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19 Postdoctoral Fellowship at Cornell University, New York, United States

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Cornell University, New York, United States invites online Application for various Postdoctoral Fellowship in their different Departments. We are providing a list of Postdoc Fellowship positions available at Cornell University, New York, United States.

Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.


(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title:  Postdoctoral Associate – Entomology

Cornell University embraces diversity and seeks candidates who will contribute to a climate that supports students, faculty and staff of all identities and backgrounds. We strongly encourage individuals from underrepresented and/or marginalized identities to apply.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc summary/title: Postdoctoral Associate

NIH-funded postdoctoral positions are available in Dr. Yuxin Mao’s laboratory at Cornell University to study the molecular and cellular mechanisms of ubiquitination pathways in normal cell physiology and pathogen-host interactions. Motivated candidates with a recent Ph.D. and prior experience in molecular and cell biology, biochemistry, or structural biology are encouraged to apply. Details about Dr. Mao’s laboratory, ongoing research projects, and recent publications can be found at Interested applicants should contact Dr. Yuxin Mao directly ([email protected]).

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Associate – CALS – Department of Global Development

The Department of Global Development at Cornell University announces a postdoctoral associate opportunity beginning Jan 2023 and focusing on the research project “Modeling Human-Natural System Interactions.” The position is meant to advance research on understanding the role of human–natural systems interactions in the transition to zero emissions when formulating and designing robust climate solutions. Emphasis will be given to modeling societal responses in the Earth system with sectoral (e.g., energy and agriculture) and geographical granularity (e.g., country or region). The candidate will be expected to attend conferences, present results, and publish in peer reviewed publications, as needed. This is a full-time position available with an initial appointment of one-year, renewable for an additional year contingent on available funding and successful performance.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Associate at CHESS

The Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source (CHESS) at Cornell University is seeking a Postdoctoral Associate interested in using advanced x-ray spectroscopy to study chemistry, biochemistry, materials science, and catalysis. This position is based at the Photon-in photon-out X-ray spectroscopy (PIPOXS) beamline and focuses on using x-ray absorption and emission spectroscopy to answer questions in chemical catalysis. Successful candidates will be expected to work both collaboratively and independently on research projects and toward developing and expanding beamline capabilities—including methods for sample delivery and data processing / analysis. Candidates will also help in supporting the user program at PIPOXS. The initial appointment will be for one year, with the expectation of renewal on a yearly basis with satisfactory performance and funding availability for an additional two years. 

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Phenomics Postdoctoral Associate

We are looking to hire one researcher with a background in bioinformatics of phenomic data. Strong skills in scripting and pipeline development are necessary, as are proven written and verbal communication skills. Researchers with experience in human, animal, and non-model organisms are especially encouraged to apply.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc Associate (Africana Studies & Research Center)

The successful candidate should be prepared to teach the following two courses: (1) a 2000-level, introductory course that would describe, define, and interrogate the Black Atlantic from the perspective of Afro-Diasporic history and culture so as to propose and evaluate the phenomena of the global African world or a Survey of African American Music or Religion; and (2) a 4000-level course that focuses on the methods and theories that the postdoctoral fellow employed in his or her dissertation; in addition to the examination of the key theoretical concepts or theoreticians that enabled the dissertation, the course should also provide case studies or illustrations of methodology for student discussion and analysis.

Deadline : November 2, 2022.

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(07) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Associate – Collaborative on Media and Messaging for Health and Social Policy team

The Postdoc Associate will work closely with Dr.’s Jamila Michener, Neil Lewis, and Jeff Niederdeppe on a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation grant entitled, “Developing Rapidly Responsive Community Engaged Research on Media Messaging and Narrative Change Strategies to Promote Health and Racial Equity.” The specific responsibilities of the postdoc will include (but are not limited to) analyzing policy content, synthesizing publicly available public opinion data on relevant health and social policies, assisting in conducting experiments, drafting policy reports, and supporting engagement with state and local community partners. There is no teaching associated with the position, but the Postdoctoral Associate will be expected to be an active contributor to COMM HSP activities. The Postdoctoral Associate will also be given mentorship and dedicated time to pursue their own scholarship.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(08) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Associate, Quantitative Ecologist – Lab of Ornithology

The North American continent is supporting 3 billion fewer birds today than in 1970, however the demographic mechanisms underlying these declines remain poorly understood. Within this NSF project we aim to develop a methodological framework to understand current population declines and point towards a roadmap for the recovery and conservation of the mass migration of birds. The Postdoctoral Associate will examine population change from a large-scale demographic perspective, relying on ‘big data’ resources that can be readily generalized across many species. The postdoc will collaborate with Cornell Lab’s quantitative team to develop macro-demographic indices of avian recruitment and mortality, based on continent-wide radar data (NEXRAD), broad-scale citizen-science data (eBird) and fine-scale data from the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) and Phenocam. These novel indices will be related to environmental data, to gain mechanistic insights into how climate extremes are driving population changes, and to assess how macro-scale demographic patterns scale down to individual ecoregions and local sites.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(09) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Associate | Predictive Analytics in Crop Breeding and Management | School of Integrative Plant Science, CALS

The School of Integrative Plant Science at Cornell University is seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral associate to conduct interdisciplinary studies combining plant phenomics and genomics. The position is in the Sections of Plant Breeding and Genetics (Mike Gore Lab) and Soil and Crop Science (Ying Sun Lab) and includes collaborations with quantitative geneticists (Kelly Robbins and Joe Gage Labs) and computer scientists (Abe Davis and Noah Snavely Labs). The successful applicant is expected to integrate physiological and environmental processes with genetic data to understand and forecast plant performance at different spatial and temporal scales. A special focus of this position is on the development and application of crop growth models from remote sensing data (e.g., Chlorophyll Fluorescence, Lidar, Hyperspectral) to enable genetic dissection and prediction of phenotypes related to plant productivity and adaptation to environmental changes. Other responsibilities of this position include trips to collaborator field sites and presenting original scientific results at meetings and in publications.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(10) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Associate – Eirene

This position requires a qualified scientist with skills in molecular biology, neurobiology, and genomics. The scientist will use these tools to study the function of chromatin regulation during brain development; an applied goal is to use these studies to characterize the function of human variants associated with autism that affect chromatin regulator genes.  The scientist will be expected to generate genome-wide data on chromatin state and transcription factor binding, in isolated populations of cells or single-cell resolution.  This position also requires data analysis and drafting manuscripts that describe and discuss the results.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(11) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Associate : Youth Self-Driven Learning, Sense of purpose, and Well-being

The Department of Psychology in the College of Human Ecology at Cornell University is seeking a Postdoctoral Associate for up to a 2-year period beginning fall 2022. The successful candidate will work on a currently funded study investigating the value of youth-driven learning on positive youth development. Despite a substantial and growing research literature on curiosity, resilience, and purpose in life, there remain a small number of viable interventions to enhance these strengths. Our lab is collaborating GripTape – a youth self-driven learning program to evaluate the effectiveness of the their intervention program, and the underlying mechanisms that account for positive outcomes among youth participating in it. Through a series of projects, we intend to clarify precisely why GripTape works, for whom, and what psychological and social factors optimize its impact.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(12) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Associate – Ke Lab

A NIH-funded postdoc position is available in Ailong Ke’s Lab at Cornell University, Ithaca, USA. The main theme of the lab is to understand the underlying mechanism of RNA-guided processes inside cell. Projects for postdoctoral training typically involve nucleic acid biochemistry, cryo-EM based structure determination, and further functional validation in vivo and in vitro. Please visit our laboratory and departmental web sites for research and publication details (Molecular Cell. 2019 Jun 6;74(5):936-950. Science. 2018 Jul 6;361(6397). Nature. 2017 Oct 5;550(7674):137-141. Cell. 2017 Jun 29;170(1):48-60. Nature. 2016 Feb 25;530(7591):499-503.). 

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(13) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Associate – Ke Lab 1

A postdoc position is available in Ailong Ke’s Lab at Cornell University, Ithaca, USA. We are looking for a highly motivated individual with experiences in genome editing and high-throughput analysis. The preferred skill set include tissue culture handling, informatics, and solid molecular biology and biochemistry skills. The trainee will interact on a day-to-day basis with peers in the areas of structural biology and single molecule biophysics. We aim to provides an interdisciplinary training environment to efficiently convert high-resolution mechanistic understandings to novel genome editing applications. Please visit our laboratory and departmental web sites for details of our recent research and publications (Molecular Cell. 2019 Jun 6;74(5):936-950. Science. 2018 Jul 6;361(6397). Nature. 2017 Oct 5;550(7674):137-141. Cell. 2017 Jun 29;170(1):48-60. Nature. 2016 Feb 25;530(7591):499-503.).

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(14) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Associate – Machine Learning and Veterinary Medicine

We are pleased to offer a 1-year postdoctoral position opportunity in application of machine learning techniques in veterinary medicine and animal sciences. This person will work with a multi-disciplinary team including clinical and academic experts in medical imaging, dairy science, and computer science in developing artificial intelligent systems via image analysis and integration of data from sensor and non-sensor data streams in dairy farms, joining the labs of Dr Parminder Basran, PhD in the College of Veterinary Medicine. This position is partially supported by the Cornell Institute for Digital Agriculture (CIDA) and is available immediately.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(15) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Position in Reproductive Aging

A multi-institutional postdoc position in Female Reproductive Aging is available in the laboratories of Dr. Ned Place at Cornell University, Dr. Francesca Duncan at Northwestern University and Dr. Michele Pritchard at the University of Kansas Medical Center (KUMC). Drs. Place, Duncan and Pritchard are Co-PIs on an NSF-funded project that is meant to determine whether an inducible transgene from the naked mole-rat (NMR) attenuates aging-associated declines in ovarian and reproductive function in mice. The project also involves complementary investigations of ovaries from naked mole-rats themselves, which are exceptional in that females of this diminutive rodent demonstrate no aging-related declines in fertility and fecundity into their 3rd decade of life! The postdoc will benefit from a diversity of perspectives and training experiences in each of the Co-PIs’ labs. Our principal areas of interest for this project are increased ovarian stromal fibrosis, inflammation and stiffness that occur with aging and whether the NMR transgene attenuates these changes and results in improved fertility and fecundity in nmrHas2 mouse. This NMR-transgenic mouse produces a very high molecular mass form of hyaluronan (vHMM-HA), a key component of the extracellular matrix (ECM), and nmrHas2 mice exhibit much-improved overall health at advanced ages. Direct effects of vHMM-HA on ovarian structure and function in the context of aging, as well as indirect effects via the modulation of the NRF2 cytoprotective pathway, are the mechanisms that will be the focus of our investigations.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(16) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: 2023 CESI Postdoctoral Research Fellowship

The CESI Postdoctoral Fellows is designed to attract the best and brightest young researchers in energy science, engineering, and materials to Cornell. The goal is to create a cohort of independent scholars pursuing frontier research in energy. Fellows will work in partnership with Cornell faculty sponsors on projects consistent with the CESI mission. The mission of the Cornell Energy Systems Institute (CESI) is to “Make smart energy systems with low carbon footprint the norm through innovations in materials, technology, and systems design.” In pursuit of this mission, the Institute supports an ambitious agenda spanning discovery research to technology translation and systems integration. The goal is to catalyze the frontier research on materials, devices, data analytics and algorithms, and intelligent systems architectures required to lower cost, improve performance, and reduce the carbon footprint of energy systems. The Institute also serves as a hub for subject matter experts, programs, and multi-user facilities that translate energy-focused research discoveries to prototypes and prototypes to commercial practice.  While CESI is interested in proposals in all areas of energy systems and technology research, currently there is particular interest in the following areas:

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(17) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Associate New Conversations Project: Sustainable Labor Standards in the Global Economy

Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Associate, tenable at the New Conversations Project at the ILR School at Cornell University. The New Conversations Project (NCP) is a research project dedicated to improving labor conditions in global supply chains. A description of NCP can be found here: The incumbent will work under the supervision of Professor Sarosh Kuruvilla, Academic Director of the New Conversations Project, and Executive Director, Jason Judd.  The position will commence on November 1 for a 12 month appointment, with the possibility of renewal for another 10 months. The starting dates are negotiable.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(18) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Associate in Atmospheric Science (Ithaca, New York)

We are looking for a Postdoctoral Associate to join a new collaborative project between Cornell University and the National Center for Atmospheric Research. The project will develop and test, an integrated multi-container framework for the Weather Research and Forecasting model and deploy it to address science questions in three use-cases: (1) Land use/land cover (LULC) change in the US Northeast and feedbacks to extreme weather events and societal impacts. (2) Climate change impacts on wind and solar resources and (3) Air quality in the Northeast urban corridor. The appointee will focus primarily on use of WRF to address science questions within the three use-cases but will also include working with computational scientists to test and improve WRF simulations on cloud-based compute platforms. Accordingly, job duties (and effort allocation) are:

  • (50%) Conducting and evaluating numerical downscaling simulations using WRF.
  • (25%) Developing publication-quality research manuscripts.
  • (5%) Data archiving using best-practice data provenance procedures.
  • (20%) Testing containerize WRF realizations and post-processing tools

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(19) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Cornell Population Center – Postdoctoral Associate

The Cornell Population Center (CPC) invites applicants for the Frank H.T. Rhodes Postdoctoral Fellowships. The position starts August 15, 2023 and will continue for 2 years, subject to a satisfactory first year evaluation. Selection is based on scholarly potential, ability to work in multi-disciplinary settings, and the support of a CPC faculty affiliate who will serve as mentor. Preference will be given to fellows with research interests in areas broadly related to the CPC’s four main areas: families & children; health behaviors & disparities; poverty & inequality; and immigration & diversity. Especially encouraged are applications from candidates whose research has significance for those countries on which the fellowship’s funder focuses – the United States, the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, Vietnam, South Africa, and Bermuda.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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About Cornell University, New York, United States – Official Website

Cornell University is a private, statutory, Ivy League and land-grant research university in Ithaca, New York. Founded in 1865 by Ezra Cornell and Andrew Dickson White, the university was intended to teach and make contributions in all fields of knowledge—from the classics to the sciences, and from the theoretical to the applied. These ideals, unconventional for the time, are captured in Cornell’s founding principle, a popular 1868 quotation from founder Ezra Cornell: “I would found an institution where any person can find instruction in any study.”

The university is broadly organized into seven undergraduate colleges and seven graduate divisions at its main Ithaca campus, with each college and division defining its specific admission standards and academic programs in near autonomy. The university also administers two satellite medical campuses, one in New York City and one in Education City, Qatar.

Cornell is one of the few private land grant universities in the United States. Of its seven undergraduate colleges, three are state-supported statutory or contract colleges through the State University of New York (SUNY) system, including its agricultural and human ecology colleges as well as its industrial labor relations school. Of Cornell’s graduate schools, only the veterinary college is state-supported. As a land grant college, Cornell operates a cooperative extension outreach program in every county of New York and receives annual funding from the State of New York for certain educational missions. The Cornell University Ithaca Campus comprises 745 acres, but is much larger when the Cornell Botanic Gardens (more than 4,300 acres) and the numerous university-owned lands in New York City are considered.



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