University of Amsterdam, Netherlands invites online Application for various Postdoctoral Fellowship in their different Departments. We are providing a list of Postdoc Fellowship positions available at University of Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Position in X-ray Spectral-timing Modelling Software Development
We seek a creative scientific developer to work within a pioneering team to build and implement new tools for modelling X-ray spectral-timing data from observations of compact objects by existing and future missions. The project will be carried out as part of the Dutch national astronomy research school’s (NOVA) support towards the new X-ray spectral-timing mission eXTP, and the EU-funded AHEAD2020 project to develop new high-energy astrophysics infrastructure over the coming years.
Deadline : 22 December 2022
(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title: Postdoctoral Researcher
Are you looking for a challenging, but rewarding job in a dynamic setting? The Integrative Model-based Cognitive Neuroscience (IMCN) Research Group within the Brain & Cognition department at the University of Amsterdam is looking for a postdoctoral researcher on the topic of decision-making mechanisms of deep brain networks. The IMCN Research Group aims to bridge the gap between neuroscience and cognition. Members of the IMCN have a range of skills from neuroanatomy and neurochemistry, to mathematical psychological modelling.
Deadline : 1 December 2022
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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc Position in Infrared Diffusion-Ordered Spectroscopy
We have developed a device to simultaneously characterize molecular structure and size by combining microfluidic technology with infrared spectroscopy (both conventional and nonlinear). This device produces two- and three-dimensional spectra, in which the different species present in a solution are separated based on their infrared frequencies and their size: InfraRed Diffusion-Ordered SpectroscopY (IRDOSY). We have already carried out proof-of-concept experiments and built a functional model of the device, see
Deadline : 01.12.2022
(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Researcher in Quantum Algorithms for Optimization
We offer a two-year postdoctoral position as part of a joint research project between QuSoft and TOYOTA, that is exploring the possibilities of quantum computing in research and development use cases, in particular quantum optimization as part of machine learning workflows. You will be employed at the Institute for Informatics (IvI) at the University of Amsterdam (UvA), and you will be a member of QuSoft, the Dutch research institute for quantum software, which houses experts on all topics in quantum computing. Together, the local institutes form a rich research ecosystem with opportunities to work together with computer scientists, physicists and mathematicians from the various groups situated at the Amsterdam Science Park.
Deadline : 31 December 2022
(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc Position in Theoretical Astroparticle Physics, Cosmology and Machine Learning
We invite applications for a postdoctoral research position at the GRAPPA (Gravitation Astroparticle Physics Amsterdam) center of excellence, at the University of Amsterdam (UvA). The position will start in fall 2023 and will be for the duration of two years (with a possible extension of another year depending on funding). The research interests of GRAPPA include multi-messenger astrophysics, dark matter and dark energy, the early Universe, gravitational waves and strong gravity.
Deadline : 8 December 2022
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(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc “EU AI Diplomacy Towards China”
This post doc project investigates the interaction between the EU and China as a leading power in global (digital) politics and AI development (see subproject III). In EU policy discourse, China is frequently held up as a negative example of government abuse of AI for oppressive aims. And in the current geopolitical climate, China is increasingly portrayed as the primary competitor of an American-European alliance. At the same time, global standards agreement in the AI field will also require Chinese buy-in. Equally, bilateral trade in AI-powered devices will require some level of shared standards or regulatory agreements. The goal of the project is to understand how the EU interacts with China in the field of AI standard setting, and why so. Based on that, it assesses alternative future scenarios for such engagement and their relative merits and ancillary effects.
Deadline : 21 November 2022
(07) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Researcher in Evolutionary Neurogenomics
Are you an ambitious postdoctoral researcher who is interested in unraveling mechanisms of human neurological diseases? Then we are looking for you to strengthen our team! You will be joining the research group Evolutionary Neurogenomics dedicated to elucidate the impact of human genome evolution on human brain development and neurodevelopmental / neurodegenerative disorders. The Evolutionary Neurogenomics group is led by Frank Jacobs and is one of the research groups of the Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences (SILS), an interdisciplinary institute of the Faculty of Science of the University of Amsterdam
Deadline : 04.12.2022
(08) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Researcher in Logic, AI and Language, with Teaching Component
Are you an expert in philosophical Logic, and familiar with formal and/or probabilistic approaches to meaning and causality? Do you have a track record of publishing in leading journals in Logic, language and/or AI? Are you an inspiring teacher who is competent to teach in the area Philosophy of AI? If so, we hope you will apply for our vacancy for an at least 2.5-year postdoctoral researcher in the area of Logic and Language. This position also has a significant teaching component (research: teaching ratio is 70:30).
Deadline : 18 November 2022
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(09) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Researcher in Theoretical Particle Physics
Deadline : 1 December 2022
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(10) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-doc Position in Theoretical Particle Physics
Are you excited about carrying out research in theoretical particle physics? Do you have ideas you would like to explore in a collaborative environment? The theoretical particle physics group at the University of Amsterdam is looking for a postdoctoral researcher interested in the physics of sterile neutrinos.
Deadline : 1 December 2022
(11) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Researcher in Human Rights Law/International (Criminal) Law (Project Rethinking SLIC*)
Rethinking SLIC* is a NWO-funded research project led by Professor Göran Sluiter. For more information see The aim of the project is to assess whether the existing laws and practices on secondary liability are adequate in light of the generally recognized importance to end and prevent serious human rights violations. The project started in September 2018 and will run for a total period of 6 years, until September 2024.The Rethinking SLIC* research group consists at present of a Principal Investigator, three PhD candidates, two student-assistants and an Expert Group on Secondary Liability for International Crimes. The PhD projects are analyzing the current state of secondary liability in cases of serious human rights violations in civil law, criminal law and state responsibility. Based on a uniform methodology, thorough research, and comprehensive evaluation, the Expert Group produce a set of principles of secondary liability. The Expert Group currently consists of around 40 international academics and practitioners, divided into five working groups: Theoretical foundations of secondary liability; Human rights law and secondary liability; Secondary liability and actus reus; Secondary liability and mens rea; Secondary liability and due diligence.
Deadline : 21 november 2022
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(12) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc Position in Conversational AI
Come and join us to work on algorithmic solutions to challenges in conversational intelligence! We are a diverse team of researchers based at multiple universities in the Netherlands, with expertise in information retrieval, natural language processing, machine learning, and customer psychology. As part of the LESSEN project, which is funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO), we will work together with industrial stakeholders to develop chat-based conversational agents for lesser resourced tasks, domains, and scenarios. Scientific challenges of the project are (i) the development of neural architectures that are compute and resource efficient; (ii) domain adaptation and data augmentation; and (iii) safety, privacy, and transparency. This Postdoc project aims to (i) develop benchmark datasets within and across different research projects within LESSEN; (ii) develop a metrics for a holistic, fair, accessible, reproducible, and continuous evaluation; (iii) coordinate the evaluation process in the entire LESSEN project.
Deadline : 23 December 2022
(13) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Position in General-relativistic Magneto-hydrodynamics of Compact Objects
The goal of this project/position is to develop and implement a beyond-ideal GRMHD numerical simulation framework that incorporates viscous and resistive MHD effects for binary neutron-star merger and supernova simulations. This framework will allow us to include different sources of viscosity and resistivity in the simulations and probe their observational signatures in the gravitational waves and kilonova/supernova lightcurves. We will start by implementing a viscous GRMHD extension of our well-established Einstein Toolkit GRMHD solver GRHydro following already established formulations. In a second step we will work closely with nuclear and quantum physicists to include detailed viscous and nuclear effects in these simulations. We will use the outputs from these simulations to predict the ejecta amount and composition and gravitational wave signatures of these events and to assess the detectability of these signatures in current GW+EM observational data.
Deadline : 15 December 2022
(14) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc Position in Stochastic Analysis
The Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics is offering a 2 year postdoc position in stochastic analysis in the Applied Probability Research group, on the NWO VIDI project “Numerical analysis for stochastic differential equations in Riemannian manifolds”. The goal of this project is to develop and analyse numerical schemes for SDEs in Riemannian manifolds. Simulations of SDEs in Riemannian manifolds are used in statistics for analysing geometrically constrained data. Simulations are also used in cell biology, data visualisation, and image recognition. This project however is of a more theoretical nature: our goal is to develop suitable approximation schemes and analyse their convergence rates. The post-doc may also set up/maintain her/his own line of research, provided it has connections this project.
Deadline : 30 november 2022
(15) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Researcher in Quantum-Engineered Precision Measurements of Simple Atoms and Molecules
Are you a theorist looking for an opportunity to develop new theoretical and computational tools for quantum logic spectroscopy and work closely with experiments? The theory group of Arghavan Safavi-Naini is part of the institute of theoretical physics (ITFA) at the University of Amsterdam and QuSoft. We work closely with theory groups at QuSoft and experiments within the Quantum Gases and Quantum Information (QGQI) cluster to develop new technologies for quantum simulation and computing. We develop computational tools and theoretical methods to study out-of-equilibrium quantum many-body systems with applications to quantum enhanced metrology and quantum information theory.
Deadline : 1 Februari 2023
(16) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: One Postdoctoral and Two PhD positions at the Department of Sociology
We are looking for two PhD candidates and one Postdoctoral researcher who will work on the interdisciplinary METAHEALTH project, which includes an ethnographic panel study, the Sarphati Etnografie, and focuses on health as a social practice, in particular on oral and gut microbiome health, in families living in vulnerable positions. Employment will be at the University of Amsterdam, department of Sociology, with embedment in the programme group Political Sociology. A third PhD candidate is recruited at ACTA.
Deadline : 14 December 2022
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(17) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-doc on International Waste Streams and Their Impact on the (De)growth of City-Regions
We are looking for post-doctoral researcher able to investigate the role of (inter)national flows of construction waste in the (de)growth of city-regions. The post-doc will critically analyze the regulations that organize these flows, and conceptualize the relation between circular economy and degrowth in the socio-economic transformation of cities. The overall aim of the post-doc is to develop a framework that explains if and how circular economy and degrowth agendas can be combined in the sustainability strategies of cities. The focus of the analysis is European flows of construction materials and their impact on the development industry in The Netherlands.
Deadline : 15 December 2022
(18) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Researcher Gendered Mobilities
As a postdoctoral researcher you will conduct research on gender-related exclusion in urban mobility, investigating how it is maintained and challenged. The research specifically focuses on the epistemic dimensions of gender-insensitivity of urban mobility policy and planning. You will work side-by-side with Dr Anna Nikolaeva on theoretical contributions as well as empirical research. While your activities will take place within a project on an already specified subject, as a mature researcher you are expected to be pro-active in generating ideas during collaborative research and writing. It is most likely that you will spend at least a few weeks abroad for fieldwork. The scope and the site of fieldwork will be defined in consultation with you during the early stages of the project. Please note that for this position you need to move to the Netherlands.
Deadline : 20 November 2022
About University of Amsterdam, Netherlands –Official Website
The University of Amsterdam is a public research university located in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The UvA is one of two large, publicly funded research universities in the city, the other being the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU). Established in 1632 by municipal authorities and later renamed for the city of Amsterdam, the University of Amsterdam is the third-oldest university in the Netherlands. It is one of the largest research universities in Europe with 31,186 students, 4,794 staff, 1,340 PhD students and an annual budget of €600 million. It is the largest university in the Netherlands by enrollment. The main campus is located in central Amsterdam, with a few faculties located in adjacent boroughs. The university is organised into seven faculties: Humanities, Social and Behavioural Sciences, Economics and Business, Science, Law, Medicine, Dentistry.
The University of Amsterdam has produced six Nobel Laureates and five prime ministers of the Netherlands. The University of Amsterdam has been placed in the top 100 universities in the world by five major ranking tables. By the QS World University Rankings it was ranked 61st in the world, 14th in Europe, and 2nd in the Netherlands in 2021. The university was placed in the top 50 worldwide in seven fields in the 2011 QS World University Rankings in the fields of linguistics, sociology, philosophy, geography, science, Economics and econometrics, and accountancy and finance. In 2018 and 2019 the two departments of Media and Communication were commonly ranked 1st in the world by subject by QS Ranking.
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