22 Postdoctoral Fellowship at at Inria, France
The National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation (Inria), France invites online Application for various Postdoctoral Fellowship in their different Departments. We are providing a list of Postdoc Fellowship positions available at Inria, France.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M High Performance Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement learning goal is to self-learn a task trying to maximise a reward (a game score for instance). The learning process acts by interacting with a simulation code to explore the space of possible states. As an explicit exploration is not possible as too large, the key to success is in building an efficient exploration strategy balancing between exploration (test new states), exploitation (replay actions known to lead to high rewards). Using deep neural networks to encode the decision process as lead to significant progress. This is often referred as Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL). A classical benchmark where DRL thrives are ATARI games.
Deadline : 2021-08-31
(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Statistical Learning of the Intestinal Microbiota Metabolism in Space and Time: Metamodeling for metabolic and PDE models coupling
The study of biology combines studies of forms (diversity) and modelling of processes (functional or evolutionary). Pleiade addresses the dual challenge of rapidly measuring relevant dissimilarities between biological objects and exploring the relationships between trait diversity and functional diversity at multiple scales. We develop algorithms, models, and software frameworks for applications in ecology, evolution and biotechnology.
Deadline : 2021-08-31
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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Statistical Learning of the Intestinal Microbiota Metabolism in Space and Time: Metabolic model modelling and reduction
The position is funded by Inria and is part of the Inria Exploratory Action SLIMMEST: Statistical Learning of the Intestinal Microbiota MEtabolism in Space and Time. This project consists in two postdoc positions: one scientist with a systems biology background, and a second with an applied mathematical background. Both scientists will work in close collaboration on an exciting project aiming at building a spatio-temporal numerical model of the gut microbiota. This particular offer concerns the systems biology profile
Deadline : 2021-08-31
(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Memory-augmented Models for low-latency Machine-learning Serving
The research is in the framework of the Inria’s exploratory action MAMMALS (Memory-augmented Models for low-latency Machine-learning Serving)
Deadline : 2021-07-31
(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Novel interactive techniques for haptics in Augmented and Virtual Reality
This PostDoc position is a joint collaboration between Inria Rennes Bretagne Atlantique (specifically, the RAINBOW and HYBRID team) and the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Moscow, Russia). The postdoc researcher will stay mainly in Rennes but he or she is expected to carry out part of the research work at Skoltech
Deadline : 2021-07-31
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(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Postoctoral position on Stochastic Networks
The postdoctoral position is part of of an international project between INRIA Paris and Skoltech in Moscow.
The project is dedicated to research on stochastic networks.
Research will be conducted at INRIA in conjounction with the ERC Nemo program.
Deadline : 2021-07-31
(07) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Causal inference and explainable AI and its application to understanding climate change
Inria has a strong focus on artificial intelligence, machine learning, and related subjects. Recent results in these areas have created crucial opportunities, but at the same time, raised significant challenges. Within this context, issues such as causal learning and inference, explainability of AI models, and ethical issues, have gained high momentum.
Deadline : 2021-07-18
(08) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Modelling the spread of Alzheimer’s diseases pathology between cortical regions – a multidisciplinary collaboration between Inria, UCL and BCAM
The project is part of a long-standing collaboration between Mathieu Desroches (MathNeuro Project-Team, Inria), Afia B Ali (School of Pharmacology, University College London, UK) and Serafim Rodrigues (MCEN research group, Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Bilbao, Spain) on neurotransmission and its possible disruptions (Rodrigues et al., PNAS 113(8), 2016). The postdoc will strongly interact with these three researchers.
Deadline : 2021-07-15
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(09) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Performance Evaluation of Wireless Technologies for Robots Communication and Localization
This postdoc will take place at INSA Lyon, in the Inria Agora research group located in the La Doua Campus in Lyon. The recruited person will work with two members of the group: Dr. Oana Iova and Prof. Hervé Rivano in the framework of the European H2020 project BugWright2. Considering the evolution of the sanitary situation, a certain level of remote working is expected.
Deadline : 2021-07-11
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(10) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M AI-based surrogate modeling of nanoscale light-matter interactions for the design of optical metadevices
This project fits in the framework of the Inria-Brazil partnership between Inria and LNCC[1]. At Inria, the Atlantis project-team[2] gathers applied mathematicians and computational scientists who are undertaking research activities aiming at the design, analysis, development and application of innovative numerical methods for systems of partial differential equations (PDEs) modeling nanoscale light-matter interaction problems. In this context, the team develops the DIOGENeS (DiscOntinuous GalErkin Nano Solvers) software suite[3]. which implements several Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) type methods tailored to the systems of time- and frequency-domain Maxwell equations possibly coupled to differential equations modeling the behavior of propagation media at optical frequencies. DIOGENeS is a unique numerical framework leveraging the capabilities of DG techniques for the simulation of multiscale problems relevant to nanophotonics and nanoplasmonics.
Deadline : 2021-07-10
(11) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M [Campagne Postdoctorant DRI 2021] Learning Adaptive Communication Graphs for Decentralized Federated Learning
This project will stimulate existing and emerging collaborations with the SaCS (Scalable Computing Systems Laboratory) group of Anne-Marie Kermarrec at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL).
This post-doctoral fellowship will be funded by the EPFL-Inria International Lab
Deadline : 2021-07-10
(12) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Performance Modeling of HPC Applications [Inria/LNCC]
This work will be developed within the framework of the HPCProSol joint team. This team was established in 2021 as a collaboration between Inria Bordeaux (TADaaM and STORM teams) and the National Laboratory for Scientific Computing (LNCC) in Petrópolis, Brazil.
Deadline : 2021-07-10
(13) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Optimization of the Parallelization of the Training Phase in DNNs [Inria/Skoltech]
One of the objectives of this postdoc is to strengthen the links between Inria and Skoltech. In this context, during the postdoc, long stays in Moscow are planned, for a total of at least 3 months. The travel between Bordeaux and Moscow will be taken care of by the Moliere team and the stays in Moscow will be taken care of by Skoltech.
Deadline : 2021-07-10
(14) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M [Campagne Postdoctorant DRI 2021] Advanced Homogeneous Control for Energy Storage and Energy Conversion Systems
Within the framework of a collaboration with partners of the project(Inria, France – Skoltech, Russia), the objective is to develop homogeneous control algorithms for some components of modern power systems (such as, power converters and vanadium redox flow batteries) and to construct prototypes/conduct field experiments on the existing devices.
Deadline : 2021-07-10
(15) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Post-doctoral research fellowship in modelling of the immune response to Ebola vaccine
The EBOVAC3 project aims to assess, through clinical trials in children and adults in Africa, the safety and effectiveness of an Ebola vaccine regimen. As such it will help to improve the world’s preparedness to deal with an Ebola outbreak. The project focuses on the ‘prime-boost’ Ebola vaccine regimen (Ad26.ZEBOV and MVA-BN-Filo) prime-boost’ Ebola vaccine regimen, in which patients are first given a dose to prime the immune system, and then a boost dose which is intended to enhance the immune response over time. Building on work carried out under the EBOVAC1 (http://www.ebovac.org/) and the EBOVAC2 (http://www.ebovac2.com/) projects, EBOVAC3 ( will run clinical trials in children in Sierra Leone, Guinea and the Democratic Republic of Congo
Deadline : 2021-07-01
(16) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Quantum Computation Structures
Your activity will take place in the INRIA EPC Team QuaCS (Quantum Computation Structures) that is currently under creation.
The team is hosted at the LMF (Laboratoire Méthodes Formelles), a lap which comes from the merger of LSV and part of LRI.
The postdoc is funded by INRIA’s challenge project EQIP,
Deadline : 2021-06-30
(17) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: The role of rapport in human-conversational agent interaction:Modeling conversation to improve task performance in human-agent Interaction
The objective of this project is to build embodied conversational agents (also known as ECAs, or virtual humans, chatbots, or multimodal dialogue systems) that have the ability to engage their users using language and nonverbal behavior, both social and task talk, where the social talk serves to improve task performance. In order to achieve this objective, we model human-human conversation, and integrate the models into ECAs, and then evaluate their performance.
Deadline : 2021-06-30
(18) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Data-Flow Models of Computation for Deep Learning
The goal of the postdoc is to study further the potential of the data-flow MoCs for NNs, in particular when they require dynamicity. We expect advances in the form of a better computation efficiency and a lower energy consumption.
Deadline : 2021-06-30
(19) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Microscopic description of physical phenomena: mathematical aspects and numerics
The postdoc position is offered within the PARADYSE team at Inria Lille. The team gathers internationally recognized mathematicians who aim at providing a better understanding of dynamical phenomena involving particles. These phenomena are described by fundamental models arising from several fields of physics. The main focuses are on model derivation, study of stationary states and asymptotic behaviours, links between different levels of description (micro/macro models) and numerical methods to simulate such models.
Deadline : 2021-06-30
(20) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Postdoc: Multiscale approaches and phenotypic diversity. Lyon/Paris.
A postdoctoral position at the math-bio interface is available to work on project “A micro-macro analysis of the stochastic evolution of phenotypic traits diversity” in collaboration with thefollowing research groups located in Lyon and Paris:
Deadline : 2021-06-27
(21) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Task-based programming model for large-scale applications (Compilation/HPC)
The objective of the postdoc is to imagine a new model to implement task-based applications using C++ only (ideally). With this aim, we will have to find new ways of expressing the tasks. The study will focus on every aspect: how the classes/objects or any data structure should be represented, how to express information known at compile time; how to build incomplete models that will be extended at runtime, how the polyhedral model can be used together with the task-based model, etc. The postdoc will not work on creating the runtime system for large-scale executions (except if he/she really wants to). He/she will focus on defining a specification of the model and ensuring that it respects all the constraints. A PoC could be implemented to ensure it works (on a single node and on top of an existing runtime system for simplicity). Consequently, the candidate should have a good understanding of how the source code is used by the compiler and how to interact with a runtime system. The candidate will create the basis at the heart of a larger execution system.
Deadline : 2021-06-24
About The National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation (Inria), France –Official Website
The National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation (Inria) is a French national research institution focusing on computer science and applied mathematics. It was created under the name Institut de recherche en informatique et en automatique (IRIA) in 1967 at Rocquencourt near Paris, part of Plan Calcul. Its first site was the historical premises of SHAPE (central command of NATO military forces), which is still used as Inria’s main headquarters. In 1980, IRIA became INRIA. Since 2011, it has been styled Inria.
Inria is a Public Scientific and Technical Research Establishment (EPST) under the double supervision of the French Ministry of National Education, Advanced Instruction and Research and the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry.
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