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22 PhD Degree-Fully Funded at Ghent University, Belgium

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Ghent University, Belgium invites online Application for number of  Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at Ghent University, Belgium.

Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.


(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral fellow

For the research group of Bone and soft tissue tumors (Faculty of medicine, department Human Structure and Repair) we are looking for a m/f/x
Doctoral fellow

  • You conduct doctoral research based on real-life data in the field of the rare bone and soft tissue tumours, with deepening in specific subject matter of medical imaging, medical oncology, radiotherapy, pathology, and oncologic orthopedic surgery
  • In the initial phase (year 1) you complete our existing database using data from patient files and you conduct a first data-analysis
  • Under the supervision of experienced promotors you formulate research questions in the different specific subject areas
  • You apply for a grant after the initial phase
  • You publish and communicate about your research
  • At the end of the doctoral trajectory you obtain a doctoral degree

Deadline : Oct 31, 2024

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(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Student

We are seeking a motivated PhD student in biophysical modeling. The students will perform theoretical and computational research using simulations at the molecular scale. In the DYMEMO project we will search for computational methodologies to study the kinetics of drug transport through membranes. Since experiments often are too expensive or lack sufficient detail, molecular simulations can give insight in the dynamics of drug binding to proteins, or the permeation kinetics of those drug molecules through membranes. While such computational methodologies exist, new fundamental developments are needed to understand the ‘time’ aspects and to make the computations feasible with present-day computer power. The aim of the project is to extend the path sampling methodology to incorporate nonequilibrium kinetics, which is especially relevant for understanding cell death caused by a photoporation treatment. The PhD research will thus combine abstract thinking with highly relevant biomedical applications.

The student will be embedded in the Biophysical Models for Medical Applications (BioMMedA, research group, which creates a motivating environment to perform research. BioMMedA is part of the Institute of Biomedical Technology (IBiTech), which is a hub of biophysicists and engineers working on biomedical research questions.

The PhD student will work towards a doctoral degree through the doctoral schools program of Ghent University under the supervision of Prof. An Ghysels. A contribution to teaching can also be part of the job content. This research is performed in close collaboration with international groups (e.g. the group of Prof. Titus van Erp at NTNU in Trondheim, Norway). Locally, collaborations within the Cancer Research Institute Ghent network (CRIG, Ghent, Belgium) are encouraged, especially for experimental validation of the research results, and international collaborations with other research groups are also possible.

Deadline : Oct 29, 2024

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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral fellow

  • You will conduct doctoral research in the field of cancer immunotherapy and immunogenic cancer cell death and will develop a novel and more efficient glioma therapy based on dendritic cell vaccines at the Cell Death Investigation and Therapy (CDIT) Laboratory within the Department of Human Structure and Repair at Ghent University, under the supervision of Prof. dr. Dmitri V. Krysko.
  • The work will involve making use of cutting edge methods including CRISPR-Cas9 technology, multi-colour flow cytometry, analysis of gene and protein expression, denritic cell vaccines, ortotopic intracranial glioma mice models
  • You apply for a FWO aspirant scholarship after the initial phase
  • You publish and communicate about your research
  • At the end of the doctoral trajectory you obtain a doctoral degree (PhD)

Deadline : Oct 31, 2024

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(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Student

This PhD position relates to the Horizon Europe InSilicoHealth project, an innovative Doctoral Network (DN) with the ambition to train a new generation of outstanding Doctoral Candidates (DC) that will become effective translators of the rapidly evolving digital technology to tackle existing and future challenges related with healthy ageing in Europe. The research focus of this DN lies in three key domains: the brain, heart, and musculoskeletal (MSK) systems. In the realm of digital technology, InSilicoHealth specifically focuses on virtual human twin (VHT) technology to enhance our understanding of the age-related adaptive changes of the complex human body through predictive multi-scale simulations. The research methodology employs knowledge-driven models enhanced by advanced data-driven inference techniques to optimize the health potential of older individuals.

This specific position, a joint PhD between Ghent University and TU Delft (wil also strong involvement from KU Leuven), relates to the heart and more specifically on the ultrasound-based technique of shear wave elastography to characterize the heart. Shear wave elastography visualizes the heart using ultrasound at a high frame rate (up to 5 kHz – 100x the frame rate of conventional echocardiographic imaging), which allows for the detection of shear waves that travel along the cardiac wall. Shear waves can be induced naturally by mitral or aortic valve closure for example (see figure). An interesting property of these shear waves is that their propagation speed is intrinsically linked to the operational stiffness of the tissue in which they propagate. There is increasing and encouraging evidence to support the potential clinical use of shear wave elastography in heart diseases characterized by stiffening due to fibrosis, but its interpretation might be more complex. However, the fundamental wave physics underlying the natural shear wave measurements remain relatively unexplored. Additionally, the layered fiber structure of the myocardium makes the mechanical properties position- and direction dependent, and the cyclic function of the heart leads to time- and loading-dependent changes. The settings of the ultrasound machine itself and biological factors (e.g. age) can also affect the relationship between wave propagation speed and myocardial stiffness.

This PhD project will focus on building a three-dimensional multi-physics in silico health solution of the contracting heart to disentangle the relationship between wave propagation speed and myocardial stiffness in the ageing heart. The model will provide insights into the interaction of the different cofounding factors of cardiac shear wave elastography, which will allow to optimize shear wave post-processing tools and potentially propose new relevant biomarkers. Experimental data of shear wave imaging will be available in healthy volunteers and heart patients from the Cardiovascular Imaging and Dynamics lab at KU Leuven (co-promoter Annette Caenen) for validation of the model. The candidate will work closely with the Peirlinck lab at TU Delft (co-promoter Mathias Peirlinck) to exchange cardiac modeling expertise and with GE (Dr Gunnar Hansen) to support translation of the developed tools into the clinical settings. Daily activities will take place in the Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology at Ghent university.

Deadline : Nov 03, 2024 

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(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Student

The IDLab Ghent research group is seeking a highly motivated and talented PhD student to join the Software-Defined Radio (SDR) research team. Digital communication plays a pivotal role in professional environments, supporting both persons, machines to interact with each other over a communication network. In professional environments, such as industry automation (industry 4.0), communication becomes increasingly diverse, and demands more reliable and time-critical end-to-end wireless connectivity, that can seamlessly adapt to dynamic environments and application needs. What is also lacking in today’s wireless network is uniform coverage, users often rely on connection to a specific access point, and performance varies when moving around. The next generation Wi-Fi needs to support distributed and coordinated AP architectures, whereby multiple APs can simultaneously serve a single user with coherent beamforming. In short, we want to advance wireless communications to the next level on these aspects: uniform coverage, end-to-end latency, time synchronization accuracy among distributed applications across diverse network segments, reliability/QoS for high-priority and safety-critical traffic. Today, we are far from achieving that vision, as most research is limited to theoretical or simulation studies, ignoring real-world impairments. Individual access points produced by different vendors rarely cooperate, features such as coherent beamforming among different access points have great potential but cannot be realized in real-life.

In recent years, software-defined radio becomes a popular tool in research community, the SDR team of UGent has created the full stack open-source Wi-Fi chip design openwifi ( Many innovations has been built above openwifi, such as support of synchronization and Time Sensitive Network (TSN), MIMO diversity, for a complete list of publications using openwifi please refer to (
This PhD vacancy targets to use openwifi to deliver solutions of the advanced WiFi chip for professional end-to-end communication networks that stand out in fulfilling, guaranteeing the challenging requirements of ultra-reliable and time-and-safety-critical applications running on top.

We offer the opportunity to do this research in an international and stimulating environment. The IDLab research group belongs to both Ghent university and IMEC. Ghent University consistently ranks among the best 100 universities in the world. And IMEC is world’s leading independent R&D research hub. Our research center is located in the heart of Europe, Ghent is a beautiful and welcoming city ( with plenty of cultural and leisure activities.

The selected candidate will be offered a 4-year employment, with an intermediate evaluation after the first year (1+3 years). The salary is competitive and will be determined by the university salary scales. In addition, staff members can count on a number of benefits, such as a broad range of training and educational opportunities, 36 days of vacation leave, bicycle allowance, and more.

Deadline : Feb 15, 2025

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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral fellow

The Laboratory for Integrative Metabolomics (LIMET) at Ghent University, part of the Department of Translational Physiology, Infectiology, and Public Health (DI04), has a fully funded full-time position (1 year, with an additional 3 years upon positive evaluation) available for a doctoral student within the framework of the MeMoSA research project. This project is funded by the European Research Council (ERC).

The global and increasing prevalence of pediatric obesity constitutes a serious public health issue. This pandemic is the result of changes in lifestyle, dietary patterns, and physical activity. Due to the multifactorial nature of the condition, treatment is also complicated, as each patient requires a unique approach. Additionally, obesity has significant health consequences, with increased risks of serious conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and certain forms of cancer, as well as psychological and social implications for the child. Metabolomics plays an important role in obesity research, particularly in unravelling complex metabolic processes in the body. This scientific approach enables researchers to study changes in small molecules, known as metabolites.
A first part of this project will involve the optimization and evaluation of an electrospinning-based sampling device. This work will be performed in close collaboration with Prof. Karen De Clerck (material sciences). This device will result in an improved stabilization and subsequent analysis of biofluids. Next, the collected biofluids will be analysed using advanced, but further to be developed analytical techniques including mass spectrometry.
The goal of this project is to gain insight into metabolic changes in children with overweight or obesity through improved metabolomics analyses. This not only aids in understanding the individual underlying mechanisms of obesity but also in identifying biomarkers that, to conclude this project, will help guide targeted interventions.

Deadline : Oct 18, 2024

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(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral fellow

We are looking for one bright and motivated PhD student for CyberQ project. The project is financed by the Independent Research Fund Denmark, and it is a collaboration between IDLab – Ghent University / imec (Belgium), DTU (Denmark), SiPhotonicIC (Denmark), DFM (Denmark) and GlobalConnect (Northern Europe).

CyberQ is an ambitious research project focused on developing next-generation Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) systems that address challenges in scalability, performance, and practicality. In the modern digital age, secure communication is vital for global commerce, effective governance, and overall security. Traditional cryptographic techniques, though effective, are vulnerable to advancements in computing, especially the upcoming quantum computing era. QKD with AES encryption offers a robust, quantum-resistant solution. CyberQ targets enhancing the security of Continuous Variable (CV) QKD systems, refining multi-party protocols for broader network applications, and improving system resilience and miniaturization for widespread deployment. By identifying vulnerabilities and integrating higher levels of practical security, CyberQ paves the way towards fully device-independent CVQKD systems. CyberQ unites the leading expertise of six international partners and is funded by Innovation Fund Denmark.

Deadline :Dec 31, 2024

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(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral fellow

We are looking for one bright and motivated PhD student for TripleQ project. The project is financed by the Independent Research Fund Denmark, and it is a collaboration between IDLab – Ghent University / imec (Belgium), Alea quantum technologies (Denmark), DTU (Denmark), and DFM (Denmark).

TripleQ is an ambitious research and innovation project aiming to develop, test and validate secure, low-cost, and ultra-fast 10 Gigabits/second Quantum Random Number Generators (QRNGs) for next-generation cryptographic applications. In today’s highly digitalized societies, information security is crucial as the current cybersecurity infrastructure is under constant pressure from financially and politically motivated hacking. Moreover, the rapid development of quantum computing poses a significant threat, potentially breaking many existing cryptographic protocols and rendering current techniques obsolete. Quantum cryptography offers a solution, which relies on high-quality, certified randomness. Both classical and quantum cryptographic protocols depend on random numbers that are unpredictable to adversaries. TripleQ aims to create QRNGs with a high-security level rooted in the laws of quantum physics, making the technology compact, affordable, and ready for a range of applications. Funded by Innovation Fund Denmark, the project unites leading expertise from four academic and industry partners, working at the forefront of quantum cryptography.

Our offer
The IDLab-Design team (Ghent University – imec) is internationally recognized as a leading research group specializing in advanced integrated circuits and sub-systems for next-generation communications, computing, and quantum systems. Ghent University stands as a globally renowned institution known for the excellence of its research, education, innovation, and scientific advice. Imec, headquartered in Belgium Flanders, is the world-leading R&D and innovation hub in nanoelectronics and digital technologies. We offer a rewarding and challenging job in an international environment, providing abundant opportunities for professional and personal growth.

Deadline : Dec 31, 2024

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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Student

You will actively work on the preparation and defense of a PhD thesis in (Applied) Linguistics under the supervision of prof. Irene Cenni. The doctoral project is situated in the field of multimodal communication and focuses on specialized Italian discourse in online environments. Multimodality, the use of multiple semiotic resources in communication, plays a crucial role in today’s digital context, where meaning is constructed not only through (spoken) language but also through the integration of visual, auditory, and interactive modes.

The overarching aim is to analyze how Italian content creators utilize the multimodal affordances of popular social media platforms to effectively convey their message, manage their relationship with the audience, and construct and negotiate their digital identity as experts and professionals. Your research will be embedded in the activities of the MULTIPLES ( research group.

Deadline : Nov 18, 2024

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(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Student

We are looking for enthusiastic candidates to perform research on the development of experimentally validated and morphologically detailed computational models of the ultrasound-sensitive hippocampal formation. The models will include a comprehensive set of underlying ultrasound-neuron coupling mechanisms (e.g., mechanosensitive ion channels, radiation force induced membrane bending, intramembrane cavitation).

Two PhD positions are available:
1. Development of a computational framework and transducer/waveform design for ultrasound neuromodulation.
2. Modeling and optimization of acoustoelectric neurorecording (electrode arrays, decoding strategies, etc.).

The applicant should hold an M. Sc. (or equivalent) degree in biomedical, electrical, or physics engineering, or in a related field. The candidate should have excellent programming skills (e.g., Python) and fluency in English (speech and writing). Prior knowledge of neuroscience and/or machine learning is an advantage.

Deadline : Dec 31, 2024 

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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Student

The research group of Prof. Steven Sleutel (UGhent) is looking for a motivated collaborator to perform a PhD research on mitigation of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from Flemish agricultural soils.

Greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural soils represent 15% of the total greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture. These soil emissions, mainly nitrous oxide (N2O), account for 72% of total nitrous oxide emissions within agriculture. Applied fertilizer, animal manure and crop residues are the main sources of this. Fertilizer application also contributes to NH3 emissions and represents 28% of NH3 emissions within agriculture. The above figures for Flanders are estimates obtained with an internationally established methodology that uses emission figures that are, however, not tailored to the Flemish situation. The representativeness of these figures for our region can hardly be verified due to a lack of measurements of soil emissions within Flemish agriculture. This lack of measurements also means that there is currently little insight into the extent of the various sources of soil emissions (mineral manure, animal manure and crop residues). Farmers also need concrete mitigation measures, for example through adapted fertilization strategies (e.g. fractionation, controlled release fertilizers, nitrification inhibitors, acidification of manure) that provide higher efficiency of nitrogen (N) availability in the soil. However, there are currently no validated measures or (fertilization) strategies whose potential to reduce soil emissions has been demonstrated for Flanders.

With the new comprehensive VLAIO LA project LILA (Limiting Soil Nitrous Oxide Emissions: Innovative mitigation measures for Flemish agriculture and development of regional emission factors) jointly implemented by ILVO-Plant, Dept Environment UGent, and Innovatiesteunpunt we want to improve the knowledge around soil N2O emissions for the Flemish context. This information is essential to provide farmers with measures to reduce nitrous oxide emissions without stimulating unwanted NH3 or CH4 emissions. With LILA we are also investigating the effect of carbon farming practices with application of organic manure or incorporation of crop residues on N2O emission trade-offs. This PhD position is embedded in this applied VLAIO project which runs from 11/2024 till 11/2028.

Deadline : Oct 15, 2024

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(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral fellow

Ghent University is a world of its own. Employing more than 15.000 people, it is actively involved in education and research, management and administration, as well as technical and social service provision on a daily basis. It is one of the largest, most exciting employers in the area and offers great career opportunities.
With its 11 faculties and more than 85 departments offering state-of-the-art study programs grounded in research in a wide range of academic fields, Ghent University is a logical choice for its staff and students.

Deadline : Dec 31, 2024 

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(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Student

We are looking for a PhD candidate in the field of computational electromagnetics, a field on the crossroads of scientific computing, electrical engineering, and numerical analysis.
At the electromagnetics group at Ghent University, we aim to accelerate the development of the time-domain boundary element method into a method that can model highly non-linear, strongly radiating systems and that unlocks the modelling capacity with applications in for example emerging technologies in THz communications and imaging. In this doctoral project, you will develop novel modelling methodologies that allow the integrated simulation of complex sensors made from multiple materials, and including ports, coatings, and two-dimensional materials such as graphene. This requires the numerical analysis of novel boundary element methods, the design of efficient algorithms for their implementation on state-of-the-art distributed computing infrastructure, and their application to real world devices accounting for the highly complex semiconductor physics that gives rise to their behavior. This project is part of a larger European ERC consolidator project BET3D.
We offer the opportunity to conduct full-time research in an international research environment at Ghent University. You will be working towards the academic degree of Doctor in Applied Sciences. As part of the requirements for awarding the PhD degree, you will publish your work in peer reviewed journals and present your work at international conferences. You have four years to meet the requirements for awarding the PhD degree, at which point you will defend your research in front of a panel of experts.

Deadline : Nov 30, 2024

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(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD student

This PhD student position is part of the NATRPRIME EU Horizon Europe Funded Doctoral Network ( We are seeking 20 ambitious, curious, and creative individuals to join our research and training activities focused on the targeted delivery of nucleic acid therapeutics. These doctoral candidates will receive training from world-leading experts in academia and industry within this field. The position offers a fully funded 4-year PhD scholarship, including opportunities for secondments (research visits of several months) at other consortium members.

Under the guidance of Prof. Bruno De Geest, the lab operates at the intersection of chemistry, nanotechnology, and immunology, with a mission to enhance the immune system’s response to internal threats such as cancer and external threats like viral pathogens and harmful drug substances.

The primary objective of this PhD project is to develop ligand-functionalized lipid nanoparticles for immunotherapy applications, utilizing mRNA as the therapeutic cargo. The PhD student will focus on synthesizing ionizable lipids for mRNA complexation and will explore chemical or biochemical methods to conjugate small molecules, peptides, or protein-based ligands onto the surface of lipid nanoparticles. The study will investigate how ligand density influences the immunobiological behavior of these particles in both in vitro and in vivo settings, including animal experiments using preclinical mouse tumor models.

Deadline : Dec 01, 2024

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(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Student

This PhD student position is part of the NATRPRIME EU Horizon Europe Funded Doctoral Network ( We are seeking 20 ambitious, curious, and creative individuals to join our research and training activities focused on the targeted delivery of nucleic acid therapeutics. These doctoral candidates will receive training from world-leading experts in academia and industry within this field. The position offers a fully funded 4-year PhD scholarship, including opportunities for secondments (research visits of several months) at other consortium members.

Under the guidance of Prof. Bruno De Geest, the lab operates at the intersection of chemistry, nanotechnology, and immunology, with a mission to enhance the immune system’s response to internal threats such as cancer and external threats like viral pathogens and harmful drug substances.

The main objective of this PhD project will be to develop cancer immunotherapies based on mRNA formulated in lipid nanoparticles. Dthe PhD stundent will design and produce mRNA’s encoding for immunologically relevant proteins and seek ways to formulate and deliver them to immune cells either systemically or locally in tumors. This project will involve animal experiments in preclinical mouse tumor models.This project will be performed in close collaboration with the lab of Prof. Robin Shattock (Imperial College London, UK). Secondments will be planned at other consortium members.

Deadline : Dec 01, 2024 

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(16) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral fellow

We are seeking highly motivated and talented PhD students to join the AI-bioinformatics research cluster, with profs. Thomas Demeester, Jan Fostier, and Kathleen Marchal, combining their respective expertise in machine learning, high-performance compute in bioinformatics, and AI for biology.
The PhD fits within the recently launched imec Health Mission, a strategic research track aiming to advance the discovery and development of novel therapeutics over the next 10 years. IDLab Ghent is a key partner in the Health Mission, and leads the first mission project ADAPT (for “Affinity and Developability through AI for Protein Therapeutics”). ADAPT aims to develop AI-based models to design and optimize antibodies and nanobodies with high binding affinity and optimal developability properties, in a collaboration with several imec research groups and key industrial partners from the Ghent area specialized in nanobody technology.

The main tasks for the PhD students will include:
• Studying state-of-the-art techniques and benchmarks in the domain of antibody design with machine learning models (including protein language models and/or protein diffusion models).
• Design, implementation, and training of new models, focusing on one of the topics listed above.
• Collaboration towards proof-of-concept implementations of the created models for validation by experts in the domain of antibody engineering.
• Writing high quality publications, targeting top journals and international conferences.
In addition to these primary research responsibilities, the PhD student will actively contribute to the educational mission of our institution by providing (limited) support for courses in the area of AI and/or bioinformatics, and taking on a mentoring role by supervising master theses related to the subject of the PhD.

Deadline :Dec 31, 2024

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(17) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral fellow

As part of the highly prestigious ERC Starting Grant NEFELI (Neuromorphic Flexible Electro/chemical Interface for in-Memory Bio-Sensing and Computing), a Ph.D. position is available at Ghent University from January 2025. The project aims to develop and validate implantable devices for sensing neurodegenerative disease-related biomarkers. The PhD candidate will be part of an interdisciplinary team working towards this objective at the IMEC-associated research lab Centre for Microsystems Technology (CMST) ( at the Department of Electronics and Information Systems (ELIS) of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture.

The PhD candidate will perform research on the development of miniaturized, biocompatible neuromorphic device arrays (design, in-house fabrication and testing) and device characterization (electrical, morphological, mechanical, biocompatibility…). He/she will be in charge of the implementation and experimental validation of the system for biosensing. Specifically, he/she will lead experiments to detect and monitor biomarker concentrations, identify key parameters for effective sensing, and design a comprehensive biosensing framework with standardized protocols. The whole system can be realized using micro- and nanotechnologies in the state-of-the-art cleanroom at Ghent University. The PhD candidate will continuously interact with other researchers working on the project.

In addition to these primary research responsibilities, the PhD student will actively contribute to the educational mission of our institution by providing (limited) support for courses and taking on a mentoring role by supervising master theses related to the subject of the PhD.

Deadline : Nov 15, 2024 

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(18) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral fellow

  • Conduct state of the art research in the area of public policy and administration, with a focus on policy learning within multilateral institutions (e.g., European Union Institutions, OECD, or other similar institutions).
  • Actively participate in doctoral schools, courses, seminars, local and international conferences, as well as other activities as required to obtain a doctoral degree and in accordance with the regulations of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration.
  • This research trajectory should result in a doctorate (PhD) within the planned period (48 months).

Deadline : Oct 28, 2024

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(19) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Student

We are looking for a talented and highly motivated PhD student to join our team and work on the elucidation of genetic variants in patients with intellectual disability and congenital malformations. We offer an open, highly dynamic, and challenging working environment in which teamwork, initiative, and originality are stimulated and appreciated.
In addition to extensive data analysis, wet lab work is included in the project.

Deadline : Oct 31, 2024

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(20) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Student

Exciting research topic in the field of liquid biopsies and cell free RNA. The goal is to implement minimally invasive biomarkers for the diagnosis, prognostication and functional characterization of patients with an aggressive lymphoma in daily practice.

This project is a collaboration between the OncoRNALab (Ghent university) and the hematology department (Ghent University Hospital).
Promotors: prof. dr. Jo Vandesompele and prof. dr. Pieter Mestdagh / Co-promotor: prof. dr. Fritz Offner

Deadline : Jan 01, 2025

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(21) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Student

The INCAT team at Ghent University ( is looking for a qualified and motivated candidate to pursue a Ph.D. in catalyst development and catalytic testing of lignin and its performance testing in lignin depolymerization.

INCAT aspires to advance the catalytic conversion of biomass-derived streams, focusing on their upgrading and separation into valuable chemicals, with a strong application-oriented goal. The group has extensive experience in the depolymerization and modification of lignin, utilizing advanced techniques to characterize lignin and its reaction products during depolymerization. Moreover, INCAT is pioneering novel analytical methods (e.g., 2D-LC, pyrolysis-GCxGC-MS) to enable even more comprehensive analyses.

Your research will focus on developing innovative catalysts for lignin depolymerization. Specifically, you will design, synthesize, and characterize novel heterogeneous catalysts, and evaluate their performance. The screening will cover both mild reductive and oxidative depolymerization, conducted in both batch and continuous-flow reactors. Additionally, you will perform detailed analyses of the resulting product pools. Following the initial screening, a more thorough investigation of the impact of operating conditions will be carried out on one or two of the most promising catalysts.

Deadline : Nov 15, 2024

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(22) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Student

As a PhD fellow, you will contribute to the research project: “Curating to Activate on the Museum Stage,” with the aim of obtaining a PhD in Educational Sciences. The doctoral research will be embedded in a newly established research line on the evolving social and educational role of (science) museums:

“This study explores the shift from the museum’s role as an (educational) institution that mediates knowledge to one that facilitates meaning-making. The focus is particularly on science museums, where objects have traditionally been presented within a framework of knowledge creation through scientific processes. It asks: how can a science museum become a place of active contemplation without compromising its mission to promote critical citizenship and emancipate visitors through scientific literacy? How can that shift redefine the mission of the institution? What are the implications of such a framing for multiperspectivism and for engaging with diverse publics?

Curating in this study is approached as a performance, focusing on the transformation of the object from a passive knowledge carrier into an “actant”—an active agent that stimulates thought in the visitor—and the museum as a dynamic stage that sparks intellectual engagement.

The Ghent University Museum (GUM) serves both as a case study as well as an experimental platform for this research. This research will contribute to a broader understanding of the role of museums and curators in facilitating meaningful interactions between objects and visitors, and as such will reconsider and revisit the notion of public mediation in museums at the intersection of art and science.”

In consultation with the recruited PhD fellow, the doctoral research can focus on a specific area within this broader framework. This focus could be on the museum as a space for meaning-making, rather than purely knowledge-sharing; on curating as a performance and the object as an ‘actor’; on the implications for multiperspectivism and audience mediation, or a combination of these perspectives.

Deadline : Oct 18, 2024

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About Ghent University, Belgium  –Official Website

Ghent University is a public research university located in Ghent, Belgium. It was established in 1817 by King William I of the Netherlands. After the Belgian revolution of 1830, the newly formed Belgian state began to administer the university. In 1930, the university became the first Dutch-speaking university in Belgium, whereas French had previously been the standard academic language in what was Université de Gand. In 1991, it was granted major autonomy and changed its name accordingly from State University of Ghent (Dutch: Rijksuniversiteit Gent, abbreviated as RUG) to its current designation.

In contrast to the Catholic University of Leuven or the Free University of Brussels, UGent considers itself a pluralist university in a special sense, i.e. not connected to any particular religion or political ideology. Its motto Inter Utrumque (‘In Between Both Extremes’), on the coat of arms, suggests the acquisition of wisdom and science comes only in an atmosphere of peace, when the institution is fully supported by the monarchy and fatherland.

Ghent University is one of the biggest Flemish universities, consisting of 44,000 students and 9,000 staff members. The University also supports the University Library and the University Hospital, which is one of the largest hospitals in Belgium. It is one of the greatest beneficiaries of funding from the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO). Ghent University consistently rates among the top 100 universities in the world.



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