NTNU- Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at NTNU- Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Sociology or Political Science connected to the research group CHAIN
The PhD project will be based on CHAIN’s new “rotating module on the social determinants of health”, which is currently being implemented into the 11th round of the European Social Survey (ESS). This is a repetition of the module that was implemented in ESS7 in 2014 (First Pan-European Sociological Health Inequalities Survey of the General Population: The European Social Survey Rotating Module on the Social Determinants of Health | European Sociological Review | Oxford Academic (oup.com)). The module is the only international sociological health survey with a comparative focus, and the data from ESS11 will become available in November 2024. Until the data is ready, the PhD student should use other rounds of the ESS. The project will examine how effective countries with different welfare systems and pandemic mitigation strategies (such as school closures, social distancing, and measures at workplaces) have been in protecting their population’s health, and their social determinants through the pandemic, by applying ESS round 7 and 11). The Nordic welfare states are under pressure, but the pandemic may be seen as a natural experiment that can bring the real value of the Nordic model to light. For example, it could be worthwhile to examine how the Nordic countries differ from other European countries that do not have as widespread universal welfare schemes. One could expect that the Nordic countries have fared better because they have social support schemes that protect disadvantaged groups to a greater extent who also suffer from a higher proportion of chronic diseases. Within the Nordic region, it would be particularly interesting to compare Norway and Sweden, which chose very different pandemic strategies. ESS11 would allow for an examination of what the pandemic has meant for the socially stratified development of 1) lifestyles (e.g. alcohol and diet), 2) material prosperity (e.g. income, quality of housing), 3) work (e.g. unemployment and working environment) , 4) psychosocial factors (for example, perception of control), 5) use of health services (for example, alternative treatment and informal health care), and 6) health (especially mental health).
Deadline : 10th January 2024
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Multi-scale characterization of metamaterial structures (METRAMAT MSCA – DC6)
We are looking for a PhD candidate for one of the ten PhD positions in METRAMAT project; a European Doctoral Network funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2022 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action (MSCA). The main objective of METRAMAT Doctoral Network project is to actively train young researchers to become skilled in metamaterial development by researching and creating a combined set of design, simulation, manufacturing, testing, reliability assessment and integration tools that will strengthen the European manufacturing industry and lead to a sustainable society. The manufacturing industry is fundamental to the technological sovereignty and competitiveness of the European economy. To maintain the leading position, the sector requires continuous innovations, exploring the limits of material properties. This is particularly the case in high-end technology applications, such as lithography machines and micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) industry, where the limits of conventional materials come into sight. Metamaterials, built up from rationally, pre-designed architected substructures, hold the promise to outperform conventional materials and redefine the boundaries of industrial design practices. The metamaterial potential can drive the much-needed transformational changes in European manufacturing industry. However, the wide-spread use of metamaterials is hindered by the lack of knowledge of (i) design-for-production principles for metamaterials, (ii) integration at component and system level and (iii) design-for-reliability of metamaterials. METRAMAT will train and deliver 10 researchers skilled in metamaterial development by researching and creating a combined set of design, simulation, manufacturing, testing, reliability assessment and integration tools. The involvement of MEMS, lithography and additive manufacturing industries ensures that scientific training is tuned to existing industrial challenges requiring new fundamental solutions, such as positioning accuracy, sensor sensitivity or shielding of external vibrational disturbances, with emphasis on design for manufacturability and reliability. Together with the transferable skills training, secondments and network, this will provide the doctoral candidates a strong basis for a successful career in industry or academia. The new scientific insights, engineering tools and educational programs to be developed within METRAMAT program will pave the way to wide-spread manufacturing and application of metamaterials in European industry, elevating it to the next level.
Deadline :7th January 2024
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Co-design Practice
NTNU is a broad-based university with a technical-scientific profile and a focus in professional education. The university is located in three cities with headquarters in Trondheim.
Deadline : 1st January 2024
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Microbial Biotechnology and Bioprocess Technology
About the position: We have a vacancy for a PhD position at Division of Microbial Biotechnology at IBT: Research Microbial Biotechnology. For a position as a PhD Candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree. This PhD position will be part of the project “Value creation from agrifood side streams within circular bioeconomy (AgriFood)”, led by RISE PFI (https://rise-pfi.no/en/) and with NTNU as a partner. Agrifood project aims to develop knowledge and methods for valorisation of agrifood side streams into high quality value-added compounds such as food and feed ingredients, and thus contribute to sustainable bioeconomy. This PhD position will have research focus on microbial utilization of agrifood side streams, which includes microbial molecular biology, bioprocess engineering and biomass upgrading. The overall project goal is to develop microbial cell factories that can produce value-added chemicals and proteins from these side streams. The project group comprises a strong interdisciplinary consortium with scientists having complementary background from fractionation and extraction, biopolymer chemistry, microbial biotechnology, food safety, and sustainability, together with industry partners representing both the agricultural industry, breweries, and food processing industry. The PhD candidate will be a part of this team, and first and foremost work together with the scientists at NTNU and RISE PFI.
Deadline : 31st December 2023
(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD and Postdoc positions in the SUBPRO-Zero Team
NTNU is a broad-based university with a technical-scientific profile and a focus in professional education. The university is located in three cities with headquarters in Trondheim.
Deadline : Open until filled
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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD and PD positions in the HYDROGENi team
HYDROGENi is a Centre for environment-friendly energy research (FME) dedicated to the research and innovations within hydrogen and ammonia needed to meet the 2030 and 2050 goals of the Norwegian hydrogen road map. HYDROGENi’s activities are a collaborative effort from Norwegian and European partners (industry, universities, and research institutes) that cover the entire hydrogen value chain. Hydrogen’s role in the energy transition was previously thought to be a “clean” alternative to fossil fuels in cars. However, it can also replace fossil fuels in industrial processes, such as coal in the steel industry, and in the maritime sector. Hydrogen is now considered to be one of the main drivers of the green shift. To realise hydrogen’s full potential, there are important knowledge- and technology gaps that need to be filled.
Deadline : Open until filled
(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Electric Insulation and Flow Dynamics in Power Transformer Windings
A secure energy supply requires a robust and resilient power and transmission system. Significant investment in electric power systems is needed in the coming decade to meet growing energy demands. Reinvestments should be done in a way that minimizes environmental impact and preserves reliability. Liquid-filled high-voltage power transformers play a crucial role in electric production, transmission, and distribution systems. The liquid serves as electrical insulation and cooling for the transformer windings. Mineral oils, derived from non-renewable crude oil with low biodegradability, have long been the dominant insulating liquids. However, new alternatives with environmental, HSE, and technical benefits have emerged. The NewLifT project, which this PhD position is associated with, focuses on the thermal properties of these new insulating liquids. The PhD will work with a multidisciplinary research team to examine the impact of liquid viscosity on cooling capabilities, particularly at low temperatures. The research may involve both experimental and numerical/analytic work, and the candidate’s background and interests will determine the balance. The PhD will focus on modelling and measuring liquid flow in a laboratory flow rig.
Deadline : 17th December 2023
(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellow in modelling, optimisation, and assessment of BIPV systems
We have one vacancy for one PhD candidate at the Department of Architecture and Technology (IAT). The position is strongly linked to EU-funded projects that include research and industrial partners both in Norway and abroad. The focus of the position is to develop new knowledge and tools to foster the uptake of photovoltaic (PV) systems in buildings and infrastructure. The research will particularly make use of advanced building performance simulation tools to support the assessment, design, and development of BIPV (building integrated photovoltaics) systems that enable both high energy efficiency and user satisfaction in buildings. We are seeking an ambitious individual who is ready to take on challenges, not only in the realm of building performance simulation and PV systems simulation, but also in adjacent fields such as visualisation, architectural design methods for sustainable buildings, and supporting project management and administration. You will be part of the Energy and Environment group at the Department of Architecture and Technology. The Energy and Environment group strives to solve sustainability issues of the built environment and to prepare it for climate neutrality. Based on science and research we advance design solutions that integrate energy and environmental performance with high architectural and spatial quality. By developing and adopting methods for evaluating indoor and outdoor environmental quality, environmental impact, energy and resource use, we are seeking a performative approach to architecture. We aim at enabling the design of buildings and neighbourhoods with a positive impact on humans and their environment throughout their life cycle.
Deadline : 15th December 2023
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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in life prediction of nickel-based alloys under hydrogen environment
A PhD position is available at the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering within the field of life prediction of nickel-based alloys under hydrogen environment. Nickel-based alloys are extensively used in the oil and gas industry owing to their excellent mechanical properties under harsh environment. Nevertheless, multiple field failures have been reported over the last years, indicating hydrogen-assisted cracking/hydrogen embrittlement (HE) caused by the presence of hydrogen in the environment. Alarmed by this “time bomb” scenario, the oil and gas industry in Norway is attempting to establish a practical guideline related to HE in nickel-based alloys. To meet the urgent industrial needs, microstructure-informed hydrogen embrittlement life prediction of nickel-based alloys (Helife) project, funded by the Research Council of Norway, aims to provide the scientific basis for establishing a practical guideline for HE assessment of both the existing components made of precipitation-hardened nickel alloys and the promising strain-hardened alloys for the subsea applications. The research will focus on investigating the mechanisms of selected materials with representative microstructures under controlled hydrogen environments and well-defined loading conditions, using multiscale mechanical testing and characterization approaches. We are looking for you who want to collaborate with industrial partners and conduct in depth research in this field.
Deadline :15th December 2023
(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in biophysics and nanofabrication for biomedical research
We have a vacancy for a highly motivated PhD candidate to join the Bionanotechnology and Biomaterials group at the Department of Physics, section for Biophysics and Medical Technology. The objective of the PhD project is to develop, fabricate and study advanced nanostructured surfaces that can be used to probe how cells respond to mechanical inputs. The shape and structure of the cell nucleus are vital indicators of cancer and are critical for diagnostics and treatment development. Yet, existing tools for inducing controlled nuclear deformations and measuring cell and nuclear responses are inadequate, leaving life science researchers without sufficient means to advance their understanding in these areas. The position will allow the candidate to become expert in micro- and nanotechnology for biomedical research.
Deadline : 15th December 2023
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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Model-Driven Verification and Validation of Software Systems
The objective of this position is exploring new Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) techniques for the Verification and Validation (V&V) of modern software systems. The focus will be in particular on advancing techniques for systems developed with modern approaches, which include for example the integration of AI-based components and large language models (LLMs). Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) is a software and system development paradigm centered around structured models. Models are defined according to precise Domain-Specific Languages (DSL), so that they can be used as input to automated code generators and other automation tasks. MDE finds application in repetitive and complex manual tasks: it has been extensively used for V&V tasks, in which information on a complex system needs to be processed and transformed in different ways.While Model-Driven V&V practices are relatively established for traditional systems, the changes in software development practices in recent years raise new challenges and opportunities. On the one hand, new development techniques like continuous integration can synergize with MDE automated generation of artifacts. On the other hand, the spreading of generative AI techniques, like Large Language Models (LLMs), open up new opportunities for the development of DSLs, but also new areas of application.
Deadline : 15th December 2023
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(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Databases and Search for Analysis of Semantically Annotated Document Collections
For a position as a PhD Candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree.
We have a vacancy for a PhD Candidate in Databases and Search group for large-scale analysis of semantically annotated document collections at the Department of Computer Science.
The position is funded by Department of Computer Science at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. The department is an active and dynamic environment for cutting edge research in all areas of computer science ranging from artificial intelligence to theoretical computer science. The department also hosts several high impact research groups that cover competencies relevant to the Norwegian industry such as the NorwAI and OpenAI laboratories.
Deadline : 8th December 2023
(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in industrial nutrition and food technology
In 2022, approximately 500 tonnes of Saccharina latissima and Alaria esculenta were cultivated in Norway, with expectations of exponential growth in the production in the upcoming years, potentially reaching several million tonnes. This projected expansion depends upon the development of markets and technology.
Currently, there is an open PhD position available within the Department of Biotechnology and Food Science, closely linked to the multidisciplinary project SusFF: Sustainable food and feed, at SINTEF Industry. The primary objective of this PhD-project is the development of innovative food products derived from cultivated seaweed.
Deadline : 7th December 2023
(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Collision-resilient Aerial Robots incorporating Airframe Softness & Morphing
The Department of Engineering Cybernetics has a vacancy for a PhD Candidate in the domain of “Collision-resilient Aerial Robots incorporating Airframe Softness & Morphing”
Collision-tolerant aerial robots have scored some significant successes in flying through highly confined and cluttered environments. Beyond teleoperated use deployed for industrial applications, autonomous collision-tolerant flying robots have been demonstrated to explore strenuous environments such as underground mines or ship ballast tanks. Exploiting their mechanical resilience, they can mitigate the risks of a low-speed collision and allow the system to survive.
Deadline : 6th December 2023
(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Simulation-based System Stress Testing
We are currently seeking a highly motivated PhD candidate to join our team. The primary goal of this position is to pursue doctoral education leading to the successful attainment of a doctoral degree while actively contributing to the ‘OPTISTRESS’ project, which is focused on ‘System optimization and stress testing in co-simulations.’
Deadline : 3rd December 2023
(16) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Two PhD Candidates in Materials Science / Physics
The two PhD projects are mainly experimental in nature and aim to characterize electric and magnetic materials. We want to learn to control their nanoscale structure and emergent topological defects and demonstrate possible pathways utilizing their unique physical properties for the design of extremely efficient memory devices and low-energy computing.
Project 1: Magnetic spin textures for low-energy computing – The PhD candidate will characterize the static and dynamic properties of local spin textures in nano-structured systems, learn to create such spin textures on demand, and develop simple demonstrator devices for neuromorphic and autonomous low-power computing applications. The PhD candidate will learn how to model such spin textures using micromagnetic simulations and fabricate and characterize basic devices structures by combining focused ion beam (FIB) nanostructuring and magnetic force microscopy.
Project 2: Ferroelectric domain walls for reservoir computing – The PhD candidate will study the electronic properties of ferroelectric domain walls and explore how individual walls and networks can be used as reservoirs for unconventional computing. The PhD candidate will apply advanced scanning probe microscopy methods, scanning electron microscopy, and electrical measurements to characterize the domain walls and their functional properties. FIB-based nano-structuring will be applied to work towards first proof-of-concept devices.
Deadline : 1st December 2023
(17) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in the project Visualizing the Deep Sea in the age of Climate Change (Deep Sea)
The appointed candidate will carry out an independent and clearly defined research project within the framework of the Deep Sea project. This means that the PhD project will be conducted in collaboration with the project leader and other project members, who will act as supervisor and co-supervisors respectively. The announced PhD position is linked to work package 1 (Deep-Sea Sensing), with the possibility of a thematic link to work package 2 (Deep-Sea Exploration) where this is relevant. Descriptions of the project’s work packages are given on the project website.
Deadline : 1st December 2023
(18) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: 11 PhD positions in the TOPOCOM Marie Curie Doctoral Network
TOPOCOM (Topological Solitons in Ferroics for Unconventional Computing) is a European MSCA Doctoral Network, for which we are recruiting 11 doctoral candidates. TOPOCOM will provide comprehensive training on the integrative concepts underlying the science of topological solitons in ferroic materials and their application in unconventional computing. The doctoral candidates will be located at the following institutions: Norwegian University of Science and Technology (2 positions), Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (2 positions), Luxembourg Institute for Science and Technology (1 position), University of Groningen (1 position), University of Messina (1 position), University of Crete (1 position), Infineon Technologies (1 position), Singulus Technologies (1 position), IBM Research GmbH (1 position).
Deadline : 1st December 2023
(19) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Information Systems
We seek a highly motivated PhD candidate in Information Systems to join our interdisciplinary research team that will study responsible digital transformation while focusing on human-centric approaches. Considering how emerging technologies and especially AI have influenced digital transformation, and vice versa, many aspects of Responsible AI (RAI) are relevant for responsible digital transformation. Responsible digital transformation can be seen as a process of integrating digital technology into a business in a way that is ethical, sustainable, and respectful of human values and society. Human-centric approaches examine the implications of integrating advanced digital technologies with human creativity and problem-solving abilities. Information systems are central to such transformation.
Deadline : 27th November 2023
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(20) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD candidates in environmental sustainability of agri-food systems
The announced positions gives the opportunity to perform a PhD study at the Industrial Ecology Programme (IndEcol) at NTNU. IndEcol is a well-known research group with an international leading role in the field of environmental sustainability analysis and climate change mitigation strategies. IndEcol currently consists of about 80 employees in scientific positions and features publications of scientific articles in top-ranked journals, direct contributions to assessment reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), and leading roles in several large-scale projects and initiatives at a national and European level.
Deadline : 26th November 2023
About NTNU- Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway- Official Website
The Norwegian University of Science and Technology is a public research university in Norway with the main campus in Trondheim and smaller campuses in Gjøvik and Ålesund. The largest university in Norway, NTNU has over 8,000 employees and over 40,000 students. NTNU in its current form was established by the King-in-Council in 1996 by the merger of the former University of Trondheim and other university-level institutions, with roots dating back to 1760, and has later also incorporated some former university colleges. NTNU is consistently ranked in the top one percentage among the world’s universities, usually in the 101–500 range depending on ranking.
NTNU has the main national responsibility for education and research in engineering and technology, and is the successor of Norway’s preeminent engineering university, the Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH), established by Parliament in 1910 as Norway’s national engineering university. In addition to engineering and natural sciences, the university offers higher education in other academic disciplines ranging from medicine, psychology, social sciences, the arts, teacher education, architecture and fine art. NTNU is well known for its close collaboration with industry, and particularly with its R&D partner SINTEF, which provided it with the biggest industrial link among all the technical universities in the world. The university’s academics include three Nobel laureates in medicine, Edvard Moser, May-Britt Moser and John O’Keefe.
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