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19 PhD Degree-Fully Funded at University of Antwerp, Belgium

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University of Antwerp, Belgium invites online Application for number of  Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at University of Antwerp, Belgium.

Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.


(01) PhD Degree โ€“ Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral scholarship holder computational neurobiology

  • You will join our young vibrant team to work on a challenging and exciting project at the intersection of Computational Biology, AI, Biomedical science. Despite extensive research efforts, the quest for early diagnostic approaches and efficient treatments for Alzheimerโ€™s disease and related dementias remain elusive. The fundamental issue lies in the limited understanding of the patient-specific triggering factors and their interaction with confounding factors. We hypothesise that patient-specific triggers of disease development can be identified through artificial โ€œreversalโ€ of patientsโ€™ genetic and structural profile and reconstruction of pre-AD counterfactually augmented trajectories. Leveraging deep learning, generative models and cross-modal autoencoders and working with both structured and unstructured data, the goal of this project is to develop a statistical framework and a computational tool for the reconstruction of past causal longitudinal trajectories. Such trajectories will then be used for patient-specific treatment design and biomarker discovery.

Deadline : June 17th 2024

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(02) PhD Degree โ€“ Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD student in pharmaceutical care

  • You actively work on the preparation and defense of a doctoral dissertation in the field of pharmaceutical care. This follow-up research focuses on the further development of โ€˜Medication reviewโ€™, a complex patient-oriented service for medication assessment. This research includes both substantive deepening and the development of methods to monitor the quality of this intervention. The ultimate goal is to conduct future research into the exact impact of โ€˜Medication reviewโ€™ on relevant clinical endpoints.
  • You publish scientific articles related to the research project.
  • You will take on a limited package of teaching and research support tasks for the educational components Pharmacotherapy and Pharmaceutical Care (I & II) and the Masterโ€™s thesis in Pharmaceutical Care.

Deadline : June 24, 2024

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(03) PhD Degree โ€“ Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoraatsbursaal systeembiologisch en epigenetisch onderzoek in kanker en vloeibare biopten

  • Je werkt actief aan de voorbereiding en verdediging van een doctoraal proefschrift in systeembiologisch en epigenetisch onderzoek (integratie van multi-omics/single-cell  analyses-datasets) in kanker en vloeibare biopten  voor toepassing in geneesmiddelonderzoek en/of precisiegeneeskunde. Je publiceert wetenschappelijke artikelen die verband houden met het onderzoeksproject.
  • Je neemt een beperkt pakket van onderwijs- en onderzoeksondersteunende taken op voor Geรฏntegreerd practicum biochemie (1070FBDBMW), Celcultuur-immunochemie (1049FBDBMW), Biostatistiek (1041FBDBMW), Informatie verwerven en verwerken (1044FBDBMW), Data Mining (2052FBDBMWComputational Neuroscience and Neuroinformatics (2090FBDBMW).
  • Je begeleidt studenten voor bachelorscripties en/of masterproeven.
  • Je draagt beperkt bij aan wetenschappelijke en maatschappelijke dienstverlening binnen het departement Biomedische wetenschappen, onder andere via ondersteuning van de studentenwerving, lidmaatschap van raden en commissies, deelname aan activiteiten in het kader van wetenschapscommunicatie.

Deadline : 24 juni 2024

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(04) PhD Degree โ€“ Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD molecular and computational neurogenomics

The overarching goal of this proposal is to understand why and how dysregulation of omnipresent and constantly expressed ARS proteins leads to dying-back neurodegeneration and affects specifically the peripheral neurons (PNs). This neuronal population contains the most polarized cells in our body and their sophisticated morphology and function render them highly susceptible to degeneration. The preliminary data generated in-house as well as the available public data suggest mechanisms involving genetic, epigenetic and chromatin organisation factors governing the cell-type specific response to ARS mutations. Therefore, an integrative genome-wide cis-regulatory network analysis approaches, developed and employed in the Malysheva Lab, are required to reveal these mechanisms.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(05) PhD Degree โ€“ Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoraatsbursaal omics-gebaseerd onderzoek naar de ziektemechanismes onderliggend aan thoracale aorta-aneurysmaโ€™s en dissecties

Het Centrum Medische Genetica Antwerpen (CMG) is een grote klinische, diagnostische en onderzoeksafdeling die ingebed is in de Universiteit Antwerpen en het Universitair Ziekenhuis Antwerpen. Het CMG heeft een aanzienlijke knowhow en infrastructuur opgebouwd op het gebied van klinisch, moleculair en pathofysiologisch onderzoek van erfelijke ziekten, waaronder hart- en vaatziekten, gehoorverlies, kanker, botziekten en verstandelijke beperkingen. Binnen deze setting wil het Functional Genomics onderzoeksteam van Prof. Verstraeten de ziektemechanismen die ten grondslag liggen aan aortopathie en skeletdysplasie verder ophelderen en therapeutisch aanpakken. Dit PhD-project maakt deel uit van BREAK-OUT, een ERC Starting Grant die het preklinisch onderzoek naar aortopathie vooruit wil helpen.

Deadline : 13 juni 2024 

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(06) PhD Degree โ€“ Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoraatsbursaal omics driven drug discovery in hereditary aortopathy

Het Centrum voor Medische Genetica (CMG) Antwerpen is een grote klinische, diagnostische en onderzoeksafdeling die ingebed is in de Universiteit Antwerpen en het Universitair Ziekenhuis Antwerpen. Het CMG heeft een aanzienlijke knowhow en infrastructuur opgebouwd op het gebied van de klinische, moleculaire en pathofysiologische studie van verschillende erfelijke ziekten: hartziekten, gehoorverlies, kanker, botziekten en mentale retardatie. Binnen deze setting leidt Prof. Dr. Bart Loeys de cardiogenomics onderzoeksgroep. Onze groep houdt zich bezig met het ontrafelen van de ingewikkelde genetische, biochemische en moleculaire routes die ten grondslag liggen aan aorta-aneurysmata. Met een dynamische mix van klinisch inzicht en moleculaire vaardigheid lopen we voorop en vertalen we baanbrekende ontdekkingen naadloos naar tastbare verbeteringen in patiรซntenzorg, diagnostiek en genetisch advies. Onze overkoepelende ambitie? Het blootleggen van de verborgen mechanismen die aan de basis liggen van aorta-aneurysmata, om zo de weg vrij te maken voor doelgerichte behandelingen die hoop bieden voor deze levensbedreigende aandoening.

Deadline : 1 september 2024,

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(07) PhD Degree โ€“ Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD student research project oncological rehabilitation

The research project โ€˜Towards the prescription of personalized exercise interventions for the prevention of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathyโ€™ is funded by Kom op Tegen Kanker and includes a collaboration with the  MOVANT research group  (Prof. Mira Meeus, Prof. An De Groef, Dr. Lore Dams) from the University of Antwerp, in collaboration with the University Hospital Antwerp and the University Hospital Leuven.

About 3 in 5 patients receiving chemotherapy with platinum and/or taxane-based medications will develop numbness, tingling, cramps, weakness or pain in the hands and/or feet over time, known as chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN). . CIPN can significantly hinder participation in activities of daily living (eg limitations and/or pain when walking, texting, driving, writing, dressing) and can even interfere with the continuation of cancer treatment. Despite the importance of CIPN, no evidence-based interventions to inhibit CIPN are currently included in international guidelines. Physical exercise therapy appears to be a promising intervention for the prevention of CIPN. However, exercise therapy is currently not routinely prescribed to patients who start chemotherapy that poses an increased risk of CIPN, as the quality of evidence surrounding the preventive effect of exercise therapy on CIPN is rather low.

Deadline : July 9, 2024

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(08) PhD Degree โ€“ Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD fellow in the history of wealth inequality, with a focus on household strategies for wealth transfer between generations

The Department of History of the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy is looking for a full-time  doctoral fellow in the field of the history of wealth inequality, with a focus on household strategies for intergenerational wealth transfer ( An Ancestorโ€™s Tale, partim: Strategies for Wealth Transmission ).

Deadline : July 4 2024

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(09) PhD Degree โ€“ Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral scholarship holder digital heritage

  • You will work actively on the preparation and defence of a PhD thesis. The PhD project, titled โ€˜Modelling Space-Time Uncertainty in Archaeological Excavation Informationโ€™, aims to enhance the representation of information related to instances of uncertainty across space and time encountered during archaeological excavations. The project explores how semantically rich graph data models can be useful in this context and investigates how representations of uncertainty encountered during archaeological excavations can be modelled and integrated into existing data models, such as CRMarchaeo.
  • You will publish scientific articles related to the research project.
  • You will carry out a limited number of teaching and research support tasks for the Department of Heritage.

Deadline : 12 June 2024

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(10) PhD Degree โ€“ Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoraatsbursaal sociaal beleid

  • Je werkt actief aan de voorbereiding en verdediging van een doctoraal proefschrift in de sociaal-economische wetenschappen. Het doctoraatsproject kadert in het FWO-onderzoeksproject โ€œWhen flexicurity drops the ball: assessing the role of the European welfare states in mitigating the income effects of volatile employmentโ€. Dit project gaat na in welke mate jobzekerheid effectief vervangen wordt door werkzekerheid dan wel inkomenszekerheid gegarandeerd door een responsieve welvaartstaat, aan de hand van individuele en dynamische maatstaven gebaseerd op de literatuur rond inkomensvolatiliteit. We focussen op de rol van welvaartstaatinstituties in het garanderen van inkomenszekerheid bij onstabiele tewerkstellingspatronen in de Europese landen. We onderzoeken in welke mate flexicurity-geรฏnspireerd beleid relevant is voor diegenen met een minder stabiele carriรจre, en effectief in het milderen van inkomensschokken.
  • Je publiceert wetenschappelijke artikelen die verband houden met het onderzoeksproject.
  • Je neemt een beperkt pakket van onderwijs- en onderzoeksondersteunende taken op voor het Centrum voor Sociaal Beleid Herman Deleeck.

Deadline : 17 juni 2024

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(11) PhD Degree โ€“ Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoraatsbursaal actief arbeidsmarktbeleid

  • Je werkt actief aan de voorbereiding en verdediging van een doctoraal proefschrift in de sociale wetenschappen. Het doctoraatsproject kadert in het FWO-onderzoeksproject โ€œIntegrating Life Courses: The Labour Market Integration of Non-Economic Migrants (INT-LIFE)โ€. Dit project onderzoekt voor het eerst hoe actief arbeidsmarktbeleid de levenslopen van โ€œniet-economischeโ€ migranten na aankomst beรฏnvloeden, met inbegrip van werk-, maar ook gezinsdynamieken en hoe deze verbanden worden aangestuurd door de besluitvorming van migranten, huishoudleden (vb. partners) en begeleiders (vb. VDAB medewerkers). We passen geavanceerde statistische methoden toe op innovatieve registerdata (vb. hazard models, propensity score matching) en gebruiken ook mixed methods onderzoeksdesigns, waarbij kwalitatieve en kwantitatieve methoden elkaar complementeren.
  • Je publiceert (voornamelijk Engelstalige internationale) wetenschappelijke artikelen die verband houden met het onderzoeksproject.

Deadline : 20 juni 2024

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(12) PhD Degree โ€“ Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral scholarship holder international relations

  • You will work actively on the preparation and defence of a PhD thesis in the field of International Relations (more concretely: Historical International Relations, International Political Theory, International Political Anthropology). You will write your thesis in the context of the FWO-financed project A Genealogy of Peace: Change and Continuity in a Ritual Practice. The project takes a macro-historical approach to analyse conceptions and practices of peace in European history, from the Middle Ages onwards. The PhD student will be able to define their own empirical focus within the broad confines of the project.
  • You will publish scientific articles related to the research project.
  • You will carry out a limited number of teaching and research support tasks for the Research Group International Politics and the Department of Political Science..

Deadline : 10 July 2024

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(13) PhD Degree โ€“ Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral scholarship holder international relations and international security

  • You will work actively on the preparation and defence of a PhD thesis in the field of International Relations. You will write your thesis in the context of the PLATFORM WARS research project, funded by the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO). PLATFORM WARS investigates the growing role of the high-technology sector in modern warfare, focusing on how platform corporations shape contemporary thinking, practices, and regulation in warfare. The project is led by Marijn Hoijtink, who will also act as the main supervisor.
  • As a PhD researcher in the PLATFORM WARS project, you will be responsible for the part of the project that investigates how the high-technology sector shapes new socio-technical practices of warfighting. You will conduct independent and collaborative field research (e.g., at military/tech expos and other professional meetings, but also in situ observations) and conduct interviews with tech entrepreneurs and the military. You will also help develop a mapping of technology corporations involved in warfare through a study of publicly available data on military contracts.
  • You will collaborate with supervisors and peers in research and international scientific publications.
  • You will participate in the provision of academic services: you will represent the research group and project both internally and externally at conferences, workshops, seminars and other scholarly activities, help coordinate the project, and contribute to science communication.
  • You will carry out a limited number of teaching and support tasks for Research Group International Politics and the Department of Political Science.

Deadline : 10 July 2024

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(14) PhD Degree โ€“ Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral scholarship holder international relations and international law

  • You will work actively on the preparation and defence of a PhD thesis in the field of International Relations. You will write your thesis in the context of the PLATFORM WARS research project, funded by the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO). PLATFORM WARS investigates the growing role of the high-technology sector in modern warfare, focusing on how platform corporations shape contemporary thinking, practices, and regulation in warfare. The project is led by Marijn Hoijtink, who will also act as the main supervisor.
  • As a PhD researcher in the PLATFORM WARS project, you will be responsible for the part of the project that investigates the regulatory role of technology firms from an interdisciplinary perspective, combining the study of politics, technology, and law. Specifically, you will analyze how rules and regulations on the use of technology in warfare are shaped by decisions about technological design. You will conduct independent and collaborative field research at sites for technology development and experimentation, and conduct interviews with technology developers and the military.
  • You will collaborate with supervisors and peers in research and international scientific publications.
  • You will participate in the provision of academic services: you will represent the research group and project both internally and externally at conferences, workshops, seminars and other scholarly activities, help coordinate the project, and contribute to science communication.
  • You will carry out a limited number of teaching and support tasks for Research Group International Politics and the Department of Political Science.

Deadline : 10 July 2024

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(15) PhD Degree โ€“ Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD fellow objective and subjective assessments of the urban soundscape

  • You are actively working on the preparation and defense of a dissertation entitled โ€œObjective and subjective assessment of the impact of the urban soundscape on quality of lifeโ€. You will participate in and analyze data from a large-scale  citizen science  (CS) project called โ€ The Cause โ€œ. This recently launched CS project collects both objective and subjective data from more than 2,000 citizens, in combination with a sleep and audiological survey among 100 participants and a soundscape assessment based on data collected with a proprietary smartphone app. In your PhD research you will not only analyze this data in depth statistically, but you will also use GIS-based data and develop AI-based prediction models. Furthermore, you will conduct VR-based listening tests (in collaboration with UMinho, Portugal, and the Antwerp Social Lab,  Karolien Poels ) to further evaluate the impact of different soundscapes, e.g. with and without the presence of a sound barrier. Finally, you develop an acoustic payback period based on the data from De Oorzaak and a specific case study in which a new noise barrier is installed.
  • During your research you will also work with  Elisabete Freitas  (UMinho, Portugal). You are willing to go to Portugal (or another country) for a longer period (2-4 months) for a research exchange or to another partner from your/our international network.
  • You communicate about your research by publishing in A1 journals and giving presentations at (inter)national conferences.
  • You take on limited teaching support tasks within the  Department of Architecture , such as supervising scientific projects, bachelorโ€™s and masterโ€™s theses, all related to your own PhD research or broader expertise. Depending on your background, you will be involved as an assistant in one or two course components (e.g. I-Acoustics).
  • You will take on limited tasks of research support within SuPAR and the laboratory, such as actively participating in LEAN sessions, helping to organize our annual  AIS symposium , assisting the lab managers or technical staff, โ€ฆ

Deadline : October 1, 2024 

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(16) PhD Degree โ€“ Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral scholarship holder ecotoxicology exploring phytoremediation for PFAS cleanup

  • You will work actively on the preparation and defense of a PhD thesis in the field of phytoremediation of PFAS in the terrestrial environment under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Lieven Bervoets, Prof. Dr. Anne Bergmans and Dr. Thimo Groffen.
  • The widespread use of PFAS in industrial and consumer applications has led to a global distribution of these synthetic chemicals in the environment. Here, they persist for many years, bioaccumulate in organisms, and may cause toxic effects to wildlife and humans. Remediation of PFAS-contaminated soils is, however, extremely challenging. You will build on recent findings about the phytoremediation of PFAS in terrestrial environments, using both laboratory and field-based studies. You will study, among others, the factors that affect the phytoremediation potential of specific plant species. In addition, you will investigate the applicability and potential implementation of phytoremediation and phytomanagement using multidisciplinary approaches.
  • You will be part of both the ECOSPHERE and Centre for Research on Environmental and Social Change (CRESC) groups who have an extended experience on environmental sciences, including the investigation of the environmental and societal impact of PFAS.
  • You will publish scientific articles related to the research project.
  • You will carry out a limited number of teaching and research support tasks for the department of Biology, such as assisting practical teaching sessions and supervising Bachelor, Master and Erasmus-exchange students in various disciplines (e.g., Biology, Environmental Sciences,โ€ฆ).
  • You will work closely with another PhD student to be recruited on the same project hired by the Centre for Environmental Sciences, Hasselt University

Deadline :  July 1, 2024

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(17) PhD Degree โ€“ Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral scholarship holder ecotoxicology PFAS systemic regional approach to assess spatial distribution, transfer, exposure and remediation of widespread pollution in Willebroek, Flanders

The PhD student will investigate the relative importance of different exposure routes and the effects of environmental conditions on the bioavailability, accumulation, and toxicity of legacy and emerging per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) within the framework of the LIFE project: โ€œPFAS systemic regional approach to Assess Spatial distribution, Transfer, Exposure and Remediation of widespread pollution in Willebroek, Flanders (PFASTER)โ€.

Deadline : July 1, 2024

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(18) PhD Degree โ€“ Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD position quantitative in situ electron microscopy of metal halide perovskite materials

The EMAT research group at the Faculty of Science (University of Antwerp) is seeking to fill 2 PhD positions in the area of Quantitative in situ electron microscopy of metal halide perovskite materials under the supervision of Prof Sara Bals and Prof Van Aert.

Light detection and emission are crucial for displays, medical and security scanners. Given the societal relevance, there is an emerging need for novel opto-electronic materials with higher conversion efficiency and lower production cost. Metal halide perovskites (MHPs) are promising high-performance semiconductors due to their strong absorption and emission in a broad spectral range and their ease of manufacturing. So far, integration in opto-electronic devices was hampered by inherent stability issues such as the degradation from the optically active โ€œblackโ€ phase into an inactive phase. In this project, we explore a fundamentally new route to stabilize the black phase under ambient conditions. The role of the PhD student is to develop and apply novel low-dose electron microscopy techniques and perform a quantitative analysis of the obtained data. 

Deadline : June 27, 2024

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(19) PhD Degree โ€“ Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD student in applied mathematics: statistics

  • You are actively working on the preparation and defense of a doctoral dissertation in statistics and data science. A non-exhaustive list of topics includes, for example, causal machine learning, causal inference, robust statistics, dimension reduction techniques, sports analysis.
  • You publish scientific articles related to the research project.
  • You will take on a limited package of teaching and research support tasks for applied mathematics

Deadline : June 19, 2024

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About University of Antwerp, Belgium โ€“Official Website

The University of Antwerp (Dutch: Universiteit Antwerpen) is a major Belgian university located in the city of Antwerp. The official abbreviation is UAntwerp. The University of Antwerp has about 20,000 students, which makes it the third-largest university in Flanders. The University of Antwerp is characterised by its high standards in education, internationally competitive research and entrepreneurial approach. It was founded in 2003 after the merger of three smaller universities.

The universityโ€™s roots go back to Sint-Ignatius Handelshogeschool (Saint-Ignatius School for Higher Education in Commerce) founded by the Jesuits (Society of Jesus) in Antwerp in 1852. This was one of the first European business schools to offer formal university degrees. It later opened a Faculty of Literature and Philosophy (including Law) and a Faculty of Political and Social Sciences. It was renamed Universitaire Faculteiten Sint-Ignatius Antwerpen (UFSIA) in the 1960s when the Belgian government granted it university status. In the early 1970s UFSIA joined into a confederation with โ€œRijksuniversitair Centrum Antwerpenโ€ (RUCA) and โ€œUniversitaire Instelling Antwerpenโ€ (UIA), public institutions.



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