Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands .
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Molecular Astrophysics: PAH Spectroscopy for UV Irradiated Environments
Deadline : 01 November 2023
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate: Social inequalities in the history of the Dutch health transition
What are the historical roots of current-day social inequalities in health? As a PhD Candidate in the field of Economic, Social and Demographic History you will have the opportunity to carry out your own PhD project to study what caused health inequalities in the Netherlands during the long nineteenth century. You will be supervised by a team of experts and able to participate in a larger international network. Dramatic changes in mortality are considered to be among the crowning achievements of the past 200 years. Life expectancy at birth has increased with no less than 40 years and, instead of infectious diseases, so-called degenerative diseases became leading causes of death. While it is difficult to overstate the importance of this development, this health transition was not equally distributed across and within societies. Your main task is to research the historical developments of social differences in mortality and its drivers in the Netherlands during the long nineteenth century (1780-1940). We are open to proposals considering the ‘social’ history of health inequalities in the broadest sense possible, and especially welcome a focus on one or more of the following aspects: health of adults (aged 20+); epidemics and contagious diseases; marginalised groups; gender differences; neighbourhood effects; and history from below.
Deadline :31 October 2023
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate: The Language of Pain Across and Between Languages
Are you interested in how word meanings differ across languages and how we acquire and use concepts in a second language? Then start your academic career within linguistics as a PhD candidate. In this project, you will investigate how people talk about pain in different languages. Cross-linguistic studies into semantic domains such as colour, perception and emotion have shown that languages differ in the way experience is mapped to words. One domain that has not received much attention from a cross-linguistic point of view is that of pain. We know that languages differ in what kinds of words they have to talk about pain, but the exact ways in which languages are similar and different need further study. Pain expression in a second language has also not been investigated much, even though this line of research may have important implications for L2 learning and intercultural health care communication. In this PhD project, you will first carry out a comparative investigation of pain expressions across two or more languages. You will choose which languages to focus on based on your own interest and expertise. Ideally, one of the languages you include in the comparative investigation is widely spoken as an L2 by speakers of one of the other languages. For instance, you could compare a minority language to a more widely-spoken lingua franca. In the second part of the project, you will investigate pain expression in a second language and how this relates to differences between the languages in pain expression. Possible methods to be used in this project are a) questionnaires with imagined situations to elicit expressions of types of pain, b) free listing of pain vocabulary, c) corpus research on existing or elicited pain descriptions, d) experimental approaches to investigate associations and mental imagery evoked by L1/L2 pain language. You will present the research outcomes at national and international conferences, and you will write at least three articles for international high-impact journals, to be included in your doctoral thesis.
Deadline : 31 October 2023
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate: The History of the Second Feminist Wave in the Netherlands
Do you have an MA in history and are you passionate about the history of feminism and in developing your expertise in the fields of gender, women’s and oral history? Then you may be interested in this PhD position to work on an oral history project concerning the history of feminism and women’s movements in the Netherlands in the period 1965-1990. This PhD project will explore the complexity and diversity of the history of feminist movements in the years 1965-1990. Traditionally, historical research on the second feminist wave in the Netherlands has largely been published by those involved in the movement itself with a focus on well-known groups and individuals. The result is that a variety of women related to the second feminist wave are missing from previous studies. By studying these women, you will make an innovative contribution to the historiography of feminism in the Netherlands. You will study groups and individuals that have not been very visible in the historiography so far. For example organisations of female journalists, abortion doctors and nurses, the Turkish workers’ women’s movement Hollanda Türkiye Kadinlar Birligi, politicians, trade unions, organisations of Black and migrant women, or other local, regional or national or transnational organisations. Oral history will be your central research method. By interviewing a selection of relevant actors, you will try to answer questions such as: How did specific groups and individuals relate to ideals, ideologies and action repertoires of feminism in everyday practice? Who actually identified themselves as feminist and for whom and why has this been problematic in the past and/or present? How do memories of individual women relate to collective images and historiography?
Deadline : 31 October 2023
(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate on Literature Education in Dutch English Foreign Language Education
How can insights into the Zeitgeist of Generation Z help secondary-school students become more engaged readers of literature and prepare them for their future role as responsible citizens? As a PhD candidate you will investigate the socio-didactic dimension of Anglophone literature in Dutch English Foreign Language education. Linking this to the ongoing scholarly debate on ‘metamodernism’, you will contribute to the innovation of current EFL literature education at secondary level. In recent years, the lack of reading motivation among Dutch adolescents has been a topic of much discussion and a cause for concern. Nevertheless, the popularity of Anglophone young adult fiction and social media platforms such as #BookTok show that Generation Z is not necessarily averse to reading and storytelling. In fact, some books and literary genres and their characteristically inclusive treatment of recurring (societal) themes may be seen as representative of a zeitgeist in which, following the contemporary scholarly debate on ‘metamodernism’, connection and sincerity are central. Starting from the premise that Anglophone literature has a socio-didactic potential in the Dutch English Foreign Language classroom, this project will focus on literature education within the school subject of English. It will take stock of students’ reading habits to investigate whether and, if so, how scholarly insights into the current spirit of the age are integrated into literature education at the secondary level. In addition, and on the basis of those insights, how can secondary-level literature education be improved in such a way that it better prepares students for their future participation in society as responsible citizens? You will research these topics through a mixed methods approach, which combines reviewing literature and teaching materials with conducting (in-school) surveys and interviews.
Deadline : 31 October 2023
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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Medieval / Early Modern Intellectual History
Are you an enthusiastic young researcher with a master’s degree in a history-related field? And do you want to challenge the assumption that in early modern Europe, the Middle Ages were ignored in favour of the classics? Then join this project as a PhD candidate! It is generally assumed that in early modern Europe the Middle Ages were ignored in favour of the classics. This PhD project will challenge that assumption. You will analyse which authors, texts and intellectual traditions from the Middle Ages lived on in early modern Europe, in which forms and why. The early modern period is famous for its rich intellectual life. Thinkers from the Renaissance up to the Enlightenment developed new ideas about history, society and civilisations. According to most early modern intellectuals, it was the rediscovery of classical authors that had led to the renewed insights and a blossoming of learning in Europe. The interim centuries of the Middle Ages were subsequently portrayed as a Dark Age. However, the image of the Middle Ages as an intellectual Dark Age may not necessarily reflect the actual practice of early modern intellectual thought and culture in Western Europe.
Deadline : 31 October 2023
(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate: Prosocial Storytelling
Are you interested in the impact of storytelling on prosocial behaviour? Do you want to contribute to gaining new insights in the field of narrative persuasion that might help charities develop stories that move hearts and support the ones the most in need? As a PhD candidate in the field of communication and information science, you will participate in a research project assessing the effectiveness of prosocial narratives. Over the past years fewer and fewer households in the United States have been donating money to charities (CBS News, 2021). Similar trends have been recently observed in the Netherlands (Koopal, 2023) and Canada (Carrick, 2023) where recent inflation resulted in lower donations to charities. Moreover, it is only people high in altruism (Simpson & Willer, 2008) who consistently support charities. One of the ways to engage people more in helping behaviour involves prosocial narratives (stories in favour of prosocial actions, for instance donating to a charity, Hillenbrand & Verrina, 2022). Surprisingly, such strategic use of prosocial narratives to increase helping behaviour has not yet been systematically investigated (Merchant et al., 2010). In this project, you will explore how people can be enticed to support good causes through the strategic use of prosocial stories (stories in favour of prosocial actions). You will use innovative measures to investigate the effectiveness of prosocial narratives for specific target audiences and the processes that drive these effects.
Deadline : 31 October 2023
(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate: Migrant Experiences of Space and Time in the Roman Empire
How did migrant workers experience their lives in the mines and stone quarries of the Roman Empire? Their lives are documented in finds from the settlements and graveyards surrounding their workplaces. You will use these finds to construct/reconstruct the everyday practices and experiences of time and/or space of these migrant workers, including both their journeys and their sense of belonging in their new as well as their home societies. In this project, you will formulate your own research project within the broader subject of everyday practices and experiences of time and/or space, with a focus on migrant workers in the Roman Empire. The Romans extracted resources in large-scale mines and quarries across the provinces of the empire, until well into the fifth century. This induced a pressing need for labourers. These included free workers, enslaved people and convicted criminals, both female and male, from skilled engineers to unskilled work hands. Many of these must have been migrant workers, settling near the mining site. How did they experience their journey? What hopes or expectations drove their permanent or temporary migration? ‘Did they maintain existing home practices or keep in touch with their place of origin? And if so, how? Did their settlement lead to the development of a distinct mining culture with its own spatial and temporal habits? To address these or related questions, you are invited to juxtapose case studies from different provinces or time periods in the Roman Empire. Your research will be based on the existing literature on ancient evidence, such as material remains of settlements; finds such as ostraca, inscriptions, papyri, ingots, writing tablets, or plant remains; or existing isotope analyses. The position offers time to develop the skills needed to interpret this evidence: you are not expected to start with a full skill set. Because you are asked to construct/reconstruct a history of a group of people whose voices have been lost to us, you could use, for example, critical fabulation (Saidiya Hartman), an evidence-based way to formulate the narrative that best connects the available source material. You may build on complementary knowledge from other times or places, including autobiographical knowledge, which is why your proposal should also explain where you mean to look for such complementary information. Your research will be embedded in the Radboud Institute for Culture & History (RICH), and you will be part of the Graduate School for the Humanities (GSH). You will devote 75% of your time to the research for and writing of your PhD thesis. The remaining 25% will be spent on training and academic service to the Faculty of Arts, including teaching.
Deadline : 31 October 2023
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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate: Strengthening Integrity and Impact of Voluntary Climate Action
As a PhD Candidate you will investigate the wide array of actors, including private sector actors, financial institutions, civil society, cities, and cooperative initiatives that have announced voluntary climate commitments. You will be part of the ACHIEVE project which identifies opportunities to strengthen and scale up high-integrity voluntary climate action towards net-zero emissions by mid-century. You will map the global landscape of voluntary climate action, analyse the integrity and impact of voluntary efforts (including trade-offs and synergies with sustainable development aspects such as biodiversity and nature protection), and explore opportunities to strengthen and scale up high-integrity voluntary climate action in the European Union and globally. You will be part of an exciting international interdisciplinary research project. Together with project partners you will contribute to the development of high-integrity assessment frameworks for evaluating different types of cooperative initiatives and actors, as well as to evidence-based and policy relevant recommendations.
Deadline :30 October 2023
(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate for Molecular Mechanisms of Axonal Degeneration
We are recruiting for a PhD candidate to work independently on Drosophila genetics projects. Your main project will involve the characterisation of mutant lines identified in a forward genetic screen for genes required for axonal maintenance (unpublished). These mutants display adult-onset progressive degeneration of peripheral motor and/or sensory neurons. Phenotypic and molecular characterisation of these mutants involves Drosophila genetic approaches, behavioural analysis, immunohistochemistry, fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH), in vivo non-canonical amino acid tagging (NCAT), confocal and super-resolution imaging, molecular biology, biochemistry, and next-generation sequencing. In addition, you will have the opportunity to contribute to other ongoing projects in the lab, for instance by studying the molecular pathogenesis of CMT peripheral neuropathy associated with mutations in tRNA synthetases, following up on our recently published work (Zuko, Mallik et al, Science, 2021). You will also have the opportunity to collaborate with a senior postdoctoral researcher and an experienced PhD student who can provide practical/experimental guidance. You will get some exposure to teaching in Master’s courses, and you will have the opportunity to collaborate with and supervise Master’s students.
Deadline : 15 November 2023
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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate: Novel Methods to Understand Animal Movement
We are currently experiencing a biodiversity crisis and one of the main drivers is human activities. As human activities expand, animal behaviour is being altered. One behaviour that is drastically affected is animal movement. Animal movement is an important process determining the fate of individuals and shaping the structure and dynamics of populations and ecosystem processes. Therefore, changes in movement will have wide-ranging ecological consequences. Animal movement arises from the complex interplay between an animal’s internal state and biotic and abiotic external factors such as climate, human activities and food availability. However, current methodological approaches used to gain understanding of what shapes animal movement patterns are based on correlation, ignoring potential cause-effect relationships and confounding effects between variables. Ignoring such relationships impacts our ability to make ecological inferences about the complex interactions between animals and their environment, potentially resulting in incorrect, or even missing, cause-effect relationships. In this project you will apply modern causal discovery algorithms for time-series data and process-based modelling to examine the mechanisms of animal movement and explore ecosystem consequences of altered animal behaviour due to human pressures such as agricultural land conversion. This will involve the analysis of empirical animal movement data, environmental data, human pressure data, and species traits to explore interactions between animals and their surroundings.
Deadline : 27 October 2023
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(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate: The Law on the Use and Sharing of Health Data
The European legal framework has two competing goals in relation to health data. Health data should be used and shared for better healthcare and research. At the same time, data protection should always be ensured. This project is aimed at the exploration of this tension. It analyses whether the European legal framework leads to an adequate balance between data protection and the free movement of health data, both within and outside the context of Radboud Healthy Data programme. This position is part of the Radboud Healthy Data programme, particularly of work package 4 (ethical, legal and societal aspects, WP4). Within the broader context of Healthy Data WP4, the legal PhD project is focused on the legal concerns in relation to the use and sharing of health data, both within and outside of the context of the Radboud Healthy Data programme. Under the European Strategy for Data, the European Commission has the aim to facilitate the use and sharing of data. Within this broader strategy, health data are of special importance in view of the proposed European Health Data Space (EHDS). At the same time, the use and sharing of health data leads to data protection risks. The aim of this project is to understand and navigate this tension. Its objective is to understand the legal implications of the various possibly conflicting rules, and whether the resulting legal framework leads to an adequate balance of the various interests.
Deadline : 29 October 2023
(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate: Ethics of AI and Medicine
The rise of data-intensive biomedical and health research may result in preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic benefits. But the novelty of techniques, methods and involved actors associated with data-intensive research presents new challenges to medical ethical oversight. For example, how should we organise consent for secondary use of data when data is being used beyond the aim for which such consent was originally given and when future risks are unknown? How can patients’ privacy and confidentiality be protected when re-identification occurs despite anonymisation and pseudonymisation, and when the informational richness of large research data repositories makes them a primary target for actors outside the research domain, such as insurers and marketing companies? How can unfair differentiation or discrimination resulting from the use of algorithms in medical decision-making be addressed, especially when these tend to remain opaque? Moreover, data-intensive medical and health research ushers in new actors into the medical research context whose presence raises new risks, namely tech corporations such as Google, Apple and Amazon. This project poses the question of whether ethical review committees (ERCs) – the key oversight mechanisms designated to ensure that biomedical and health research is ethical – are fit for purpose in this age of data-intensive research, and if not, what should be done to update them. You will conduct research in medical and bioethics on the one hand, and in data justice and AI ethics on the other, with the aim of developing theoretical bridges between these two areas. You will also conduct ethnographic research (interviews and participant observations) among members of ethical review committees, clinicians and researchers at the Radboud university medical center on the challenges associated with data-intensive research and working with AI. Based on this you will develop recommendations for how Ethical Review Committees might be adapted in order to provide effective ethical oversight for data-intensive research that can be implemented in the Healthy Data Programme.
Deadline : 30 October 2023
(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate: Accountability for Human Rights Violations
This PhD project will focus on the issue of accountability for human rights violations in complex situations such as the Srebrenica genocide. When different actors (e.g. states, individuals, international organisations, businesses, armed groups) contribute to human rights violations, it can be difficult to hold them all accountable. This may be due to political or resource constraints, limitations of the law itself (e.g. the immunity of international organisations), and the fact that different legal regimes apply to various actors. As there is no single court before which all these actors can be held to account at the same time, diverse proceedings have to be brought in different jurisdictions – insofar as this is at all possible. In addition, the proliferation of new treaties and mechanisms risks complicating matters further (e.g. multiple UN and regional human rights mechanisms, domestic and international criminal tribunals, future EU accession to the ECHR). The PhD research will examine to what extent and how the interaction between multiple legal systems can fill accountability gaps in situations involving multiple actors. The research may focus, for example, on the interaction between national, European and international (human rights) law, or between international human rights law, international criminal law and international humanitarian law. The PhD project may focus on one or more case studies. It can – but does not need to – include an empirical component. There is thus sufficient room for you to come up with your own ideas and perspectives.
Deadline :22 October 2023
(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate: Two-photon Microscopy of Inhibitory Synapse Removal
One of the most fascinating features of the brain is its capacity to adapt and learn from previous experience. This occurs via changes in specific synaptic connections. It is important to realise that synaptic changes occur in excitatory as well as in inhibitory synapses and that these changes need to be coordinated. For instance, studies have demonstrated that inhibitory synapses are (transiently) removed to allow turnover of dendritic spines in response to injury or during learning. However, the molecular pathways that regulate local removal of inhibitory synapses remain unknown. We are looking for a PhD candidate who is eager to figure this out. Research in the Wierenga lab focuses on the formation and plasticity of inhibitory synapses. We discovered that inhibitory synapses are very dynamic: they can appear and disappear according to the needs of the local network. Over the past years we have characterised the molecular steps and identified several pathways that regulate the formation of inhibitory synapses. In this project, you will use two-photon microscopy to monitor the removal of inhibitory synapses in cultured brain slices. You will make use of several molecular biology approaches to label and manipulate candidate molecular pathways to assess their role in context-dependent removal of inhibitory synapses. Your teaching load may be up to 10% of your working time.
Deadline : 22 October 2023
(16) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Interim PhD Coordinator at the Donders Graduate School
As Interim PhD Coordinator (maternity leave replacement) at the Donders Graduate School, you will have an important role in facilitating and developing a wide variety of activities related to our PhD programme. You will work closely with the scientific director, the management director and the management assistants of the Donders Institute bureau. You will help design and maintain the educational programme for PhD candidates, monitor the PhD programme, including the individual PhD candidates’ progress, career perspectives, and support of PhD candidates in difficulties. You will regularly organise events to as part of the Graduate School’s lively and interactive programme. Furthermore, you will be expected to maintain the Graduate School’s newsletter and website.
Deadline : 11 October 2023
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(17) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate: Assessing the Sustainability of Generating and Using Voluntary Carbon Credits
Would you like to help make climate action more effective and sustainable? If yes, come and join the Horizon Europe funded ‘Achieving High Integrity Voluntary Climate Action’ (ACHIEVE) project as a PhD candidate, based at Radboud University. You will be part of an international, interdisciplinary, diverse, enthusiastic and welcoming team. A wide array of actors, including private sector actors, financial institutions, civil society, cities, and cooperative initiatives have announced voluntary climate commitments. The ACHIEVE project aims to identify opportunities to strengthen and scale up such voluntary climate action to contribute to reaching net-zero emissions by mid-century. As a PhD candidate in this project, you will work on assessing and strengthening the sustainability of land-based carbon credits. You will map the global landscape of generating and using voluntary carbon credits, assess their quality (including synergies and trade-offs with other sustainability goals, particularly biodiversity), quantify the climate effectiveness of carbon credit use as contributions to non-state actors’ climate mitigation goals, and explore opportunities for strengthening and scaling up sustainable carbon credit generation and use. You will work closely with project members from around the world, participate in relevant conferences, workshops and seminars, and communicate your findings through publications in peer-reviewed journals. Part of your workload (10%) will consist of teaching activities at our institute, assisting staff members in their courses at the MSc level (in English). You will also have the opportunity to further develop your skills set by attending courses relevant for your project and general development. You will work under the supervision of Prof. Birka Wicke and Dr Sander Chan. Upon successful completion of the research project, you will be awarded a PhD degree from Radboud University. We particularly encourage applications from underrepresented groups.
Deadline : 15 October 2023
(18) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Experimental Psychopathology at the Behavioural Science Institute Graduate School
As a PhD candidate, you will draft a research project together with your supervisory team, to better understand the cognitive, behavioural or neural mechanisms that underly psychopathology, vulnerability in healthy individuals, and treatment (selection, efficacy, outcomes). You will initiate, develop and execute several studies. You will write scientific papers, resulting in the completion of a PhD thesis at the end of your employment contract. As a participant in the BSI Graduate School PhD programme, you will be expected to complete several courses related to the basic scientific research skills such as presentation skills, scientific integrity, and data management. We also encourage you to attend and present your work at relevant workshops and conferences. You will have a 10% teaching load. You will participate actively to the EPT community, where we host regular department events (scientific, support and social events).
Deadline : 08 October 2023
About Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands –Official Website
Radboud University is a public research university located in Nijmegen, Netherlands. The university bears the name of Saint Radboud, a 9th century Dutch bishop who was known for his intellect and support of the underprivileged.
Established in 1923, Radboud University has consistently been included in the top 150 of universities in the world by four major university ranking tables. As of 2020, it ranks 105th in the Shanghai Academic Ranking of World Universities. Internationally, RU is known for its strong research output. In 2019, 447 PhD degrees were awarded, and 7.571 scientific articles were published. To bolster the international exchange of academic knowledge, Radboud University joined the Guild of European Research-Intensive Universities in 2016.
Located on a green campus in the southern Heyendaal neighbourhood of Nijmegen, the campus houses 7 faculties that conduct teaching and research in Arts, Law, Management, Medical Sciences, Social Sciences and Theology, Philosophy and Religious Studies. In addition to these faculties, the campus also hosts the Max Plank Institute for Psycholinguistics, a world class research centre devoted to the understanding of human language and communication.
Among its alumni Radboud University counts 12 Spinoza Prize laureates and 1 Nobel Prize laureate, Sir Konstantin Novoselov, the discoverer of graphene. Other notable alumni include former Prime Minister of the Netherlands Dries van Agt, former chairman of Unilever Marijn Emmanuel Dekkers, influential priest and theologian Henri Nouwen, and First Vice-President of the European Commission Frans Timmermans. Former students have also won 3 Olympic medals since 2000 (all in rowing).
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