University of Southern Denmark, Denmark invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at University of Southern Denmark, Denmark.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD scholarship for research project in Applied Economics
The PhD student will be affiliated to the Econometrics and Data Science Group which focuses on producing high quality research and teaching in Econometrics, Statistics, Causal Inference, Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics. The group is acknowledged as a leading research group and attracts substantial grants and media coverage, as well as publishing books and journal articles with top outlets.
The candidate will join an international team of researchers and will be involved in a research project that combines administrative data with external sources to enhance our understanding of how employment conditions affect employee mental health. The research project will use econometrics and machine learning techniques to quantify the impact of key legislations on employee mental health. The successful candidate is expected to align their research project with this overarching theme. In addition, the candidate will be involved in teaching and supervision within economics at both undergraduate and graduate levels.
Deadline : 23rd June, 2024
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Ph.D. position available: Targeted Radiotheranostic Pharmaceuticals
This Ph.D. project is one out of three Ph.D. projects funded by a Synergy grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation (“Image and Destroy: New Radionuclides for Cancer Theranostics”). It is part of a collaboration with the Preclinical Research Group at the Department of Nuclear Medicine, Odense University Hospital (Dr Helge Thisgaard), and with a group at Dublin City University in Ireland specializing in medicinal inorganic chemistry (Prof. Andrew Kellett). The team is multidisciplinary with expertise in chemistry, radiochemistry, nuclear physics, biomedicine, and molecular biology. We are primarily focused on developing and evaluating new radiopharmaceuticals for PET-imaging and receptor-targeted precision radiotherapies of cancer using unconventional radionuclides. The work spans from chemical synthesis, radioactive isotope preparation and radiolabeling, to in vitro cell testing and ultimately small animal testing for any highly promising leads.
Deadline : 15 August 2024
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in Cyber-Security Methods for Cyber-Safe Robotics
Robot, automation, and drone applications consist of an increasing number of connected devices based on technology from different parties in the supply chain. This opens more attack vectors from a security perspective. These attacks exploit the digital and physical aspects of a robotic system. Therefore, software and hardware vulnerabilities can lead to significant security breaches. This project aims to develop models and solutions to identifying and mitigate potential threats and vulnerabilities specific to robotic systems.
The PhD project will, depending on the skills of the applicant, focus on one or more of the following topics:
- developing effective intrusion detection systems for robots, which requires a deep understanding of the robot’s behavior and environment,
- Machine learning techniques, including anomaly detection and pattern recognition, applied to identify deviations from normal robot behavior,
- next-generation security and privacy requirements, and solutions for cyber-safe robotics,
- human-robot interaction security.
The candidate is expected to collaborate with experts from diverse fields, such as robotics, law, and cybersecurity, to ensure a holistic approach to addressing the security challenges in robotics. The position is part of the project “Cyber-Safe Robotics” funded by Industriens fond.
Deadline : 31 August 2024
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in Condition Monitoring and Predictive Maintenance for Marine Combustion Engines
Would you like to make a contribution to the Blue Denmark and take part in the digital, green and zero-emission transition of the global shipping industry? Now, we are offering an exciting opportunity to address such interdisciplinary challenges requesting close collaboration between academia and companies. The successful candidate is expected to work actively in Work Package 3 (WP3) of the Shippinglab phase II project running from 2024-2027 focusing on digitalization, decarbonation and safety for the future blue Denmark funded by IFD (Innovation Fund Denmark) and several DK Maritime funds and conduct application-oriented research with a team of industry partners in the maritime sector.
The aim of Shippinglab is to accelerate the green transition of the global maritime sector by promoting a digital and safe transformation through innovation actions, developing the position of Blue Denmark as frontrunner for digitalization and decarbonization. WP3 will focus on digital twin models for CBM (Condition based monitoring) and PdM (Predictive maintenance), targeting subsystems and critical components of marine combustion engines. New technologies such as DS (Data science), ML (Machine Learning) methods and AI (Artificial intelligence) will be used to facilitate the development of digital prediction models for wear and estimation of RUL (Remaining useful life) to support ship operators and engine vendors in improving uptime of equipment, prevent safety critical incidents and reducing operational expenses and emissions from operations.
Deadline : 1 July 2024
(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Positions in Software and Robotics for Novel Use of Data in Automation
In the motivation letter, the candidates are requested to state which of the two projects is preferred. Both projects are in the context of an industrial focused research project named FERA with several industrial partners.
Project 1 – Methods and Tools for Searching Robot Data to support Robot Programming
This project aims to develop methods and tools for searching robot source code, design documents and operation data to support robot programming.
The PhD candidate will be responsible to:
- Do design of a data infrastructure for hosting and serving relevant data formats.
- Develop search interfaces for the data infrastructure including the visualization of source code and data elements.
- Analyze the support provided by a search interface for robot programmers to find code and data for reuse for different domain cases.
Project 2 – Methods and Tools for Robot Programming mixing Reusable Code and Data
This project aims to develop methods and tools for robot programming mixing previously developed source code and operational data.
The PhD candidate will be responsible to:
- Explore, apply, and adapt methods for developing automation solutions based on reusing code and data from previous solutions.
- Develop tool support for using the methods on examples of code and data from domain cases.
- Analyze the ease of programming and reliability of automation solutions developed based on reuse.
Deadline : 21 June 2024
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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Fellowship in functional proteomics and tissue plasticity
The Center for Functional Genomics and Tissue Plasticity, ATLAS (Center Director Prof. Susanne Mandrup) aims to obtain system-level, mechanistic and cell type-resolved understanding of adipose and hepatic tissue plasticity in response to diet induced obesity and regression in mouse models; and to translate this for in-depth understanding of the functional changes in these human tissues in response to severe obesity and reversal. The center applies a combination of next generation sequencing-based approaches, mouse models, proteomics, in vivo targeting, computational biology and clinical studies.
Deadline : 19 June 2024
(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Vacant Ph.D. fellowship at the Department of Law, University of Southern Denmark
At the Department of Law, one or more Ph.D. fellowships will be available as of 1 January 2025 or by further agreement. The place of work is at the University of Southern Denmark, Odense.
The primary task in the positions is research and, as a result, to prepare a Ph.D. thesis within the three-year employment. As a Ph.D. fellow at the Department of Law, you will be part of a legal research environment anchored in The Faculty of Business and Social Sciences.
You are expected to have academic qualifications corresponding to the level obtained by completing a relevant Master’s degree programme. If you have practical experience in subject areas relevant to the proposed research project, it is naturally an advantage, but it is neither required nor expected.
A Ph.D. is a research degree at the highest international level. You will become part of active learning environments, in Denmark as well as abroad, and you will obtain an extensive academic knowledge e.g. by participating in relevant Ph.D. courses. Furthermore, you will gain teaching experience since part of the program involves teaching certain courses at our law studies. You are expected to be able to teach in Danish and/or English.
Deadline : 07/06/2024,
(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD scholarships at the SDU Climate Cluster Elite Center Mobilizing Post-Anthropocentric Climate Action: A New Root Narrative (PACA)
As part of the PhD program, an individual education program within the field of business and management must be completed. The successful candidates will be expected to complete a six-month stay at a research institution abroad and, over the period of the program, to acquire experience of teaching or other types of presentation. S/he will also be expected to participate in the various activities within the center and – apart from the stay abroad – to be present on a daily basis. The thesis will be an integral part of the SDU Climate Elite Centre project, “Mobilizing Post-Anthropocentric Climate Action: A New Root Narrative” (PACA). PACA seeks to map post-anthropocentric social theories that challenge the nature-culture divide and investigate traces of these theories in the population. It assesses the extent to which such practices and beliefs can provide a positive narrative for a new organization of production and consumption practices and, finally, the role of universities as mediators of the emergent post-anthropocentrism. This project has the ambition to develop into an international hub for research on post-anthropocentric consumption and production systems as foundational for a sustainable economy.
Deadline : 08/04/2024,
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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in Software Engineering, UI/UX and Codesign
The WISDOM (Well-being improvement through the Integration of healthcare and reSearch Data and models with Out border for chronic iMmune-mediated diseases) project started on 1 December 2023; the project is led by Karolinska Institute in Sweden and has prominent partners from 10 different European countries.
WISDOM focuses on enabling integration of medical and research data, secure data sharing, and leveraging responsible state-of-the-art artificial intelligence (AI)-mediated models opens immense possibilities to mitigate the impact of chronic immune-mediated diseases (CIMDs) affecting 10% of Europeans. The consortium’s overarching aim is to convert complex biological information from the existing data sources into actionable insights. WISDOM builds on the premise that computational tools can provide valuable knowledge and guide decision-making at critical stages in the individual patient journey, from diagnosis to treatment initiation and optimization. To unlock the potential of the existing data, WISDOM will address barriers of data integration and accessibility and deploy novel approaches for data processing, harmonization, integration, and secure, trustworthy data sharing with federated access.
The project efforts will lead to better patient outcomes, reduced healthcare costs, and increased trust in the use of health data for research and innovation, ultimately benefiting patients, healthcare providers, and society. Additionally, by improving treatment precision, WISDOM seeks to improve patient outcomes, leading to a better quality of life for patients and potentially reducing the need for expensive interventions. The success of WISDOM could have far-reaching implications for chronic disease management and the use of health data for research and innovation, benefiting patients, healthcare providers, and society.
Deadline : 13 June 2024
(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in Computer Science / Computational Chemistry
We have an opening for a PhD candidate in the TACsy (Training Alliance for Computational Systems Chemistry) Marie-Skłodowska-Curie Joint Doctoral Network. This network consists of fifteen (15) highly interlinked PhD projects, of which this particular call is for a position with a focus on theory for Computational Systems Chemistry. The application deadline is 5 June,2024. The anticipated start date is as soon as possible.
We are seeking an excellent and highly motivated individual with an MSc degree in computer science, computational chemistry, or a related subject. The ideal candidate has familiarity with one or more of the following areas: algorithmics, graph theory, graph transformation, algorithm engineering, machine learning. Proven competences in programming and ease with formal thinking are a necessity.
The general goal of the TACsy project is to expand and apply the consortium’s existing methods and computational techniques, which are based on modeling reaction networks as graph transformations, thereby extending our abilities to reason about biochemical systems.
Deadline : 05/06/2024
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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in Cell Biology and Biophysics of Intracellular Signaling
A PhD position is available in the group of Prof. Daniel Wüstner at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Southern Denmark, Odense. Invited are applications from outstanding candidates with a master’s degree in Cell Biology, Biochemistry, Biophysics, Molecular Biology, or closely related fields. Experience in fluorescence microscopy, cell culture and molecular biology, membrane probes and/or lipid biochemistry is an advantage. The proposed starting data is 1. of August or soon thereafter.
The Wüstner group integrates quantitative fluorescence microscopy and bioimage informatics with biophysics and cell biology to study transport processes in living cells. We are part of the Danish Molecular Biomedical Imaging Center (DaMBIC; and the Nikon Center of Excellence in Microscopy at the University of Southern Denmark, housing state-of-the art equipment for advanced bioimaging applications, such as wide field, confocal and multiphoton microscopy, stimulated emission depletion (STED) microscopy, Raman and MinFlux microscopy.
Deadline : 11 June 2024
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(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in Flexible Integration of Electrolyzers and Power-to-X Technologies into Smart Energy Systems
Flexibility is key to tackling the variability of renewable energy sources and a flexible electricity demand-side process can potentially reduce fuel production cost. Besides, the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of power-to-X technologies highly depend on the type of electrolysis technology and electrolyzer operating hours on the site. As demonstrated, flexibility in the electrolysis technology is crucial to integrate the massive fluctuating renewable capacities necessary to meet climate goals cost-effectively. This project compares the dynamic performance of different types of electrolyzers in a power-to-X system under the framework of high installed wind and solar power capacities that we will have in Denmark in the near future, and assuming the other varying background conditions, i.e. the hour-by-hour electricity price variations, seasonal variation of CO2 availability, seasonal and daily variation of district heating demand, 24-hour variations in electricity grid capacity at electrolyzer location and potential seasonal variations in heat supply from waste incineration at electrolyzer locations.
Deadline : 30 June 2024
(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in Numerical Modeling of the Additive Manufacturing Process
The Institute of Mechanical and Electrical engineering covers research and education spanning from fundamentals to applications of engineering science. The Centre for Industrial Mechanics is located at SDU’s beautiful campus in Sønderborg, in the inspiring building of Alsion, which is a center for science, culture and learning in the heart of city and perched on the strait of water separating the island of Als from the mainland. The university has very close relations to the industry in Southern Denmark and Northern Germany. A significant fraction of the projects in the center are conducted in close cooperation with the industry, which count world leading companies in growing fields such as e-mobility, climate solutions, and energy efficiency.
Deadline : 1 June 2024
(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Positions (4+4) available at SDU Center for Energy Informatics
The SDU Center for Energy Informatics is a leading research center that focuses on the development of innovative solutions for the green transition of the energy sector. We are dedicated to advancing the understanding and research of energy informatics through the development and application of innovative technologies and methods.
As a PhD student at the SDU Center for Energy Informatics, you will have the opportunity to work on cutting-edge research projects in the field of energy informatics, contribute to the state of the art of the field, and develop your skills as an independent researcher. You will also have the opportunity to collaborate with leading researchers and industry partners, and to participate in a vibrant and supportive research community.
The ideal candidate for the PhD position should have a strong academic background in a computer science or energy engineering related field. We are looking for individuals with excellent communication and interpersonal skills, as well as a strong ability to work independently and in a team. The successful candidate should have a passion for energy informatics and a desire to make a significant contribution to the field through their research.
Deadline : 1 June 2024
(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Ph.D. position available: Stability of pharmaceutical suspensions
Pharmaceutical suspensions have a number of uses, most pronounced as formulations for the pediatrics population as well as long acting injectibles. Suspensions are disperse systems, hence they are thermodynamically unstable. The current framework to predict the stability of disperse systems relies on the Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek (DLVO) theory for aggregation of aqueous dispersions, however, there is surprising little novel investigation into the field of suspension stability and the application of AI and ML have not been extensively employed in the field.
Deadline : 15th of June 2024
(16) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in Computer Vision/Artificial Intelligence for Cow Welfare
The candidate will be integrated in the SDU Robotics section, which is at the core of the Odense Robotics Cluster involving Universal Robots, Mobile Industrial Robots (MIR) and 120+ other companies. We are specialized in robot solutions involving modelling, estimation, and control of advanced robot systems. The group is involved in a variety of national and European projects and features a strong network of academic and industrial partners. We solve challenging research problems from real applications and implement novel robot solutions together with end users such as Universal Robots, Terma, LEGO, Danfoss, and Novo Nordisk.
Currently we are extending into the agriculture domain, utilizing robot technology for sustainable and adaptive agriculture. We are currently extending the team working on the recently started GUDP project VelKoTek which focuses on AI-supported systems for cow welfare estimation based on computer vision.
Deadline : 16 June 2024
(17) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: 4+4 PhD Position in Real-time Onboard Computing for Autonomous Aerial Manipulation
The section focuses on conducting research in digital and high-frequency electronics, embedded systems, control, and communication, utilizing cutting-edge reconfigurable computing and sensors. The aim is to develop next-generation electronics and computing solutions that solve technology-related challenges in fields such as autonomous robots, drones, IoT, smart grid, and healthcare.
The section is a vital component of our educational programs in electrical engineering in Odense, offering Bachelor’s and Master of Science degrees in Electronics Engineering. Over the next few years, the section is expected to expand to include at least 20 academics, including PhD students and engineers, to support research funding, industrial collaboration, and educational activities. This growth will enable the section to continue its contribution to the field of electrical engineering and related areas.
The SDU campus in Odense comprises five faculties and soon also a large university hospital creating a great concentration of academics and students facilitating interdisciplinary research and rich student life. The city of Odense is culturally rich surrounded by a vibrant and growing robotics community and highly livable with a green banked meandering river cutting through the centre and attractive residential areas.
Deadline : 1 June 2024
(18) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Ph.d.-stilling: Fama and Public Opinion in Kirkekampen/ The Church Struggle (1245-1302)
Om Projektet ”Fama in Medieval Denmark (c. 1240-1340): Rumors, Reputation and Public Opinion”
I middelalderens Europa blev en person defineret af sit fama. Fama omfatter omdømme, erindring, “hvad folk ved”, den offentlige mening, sladder, rygter, berømmelse og at være berygtet. Derfor havde fama en direkte forbindelse til en persons politiske og juridiske status. Fra ca. 1200 fik rygter og fama gyldighed som juridisk bevis på grund af pavemagtens bestræbelser på at finde og bekæmpe kættere. Snart indså paver, biskopper og konger dog, at det også kunne bruges til at disciplinere uregerlige embedsmænd og undersåtter. Kulminationen indtraf i 1302, da den franske konge anklagede paven for kætteri på baggrund af rygter og en “offentlig mening”, der havde til formål at underminere pavens fama. FMD vil undersøge effekten af fama, rygter og den offentlige mening på politik og det øverste samfundsniveau i middelalderens Danmark, ca. 1240-1340. I denne periode oplevede riget politiske omvæltninger, der resulterede i magtkampe, oprør og sammensværgelser. Endvidere forsøgte nogle af landets gejstlige ledere at etablere sig som en “stat i staten”. Samtidig udvidede kongerne målrettet de royale magtbeføjelser. I historieskrivningen er denne kamp kendt som Kirkekampen. FMD’s hypotese er, at fama spillede en afgørende rolle i den danske elites magtkampe, da parterne forsøgte at konstruere og bruge rygter som våben for at påvirke den offentlige mening med henblik på at skabe eller ødelægge personers fama. Dette blev hjulpet på vej af en juridisk institutionaliseringsproces. I det 13. århundrede trængte den ind i alle aspekter af samfundet, og fama fik juridisk gyldighed. Dermed fik fama og rygter en øget betydning for, påvirkning på og endda skabelse af den offentlige mening.
Om Ph.d.-projektet
Ph.d.-projektet skal undersøge, hvorledes ledende danske gejstlige mobiliserede fama, rygter, den offentlige holdning etc. for at opnå maksimal personlig indflydelse i Danmark samt størst mulig grad af autonomi for den danske kirke som institution.
Gennem af kvalitative og semantiske studier af kildematerialet og med inddragelse af historisk-sociologiske metoder, skal projektet udforske udvalgte danske gejstliges strategiske brug af fama-relaterede ord og kommunikation til at fremme deres position såvel imod kongemagten som generelt i samfundet. Her spiller Kirkekampen (ca. 1241-1302) en central rolle, og projektet skal berøre aspekter af denne strid. Projektet kan i denne forbindelse for eksempel fokusere på udvalgte bispers retoriske strategier imod kongemagten, hvorledes krøniker og klosterannaler blev benyttet til at fremme bestemte gejstlige eller kirkelige institutioners fama og/ eller svække modstanderes ditto eller hvorledes kirkeretslige redskaber, f.eks. ekskommunikation og interdikt, blev benyttet til at styrke gejstlige personer eller institutioners magt, indflydelse og omdømme.
Deadline : 25.06.2024,
(19) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Scholarship in comparative politics at the Department of Political Science and Public Management
Applications are invited from candidates with a master’s degree (the 5+3 programme). Candidates who, in addition to their bachelor’s degree, expect to have passed 60 ECTS of their master’s programme by September 1, 2024, are invited to apply for a PhD scholarship within the 4+4 programme.
To qualify for the PhD scholarship, you must hold, or be close to completing, a master’s degree in political science or a related discipline and be able to outline an individual PhD project proposal (see below).
The ideal candidate will have:
- Intellectual curiosity and ability to generate new research ideas.
- Strong analytical and methodological skills.
- An interest within one or more subfields/research areas of comparative politics.
- Potential for independent scholarly work.
- A willingness to be a good colleague.
Deadline : 09/02/2024
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(20) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Scholarship in Agricultural / Environmental and Resource Economics
The PhD scholarship is attached to the larger project: “Greener Fields for Safer Plates: Sustainable Pesticide Solutions (SAFEPLATE)” The project is led by Associate Professor Julia Bronnmann and is fully funded by the Carlsberg Foundation. The overall goal of the project is to foster meaningful stakeholder dialogues, to propose innovative strategies for mitigating the negative consequences of pesticides, and to inspire collective action to promote sustainability in Denmark’s agriculture. To qualify for the PhD scholarship, you are required to outline an individual research project embedded in the larger project.
The PhD project should research “How much consumers are willing to pay for pesticide-free products or how they prioritize sustainability.” As such you will play a key role in exploring consumer preferences and willingness to pay for pesticide-free agricultural products, with a focus on sustainable farming practices.
When preparing your PhD project proposal, you are strongly advised to consult the general guidelines for preparing a project proposal at the PhD School’s webpage.
We are looking for applicants possessing personal qualities such as curiosity and a strong desire to understand and solve societal challenges. You must be able work independently and—in consultation with your PhD supervisor—prioritize the different aspects of your work. Finally, you are expected to have good interpersonal skills, be interested in engaging with the national and international research community (your supervisor and the department will support you in this), be present and take part in the daily academic and social environments in Esbjerg.
Deadline : August 1, 2024
About University of Southern Denmark, Denmark –Official Website
The University of Southern Denmark is a university in Denmark that has campuses located in Southern Denmark and on Zealand.
The university offers a number of joint programmes in co-operation with the University of Flensburg and the University of Kiel. Contacts with regional industries and the international scientific community are strong.
With its 29,674 enrolled students (as of 2016), the university is both the third-largest and, given its roots in Odense University, the third-oldest Danish university (fourth if one includes the Technical University of Denmark). Since the introduction of the ranking systems in 2012, the University of Southern Denmark has consistently been ranked as one of the top 50 young universities in the world by both the Times Higher Education World University Rankings of the Top 100 Universities Under 50 and the QS World University Rankings of the Top 50 Universities Under 50.
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