid i vitenskapelige toppstillinger.

Har du lyst til å være med i et spennende team for å utvikle nye ledelseskompetanser og -verktøy som har implikasjoner for politiske og administrative ledelsesprosesser i kommunal sektor?

Sammensatte samfunnsproblemer kaller på radikalt nye former for samskaping mellom mange typer aktører. Samskapingsbegrepet brukes ofte pragmatisk, uten at forventninger til prosess eller effekter er tydelig avklart opp mot ansvar, styring, ledelse, strategi eller politiske prosesser. ​Dagens politisk-administrative system er fortsatt lite hensiktsmessig innrettet mot å mobilisere samskaping i praksis. Ulike styringslogikker anvendes ofte parallelt, noe som gjør at politiske og administrative ledere i kommunene møtes med legitime, men også motsetningsfylte og krevende forventninger om samtidig å skulle styre og involvere, og mellom å legitimere og stå til ansvar for beslutninger. Dette utfordringsbildet er lite utforsket og konkretisert med tanke på utvikling av ny ledelsespraksis i kommunene.

Deadline : 6. februar 2024

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(08) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-doc Fellow in Fault Detection, Isolation and Recovery for Distributed-Parameter Systems

The postdoctoral fellowship position is a temporary position where the main goal is to qualify for work in senior academic positions.

As companies accumulate increasingly large amounts of data to monitor and potentially enhance performance across various facets of their business, there is a growing need for methods that automate data analysis and subsequent decision-making processes. The objective of this post-doctoral research project is to develop general methods for Fault Detection, Isolation, and Recovery (FDIR) in systems governed by hyperbolic partial differential equations.

Hyperbolic PDEs model processes such as flow in pipes, water/gas distribution networks, power grids, irrigation channels, and road traffic—essentially, systems with transport phenomena and delays. A challenge in estimating parameters and states, as well as controlling these systems, arises from the fact that measurements and actuations are typically confined to the boundaries of the domain. This limitation is evident in scenarios like oil well drilling, where sensing and actuation occur on the rig, while potential faults that may threaten the safety of personnel, equipment integrity, and the environment, occur kilometers away near the bottom of the well. Examples of applications relevant to this project’s FDIR focus include the detection and localization of washout (a leak between the drill string and

Deadline : 5th February 2024

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(09) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Researcher within synthesis and functionalisation of nano carriers for delivery of CRISPR/Cas

Ugelstad Laboratory ( is the group of colloid and polymer chemistry at Department of Chemical Engineering ( Our research covers a range of fundamental and applied research within this field and we are active within topics such as characterisation of multiphase dispersions and interfaces, surfactants and biopolymers, particle synthesis, gas flotation and multiphase flow in porous media.

Currently, we have a vacant researcher position within synthesis and functionalisation of nano carriers for environmental delivery of CRISPR/Cas. The research will be part of the Nano4CRISPR project coordinated by NORCE. The main goal in our part of the project will be to develop and characterize nanoCRISPR conjugates that will be tested in other parts of the project.

Deadline : 4th February 2024

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(10) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow in Psychology

The Department of Psychology announces a postdoctoral position for a period of 2 years – The postdoctoral fellowship position is a temporary position where the main goal is to qualify for work in senior academic positions. 

The Department of Psychology currently has approximately 1300 students and more than 140 employees. The Department holds a large and diverse research community covering a variety of disciplines within psychology. We offer a study program in clinical psychology in addition to studies at bachelors-, masters- and PhD level. The Department has three outpatient clinics that offer outpatient treatment as part of the educational program in clinical psychology. The Department participates in extensive local, national, and international research collaborations.

Deadline : 1st February 2024

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(11) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral researcher in environmental psychology

The Department of Psychology (NTNU) has a vacancy for a three-year postdoctoral researcher in environmental psychology in the research project CIRCLEUP. This position is funded by the European Commission through the EU’s Horizon Europe programme and is available from May 2024. 

The Department of Psychology currently has approximately 1300 students and more than 140 employees. The Department holds a large and diverse research community covering a variety of disciplines within psychology and offers a study programme in clinical psychology in addition to studies at bachelors-, masters- and PhD level. The Department has three outpatient clinics that offer outpatient treatment as part of the educational programme in clinical psychology. The Department participates in extensive local, national and international research collaborations. Our research ambition is to be internationally and nationally leading in various disciplines of psychology. 

The position is part of an exciting, interdisciplinary H2020 research project “CIRCLEUP” (100 Households, 100 Circular Stories: Inspiring Sustainable Living in Europe). 

Deadline : 31st January 2024

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(12) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral fellow: “Fourier Methods and Multiplicative Analysis” (Fourmula)

The postdoctoral fellowship position is a temporary position where the main goal is to qualify for work in senior academic positions.

The position is part of the project “Fourier Methods and Multiplicative Analysis” (Fourmula) funded by the Research Council of Norway through its programme for ground-breaking research (FRIPRO). The proposal consists of three topics: (A) Analysis on the Riemann zeta function, (B) multiplicative analysis, and (C) Fourier interpolation and quasicrystals. Parts (B) and (C) represent emerging fields of analysis and are interconnected via their link to part (A).

The core team of Fourmula consists of Professors Eugenia Malinnikova and Kristian Seip, and Associate Professors Andriy Bondarenko, Sigrid Grepstad, and Karl-Mikael Perfekt. Professor Seip is the Principal Investigator of the project.

Deadline : 31st January 2024

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(13) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow – to identify factors responsible for becoming addicted to Internet gaming

The position will be part of the ongoing longitudinal Trondheim Early Secure Study (TESS). The main focus of TESS is to identify risk and protective factors for the development of mental health problems in children, adolescents, and young adults, and to describe and explain their psychosocial development. In TESS, 1,000 children and their parents have been assessed biennially from when the children were 4 years until they now are 18. The participants will be reassessed when they are 20 and 22 years. The aim of the present postdoc project is to identify factors responsible for becoming addicted to Internet gaming, in particular, why some dedicated gamers become addicted to gaming whereas others do not. The project is rooted in a bio-psycho-social understanding of gaming, implying that factors at differing levels will be considered (e.g., personality, cognition, mental health, parents and family, peer relations, and school factors). 

The Department of Psychology has approximately 1,300 students and 140 employees. A wide range of research is conducted at the Department, and we offer studies at the bachelor, master, licensed psychologist, and Ph.D. levels. The TESS research group comprises about 30 persons in various positions: professors, associate professors, post-docs, Ph.D. scholars, and research assistants, and has extensive research cooperation nationally and internationally. 

Deadline : 31st January 2024

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(14) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow in experiments and CFD on evaporation

The postdoctoral fellowship position is a temporary position where the main goal is to qualify for work in senior academic positions. The period of employment of this position is 4 years. The position will be in the Thermodynamics group at the Department of Chemistry at NTNU.

The PostDoc will be part of the ERC project Interlab, “Unravelling the fundamentals of transport across the vapor-liquid interface”. Transport of energy and particles across vapor-liquid interfaces is central for growth of rain drops in the atmosphere, evaporation from lakes, distillation columns, development of micro/nano-fluidic devices and much more. The objective of InterLab is to develop theory and methods to reproduce evaporation rates from steady-state experiments with water and octane within an accuracy of 10%. To reach its objectives, InterLab must fill major knowledge gaps in the fundamental understanding of transport across vapor-liquid interfaces.

The PostDocoral fellow will be involved in designing two experimental facilities for this purpose, perform steady-state evaporation experiments, where some also include Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) and compare the experimental results to calculations from computational fluid dynamics (CFD) that include the details of the interfacial transport.

Deadline : 28th January 2024

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(15) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow on multi-scale and through process modelling of aluminium alloys

Development of new alloys and products in industry is to a large extent based on trial-and-error experimental approaches, which is both costly and time consuming. This becomes more critical for the metal and manufacturing industries, with application of more recycling-based metals in the production cycles and with the broader application of AM technology. To realize such computation-engineering-based alloy and product development, a series of through-scale and through-process physical models are necessary. More importantly, a full and effective coupling between individual microstructure, processing and property models must be achieved.

Deadline : 28th January 2024

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(16) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Researchers in Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience

There are a number of cyber test ranges available (including in Europe) but the federated approach and advanced cyber physical test range capability are two elements of the FACT project which makes it disruptive and unique. The focus on Operational Technology (OT) is increasing when it comes to military systems, and the cyber physical aspect is thus of greatest importance for the FACT project. Military platforms are not easily transferable to a relevant location for test. However, the federated approach in the FACT project will allow the physical part to be implemented at more than one location, and still make use of the full capability of the partners capabilities during the testing. To ensure that the equipment is used and has a required level of protection, the FACT project will design, prototype and demonstrate a federated cyber physical test capability which can be maintained and become a sustained capability to the European nations after the project. Our approach is fully user-centric, with the end-user’s needs as the starting point for the whole capability and every consideration. Examples of test scenario setups where the federated aspect of FACT is an advantage are numerous: larger partners wanting to cooperate in larger system deliveries, smaller companies cooperating with several partners within their complimentary field of expertise, sharing vulnerabilities and mitigating actions on equipment across partners and nations for shortening time to market.

Deadline : 26th January 2024

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(17) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellows in Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience

There are a number of cyber test ranges available (including in Europe) but the federated approach and advanced cyber physical test range capability are two elements of the FACT project which makes it disruptive and unique. The focus on Operational Technology (OT) is increasing when it comes to military systems, and the cyber physical aspect is thus of greatest importance for the FACT project. Military platforms are not easily transferable to a relevant location for test. However, the federated approach in the FACT project will allow the physical part to be implemented at more than one location, and still make use of the full capability of the partners capabilities during the testing. To ensure that the equipment is used and has a required level of protection, the FACT project will design, prototype and demonstrate a federated cyber physical test capability which can be maintained and become a sustained capability to the European nations after the project. Our approach is fully user-centric, with the end-user’s needs as the starting point for the whole capability and every consideration. Examples of test scenario setups where the federated aspect of FACT is an advantage are numerous: larger partners wanting to cooperate in larger system deliveries, smaller companies cooperating with several partners within their complimentary field of expertise, sharing vulnerabilities and mitigating actions on equipment across partners and nations for shortening time to market.

Deadline : 26th January 2024

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About NTNU- Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway- Official Website

The Norwegian University of Science and Technology  is a public research university in Norway with the main campus in Trondheim and smaller campuses in Gjøvik and Ålesund. The largest university in Norway, NTNU has over 8,000 employees and over 40,000 students. NTNU in its current form was established by the King-in-Council in 1996 by the merger of the former University of Trondheim and other university-level institutions, with roots dating back to 1760, and has later also incorporated some former university colleges. NTNU is consistently ranked in the top one percentage among the world’s universities, usually in the 101–500 range depending on ranking.

NTNU has the main national responsibility for education and research in engineering and technology, and is the successor of Norway’s preeminent engineering university, the Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH), established by Parliament in 1910 as Norway’s national engineering university. In addition to engineering and natural sciences, the university offers higher education in other academic disciplines ranging from medicine, psychology, social sciences, the arts, teacher education, architecture and fine art. NTNU is well known for its close collaboration with industry, and particularly with its R&D partner SINTEF, which provided it with the biggest industrial link among all the technical universities in the world. The university’s academics include three Nobel laureates in medicine, Edvard Moser, May-Britt Moser and John O’Keefe.


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