University of Leeds, West Yorkshire, England invites online Application for various Postdoctoral Fellowship in their different Departments. We are providing a list of Postdoc Fellowship positions available at University of Leeds, West Yorkshire, England.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Knowledge Transfer Partnership: Postdoctoral Research Associate (R&D Innovation Scientist) in Advanced X-ray Analysis
Having completed your PhD in physical science or engineering, would you like to develop further by leading a project at the industry/academia interface? Do you have a background in advanced X-ray characterisation of materials and their surfaces? This position will enable you to be at the forefront of innovative product development in a prominent and sector leading company, addressing the challenges that arise from uncontrolled surface deposit formation in engines.
Deadline :Thursday 13 July 2023
(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title: Research Fellow in High-Frequency Device Fabrication
Do you want to work in one of the country’s most advanced University semiconductor cleanroom facilities? Do you want to be part of a national Hub in the Electromagnetic Environment, in partnership with four UK universities, the Defence Science and Technologies Laboratory (Dstl) and leading industry defence partners? Are you ready to spearhead the UK’s technological development in generation-after-next high-frequency electronic devices?
Deadline :Tuesday 11 July 2023
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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Fellow in Bioinformatics
We are seeking an enthusiastic and highly motivated individual to assist in analysis of a variety of molecular data, to develop novel approaches to data analysis and integration and assist in biological interpretation using network and pathway analyses. You will have a PhD and research experience in genome biology, bioinformatics or other relevant field, expertise in the management and analysis of large genomics datasets and a strong desire to translate genomic information into clinical application.
Deadline : 07 July 2023
(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Fellow in Experimental Brain Cancer Biology
We are seeking an enthusiastic and highly motivated individual to lead on the experimental aspects of a programme grant aimed at profiling brain tumours, optimising model systems and designing functional assays. This will involve epigenetic (ChIPseq-based) profiling of valuable patient samples, assessment of existing and novel, cutting-edge in-vitro and ex-vivo experimental models and a lead role in determining the best assays to test the resulting hypotheses.
Deadline : 07 July 2023
(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Fellow in Fluid Dynamics
We are looking for a Research Fellow to join our project, working on performing Direct Numerical Simulation of turbulent fluid dynamics and using Machine Learning, Optimisation and (potentially) GPU computing. The project, which combines several new areas in fluid dynamics and automated computational science, is funded by an award of an Advanced Grant from the European Research Council. You will work with Investigator Professor Steven Tobias, Dr Calum Skene, and Co-Investigators to conduct research into geophysical and astrophysical fluids. The aim of the project is to learn the statistics of unresolved scales for turbulent parameterization. As part of this, you will learn different mathematical and computational techniques, and apply them to diverse physical applications.
Deadline : 06 July 2023
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(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Fellow in Electrical Electronic Engineering for Manufacturing Technologies and Robotics
Are you a researcher, or have equivalent industrial experience with proven abilities to carry out research in electrical electronic engineering for manufacturing technologies and robotic devices? Are you able to use, to visualise your expertise in supporting and complementing our existing strengths in 2D and 3D weaving of solid, hollow and shaped components using the latest weaving technologies for manufacture? Are you able to use your expertise to support advancing robotic device/s for adapting and enhancing manufacturing technologies, the latest industrial weaving machine together with associated ancillaries and auxiliaries and inbuilt to external specialised and commercially available software? Do you have working knowledge of PLC and other digital communication systems for production outputs using robotic device/s for specific manufacturing functions?
Deadline : 02 July 2023
(07) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Fellow in Spectra Measurement
The successful applicant will join the Colour Technology Research Group, the School of Design, is a world leading research centre with a focus in creativity and developing innovative materials and manufacturing solutions with interdisciplinary researchers and industrial partners. You will join an experienced, innovative and diverse team and will be actively involved in research, producing high quality publications and contributing to the School’s Research Excellence Framework (REF). Working in collaboration with the academic team and our industry partner, Verivide Limited, you will develop new algorithm in spectral reflectance estimation for Vervide image system under various lighting conditions, compare the performance of colour and spectra accuracy between new developed algorithm with existing algorithm. The research will involve the development of test procedure, existing spectra estimation algorithm testing and updating, identify best spectra reflectance estimation algorithm using camera raw image and one step process, identify best spectra estimation algorithm for multi-lightings. The project is led by the Colour Technology Research Group in the School of Design.
Deadline : 02 July 2023
(08) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Fellow in Urban Heat Systems: Data Analysis and Visualisation
Transforming the heat system is an urgent priority for the UK. The Climate Change Committee, an independent advisor to the UK Government, has stated that immediate action is required if we are to radically reduce carbon emissions produced by the provision of heat and meet our national and international climate-change targets. In addition to the urgent need to mitigate climate change, fuel poverty affects 11% of households in England; we need to find ways to provide affordable heating in the face of rising energy prices. The demand for cooling is also likely to rise substantially in coming years, in response to a warmer climate and growing thermal comfort requirements, which will increase energy use and add to carbon emissions.
Deadline :02 July 2023
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(09) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Senior Research Statistician/Epidemiologist
The Haematology Outcomes Research Programme is an exciting new research collaboration to support and develop child health research across Leeds. This programme, running between 2023-26, will complement the current, major capital investment in Leeds Children’s Hospital and parallel Child Health Outcomes Research at Leeds Research Centre to create a world-leading platform of academic excellence in children’s healthcare. It will also build on the world-leading Yorkshire Specialist Register of Cancer in Children and Young People, which has underpinned a major epidemiological and outcomes programme in childhood cancer research since 1974.
Deadline : 02 July 2023
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(10) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post Doctoral Research Assistant
A post-doctoral research assistant (PDRA) is sought to join the preclinical MR team at UoL. You will be responsible for implementation and testing of optimised MRI / MRF pulse sequences on a Bruker 7T MR system, for optimisation of the protocol for scanning ex vivo tissue samples, and for co-ordinating the acquisition of microscopy data, including segmentation/labelling of microscopy volumes. This post is funded by a major MRC-award, held by Prof Derek Jones (Cardiff University). The post is initially funded for 18 months.
Deadline : 01 July 2023
(11) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Fellow in Demand Responsive Transport Systems
We are looking for a committed, highly motivated and innovative individual with econometrics and/or choice modelling background to work in this exciting research project. You are expected to contribute to designing and conducting novel data collection and developing choice models in the context of dial-a-ride services. You will also be expected to produce methodological contributions in bridging choice modelling and large scale optimization. As this is a multi-faceted research project, you will be able to contribute to individual components of the work as well as helping to shape the direction of the research according to your own interests and background. You will be expected to take academic ownership of large parts of the programme and make a lasting contribution to the field.
Deadline : 30 June 2023
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(12) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Fellow in Soft Magnetic Surgical Robots
We are looking for a proactive individual to join our Science and Technology Of Robotics in Medicine (STORM) Lab, bringing their excitement for scientific research in surgical robotics with them. At the STORM Lab, we strive to improve the quality of life for people undergoing soft-tissue surgery and flexible endoscopy by creating miniature and non-invasive robots. This includes the creation and investigation of miniature capsule-like or tentacle robots to work inside the human body. At the STORM Lab, we are designing and creating soft and compliant robotic devices that can be used within the human body to detect and cure diseases in a non-invasive way.
Deadline : 29 June 2023
(13) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Fellow in Atmospheric Boundary Layer Modelling
The post-holder will work closely with other members of the project team at the Universities of Leeds and Reading and the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, as well as with other projects funded within the programme and with the Met Office. This post will focus primarily on the effects of surface variability on the boundary layer and on the coupling of the boundary layer to moist convection using both idealised large-eddy simulations as well as case studies with the UM. Observations from Wescon and other field campaigns and long term observations will be used to evaluate the models at various resolutions. As atmospheric models are moving toward the sub-km scale they will begin to resolve large scale boundary structures. This breaks some of the underlying assumptions of boundary layer parametrisations. The aim of this project is to understand the key processes controlling the coupling of the boundary layer and convection over variable surfaces in order to improve parametrisation of both the boundary layer and convection across a range of model resolutions.
Deadline : 23 June 2023
(14) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Fellow in Palaeobiology
We are looking for a Research Fellow with experience in palaeobiology and palaeoecology who will play a pivotal role in our UK Natural Environmental Research Council/US National Science Foundation funded project “CASCaDE: Community And Structural Collapse During Mass Extinctions”. You will work with a large international cross-disciplinary research team to combine palaeontological data with cutting-edge advances in ecological theory to gain a holistic understanding of marine extinction dynamics linked to rapid climate change and mass extinction in the fossil record. Working as a palaeobiologist you will build a database of fossil communities and model food web structure across a number of major climatic and extinction events throughout the Phanerozoic. You will undertake database building and curation as well as model implementation and lead associated research publications.
Deadline : 23 June 2023
(15) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Fellow in Electronic Systems Architecture (2 positions available)
We are seeking 2 Research Fellows work within the Ultrasound and Embedded Systems Group. The work will be focussed on high level electronic systems design involving a mix of processor and FPGA design for medical devices. Testing will be performed across platforms covering software simulation, verification through to laboratory deployed testing with phantoms. Holding a PhD (or have submitted your thesis before taking up the role) in Electronic and Electrical Engineering or a closely allied discipline, you will have commercial awareness, electronic design skills and software skills in Matlab, Solidworks and Github.
Deadline : 21 June 2023
(16) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Assistant or Research Fellow in Distributed Systems and Optimisation Algorithms
You will join our EPSRC-funded project “Algorithmic Support for Massive Scale Distributed Systems”, which has been underway since 2020. Your work will be built upon ongoing research of the two project teams, theoretical and applied. As a Research Assistant you will have a BSc, BEng or MEng in Computer Science, and experience in algorithm design and implementation for optimising resource usage in distributed systems. You will also have experience of working independently, possess excellent interpersonal and communication skills with a willingness to work flexibly. As a Research Fellow you will have a PhD (or have submitted your thesis before taking up the role) in Computer Science and significant experience in applied and theoretical research. The required areas of expertise are massive-scale resource management for distributed systems, optimisation algorithms and machine learning.
Deadline : 18 June 2023
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(17) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Fellow in Enhanced Pure Spin Current Devices
You will be working on an innovative project which is an essential part of a 5 year £7.8M EPSRC Programme Grant, Nanoscale Advanced Materials Engineering (NAME) which is a collaboration between the University of Manchester, Imperial College London and the University of Leeds. NAME aims to revolutionise the design and delivery of functionality on demand at the nanoscale within advanced materials and through the development of new world-leading capabilities. We aim to transform the ability to exploit spin and photonics; address and harness thermal interactions; realise designer materials for quantum technologies; and in so doing, shape the UK and international advanced functional materials landscape. Details of the NAME project can be found on our dedicated website. Your role will be to develop lateral spin valves for spin current transport. The objective is to enhance the spin signal utilising the P-NAME ion implantation tool based in Manchester. P-NAME has sub-5 nm resolution e-beam imaging enabling the target for doping to be identified without ion contamination and can then deposit isotopically-selected ions with sub-20 nm resolution. The doping concentration can be controlled from single ion to high dose (e.g. 1018 ions/cm2) doping at energies from ~5 to 50 keV and includes direct-write ion beam lithography capability.
Deadline : 18 June 2023
About University of Leeds, West Yorkshire, England – Official Website
The University of Leeds is a public research university in Leeds, West Yorkshire, England. It was established in 1874 as the Yorkshire College of Science. In 1884 it merged with the Leeds School of Medicine (established 1831) and was renamed Yorkshire College. It became part of the federal Victoria University in 1887, joining Owens College (which became the University of Manchester) and University College Liverpool (which became the University of Liverpool). In 1904 a royal charter was granted to the University of Leeds by King Edward VII.
The university has 36,330 students, the 5th largest university in the UK (out of 169). From 2006 to present, the university has consistently been ranked within the top 5 (alongside the University of Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan University, the University of Nottingham and the University of Edinburgh) in the United Kingdom for the number of applications received. Leeds had an income of £789.6 million in 2019/20, of which £139.9 million was from research grants and contracts. The university has financial endowments of £82.1 million (2019–20), ranking outside the top ten British universities by financial endowment.
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