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18 Postdoctoral Fellowship at University of Hamburg, Germany

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University of Hamburg, Germany invites online Application for various Postdoctoral Fellowship in their different Departments. We are providing a list of Postdoc Fellowship positions available at University of Hamburg, Germany.

Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.


(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title: Research Associate Superconductivity: Dynamics and Technology § 28 Subsection 1 HmbHG

Research associates will be expected primarily to teach and conduct research. The research associate will also have the opportunity to pursue further academic qualifications, in particular a doctoral dissertation. At least one-third of set working hours will be made available for the research associate’s own academic work.

The scientific goals of this position range from advancing the understanding of the principles of superconductivity to its applications. On the basic research side, the research associate will investigate light-induced dynamics in superconductors, with numerical and analytical tools, in particular with lattice gauge theories. On the applied side, technological applications will be explored, e.g. of light-matter systems of superconductors, as well as quantum technological applications.

Deadline : 01.02.2024

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(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title: Research Associate for the Project “DFG Research Training Group: Modelling, Simulation and Optimization of Fluid Dynamic Applications” § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG

Duties include academic services in the project named above. Research associates may also pursue independent research and further academic qualifications.

Successful candidates are required to perform interdisciplinary and collaborative research in one of the relevant areas Modelling, Simulation, Optimization of the RTG2583, where each Research Associate will be assigned to one of its PhD projects, as documented in Successful candidates are required to show active participation in the ample activities of the Research Training Group RTG2583.

For further information please contact the spokesperson of the RTG2583 Prof. Dr. Armin Iske ([email protected]) or consult our website at

Deadline : 31.01.2024

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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title: Research Associate for the Project “SNISMs – Combined impact of pH, catalyst, and strongly non-ideal solvent mixtures towards boosting acid-catalyzed reactions” § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG

The general objective of the three-year project “SNISMs” funded by the DFG, which is being carried out in collaboration with TU Dortmund, is the understanding and knowledge-driven predictive development of acid-catalysed reactions in strongly non-ideal solvent mixtures (SNISMs) with respect to catalyst activity and dissociation, phase behaviour, reaction kinetics and reaction equilibrium. A thermodynamic screening tool will be implemented that allows ranking strongly non-ideal solvent mixtures (SNISMs) on the phase behavior, upstream (thermodynamics and kinetics of reactions) and downstream processing (product purification and catalyst recycling). The model will be validated with catalytic experiments using the most efficient heteropolyacid (HPA) catalyst providing a high acidity and hydrolytic stability for selected esterification reactions. Thus, the focus will be on sustainability by using catalysts and novel solvent mixtures, with a focus on biodegradable, cheap, and thus sustainable components. Moreover, the goal is to establish a fundamental understanding of the interactions between the SNISMs (and their constituents) and HPA catalysts for the kinetics of the selected reactions, and we aim at elucidating the additive influence of SNISM constituents on kinetics. Further, the accuracy of the ePCSAFT predictions for the phase behaviour and for the SNISMs influence on reaction kinetics, reaction equilibrium and catalyst activity and dissociation equilibrium will be determined.

Deadline :28.01.2024

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(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title: Research Associate for the Project “PalMod Phase III” Examining the response of the ocean carbon storage and biogeochemical cycles to abrupt events during the last deglaciation § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG

The Project PalMod Phase III is a project between Universität Hamburg and several other German research institutes and universities, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Science (BMBF), to understand Earth system dynamics and variability during the last glacial cycle.

Model simulations in PalMod Phase II with cryosphere-ocean-atmosphere interactions in MPI-ESM have captured some features of the abrupt events of the last deglaciation (Heinrich events, Bølling-Allerød warming, Younger Dryas). Studies of marine sediments show that such abrupt events profoundly affect ocean biogeochemistry. Nevertheless, the cascades of changes in oceanic biogeochemistry have not yet been examined using comprehensive Earth system models with interactive carbon cycle. The planned work will address this knowledge gap. The project will focus on examining the response of the ocean carbon storage and biogeochemical cycles to abrupt events in MPI-ESM projections spanning the last deglaciation and future climate change scenarios with the goal to improve our quantitative understanding of the observed cascades of change.

Deadline : 28.01.2024

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(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title: Research Associate for the Project “FIIPS@Home” in the Field of IT-Security and Collective Defense in Private Networks § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG

Duties include academic services in the project named above. Research associates may also pursue independent research and further academic qualifications.

The activity includes the scientific collaboration in the third party funded project “FIIPS@Home” (An Early Warning, Information and Intrusion Prevention System for the Security of Private Home Networks). The focus is on the development of a collaborative and privacy-friendly platform for the detection and defense of attacks on private IT infrastructure. Together with other project partners, this platform will be designed, implemented, analyzed and evaluated. In addition, the position holder will continuously contribute to the publication and presentation of research and project results. As a research-intensive department, our research results are also directly incorporated into teaching.

Deadline : 24.01.2024

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(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title: Research Associate for the Project “PrimePrevention” Prediction of anoxic and sulfidic upwelling events in the western Baltic Sea § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG

The overall goal of the PrimePrevention collaborative project is to develop a coordinated strategy among German coastal countries to address the societal challenges related to increasing marine natural hazards due to climate change. Among those hazards are upwelling events, during which oxygen-depleted (hypoxic) and sulfidic deep-water is transported to the sea surface. These events occur regularly in late summer, especially on the east coast of Schleswig-Holstein, and not only affect the general health of the coastal ecosystem, but also the regional economy.

The goal of the project will be to gain an improved understanding of the sediment biogeochemical processes, which cause the release of hydrogen sulfide from the sediment into the water column. The new findings will be used in collaboration with microbiologists and physical oceanographers to predict and map the likelihood for the occurrence of sulfidic upwelling events in Kiel Bight and to evaluate the associated risk for local stakeholders (fishery, aquaculture, tourism). The research methodology applied will include sampling campaigns at sea, laboratory analyses and numerical reaction-transport-modeling. The project provides the opportunity to work on a timely geoscientific research topic with environmental and societal relevance.

Deadline : 21.01.2024

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(07) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title: Research Associate for the Project “PeroxEvo” in Molecular Cell Biology § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG

Duties include academic services in the project named above. Research associates may also pursue independent research and further academic qualifications.

The colonization of the land by plants was a key event in evolution and has transformed the planet. In the frame of the Priority Programme „MAdLand – Molecular Adaptation to Land: plant evolution to change“ by the German Research Foundation, the evolution of peroxisome functions shall be investigated in different microalgae (streptophyte algae) and in lower plants (mosses, ferns) by computational methods of applied bioinformatics and by experimental methods of molecular cell biology. Spirogyra pratensis shall be established as a model alga.

Deadline : 21.01.2024

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(08) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title: Research Associate for the project ”SemaSign” for research on German Sign Language § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG

Duties include academic services in the project named above. Research associates may also pursue independent research and further academic qualifications.

Specific duties include collecting and coding of data of German Sign Language (DGS) with fluent signers; analysis of semantic data in the ERC-funded ‚SemaSign‘ project (Project Lead: Dr. Hope Morgan) and pursuing original research in German Sign Language.

Deadline : 19.01.2024

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(09) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title: Research Associate for the Project “Cluster of Excellence Quantum Universe” as PhD student focusing on the search for Dark Matter § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG

We offer a PhD position to pursue searches for particle Dark Matter through a combination of instrumentation development and data analysis, including machine learning techniques. We contribute to the DarkSide-20k and IAXO experiments, and we play a leading role in the NEWS-G collaboration – exploring uncharted parameter space in sub-GeV particle dark matter using novel gaseous detectors. The successful candidate will be involved in all relevant experimental aspects. They will learn and experience a broad range of state-of-the-art particle physics techniques and skills. The positions will be located in Hamburg, however, travel at international research facilities, e.g. CERN, SNOLAB, LNGS, and the Boulby Underground Laboratory, is foreseen.

Doctoral research associates will become members of the Quantum Universe Research School (QURS), which provides academic and soft skills training, as well as career planning support. In addition, they will receive individual budgets to facilitate the attendance of summer schools and conferences, and to support other educational measures. Additional travel money for project-specific duties will be provided by the hosting research groups. Doctoral research associates may participate in teaching at the University and in the organization of the Cluster via an early career council.

Deadline : 19.01.2024

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(10) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title: Research Associate in experimental particle and astroparticle physics § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG

The Cluster of Excellence “Quantum Universe” performs research to understand mass and gravity at the interface between quantum physics and cosmology. The research team includes leading scientists from mathematics, particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology at Universität Hamburg and DESY.

Our research focuses on studies of the electroweak symmetry breaking and the Higgs sector with the CMS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Colliders, and searches for the particle content of dark matter with direct detection experiments, including NEWS-G, IAXO, DarkSide-20k, and MIGDAL. The successful candidate will be involved in all the relevant experimental efforts of the group and will develop new aspects within these research areas, by formulating concrete objectives and to implement them in a structured way. Beyond research, the responsibilities of this position training and supervision of undergraduate and PhD students, and teaching. Teaching duties currently comprise 4,5 academic teaching hours per week during teaching periods.

Deadline : 17.01.2024

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(11) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title: Research Associate for the Project “Ocean alkalinity research scientist with PhD opportunity (aquatic geochemist, biogeochemist, geologist, or similar)” § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG

The primary objective of this position is to improve the understanding of sustainable Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement as a carbon dioxide removal (CDR) method. Duties mainly include laboratory work to understand key processes for sustainable alkalinity addition to seawater. Understanding dissolutions kinetics of alkaline materials and the stability of alkalinity will be a major research topic, and further subsequent carbonate chemistry changes will be investigated.

This research is conducted within an international team of scientists ( Rapid publication of research results in relevant international journals and documentation of experimental work is expected. Candidates are expected to bring their own research ideas and actively contribute to the development of the project.

Deadline : 17.01.2024

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(12) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title: Research Associate for the Project “Superconcentration in random geometric structures” § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG

Duties include academic services in the project named above. Research associates may also pursue independent research and further academic qualifications.

In addition to research, associates will be expected to actively participate in the scientific events of the research center and in their organisation.

The successful candidate will conduct research in probability theory. The research will be carried out as part of the DFG Priority Program “Random Geometric Systems” (SPP 2265) and will focus on the study of such systems using Stein’s method and stochastic geometry.

Deadline : 15.01.2024

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(13) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title: Research Associate for the project “SemaSign” for research on Kenyan Sign Language § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG

Duties include academic services in the project named above. Research associates may also pursue independent research and further academic qualifications.

Specific duties include collecting and coding data of Kenyan Sign Language, analysis of semantic data in the ERC-funded ‚SemaSign‘ project (Project Lead: Dr. Hope Morgan) and pursuing original research in Kenyan Sign Language.

Deadline : 15.01.2024

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(14) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title: Research Associate (Postdoc) in Animal Network Ecology § 28 Subsection 2 HmbHG

You will perform your own research within the area of ecology, develop own projects, apply for research funding and publish in high quality journals. You will contribute to lab research in the area of animal biodiversity, species interactions and global change, develop collaborations within the team and beyond, (co)supervise students and PhD theses. You will be an active part of scientific life in the lab (seminars, retreats, journal club, etc.) and beyond (workshops, conferences, etc.), and help establish high scientific standards (open science, lab culture, efficient procedures, etc.).

You will teach in BSc and MSc programs in Biology with a total duty of 4 LVS (teaching hours) in the initial term. Part of the teaching duty has to be fulfilled by teaching the fundamentals of zoology (animal biodiversity, morphology, field trips, etc.) in German language, but there is also freedom to develop specialized courses according to your own preferences.

Deadline : 14.01.2024

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(15) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title: Research Associate for the Project “RESCUE-MATE” in the Field of IoT and secure data processing to enhance situational awareness for rescue forces in civil crisis situations § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG

The activity includes the scientific collaboration in the third party funded project “RESCUE-MATE” – Dynamic situational awareness and support for rescue forces in complex crisis situations (

The focus is on the development of a collaborative and privacy-friendly data- and AI-platform for the sharing and processing of IoT data to support rescues forces by enabling situational awareness in civil crisis situations. Together with other project partners, this platform will be designed, implemented, analyzed and evaluated.

Furthermore, the holder of the position will also work on the integration of low-cost sensors and UAVs (drones) into the platform for environmental sensing to provide better overviews on the crisis situation. For that, the project has budget to procure sensors, drones, and further equipment for experimentation.

Deadline :14.01.2024

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(16) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title: Research Associate for the Project “Cluster of Excellence ‚CUI: Advanced Imaging of Matter‘ – Quantum-optical Control of many-body systems” § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG

Duties primarily include teaching and research. Research associates may also pursue independent research and further academic qualifications.

Further duties are:

  •  conduct original theoretical physics research in the optical control of many-body systems, with a particular focus on schemes exploiting the quantum properties of light
  • develop Tensor Network based software and carry out numerical simulations
  • manage the research project on a day-to-day basis and regularly report progress to D. Jaksch
  • write research papers for internationally refereed journals and presenting results at national and international conferences
  • engage with theory and experimental colleagues with the aim to establish and maintain scientific collaborations

Deadline :14.01.2024

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(17) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title: Research Associate in Applied Mathematics § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG

Duties primarily include teaching and research. Research associates may also pursue independent research and further academic qualifications.

Research in one of the groups of Applied Mathematics in collaboration with scientists from the research areas optimization, differential equations, dynamics, and approximation. Further informationen on the groups is given on the webpages of the department under

Teaching 4 LVS (teaching hours per week) for students in mathematics, and those pursuing degrees in engineering (Technical University Hamburg) or school teaching. Most teaching is given in German.

Deadline :11.01.2024

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(18) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc  summary/title: Research Associate § 28 Subsection 1 HmbHG

Research associates will be expected primarily to teach and conduct research. The research associate will also have the opportunity to pursue further academic qualifications, in particular a doctoral dissertation. At least one-third of set working hours will be made available for the research associate’s own academic work.

Research in one of the groups of Applied Mathematics. Teaching 3 LVS (teaching hours per week) for students in mathematics, and those pursuing degrees in engineering (Technical University Hamburg) or school teaching. Most teaching in basic mathematics is given in German.

Deadline : 11.01.2024

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About University of Hamburg, Germany – Official Website

The University of Hamburg  is a university in Hamburg, Germany. It was founded on 28 March 1919 by combining the previous General Lecture System (Allgemeines Vorlesungswesen), the Colonial Institute of Hamburg (Hamburgisches Kolonialinstitut), and the Academic College (Akademisches Gymnasium). The main campus is located in the central district of Rotherbaum, with affiliated institutes and research centres distributed around the city-state.

The university has been ranked in the top 200 universities worldwide by the Times Higher Education Ranking, the Shanghai Ranking and the CWTS Leiden Ranking, placing it among the top 1% of global universities. Six Nobel Prize Winners and one Wolf Prize Winner are affiliated with UHH.

On a national scale, U.S. News & World Report ranks UHH 7th and QS World University Rankings 14th out of a total of 426 German institutions of higher education.


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