University of Copenhagen, Denmark invites online Application for various Postdoctoral Fellowship in their different Departments. We are providing a list of Postdoc Fellowship positions available at University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: 14 postdoctoral fellowships to the BRIDGE – Translational Excellence Programme
Deadline : 28 February 2024
(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title: Postdoc in Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry at the Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology
We are looking for a highly motivated and dynamic postdoc for a 18-months position commencing 1 April 2024 or as soon as possible hereafter. The successful candidate will develop new pretargeted imaging aiming to quantify the target binding of monoclonal antibodies.
Deadline : 31-01-2024
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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in RNA biology and Epitranscriptomics
Cell identity and functional outcomes are defined by gene expression programs. Parts of these are shaped by regulatory non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs), which reorganize the genome and modulate transcriptional output. The Sandelin group with collaborators have a large experience in this area, defining enhancer RNAs, bidirectional RNAs at promoter and their biogenesis and decay, eg. Andersson (Nature 2014), Chen (Nature Genetics 2016), Lloret-Llinares (NAR 2018), Thieffry (Plant Cell 2020 and 2022). However an underexplored aspect of ncRNAs is their regulation via chemical modification of their bases and how these modulate RNA stability and localization. Using novel sequencing technologies, it is now possible to profile such modifications, but this has so far been restricted to mRNAs. This postdoc position, as part of a Villum experiment grant, will aim to develop a method for capturing both protein coding RNAs and ncRNAs and assess their epitranscriptomic status using Nanopore sequencing. This method will then be used to assess different CRISPR engineered cells to dissect how chemical marks regulate RNA abundance across coding and ncRNAs. The candidate will be supervised by Dr. Jamie Auxillos and co-supervised by Prof. Albin Sandelin.
Deadline : 10-01-2024
(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral fellowship in Theoretical Computer Science
These are full-time research positions. Teaching of advanced courses is encouraged but not required. Travel funding is included, and the group also receives visitors on a regular basis. The University of Copenhagen is currently expanding strongly in computer science. We expect to have tenure-track openings in theoretical computer science in the near future, and welcome postdoctoral researchers interested in exploring such opportunities. The University wishes our staff to reflect the diversity of society and thus welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background.
Deadline : 10-01-2024
(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral fellowship in Theoretical Computer Science
These are full-time research positions. Teaching of advanced courses is encouraged but not required. Travel funding is included, and the group also receives visitors on a regular basis. The University of Copenhagen is currently expanding strongly in computer science. We expect to have tenure-track openings in theoretical computer science in the near future, and welcome postdoctoral researchers interested in exploring such opportunities. The University wishes our staff to reflect the diversity of society and thus welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background.
Deadline : 10-01-2024
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(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Computational Biology at the Cardiac Genetics Group Department of Biomedical Sciences
Our research aims are to understand cardiac arrhythmias and structural heart diseases through genetics. In recent years we have also focused on the relationship between structural cardiac disease and vascular function. In this project we will investigate the genetics behind such interactions. The ideal candidate has a strong interest in learning and applying new bioinformatics techniques, and has a strong publication record in within genetics and human disease in high-level international scientific journals. An interest in teaching and mentoring is also diseasble, as you will be expected to contribute towards the departments teaching activities and supervision of BSc, MSs and PhD students within the group. We are thus looking for an ambitious and enthusiastic scientist with the following skills and experiences:
Deadline : 01-01-2024
(07) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc of Integrated quantum optomechanical devices
Optomechanical devices have attracted intense interests in quantum technologies in recent years. There are many different optomechanical devices featured with different merits. This project is going to include the concept of topology to the design of integrated optomechanical devices. The major goals are, but are not limited to minimization of structure disorder’s influence on devices’ performance, improvement of optomechanical coupling, and pushing the optomechanical devices for quantum transduction. The device material platform is planned to be gallium phosphide or others if elligible. Applicants with experimental experience in integrated optical or mechanical devices are encouraged to apply. Specific experiences in nanofabrication, optical or mechanical simulation, and topological theory will be appreciated.
Deadline : 31-12-2023
(08) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellowships at the Cosmic Dawn Center
The Cosmic Dawn Center (DAWN) invites applications for the DAWN Post-doctoral Fellowships. The fellowships are intended for outstanding early career scientists whose research expertise falls within DAWN’s research themes: high-redshift galaxy evolution, epoch of re-ionization, first stars, black holes and galaxies, dust and ISM in the early universe, the formation and evolution of elements in explosive cosmic transients, and dark matter. DAWN Fellows are expected to pursue their own independent, cutting-edge research programs, either in theory or observations. DAWN is a Center of Excellence funded by the Danish National Research Foundation (DNRF) and located at the Niels Bohr Institute (NBI), University of Copenhagen (UCPH) and at the Space division of the Danish Technical University (DTU-Space). Additionally, the center has a number of associate members at major research institutes across Europe, North America, and Australia. DAWN brings together experts in all aspects of early universe galaxy evolution and is deeply involved in major existing and upcoming surveys with e.g., HST, ALMA, Euclid and JWST, as well as cosmological and zoom in simulations. DAWN is also home to the HEAVYMETAL project, funded by the European Research Council, which aims to understand the nuclear and astrophysical origin of the heaviest elements in neutron star mergers.
Deadline : 10-12-2023
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(09) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in the field of modelling Aerosol-Cloud interactions
Two year postdoctoral research position in the field of modelling Aerosol-Cloud interactions. Jointly the Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management (IGN) and Niels Bohr Institute (NBI) at the University of Copenhagen, seeks applicants for a Postdoctoral position under the supervision of Associate Professor Christian Bjerrum (IGN) and Professor Markus Jochum (NBI) in the area of modelling Aerosol-Cloud interactions. The motivation is to explore biosphere induced Aerosol-Cloud interactions through Earth history. The postdoctoral scholar’s interests as related to both present day and ancient systems can be used to design and tailor specific research questions.
Deadline : 06-12-2023
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(10) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: DARK Postdoctoral Fellowships, Niels Bohr Institute
We are seeking several postdoctoral fellows for a new comprehensive project on “Time in Astrophysics,” leveraging new facilities in transient astrophysics (notably LSST) and galaxy evolution (notably JWST), while also addressing fundamental theoretical questions, partly based on advances in computation. DARK is a research unit within the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen. DARK Fellowships are postdoc positions for scientists intending to conduct independent research in various areas, including the discovery of transients (with YSE, LSST) and follow-up observations (with MAAT, VLT, JWST), gravitational waves and kilonovae, supernova cosmology, cosmological tensions, high-redshift galaxies with JWST, gravitationally lensed transients, statistical mechanics of gravitational structures, and galaxy formation theory. DARK Fellows are also invited to participate in art and science projects and collaborate with other academic areas related to the concept of time. They are encouraged to work with faculty and junior professors at DARK and will have access to a range of international observing facilities, computing facilities, and an assortment of international collaborations. Interaction with scientists at other research centers is also encouraged.
Deadline : 04-12-2023
(11) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in brain resilience to heat at The Department of Neuroscience
We are a systems neuroscience laboratory focusing on understanding the mechanisms by which neural circuits and behaviors are affected by stress ( Our expertise includes behavioral assays, in vivo calcium imaging of large populations of neurons (2 photon & light sheet microscopy), opto/chemogenetics, and neuronal tracing. We use transparent, transgenic larval zebrafish as a vertebrate model amenable to whole brain imaging at cellular resolution in vivo. You will work directly with Associate Prof. Florence Kermen and in close collaboration with other team members. Frequent scientific and social events at the institute contribute to a collaborative and enjoyable work atmosphere. We are located in beautiful and well-connected Copenhagen.
Deadline : 03-12-2023
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(12) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in cosmochemistry at Globe Institute, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen
We are looking for a highly motivated postdoc, with a strong background in mass spectrometry applied to inorganic chemistry and ideally with experience in handling astromaterials, who is ready to commence for a 2-year position from 1 March 2024 or as soon as possible thereafter. The position will be based at the Centre for Star and Planet Formation (StarPlan) within the Globe Institute, University of Copenhagen. Information on the department can be found at: . The position is funded by the Villum Young Investigator grant “EXPRICE: Extraterrestrial proxies for icy pebble delivery towards a habitable Earth” awarded to Elishevah van Kooten. This project aims to understand the origin and evolution of pebble-sized astromaterials that contain a rich prebiotic inventory and bombarded the Hadean Earth during the era that was essential to set the stages for the origin of life.
Deadline : 03-12-2023
(13) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc, “Synthetic spectra of exoplanet atmospheres with and without biological activity, Niels Bohr Institute
We seek candidates for a postdoc position titled “Synthetic spectra of exoplanet atmospheres with and without biological activity” at Centre for Exolife Sciences, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. The position is within the field of Exolife Science, i.e. the overlap field between astronomy, chemistry, biology, and physics. The fellowship is supported by the Novo Nordisk Foundation under the Synergy project “Effects of bacteria on atmospheres of Earth, Mars, and exoplanets”, which involve staff at University of Copenhagen from the Niels Bohr Institute, the Department of Chemistry and the Department of Biology. The successful candidate will join a highly interdisciplinary, international and collaborative environment with the common goal of deepening our understanding of the global interaction of life with its surroundings in terrestrial and extraterrestrial environments. The specific goal of the postdoc will be to include and understand non-equilibrium processes in the modelling and analysis of (exoplanetary) atmospheric structures and spectra caused by the existence of life forms, including the influence of gasses produced by micro-organisms in our lab experiments.
Deadline : 01-12-2023
(14) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Ice Core/Paleoclimate Science, Niels Bohr institutet
A two-year postdoc position is available at the Water Isotope Laboratory of the Ice and Climate group at the University of Copenhagen. The focus of the position will be the development of the next generation, high-precision and high-resolution instrumentation for the analysis of the water isotope composition of the upcoming Oldest Ice Core within the Beyond EPICA project Beyond EPICA is an EU-funded effort, consisting of 12 European research institutions with a goal to retrieve a continuous, high-resolution ice core record covering the Mid Pleistocene Transition, extending back to 1-1.5 million years. The successful candidate will work on the parallel development of two new techniques, one involving ultra-high resolution ice core sample preparation using high-power femtosecond IR lasers and a second one making use of state-of-the-art microfluidic devices for performing long integration water isotope analysis on discrete ice core samples.
Deadline : 01-12-2023
(15) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc of Biophysics/Biocomplexity/Universal Biology, Niels Bohr Institute
We are looking for a talented, highly motivated and creative scientist who is interested in exploring questions at the interface between physics and biology. The project aims at uncovering universal characteristics and laws in life systems, in particular in adaptation, development, and evolution with the spirit of theoretical physics, by focusing on consistency between hierarchical levels – molecules, cells, organisms, and ecosystem. The ideal candidate will have a strong theoretical physics background, in particular statistical physics and dynamical systems. Previous knowledge of biology is not necessarily required, although high motivation and passion to understand a life system with willingness to learn is needed. Our research project is theoretical, by taking also numerical, or data-driven approaches, with possible collaboration with experimental groups.
Deadline : 30-11-2023
(16) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral position in Macroeconomics with Deep Reinforcement Learning
The standard approach in economics is to assume economic agents behave as if they perfectly solve a mathematical optimization problem derived directly from the environment the agents are assumed to live in and the objectives they are assumed to aim for. Even for pure technical reasons the assumption of perfect problem solving is problematic because solving the full model then requires solving the optimization problems each agent face. This becomes a central computational bottleneck for model builders, and implies that only rather simple environments are considered. The overarching hypothesis of the project is that modelling economic agents as imperfect problem solvers is the way forward to break the bottleneck. We are looking for an excellent candidate with a strong background in quantitative macroeconomics in particular and computational economics in general. We expect candidates to have recently completed, or be close to completing, their doctoral studies in one of the topics indicated above. The Postdoc position is part of a larger project financed by a Sapere Aude grant from the Independent Research Fund Denmark. The principal investigator is Jeppe Druedahl, and a PhD student has recently started on the project.
Deadline : 26-11-2023
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(17) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in the area of cardiovascular physiology with focus on microvascular function and exercise
We seek a talented and ambitious postdoc with extensive vascular physiology experience to participate in a research project on cardiac microvascular disease. In a large fraction of patients, ischemic heart disease is attributed to coronary microvascular dysfunction, a condition termed INOCA- Ischemia with No Obstructive Coronary Artery disease. The project aims to identify mechanisms underlying microvascular dysfunction in INOCA through invasive mechanistic assessments of peripheral microvascular function in patients with cardiac ischemia, as well as by studies on a mouse model of coronary microvascular dysfunction. Moreover, the impact of exercise training on the disease and underlying mechanisms will be explored. As postdoc in this project, you will be part of a team of clinical and basic academic researchers who in a collaborative effort uniquely will combine multiple models from clinical assessment, and in vitro models such as langendorff preparation, vascular myography and proteomics.
Deadline : 20-11-2023
About The University of Copenhagen, Denmark – Official Website
The University of Copenhagen is a public research university in Copenhagen, Denmark. Founded in 1479, the University of Copenhagen is the second-oldest university in Scandinavia, and ranks as one of the top universities in the Nordic countries and Europe.
Its establishment sanctioned by Pope Sixtus IV, the University of Copenhagen was founded by Christian I of Denmark as a Catholic teaching institution with a predominantly theological focus. In 1537, it was re-established by King Christian III as part of the Lutheran Reformation. Up until the 18th century, the university was primarily concerned with educating clergymen. Through various reforms in the 18th and 19th century, the University of Copenhagen was transformed into a modern, secular university, with science and the humanities replacing theology as the main subjects studied and taught.
The University of Copenhagen consists of six different faculties, with teaching taking place in its four distinct campuses, all situated in Copenhagen. The university operates 36 different departments and 122 separate research centres in Copenhagen, as well as a number of museums and botanical gardens in and outside the Danish capital. The University of Copenhagen also owns and operates multiple research stations around Denmark, with two additional ones located in Greenland. Additionally, The Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences and the public hospitals of the Capital and Zealand Region of Denmark constitute the conglomerate Copenhagen University Hospital.
A number of prominent scientific theories and schools of thought are namesakes of the University of Copenhagen. The famous Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum mechanics was conceived at the Niels Bohr Institute, which is part of the university. The Department of Political Science birthed the Copenhagen School of Security Studies, which is also named after the university. Others include the Copenhagen School of Theology and the Copenhagen School of Linguistics.
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