University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Research Fellow in microbial ecology.
The PhD project will address different aspects of microbial ecology and evolution. In particular, working with laboratory experiments and computer simulations, the candidate will investigate mechanisms regulating biodiversity and food web functions. Possible research foci include virus-host interaction dynamics and co-evolution under different environmental conditions, as well as analyses of natural microbial communities and change in dominant taxa under varying conditions. RAS (resirculating aquaculture systems) facilities may be used. Central to the research project will be to address the role of life strategy trade-offs in structuring microbial communities. The candidate will be responsible to design and execute a research plan with support from supervisors and technical staff.
Deadline : 1st June 2024
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Research Fellow parasitology/immunology.
As of today, salmon lice represent one the main challenges for the Norwegian salmon farming industry, as they diminish the fish welfare of both wild and farmed salmonids. The project will take a closer look at the host-parasite interaction between salmon and salmon lice, where the salmon lice’s glandular secretion will be in focus. Recently, we have characterized a number of proteins that appear to be important in the host-parasite interaction, e.g. by dampening immune responses and blood coagulation in the host. The main goal of the PhD project is to investigate whether it is possible to use these proteins in a DNA vaccine against salmon lice. In addition to testing the DNA vaccine’s potential to prevent lice infestation, new constructs and injection methods will be tested to see whether this can increase the mucosal immune response. The project will thus not only be aimed at salmon lice but has the potential to increase knowledge in general about the use of DNA vaccines against mucosal pathogens. The PhD student will work in the Sea Lice Research Centre (SLRC), together with researchers that have a long and wide experience with salmon lice.
Deadline : 1st May 2024
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD-position in wearables (IOS) and sensor data analysis
- Dementia with Lewy Bodies (DLB) is our focus of research in the ANeED Joint Effort. DLB is a less known but highly prevalent and severe neurodegenerative disease, characterized by non-amnestic cognitive decline, visual hallucinations, fluctuations in cognitive abilities and arousal, daytime sleepiness, sleep behavior disorder, and motor parkinsonian symptoms. DLB is underdiagnosed, frequently misdiagnosed, and severely under-researched.
- This PhD-project is focused on data collection using wearable devices (smart watch, EEG/EOG glasses and an EEG headband) to identify digital biomarkers for diagnosis, undertake prognosis and evaluation of drug effects in patients and of caregiver distress, develop a unique digital application for patients and their caregivers, conduct pharmacological analyses, and study the effects of elements of the Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) program.
- The ANeED Study, testing Ambroxol in DLB, will contribute to the clinical drug research of dementia and explore the innovation potential for other diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
- The PhD-position announced here is a part of a work package focused on the application of wearable devices and development of mobile user interfaces for monitoring, intervening, and supporting DLB patients and keeping their caregivers informed.
Deadline : 1st May 2024
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Research Fellow in speleothem-based paleoclimate research
Speleothems are an important terrestrial climate archive and new ways of using this archive for reconstructing climate are continuously being developed. In this project we apply fluid inclusion microthermometry for quantitative paleo-temperature reconstructions. The method is based on the density of drip water relicts that are preserved in microscopic fluid inclusions. In the FluidMICS project, we aim to further develop and improve this method, to test its applicability to speleothems from various low latitude climate settings, and to apply it for climate reconstructions through the late Quaternary and beyond.
The PhD student will contribute to both method development and climate reconstruction tasks. You will be part of a research team encompassing colleagues in Bergen and several international collaborators. Research stays abroad are therefore envisaged.
Candidates should be comfortable with microscopy and have an interest in understanding small scales (speleothem microstructures) as well as answering big climate questions.
Deadline : 30th April 2024
(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Research Fellow in applied and computational mathematics
The topic is fundamental fluid mechanics, best suited for a candidate with a background in fundamental (rather than industrial) topics in applied mathematics, oceanography, or mechanical (coastal/ocean) engineering. The detailed topic deals with the physics-oriented theoretical/numerical modelling of a complex system; for instance, the coupling between nonlinear surface waves and shear currents, or fluid and structure (e.g., floating ice, microplastics, or the next generation offshore wind turbines) interaction. Which specific sub-field topic will depend on the candidate’s qualifications and interests and be decided together with the supervisor. The methodology for the specific topic in the sub-field will be a mix of theoretical work and numerical modelling, see, e.g., Li (2023, J. Fluid Mech., Vol.960, A33), Xin et al. (Coast. Eng., Vol.183, 104304), or Li & Chabchoub (2024, Geophys. Res. Lett., 10.1029/2023GL107381).
The successful candidate will be part of a broader research team focussing on their overall topic. The Fluid Mechanics Group is internationally excellent with a cutting-edge team of researchers from many branches of fluid mechanics. The candidate will be part of a vibrant scientific environment.
Deadline : 30th April 2024
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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD: Development and application of Machine Learning for downscaling climate predictions/projections
Despite significant improvements in climate modelling during the last decades, predictions of climate from monthly to decadal time scales remain challenging. Further, both predictions and projections of climate and its impacts are highly uncertain at the scales which are most relevant for impacts and adaptation. I4C aims to improve the quality, accessibility and usability of near-term climate information and services at local to regional scales to strengthen and support end-user adaptation and planning. While CORDEX aims to develop robust assessments, and physical understanding, of climate change impacts at local to regional scales.
This position will focus on the application of machine learning to develop computationally efficient emulators of high-resolution state-of-the art regional climate models. The goal of the emulators is to learn the relationship between large-scale predictions made by coarse resolution dynamical models and local surface variables of interest (such as near surface temperature, precipitation, wind speeds). This is accomplished by training the emulators to mimic the results of computationally expensive high-resolution regional climate models. The result is a suite of computationally lightweight algorithms capable of generating large ensembles that can translate coarse resolution operational climate predictions or projections into robust and reliable regional and local information.
Deadline : 30th April 2024
(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Research Fellow in Quality Enhancing Mathematics Education
In today’s technological society, competence within mathematical subjects is more important than ever to succeed in solving today’s and future challenges: mathematics is the language of science. The Department of Mathematics (MI) has a significant teaching responsibility to develop necessary mathematical competence, especially in the early stages of STEM education courses. Teaching arrangements with plenary lectures, group exercises, and mandatory submissions have been standard for several decades, but inspired by new student-active teaching forms, the department has initiated several study quality projects aimed at increasing students’ learning outcomes.
In this project, one wishes to examine how collaborative learning can contribute to increased learning outcomes in mathematics by developing students’ collaboration skills and strengthening an inclusive collaboration culture. Additionally, one wants to investigate students’ sense of belongingness, cross-cutting skills, and academic achievements.
Deadline : 25th April 2024
(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Research Fellow in pure mathematics
The position is intended to give promising and motivated candidates with a strong background in advanced mathematics the opportunity to pursue advanced research leading up to a doctoral degree within the activities of research presently represented in the department. These are: Algebra, Algebraic Geometry, Analysis and PDEs, Topology. More specifically we are working in combinatorial commutative algebra, categorical aspects of algebra, algebraic geometry, K-theory, equivariant and motivic homotopy theory, analysis on manifolds, dispersive partial differential equations.
Deadline : 25th April 2024
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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Research Fellow in the early Archean terrestrial sulfur cycle
Sulfur has been a key element in understanding Earth’s surface conditions through geological time. It is preserved in the rock record in both an oxidized (sulfate) and reduced (sulfide) form, and atmospheric, chemical and biological redox reactions produce characteristic changes in stable sulfur isotope ratios that can be traced in rocks all the way back to the Archean eon. Multiple sulfur isotopes have been used successfully to trace sulfur cycling in Archean marine settings, but relatively little is known about near-shore and terrestrial environments. Sulfur isotopes in these locations are expected to better capture atmospheric processes as well as microbial metabolisms under elevated input of nutrients from emerged land, and provide an important comparison for the Archean marine sulfur isotope record.
This PhD position is dedicated to increase our understanding of the early Archean terrestrial sulfur cycle. The project will primarily use samples from the 3.2 Ga Moodies Group in the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa that have been obtained through scientific drilling in the ICDP project Barberton Archean Surface Environments (BASE). The successful candidate will utilize bulk and microanalytical techniques to obtain multiple sulfur isotope data from sulfate and sulfide minerals in drill core material, and will complement this with petrographic work and observations made during fieldwork in South Africa.
The candidate will be supervised by an international team of researchers from the University of Bergen (Dr. Desiree Roerdink, main supervisor), Utrecht University (Prof. Paul Mason) and Naturalis Biodiversity Center (Dr. Mark van Zuilen) in the Netherlands. In addition, the candidate will be introduced to a large network of Archean researchers through BASE.
Deadline : 18th April 2024
(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position at the Department of Foreign Languages
The main purpose of the PhD position is to complete a PhD degree, which qualifies for independent research and for other forms of employment that demand specific competency. The duration of the PhD position is four years, of which 25 per cent of the time comprises other, career-promoting work associated with teaching, dissemination of results, and administration. The plan for this part of the position will be developed in collaboration with the Department at the beginning of the employment period.
Applicants who have already held a PhD position at the University of Bergen are not eligible for this position.
The employment period may be reduced for candidates who have previously been employed in a recruitment position at other institutions.
The PhD position demands that the applicant has their regular workplace at the University of Bergen, Department of Foreign Languages and complies with the guidelines that apply to the position at all times.
Deadline : 15th April 2024
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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: 1 PhD position at the Faculty of Law (3 or 4 years)
The project is interdisciplinary, connecting information and computer science, learning sciences, social sciences and law. The project will develop new knowledge about a trustworthy use of AI in the educational sector where transparent and fair AI systems must be based on trust and high degree of acceptance in society. The research contribution from the Faculty of Law will be within EU/EEA rules on privacy and data protection and the relation between data protection and Artificial Intelligence (AI). It is a requirement that the person appointed has experience in these legal areas.
The position is a fixed-term contract. The term of employment for the position is 3 years, which can be extended to 4 years if the applicant is qualified to teach in compulsory courses at the Master’s program at the Faculty of Law. Starting date is 15. September 2024 at the latest, or earlier by agreement.
Deadline :15th April 2024
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(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD-position (3 years) at Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care
- The project is based on analyses of data from Norwegian health registers and from the Norwegian mother, father and child study (MoBa).
- The analysis work will use register data that contains information about family relationships.
- Data from the Norwegian mother, father and child study will contain genotypes and information on epigenetics
- The PhD-candidate will participate in the PhD program at the faculty
- It is expected that the PhD-candidate can get familiar with the research area and data sources and understand the relevant research questions
Deadline : 10th April 2024
(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in systems or computer science at the Centre for Complex Conditions and Ageing
At the Faculty of Medicine, Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care, a full-time PhD position is available for a period of three (3) years. The position is part of the recently established Centre for Complex Conditions and Ageing (CC.AGE), financed by the Trond Mohn Foundation. CC.AGE is a part of the Centre for Elderly and Nursing Home Medicine (SEFAS), led by Professor Bettina S. Husebø. SEFAS has 15 employees and is growing rapidly with several new researcher positions. SEFAS has its offices at the Alrek Health Cluster in Bergen with high focus on innovation, interprofessional collaboration, user involvement, and collaboration with industry partners. CC.AGE has close collaboration with the Department of Informatics, University of Bergen (UiB); Centre for Nutrition, Department of Clinical Medicine, UiB, and Bergen Centre for Ethics and Priority Setting in Health (BCEPS), UiB.
CC.AGE is formally starting in February 2024, aimed to support older adults to live safely and independently at home by exploring and developing relevant technology. This doctoral research fellow position is closely connected to an active research network with experience and expertise from complex health interventions in home-dwelling older adults, and people with complex conditions, including dementia and Parkinson’s disease. The project is expected to produce results of high clinical relevance that qualify for publications in international renowned peer-reviewed scientific journals. SEFAS facilitates scientific career building with a long-term perspective.
Deadline : 10th April 2024
(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Research Fellow in Quaternary Geology and Palaeoclimate
The PhD Research Fellow will investigate the glacial geology of the Central Himalaya to discover how changes in glacier dynamics and palaeoclimate can be interpreted from moraines. The PhD Research Fellow will investigate the glacial geology of the monsoon-influenced Himalaya at a regional scale using satellite imagery and data and test novel Deep Learning methods to automatically identify glacial landforms at a regional scale. Alongside developing a regional understanding of the Late Quaternary glacial geology in the monsoon-influenced Himalaya, the PhD Research Fellow will investigate in detail the interactions of glaciers with the landscape in the Nepal Himalaya through field-based geomorphological mapping and observation and analysis of glacial sediments and landforms.
The PhD Research Fellow will develop skills in the interpretation of glacial geomorphology and sediments through field and laboratory work, and use numerical modelling and Deep Learning (machine learning) approaches to interpret their data collection. The PhD Research Fellow will have the opportunity to use the national infrastructure in EARTHLAB at UiB, and learn to use a glacial landscape evolution model to quantify the formation and preservation of moraine sequences ( and interpret the results of their data collection. The choice of approaches used in this project is flexible and in line with the successful applicant’s interests and skills.
The PhD Research Fellow will have the opportunity to undertake fieldwork in the Nepal Himalaya, to attend relevant conferences and summer schools, and to visit international collaborators as part of this project. However, the ability to travel is not essential to the post and the PhD Research Fellow can be based in Bergen for the entire duration of the position if preferred.
Deadline : 5th April 2024
(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Research Fellow in Statistics/Probability Theory
The position is intended to give promising candidates the opportunity to pursue advanced research leading to a doctoral degree within one of the fields of statistics and probability theory represented at the department.
Deadline : 4th April 2024
(16) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Research Fellowship in the Modern History of the Middle East
We are looking for candidates with degrees in History, Middle Eastern Studies, Islamic Studies, or other related disciplines with a strong historical focus. Seeking to rethink the history of the modern Middle East and its place within global and regional processes of modernity, we are interested in projects with a focus on areas that have traditionally been marginal. Projects focusing on the Gulf, including Iraq, Yemen, and Oman from the vantage point of 20th century cultural, social, intellectual, urban, or legal history will be prioritized.
We invite applications that investigate topics including, but not limited to, cultural production and exchange, new technologies and the circulation of cultural and material objects, intellectual and legal change, social movements and relations, and the formation of gender and sexuality across geographic contexts and boundaries. Depending on the skills of the candidate, projects exploring other topics within the abovementioned chronological and geographic boundaries are welcome.
The position is associated with the Department’s Research Group Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, whose members have a strong emphasis on the study of Islam, the modern Middle East, and neighboring regions. The successful candidate will be invited to contribute to the research group’s focus areas and to be an active participant to the research group through seminars and outreach activities.
Deadline :2nd April 2024
(17) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Research Fellow in Organometallic and Homogeneous Catalysis
Ammonia is the most important ingredient in the production of artificial fertilizers and is also a very promising carbon-free energy carrier. Ammonia is produced via the so-called Haber-Bosch process, which requires high temperatures and pressures using hydrogen from natural gas. The research group works to make ammonia production more sustainable and environmentally friendly and develops catalysts and processes for the synthesis of ammonia directly from water and nitrogen. The research fellow’s project is part of this work, and the scholarship holder will, together with other researchers in the project group, design, synthesize, test, and immobilize new catalysts for the conversion of nitrogen and water into ammonia. In general, the research group uses insights and predictions from quantum chemical calculations to design catalysts, and these catalysts are next synthesized and tested in the group’s laboratory. We are looking for a research fellow with the right background and motivation to strengthen the experimental side of the overall project. Specifically, this work will consist of synthesis of novel molecular and immobilized catalysts, followed by evaluation of the performance of the new catalysts using bench-scale reactors. Studies of catalyst regeneration and reuse may also be included.
The successful candidate will be integrated in a team ranging from bachelor’s and master’s students, via PhD students to postdoctoral researchers. The candidate thus has ample opportunity to both receive and give supervision and to develop leadership skills.
Deadline : 2nd April 2024
(18) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Research Fellow in cell biology–proteostasis network control of multiprotein complexes lifecycle
- The research group uses genetics, biochemistry and mass spectrometry proteomics techniques to investigate principles of proteostasis control. Specific research focus of the group is understanding the lifecycle of large multiprotein complexes (see Onischenko et al, Cell, 2017 and 2020). The PhD project is aimed at characterizing assembly and turnover of one of such complexes – mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation system (OXPHOS) – under normal and perturbed proteostasis conditions observed in ageing-related disorders.
- The candidate will work on establishing biochemical analysis of assembly dynamics and turnover of OXPHOS complexes in budding yeast and in mammalian cells and examining the impact of experimentally induced proteostasis control defects. The project will take extensive use of molecular cloning, biochemical isolation of protein complexes both in budding yeast and mammalian cells and computational analysis of large-scale experimental datasets. Large part of the experimental data will be acquired by mass spectrometry proteomics to quantitatively characterize the parameters of the OXPHOS lifecycle.
- The successful candidate will have the opportunity to contribute to development of the project in line with his/her interests.
- The fellow may also be involved in the supervision of students at the bachelor- and master levels.
Deadline : 1st April 2024
(19) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD-position at Department of Clinical Science
The PhD candidate will be part of a research project funded by the Norwegian Cancer Society aiming to identify new treatment options for patients suffering from the most aggressive cervical cancer subtypes. The first objective will be to establish and characterize a cervical cancer organoid library from patient derived tissue. Next, a CRISPR-Cas12 screens will be applied to identify novel cancer genes. By targeted drug screen, drug candidates will be discovered. The sensitivity and specificity of potential treatment strategies will be further tested by functional knock-out studies in vitro and in PDX mice models at the Yale University, Connecticut, US.
Deadline : 29th March 2024
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(20) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Research Fellowship in Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence
The Department of Philosophy invites applications for a PhD position in philosophy and artificial intelligence commencing from August 1st 2024. The position is for a fixed-term period of four years.
The Department of Philosophy has about 70 full-time and part-time employees, including about 10 PhD and postdoctoral positions. The department offers teaching at the bachelor’s level in philosophy and rhetoric, and at the master’s and PhD level in philosophy. In addition, it is responsible for running all the University of Bergen’s Examen philosophicum courses. The research at the department spans a wide area. An overview of the research groups at the department can be found here: Research groups at FoF
Deadline : 29th March 2024
(21) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Research Fellow in machine learning and geomatics on natural hydrocarbon seepage
Abundant recurrent oil slicks which originate from discrete points at the seabed are clearly visible on satellite remote sensing data in the North Sea. This PhD position will be dedicated to using advanced machine learning (deep learning) techniques to map oil slicks in time and space across the North Sea. This has many important implications for society, as these have considerable ecological, environmental and economic implications. Geological hydrocarbon seepage is also a useful analogue to better understanding potential seepage from CO2 repositories.
The successful candidate will utilise space-borne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) to understand the distribution and temporality of oil slick activity. This will involve using the latest machine learning techniques to reliably and robustly interpret imagery from a range of SAR sensors. These data will be combined with data about geology, meteorology, ecology, industrial activity, and fisheries to verify observations and understand drivers. The candidate will be embedded in a research group investigating these topics from geological, geophysical and ecological perspectives, and the work of the candidate will be important to unify observations from various disciplines. We encourage those with a strong machine learning background to apply, training of geological or hydrocarbon related issues will be provided from the research group.
There will be opportunities to join relevant research cruises, attend relevant summer schools and conferences, participate in geological field courses and work closely with partners in industry and state administration throughout the project period.
Deadline : 24th March 2024
About University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway- Official Website
The University of Bergen (Norwegian: Universitetet i Bergen, Urban East Norwegian: [ʉnɪvæʂɪˈtèːtə ɪ ˈbæ̀rɡn̩]) is a research-intensive state university located in Bergen, Norway. The university today has over 4,000 employees and 18,000 students. It was established by an act of parliament in 1946 based on several older scientific institutions dating back to 1825, and is Norway’s second oldest university. It is considered one of Norway’s four “established universities” and has faculties and programmes in all the fields of a classical university including fields that are traditionally reserved by law for established universities, including medicine and law. It is also one of Norway’s leading universities in many natural sciences, including marine research and climate research. It is consistently ranked in the top one percentage among the world’s universities, usually among the best 200 universities[2] and among the best 10 or 50 universities worldwide in some fields such as earth and marine sciences. It is part of the Coimbra Group and of the U5 group of Norway’s oldest and highest ranked universities.
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