University of Amsterdam, Netherlands invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at University of Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: 2 PhD Positions in Redox Efficient Phosphorus Chemistry
Phosphorus is essential for life on Earth and plays a prominent role in modern science and technology, where organophosphorus compounds are of immense importance for their wide-ranging applications in material science, nanotechnology and life sciences. At present, however, the overall industrial processes to produce these phosphorus compounds are unsustainable, energy intensive, and inefficient. To meet the growing demand for phosphorus derivatives, whilst complying with increasingly stringent environmental regulations and sustainability issues, this NWO VICI research programme will advance P(III)/P(V) redox cycling and modernise the use of phosphorus by developing novel one-electron processes that minimise unnecessary redox reactions.
Deadline : 15.08.2022
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position on Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers
Hydrogen is becoming one of the key energy carriers for the future to deal with the challenge of climate change and achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement, also because it can help to compensate for the intermittency of renewable energy resources, while it can be sustainably produced from e.g. solar and wind power through the electrolysis of water. Large-scale usage of H2, however, will necessitate its storage at massive scales.
Deadline : 15.08.2022
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Computational Communication Science
Are you exceptionally interested in (computational) communication research? Is it your ambition to become a top-tier researcher? The Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR) is the research institute for the Communication Science department at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences. We are seeking a PhD candidate for participation in the NEWSFLOWS project, which is being funded by the European Research Council. The PhD track is part of the Political Communication programme group and the Computational Communication Science Amsterdam Lab. The candidate will work in close cooperation with the Digital Society Initative and the Digital Communication Methods Lab.
Deadline : 12 August 2022
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: 2 PhD Positions on the (Electro)chemical Recycling of Solid Hydrogen Carriers
Hydrogen is becoming one of the key energy carriers for the future to deal with the challenge of climate change and achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement, also because it can help to compensate for the intermittency of renewable energy resources, while it can be sustainably produced from e.g. solar and wind power through the electrolysis of water. Large-scale usage of H2, however, will necessitate its storage at massive scales. Multiple H2 storage options exist, among which through the production and use of NaBH4, associated with the regeneration of the spent fuel NaBO2. It is the purpose of this research project to develop NaBH4 as circular H2 storage option.
Deadline :15.08.2022
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(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in Homogeneous Catalysis
Are you interested in supramolecular chemistry, catalysis, and sustainable chemistry? Are you looking for a challenging PhD project, then we may have the ideal position for you. In the HomKat-group that is at the forefront in the field of supramolecular catalysis, we are looking for a motivated PhD student, who under the direct supervision of Dr. Sonja Pullen will work on the border between supramolecular coordination cages and metal-organic frameworks (MOFs). The newly designed and prepared systems will be used as catalysts for the conversion of small molecules using orthogonal tandem catalysis.
Deadline : 31 August 2022
(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Positions in Experimental Quantum Physics
Project 1: Continuous atom laser
In this project you will build the first continuous atom laser. An atom laser is a beam of atoms that is described by a coherent matter wave. So far only short atom laser pulses have been created by outcoupling a beam of atoms from a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC). The laser stops working when all atoms of the BEC have been outcoupled, requiring the creation of a new BEC for the next atom laser pulse. BEC creation is usually a lengthy process, requiring several cooling stages to be executed one after the other in time. We have built a machine that can execute these stages one after the other in space, enabling us to Bose-Einstein condense continuously [1]. This allows us to create a BEC that lasts as long as we want. It’s the atomic equivalent of an optical laser with perfectly reflective cavity mirrors. Your goal will be to take the next step and outcouple the first continuous atom laser beam from the BEC. Such a beam would be an ideal source for continuous atom interferometry [2]. A second goal of the project is to create interesting driven-dissipative quantum systems and study their properties.
Project 2: Rb-Sr quantum gas mixtures and RbSr ground-state molecules
In this project you will create ultracold RbSr ground-state molecules and use them to perform quantum simulations [3]. RbSr ground-state molecules have a large electric dipole moment and a magnetic moment. These properties enable the tuning of anisotropic long-range interactions between the molecules by applying electric and magnetic fields. After creating the molecules using unusual magnetic Feshbach resonances that we discovered [4], your first goal will be to transfer them into their absolute ground state using laser pulses. Next you will study the interactions between the molecules, also in order to stabilize them against decay and create a quantum gas of molecules. Another research avenue is to confine the molecules in a lattice and induce spin-dependent interactions between them. This will allow you to study interesting models of magnetism. So far all ultracold ground-state molecules are composed of two alkali atoms. RbSr, composed of an alkali and an alkaline-earth, has a quite different molecular structure, enabling novel quantum simulations. Yet another intriguing research avenue is to explore novel few- and many-body quantum physics with Rb-Sr mixtures, exploiting interaction tuning and element-specific optical lattices.
Project 3: Sr optical clocks
In this project you will build and do research with one of the most precise optical clocks in the world. Your clock would go wrong by only one second over the lifetime of the universe and is capable of sensing the change in gravitational time dilation originating from a height change of less than one centimeter [5]. This project is very collaborative as it is not only a research project in itself, but also a crucial part of other research projects. As a start, you will learn the ropes from our superradiant clock team. You will be involved in every aspect of building your clock, from electronics, over lasers, optics, frequency combs, ultrastable resonators to vacuum chambers. Once the clock is operational you will use it to collaborate with other research teams, enabling our superradiant clock, precise qubit operations in our quantum computer (project 4), or studying fundamental physics with precision spectroscopy (with our colleagues at the Free University). For the latter you will participate in setting up a frequency link through telecom fibres to the Free University in Amsterdam and to the Eindhoven University of Technology. This project is part of the Quantum Delta NL Ultracold Quantum Sensing Testbed, which will give you many opportunities to work with industry, in particular to design photonic circuits for optical clocks.
Project 4: Quantum simulation and computing with Rydberg coupled single Sr atoms
Quantum computers and simulators can solve problems that are utterly out of reach for traditional computers. We are building two quantum computers/simulators based on arrays of strontium atoms held in optical tweezers [6], one in our lab and one at the Eindhoven University of Technology. Quantum bits are encoded in the internal states of these atoms and quantum calculations are carried out by shining laser beams onto the atoms in a well-orchestrated way. Quantum computers based on neutral atoms profit from the fact that the atoms are naturally identical and that it is quite easy to scale the computer to hundreds of quantum bits. Our quantum computer is based on strontium atoms, an alkaline-earth element that is also commonly used to build some of the best clocks in the world. Exploiting the clock built in project 3 and supported by QuantumDelta NL and the Quantum Software Consortium we are building quantum computers that can demonstrate algorithms developed by QuSoft or solve quantum chemistry problems. In Amsterdam we can currently trap strontium atoms in an array of 49 tweezers [7]. You will extend this machine with the lasers necessary to implement one- and two-qubit gates and perform quantum simulations and computations with it.
Deadline : 31 July 2022
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(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in Machine Learning for Natural Language Processing
You will work alongside LTL colleagues under the supervision of Dr. Vlad Niculae to investigate and improve NLP deep generative models along the axes of expressiveness, controllability, transparency, and efficiency. We will be particularly looking into overcoming the tension between the discreteness of language and the continuity of deep learning and taking cue from recent developments in continuous energy-based models and diffusion models. A main motivation comes from language technology in Hybrid Intelligence, that is, intelligent systems that empower people and take human expertise and intentionality into account through interaction, controllability, and uncertainty awareness. We will always put first the social and political impact of any technology we develop.
Deadline : 21 August 2022
(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position on Side-Channel Attacks on Quantum Devices Used in Quantum Networks
Are you fascinated by security? Are you willing to take on the challenge of securing the next generation of computer systems and networks? Do you like to work in a team of young researchers? We are seeking a PhD candidate who is interested in interdisciplinary research on side-channel attacks against quantum devices used in quantum networks and beyond.
Deadline : 1 October 2022
(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Mechanisms of Transfer of Maternal Effects
The project you will be working on is aimed at studying the mechanisms of long-term programming of mental and metabolic health by early-life stress and early-life nutrition. It will focus in particular on if and how early adversity affects various barriers between mother and offspring (nutrient/hormone/cytokine transfer via the placenta, mammary gland and the blood brain barriers) and how this translates to sex-specific differences in the offspring. You will use established mouse models (at the UvA) and innovative placental fish models (at WUR) of early-life adversity, allowing the identification of potentially conserved mechanisms between species. All the animal models, equipment, analysis software are available from the start of the project. You will be trained on site and in specialized courses.
Deadline : 31.08.2022
(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Molecular Microbial Physiology
The project you will be working on is aimed at unveiling fundamental mechanisms through which the cyanobacterium Synechocystis(and related strains) responds and adapts under different environmental conditions. It will focus on studying the response to environments that are likely to be useful during biotechnological applications that exploit the ability of these organisms to synthesize valuable products directly from CO2, fueled only by (sun)light.
Deadline : 04 September 2022
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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in Latent Paint Curing with Light-Triggered Catalysts
The main challenge of this new project will be to tune the activation behaviour of new latent and light-triggered catalyst for paint curing. You are expected to synthesize new catalyst for paint curing, test them in real paint and to investigate mechanistic aspects. You will need a creative mind to develop light-activated catalyst that work in dark-coloured paints. You will make several new Fe-based catalysts, with different physical properties and different catalytic activities. The goal is to tune the activity and the wavelength of activation. You will need to make sure that the catalyst also works in paints containing dark-coloured pigments. To make this possible we need your creativity, enthusiasm and passion. This should result in sustainable, latent alkyd paint drying processes. These challenges offer ample opportunities for catalyst tuning and catalyst design, which will be guided by advanced computational and spectroscopic studies.
Deadline : 8 August 2022
(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in Global Strategy and Innovation
Despite stark evidence and mounting pressures from the public opinion and stakeholders, the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the related policies vary substantially across countries and firms. As dominant players in the global economy, multinational enterprises (MNEs) have been called to take a more active role in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and recently their strategy has been increasingly influenced by the UN’s 2030 Agenda. MNEs’ managers are pressured by their stakeholders to integrate policies and practices which have a clear connection to sustainable development. Yet this represents a major managerial challenge, as the MNEs’ actions and strategic decisions may exacerbate rather than alleviate global challenges such as climate change, poverty, gender discrimination, unsustainable consumption, among others.
Deadline : 14 August 2022
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(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in Experimental Quantum Physics
The strontium quantum gases group is headed by Prof. Florian Schreck and is part of the Quantum Gases and Quantum Information (QG&QI) cluster at the Institute of Physics (IoP) of the University of Amsterdam (UvA). The main focus of the group is the exploitation of Sr quantum gases for novel precision measurement techniques and the study of many-body physics. We have one open PhD position within our Innovative Training Network (ITN) MoSaiQC, which in this context are called early stage researchers (ESRs). This ITN trains 14 ESRs in 10 organizations from industry and academia. MoSaiQC is EU funded (project no. 860579) and a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action.
Deadline : 31 July 2022
(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD in Quantum-Safe Cryptography
As the potential risks and consequences of cybersecurity breaches of existing cryptography by future quantum computers would be devastating, there is an urgent need to prepare for a transition to quantum-safe cryptography (QSC). Addressing the many complexities of this transition requires a multidisciplinary collaboration of scientists, financial and governmental institutions, and civil society groups. The ‘Quantum Impact on Societal Security’ (QISS) consortium will analyse the technical, ethical, legal and societal impact of this upcoming society-wide transition. QISS’s objective is to contribute to the creation of a Dutch ecosystem where quantum-safe cryptography can thrive, and mobilize this ecosystem to align technological applications with ethical, legal, and social values.
Deadline : 15 August 2022
(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Student in Systems Neuroscience – Consciousness Research
You are expected to perform a challenging experiment integrating multi-area electrophysiology (with Neuropixels probes) and optogenetics in mice trained to perform a visual discrimination task. You will also be tasked with analyzing the behavioral and electrophysiogical data that you collect. You will have access to state-of-the-art facilities for performing experiments, behavioral training and data analysis. Furthermore, you will be involved in psychophysics and EEG experiments in humans. Human experiments will be primarily performed by a research assistant, and as a PhD candidate your focus will be on analyzing the collected data. An animal facility, facilities for performing human EEG experiments, biotechnical and ICT support are available.
Deadline : 21 August 2022
(16) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Psychological Methods
Project 1: “Bridging the gap between latent variable models from deep learning and psychometrics”. In this project, the PhD candidate will focus on the development of methods for various psychometric applications in which neural nets from deep learning are combined with measurement models from psychometrics. The project is coordinated by Dylan Molenaar and Raoul Grasman.
Project 2: “Cognitive Modeling meets Educational Data Science”. In this project, the PhD candidate will apply cognitive models to large data sets from educational data science. The main aim is to develop more nuanced performance indicators for online education that are based on models of cognitive processes. The project is coordinated by Julia Haaf and Abe Hofman.
Deadline : 24 July 2022
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(17) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Researcher Affect, Agency, and Memory
This PhD position is embedded in the ERC-funded research project Fashioning Power through South-South Interaction: Re-thinking Creativity, Authenticity, Cultural Mediation and Consumer Agency along China-Africa Fashion Value Chains. The aims of the project are 1) to move beyond a Western-centric epistemology to map the chains, restraints and materialities of China’s power expansion through everyday fashion; 2) to collect and triangulate empirical information along complete South-South commodity chains through multi-sited ethnography, semiotic and visual analysis, individual and focus group interviews, wardrobe archival studies, and other digital methods; and 3) to provide evidence of how Chinese-African fashion industries impact upon the social, cultural, economic and affective lives of Eastern African consumers in the context of increasing globalisation, digitalisation, consumerism, and China’s ambition abroad.
Deadline :31 August 2022
(18) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Researcher Creativity, Authenticity, and Cultural Mediation
This PhD position is embedded in the ERC-funded research project Fashioning Power through South-South Interaction: Re-thinking Creativity, Authenticity, Cultural Mediation and Consumer Agency along China-Africa Fashion Value Chains. The aims of the project are 1) to move beyond a Western-centric epistemology to map the chains, restraints and materialities of China’s power expansion through everyday fashion; 2) to collect and triangulate empirical information along complete South-South commodity chains through multi-sited ethnography, semiotic and visual analysis, individual and focus group interviews, wardrobe archival studies, and other digital methods; and 3) to provide evidence of how Chinese-African fashion industries impact upon the social, cultural, economic and affective lives of Eastern African consumers in the context of increasing globalisation, digitalisation, consumerism, and China’s ambition abroad.
Deadline : 31 August 2022
(19) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Two PhD Positions at the Amsterdam School of Historical Studies
The Amsterdam School of Historical Studies (ASH) invites applications for two PhD positions at the Faculty of Humanities, tenable from 1 January 2023, for doctoral research in the field of the history of Hermetic Philosophy and Related Currents. ASH represents and fosters the study of the human past from Antiquity to the present day. It brings together about 200 academics who participate in ca. 16 research groups. ASH is one of the six Research Schools/Institutes within the Amsterdam Institute for Humanities Research. Each research school/institute covers an important research area within the faculty and has its own research programme, and is also the home base for PhD candidates, who interact with each other and with senior members in the research groups that make up the research school.
Deadline : 20 August 2022
(20) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD in Explainable AI: Measuring ‘Playability’ from Musical Audio
We are seeking a PhD candidate for the project ‘InDeep: Interpreting Deep Learning Models for Text and Sound Methods and Applications’ (NWO NWA 1292.19.399). This ambitious project aims to develop, apply, and fine-tune techniques to make modern deep learning models for text, speech, and music more transparent. In this PhD position you can combine insights from audio analysis and deep learning to help musicians play what they love. If you are excited about doing this kind of research in an interdisciplinary environment with smart and friendly colleagues and a strong industrial collaboration, then you may want to join us.
Deadline :21 July 2022
(21) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position for Uncertainty-aware AI-based Predictive Model for Treatment Decision Making
We are looking for a PhD candidate in the field of machine learning and medical image analysis, in a project that will be carried out in collaboration with Prof. Philipp Berens’ research lab at the University of Tübingen. The main goal of the project is to advance performance on medical imaging semantic segmentation techniques by producing clinically plausible solutions; and, consequently, develop uncertainty-aware predictive models for treatment decision making in patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration. This PhD position is funded by the Amsterdam Unit of ELLIS (the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems).
Deadline : 31 July 2022
(22) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD in Explainable AI: Attribution Methods for Text and Audio
We are seeking a PhD candidate for the project ‘InDeep: Interpreting Deep Learning Models for Text and Sound Methods and Applications’ (NWO NWA 1292.19.399). This ambitious project aims to develop, apply, and fine-tune techniques to make modern deep learning models for text, speech, and music more transparent. Would you like a PhD position where you do fundamental research, with immediate applicability, in Explainable AI? Where you work on evaluating and extending attribution methods for ‘opening the blackbox’ of deep learning models for text and audio processing? If you are excited about doing this kind of research in an interdisciplinary environment with smart and friendly colleagues and a strong industrial collaboration, then you may want to join us.
Deadline : 21 July 2022
About University of Amsterdam, Netherlands –Official Website
The University of Amsterdam is a public research university located in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The UvA is one of two large, publicly funded research universities in the city, the other being the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU). Established in 1632 by municipal authorities and later renamed for the city of Amsterdam, the University of Amsterdam is the third-oldest university in the Netherlands. It is one of the largest research universities in Europe with 31,186 students, 4,794 staff, 1,340 PhD students and an annual budget of €600 million. It is the largest university in the Netherlands by enrollment. The main campus is located in central Amsterdam, with a few faculties located in adjacent boroughs. The university is organised into seven faculties: Humanities, Social and Behavioural Sciences, Economics and Business, Science, Law, Medicine, Dentistry.
The University of Amsterdam has produced six Nobel Laureates and five prime ministers of the Netherlands. The University of Amsterdam has been placed in the top 100 universities in the world by five major ranking tables. By the QS World University Rankings it was ranked 61st in the world, 14th in Europe, and 2nd in the Netherlands in 2021. The university was placed in the top 50 worldwide in seven fields in the 2011 QS World University Rankings in the fields of linguistics, sociology, philosophy, geography, science, Economics and econometrics, and accountancy and finance. In 2018 and 2019 the two departments of Media and Communication were commonly ranked 1st in the world by subject by QS Ranking.
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