University of Amsterdam, Netherlands invites online Application for various Postdoctoral Fellowship in their different Departments. We are providing a list of Postdoc Fellowship positions available at University of Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-doc on Cooperative Housing, Degrowth and Circular Living (3 years)
We are looking for post-doctoral researcher (for 3 years) able to conceptualise and empirically investigate the relation between cooperative forms of housing, urban degrowth and ‘circular living’, a mode of living that reduces and reuses waste. In particular, the postdoc should develop a theoretical and conceptual framework able to connect theories of commoning, degrowth and circular economy. The researcher will carry out empirical case studies, from The Netherlands and from abroad, looking at how different modes of cooperative and collaborative housing influence material usage in the built environment. The material, architectural and design aspects of housing will be connected to the social, institutional aspects of the communities organizing those housing projects. As post-doc you will be working as part of an international project consortium that includes university of Gothenburg, University of Barcelona, Balmes University foundation, University of Nantes, and Chalmers University. Moreover, the consortium includes partners from practice in each of these cities (architects, governments, grassroots organizations etc.). In Amsterdam, the postdoc research will be developed in cooperation with grassroots organisation and one architectural studio specialised in housing cooperatives and housing justice.
Deadline : 15 December 2023
(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title: Postdoc in Quantum Many-Body Physics with Ultracold Rb-Sr Mixtures and RbSr Molecules
Are you a eager to push quantum simulation to new levels in a lively, international research group? Our Strontium Quantum Gases Group is offering a PhD position on our RbSr project. Our group is headed by Prof. Florian Schreck and is part of the Quantum Gases & Quantum Information (QG&QI) cluster at the Institute of Physics (IoP) of the University of Amsterdam (UvA). We exploit ultracold Sr for quantum simulation, quantum sensing, and quantum computing. Our group is part of QuantumDelta NL, which brings quantum technology closer to applications by collaborating with industry, startups and users.
Deadline : 31 January 2024
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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc Position in Quantum Simulation and Computing with Arrays of Single Sr Atoms
Are you a eager to push quantum simulation and computing to new levels in a lively, international research group Our Strontium Quantum Gases Group is offering a postdoc position on our Sr tweezer project. Our group is headed by Prof. Florian Schreck and is part of the Quantum Gases & Quantum Information (QG&QI) cluster at the Institute of Physics (IoP) of the University of Amsterdam (UvA). We exploit ultracold Sr for quantum simulation, quantum sensing, and quantum computing. Our group is part of QuantumDelta NL, which brings quantum technology closer to applications by collaborating with industry, startups and users.
Deadline : 31 January 2024
(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc Position in Visual AutoML for Autonomous Driving (3 years)
Deadline :31 December 2023
(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: 3 years PostDoc: Visual AutoML for Autonomous Driving
Deadline : 31 December 2023
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(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc on Political Trust and Political Skepticism
The Department of Political Science of the University of Amsterdam is looking for a postdoctoral researcher, to work on political trust and skepticism in the ERC-project CRITICALTRUST led by prof. dr. Tom van der Meer. CRITICALTRUST aims to approach political trust as a two-dimensional concept. Its core premise is that trust scholars should not only distinguish between high versus low trust, but concurrently also between (dis)trust as an evaluation versus (dis)trust as a disposition. This two-dimensional interpretation has important consequences for our understanding of the operationalization, measurement, causes, and consequences of political trust. For that purpose, CRITICALTRUST will consist of a team of PhD-candidates and postdocs, embedded in a research group with expertise on political trust. This particular postdoc project has two main aims. First, it will unpack the one-dimensional understanding of political trust conceptually and theoretically. Ultimately, it aims to provide a conceptual and theoretical map of political trust and its related attitudes. Second, this project will convert this two-dimensional conceptual map into a set of survey measures to separate dispositional (dis)trust from evaluative (dis)trust. The postdoc will run elaborate pre-tests of the newly developed measures to assess how respondents interpret them, qualitatively and quantitatively, with attention to theoretical validity and cross-national equivalence.
Deadline : 1 December 2023
(07) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Researcher Root Metabolomics of the Plant-parasitic Plant Interaction
The mission of the Plant Hormone Biology group of the Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences is to understand the chemical communication of plants with other organisms in their environment. With an international and diverse team of post-docs, PhDs and technicians with expertise varying from analytical chemistry to biochemistry to molecular biology we study how plants produce and secrete signaling molecules, particularly belowground, and how this affects the behavior of other organisms in the rhizosphere. This includes communication with nematodes and parasitic plants, and with microbial communities that have been shown to play a crucial role in the protection of plants against a range of stresses. Our research is aimed at understanding the biological relevance of this chemical communication and use it as a basis for improving resistance and harnessing the potential of beneficial root microbes resulting in improved stress resilience in crops for sustainable food production with reduced inputs.
Deadline :26.11.2023
(08) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc Position in Economics of Environmental and Climate Risk
The University of Amsterdam invites applications for a postdoc position at the newly founded Research Centre for Sustainable Investments and Insurance. We are looking for talented and motivated researchers with a strong interest in the centre’s research activities. For this vacancy we are specifically looking for candidates who would contribute to the project:
Deadline : 31 December 2023
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(09) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc Position on Gravitational Wave and Multi-Messenger Astrophysics with the LISA Mission
Are you exceptionally interested in gravitational wave and multi-messenger astrophysics with LISA (the European Space Agency-led Laser Interferometer Space Antenna)? We are seeking a postdoctoral research associate to lead an interdisciplinary research on gravitational wave and multi-messenger astrophysics with the LISA mission. The successful candidate will be embedded in the GRAPPA center of excellence in gravitation and astroparticle physics and be an active member of the LISA consortium.
Deadline :15 December 2023
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(10) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc Position in Gravitational Wave Probes of Particle Dark Matter
Are you exceptionally interested in the potential of gravitational wave astronomy for fundamental physics? We are seeking a postdoctoral research associate to lead an interdisciplinary research on gravitational wave probes of particle dark matter. The successful candidate will be embedded in the GRAPPA center of excellence in gravitation and astroparticle physics.
Deadline : 1 December 2023
(11) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Researcher on Foundational Embodied AI
The next decade for Computer Vision will find Embodied AI, Dynamics, and Interactive Learning in the centre, given also the impressive progress in 3D simulated. Are you passionate about bleeding edge research on Computer Vision and Deep Learning towards Foundational Embodied systems, and how they can be paired with Causal Representation Learning? Then this is the position for you! We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher with a background in either Computer Vision, Machine Learning, or Applied Mathematics to join a team of 15+ researchers; a team that is connected with the ELLIS Network of Excellence in AI; a team with consistent and strong presence in the top Machine Learning, as well as Computer Vision conferences and journals.
Deadline : 25 November 2023
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(12) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc – Misinformation and Organizations
Do you have an interest in the topic of mis- and disinformation? Are you curious how both governmental and private organizations navigated an information environment challenged by mis- and disinformation? Are you a passionate researcher and do you like to initiate new research projects? Then we are looking for you! In the current media system, effectively dealing with mis- and disinformation is a big challenge for many organizations. This is particularly the case for organizations whose operations touch upon contested societal issues. We see that such societal engagement is no longer restricted to public organizations, since private corporations increasingly speak out and get involved with socio-political issues. At the same time, the concepts of mis- and disinformation are also contested, because organizations may define and understand these terms in different ways. In the current one-year postdoc project, you investigate how organizations conceptualize the concepts of mis- and disinformation, which strategies organizations currently use to combat the impact of mis- and disinformation, and empirically test the effectiveness of (some of) these strategies. This postdoc project will be supervised by prof. dr. Christian Burgers and dr. Toni van der Meer.
Deadline :1 December 2023
(13) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral position in Computational Condensed Matter Physics
Are you a highly-motivated researcher who would like to work at the forefront of current research in quantum many-body physics using state-of-the-art computational methods? Applications are invited for a 2-year postdoc position in the Computational Condensed Matter Physics group of dr. Philippe Corboz at the University of Amsterdam (UvA). The group is part of the Condensed Matter Theory group at the Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITFA) and Institute of Physics (IOP) at the UvA, the Delta Institute of Theoretical Physics (D-ITP), and QuSoft, the Dutch research center for quantum software. The successful applicant will be embedded in a stimulating research environment, including leading groups in condensed matter theory and experiment. The position is part of the NexGenTeN ERC project which focuses on the development and application of 2D tensor network algorithms for the accurate study of strongly correlated quantum many-body systems. Research areas include the development of 2D tensor network algorithms for ground states, spectral functions, finite temperature simulations, open systems, and multi-scale approaches, with applications in single and multi-band Hubbard models, frustrated magnets, SU(N) systems, open quantum systems, and other strongly correlated systems.
Deadline : 31 January 2024
(14) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Researcher in Plant-Thrips-Virus Interactions
Our research is done by a multidisciplinary team of international researchers, PhD candidates and technicians with expertise in analytical chemistry, biochemistry and molecular biology. We often collaborate with other departments in the institute and with external partners, such as other universities and the (plant-breeding) industry. We study how insects deploy proteinaceous effectors to modulate plant defenses. Understanding the mechanism of such effectors and identification of the plant proteins with which they interact is important for developing more resistant plants, in collaboration with the plant-breeding industry. Are you a skilled researcher in Plant Biology and intrigued by how pest insects, such as thrips, modulate plant defenses? And how their pathogens, such as microsporidia, and the plant viruses that they vector manipulate their insect hosts? We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher for an ambitious project studying the effectorome of thrips and the in-planta interactome. This project is part of a larger consortium at the UvA, thus requiring team spirit and collaborative skills. You will be embedded in an interdisciplinary team with three other researchers who aim to provide breeding solutions for devastating plant diseases by studying the underpinning mechanisms at the molecular level, using state-of-the-art technologies.
Deadline : 05.12.2023
(15) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Fellow with a Quantitative Background and an Interest in Music Data
The Institute for Information Law (IViR) at the University of Amsterdam is one of the academic partners in the Horizon Europe Consortium Open Music Europe, consisting of 15 partners in 11 countries. Open Music Europe strives to fill the data gaps identified by 150 music industry stakeholders. We create usable indicators that allow music researchers, music businesses and cultural policymakers to use our data as evidence in more informed institutional, business, or public policies. In the context of this project, the IViR interdisciplinary research team is looking for a postdoctoral researcher interested in music and statistical innovation.
Deadline : 15.12.2023
(16) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Position Positive Geometry in Particle Physics and Cosmology
The group of Prof. Daniel Baumann at the Institute of Physics (University of Amsterdam) invites applications for several postdoctoral positions starting in the fall of 2024. The positions are financed by the ERC Synergy Grant project “UNIVERSE+: Positive Geometry in Particle Physics and Cosmology”. The principal investigators are Nima Arkani-Hamed (Princeton), Daniel Baumann (Amsterdam), Johannes Henn (Munich) and Bernd Sturmfels (Leipzig). The team aims to create a new mathematical language to describe physical phenomena at all scales, from the interactions of elementary particles to the large-scale structure of the Universe. For more information, see
Deadline : 17 December 2023
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(17) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow in String Theory
The group of Lorenz Eberhardt which is part of the Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITFA) at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) invites applications for a postdoctoral fellow with excellent research track in String Theory and Mathematical Physics. The position is funded by the ERC Starting Grant ‘New Handles for String Scattering Amplitudes’ whose aim is to develop new tools in the study of string theory. The position carries with it a competitive salary and travel funds.
Deadline : 17 December 2023
(18) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc on Just Streets
The University of Amsterdam’s Urban Planning research group is looking for a postdoctoral researcher (3,5 years) to contribute to the new European project “JUST STREET” . The main objective of JUST STREET is to support cities in promoting, improving and converting to just, equal and active mobility by developing innovative and holistic strategies, and most importantly implementing them, aimed at encouraging transformative urban planning solutions with complementary behavioural changes. JUST STREET focuses on marginalised social groups and their needs (and contributions) as fundamental to the process to shape the proposed strategies with a bottom-up methodology applied throughout. The postdoctoral researcher will be working directly with Prof. Dr. Marco te Brömmelstroet. The candidate will also become part of the JUST STREET consortium, which includes leading research institutes and cities in Europe. The candidate will be embedded in the Urban Planning research group, in the Department of Geography, Planning and International Development Studies (GPIO) at the University of Amsterdam. The postdoc will become part of the Amsterdam Institute of Social Science Research (AISSR) and the Centre for Urban Studies (CUS).
Deadline : 8 December 2023
(19) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc On Trustworthy AI-Based Systems For Sustainable Growth
Are you interested in making contributions to trustworthy AI-based systems and in understanding and uncovering policy implications of such systems? We are seeking a postdoc to join our team, someone who is keen to contribute to the development of trustworthy machine learning systems and to translating algorithmic advances and challenges in machine learning for policy makers.
Deadline : 30 November 2023
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(20) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc Researcher in Digital Infrastructure for Experimental Research Automation
The Complex Cyber Infrastructure (CCI) research group at the University of Amsterdam conducts research in the area of complex infrastructure services provisioning including cloud resource, optical and hybrid networking for high performance and data intensive application (also referred to as Big Data). CCI research also includes Big Data architecture, trusted data exchange and federated infrastructure services, network and application security, microservices and programmable networks for the Future Internet and Internet of Things (IoT). The CCI group is involved in a number of national and EU funded project contributing to the development of the novel concepts in the area of new and emerging technologies. The CCI group is looking for a Postdoc Researcher to work on the EU funded project SLICES-PP that support developments to build the future SLICES Research Infrastructure (RI) that will create European infrastructure for research on the future computer and network technologies. The CCI will focus on the SLICES-RI architecture development, experimental research automation, heterogeneous services interoperability and integration framework. Special attention will be given to the data management infrastructure, technical aspects of the FAIR data principles implementation, interoperability with EOSC and international testbeds.
Deadline : 4 December 2023
About University of Amsterdam, Netherlands –Official Website
The University of Amsterdam is a public research university located in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The UvA is one of two large, publicly funded research universities in the city, the other being the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU). Established in 1632 by municipal authorities and later renamed for the city of Amsterdam, the University of Amsterdam is the third-oldest university in the Netherlands. It is one of the largest research universities in Europe with 31,186 students, 4,794 staff, 1,340 PhD students and an annual budget of €600 million. It is the largest university in the Netherlands by enrollment. The main campus is located in central Amsterdam, with a few faculties located in adjacent boroughs. The university is organised into seven faculties: Humanities, Social and Behavioural Sciences, Economics and Business, Science, Law, Medicine, Dentistry.
The University of Amsterdam has produced six Nobel Laureates and five prime ministers of the Netherlands. The University of Amsterdam has been placed in the top 100 universities in the world by five major ranking tables. By the QS World University Rankings it was ranked 61st in the world, 14th in Europe, and 2nd in the Netherlands in 2021. The university was placed in the top 50 worldwide in seven fields in the 2011 QS World University Rankings in the fields of linguistics, sociology, philosophy, geography, science, Economics and econometrics, and accountancy and finance. In 2018 and 2019 the two departments of Media and Communication were commonly ranked 1st in the world by subject by QS Ranking.
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