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22 Postdoctoral Fellowship at University of Hamburg, Germany

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University of Hamburg, Germany invites online Application for various Postdoctoral Fellowship in their different Departments. We are providing a list of Postdoc Fellowship positions available at University of Hamburg, Germany.

Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.


(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title:  Research Associate in Political Science/Political Economy/Methodology § 28 Subsection 1 HmbHG

Research associates will be expected primarily to teach and conduct research. The research associate will also have the opportunity to pursue further academic qualifications, in particular a doctoral dissertation. At least one-third of set working hours will be made available for the research associate’s own academic work.

The research associate can take part in the doctoral training program “collective decision making” and needs to acquire skills in quantitative empirical data analysis (if necessary) to write a doctoral dissertation in political science or political economy on a topic related to the research interests at the chair of comparative political science, particularly gender and politics, climate politics or sustainable fiscal politics, electoral competition, gender and representation.

Deadline : 31.07.2024

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(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc summary/title: Research Associate for the Project “BASS” Sub-Project 2.2, “Momentum and energy fluxes in the presence of surfactants” § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG

The research associate will investigate small-scale physical dynamics at the air-water interface and physics of wind-wave interactions, as part of the research group “Biogeochemical processes and Air-sea exchange in the Sea-Surface microlayer (BASS)” funded by the German Research Foundation. The overall goal of BASS is to investigate the importance of the sea-surface microlayer (SML) as a biogeo- and photochemical reactor, and how its reactivity affects ocean-atmosphere interactions. Eight subprojects are collaborating in joint laboratory and field campaigns, among which are dedicated experiments at Universität Hamburg’s wind-wave tank. BASS combines interdisciplinary expertise, advanced technologies for millimeter-scale observations, core infrastructures for controlled experiments, and state-of-the-art analytical facilities at the molecular levels.

Deadline : 31.07.2024

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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in Atmospheric Turbulence and Boundary Layers § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG

The successful candidate will be part of the working group „Atmospheric Turbulence and Boundary Layers“. Research topics for this position include, but are not restricted to, cloud-turbulence interaction, convection, stratified turbulence, near-surface turbulence, with a special focus on high-performance computing and exascale computing. This position also includes a teaching obligation of 4 hours per week.

Deadline : 21.07.2024

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(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate for the Project „Diffusion-Based Deep Generative Models for Speech Signal Processing“ § 28 Abs. 3 HmbHG

The primary focus of the Signal Processing (SP) research group is to develop innovative machine learning methods for speech signal processing. Our applications range across speech communication devices including but not limited to teleconferencing systems, assistive listening devices, and voice-controlled assistants. In this specific project, we will explore the use of score-based diffusion models to enhance speech using the capabilities of generative AI. Typical responsibilities for a Research Associate include authoring scientific publications and traveling to conferences and workshops to present the findings. We are seeking a highly motivated individual who is passionate about engaging in cutting-edge research within a supportive and pleasant working atmosphere.

Deadline : 17.07.2024

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(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate Microscopy Specialist/Staff Scientist § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG

The Technology Platform Light Microscopy (TPLM) of Universität Hamburg ( consists of several light microscopy facilities, including the newly established Department of Biology Light Microscopy Facility (BLMF). The BLMF operates 10 high-end microscopes, such as programmable widefield microscopes, point scanning confocal microscopes equipped for fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM), and spinning disc confocal microscopes.

We are looking for a motivated microscopy specialist who will be part of the TPLM team and in charge of the BLMF.

The successful candidate will work closely with and support researchers using the BLMF, helping them to design, perform and analyse light microscopy-based experiments. The recruited candidate will be involved in projects to develop novel tools, workflows, and methods for light microscopy. In addition, the successful candidate will be encouraged to design and carry out research projects that will lead to the development of novel microscopy methods and enable research groups using the BLMF to address their research questions.

Deadline : 16.07.2024

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(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate “Cluster of Excellence ‚CUI: Advanced Imaging of Matter‘- Thin film diamond nanophotonics” § 28 Subsection 1+3 HmbHG

In the period from as soon as possible until 31.12.2025, research associates will be expected primarily to teach and conduct research. The research associate will also have the opportunity to pursue further academic qualifications, in particular a doctoral dissertation. At least one-third of set working hours will be made available for the research associate’s own academic work.

In the period from 01.01.2026 for the remaining time duties include academic services in the project named above. Research associates may also pursue independent research and further academic qualifications.

The applicant is expected to perform quantum optics experiments using integrated photonics. This will involve the development of nanofabrication processes, non-linear optics, and integration of nanofabricated devices into a cryogenic measurement setup. Analysis of the acquired data and independent development of experimental protocols are expected. Another specific duty is teaching of three hours per week during teaching times (3 LVS) in the period from as soon as possible until 31.12.2025. Typical teaching duties are supervision of student labs or exercises.

Deadline : 16.07.2024

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(07) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate “Cluster of Excellence ‚CUI: Advanced Imaging of Matter‘ – Optimising and probing 2D superfluidity in ultracold gases” § 28 Subsection 1+3 HmbHG

In the period from as soon as possible until 31.12.2025, research associates will be expected primarily to teach and conduct research. The research associate will also have the opportunity to pursue further academic qualifications, in particular a doctoral dissertation. At least one-third of set working hours will be made available for the research associate’s own academic work.

In the period from 01.01.2026 for the remaining time duties include academic services in the project named above. Research associates may also pursue independent research and further academic qualification.

Experimental research with ultracold atoms. Performing and analysing measurements on 2D gases. Upgrading measurement apparatus, developing new techniques for manipulation and imaging of ultracold quantum gases.

Deadline : 16.07.2024

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(08) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate for the Project “Volcanism in the Vesturdjúp Basin” § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG

We are looking for a highly motivated postdoc for our “Marine Geophysics” group at Universität Hamburg. The aim of the project is to investigate the interaction between tectonic and underwater volcanism in the Vesturdjúp Basin between Iceland and Greenland, as well as the eruption processes. Multi-channel seismic and hydroacoustic data are available for this purpose and will have been measured by the time the project starts. The project is a cooperation between the Universität Hamburg, the Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research Kiel GEOMAR, the University of Gdansk, the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), and the University of Reykjavik.

Deadline : 15.07.2024

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(09) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate for the Project “Erfassung und Bewertung von nicht-kommerziell genutzten Fischarten in der Nordsee (Nikofin) ” § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG

The overall mission of the project is to develop and validate non- or minimal invasive fish monitoring strategies for the assessment of fish communities in the German nature reserve “Sylt outer reef”. We will study fish communities and habitat utilization by state of the art underwater imaging, environmental DNA approaches and tagging studies. The project will be funded by the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation.

Deadline : 15.07.2024

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(10) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG

The applicant is expected to contribute significantly to the labs research on stress, emotion and cognitive functions. He/she should plan, organize, conduct and analyze research projects independently and publish the findings of these projects in peer-reviewed scientific journals. The applicant is further expected to prepare a proposal for third party funding. The position involves teaching of 3h/wk.

Deadline : 14.07.2024

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(11) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate for the Project “Mapping Effects of Environmental Policies (MEEP)” at the Department of Economics § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG

We offer a full-time (PostDoc) research position for 2.5-years as part of the project “Mapping Effects of Environmental Policies (MEEP)” ( funded by the Joachim Hertz Stiftung. MEEP seeks to conduct novel quasi-experimental studies on the effects of environmental polices and to assemble an open-science platform featuring interactive maps of the effects of environmental policies. The successful applicant is expected to conduct independent and collaborative research that contributes to the project. This can relate to empirical research in the domain of climate-, energy-, environmental- or labor-economics.

Deadline : 08.07.2024

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(12) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate for the Project “MOMOBIO-2: Molecular monitoring of bacterial biodiversity in the water cycle” § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG

The postdoctoral researcher will be a member of the lab of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Universität Hamburg. The successful candidate will perform extensive metagenome analyses and will also contribute significantly to the ecological modeling approach developed by MOMOBIO-2 research consortium members. Part of the work will be the establishment of new cultivation assays for microorganisms isolated from environmental samples which will also include handling of pathogenic bacteria species. Furthermore, the development of cloning and expression strategies of genes coding for antibiotics resistance or for microplastic degradation pathways as part of the work duties including assays for the characterization of identified enzymes. Research work is done in collaboration with the MOMOBIO-2 project partners in Hamburg.

Deadline : 04.07.2024

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(13) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate for the Project “Cluster of Excellence ‚CUI: Advanced Imaging of Matter‘- Imaging and crystallography of molecular dynamics § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG

Intense coherent X-ray beams, combined with novel X-ray optics of high numerical aperture, open up new opportunities for ab initio phasing of macromolecular crystals and nanoparticles to recover information about their dynamics. This project aims to develop strategies, methods, and algorithms for time-resolved convergent-beam crystallography and Bragg ptychography using synchrotron radiation and X-ray free-electron laser pulses.

Deadline : 04.07.2024

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(14) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (Postdoc) Computational Communication Science § 28 Subsection 2 HmbHG

Duties include teaching and research in the respective department or institute. Research associates may also pursue independent research and further academic qualifications as well as acquire teaching experience. These duties are intended to promote academic achievement. Therefore, at least one-third of set working hours will be made available for the associate’s own academic work.

Deadline : 02.07.2024

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(15) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate for the Project “MOMOBIO-2: Molecular monitoring of bacterial biodiversity in the water cycle” (2 positions) § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG

The increasing release of antibiotics, biocides, toxins, plasticizers and microplastics has a direct and indirect impact on microbial diversity and, through selection, promotes the spread of bacterial resistance mechanisms causing a high risk for human and animal health. In addition, climate change and other man-made factors increase and speed up these effects. The MOMOBIO-2 project will develop very detailed mainly omic-based data sets and models to track, monitor and predict the urban microbiota and changes in its biodiversity and resistance profile along the wastewater streams of the City of Hamburg as well as urban water bodies. Our main goal is to use changes in microbial biodiversity as an indirect measure for animal and human health.

Deadline : 02.07.2024

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(16) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate for the Project “BioValCat” § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG

The five-year project “BioValCat” (Enhanced Biomass Valorisation by Engineering of Polyoxometalate Catalysts), funded by the ERC Consolitator Grant 2022, aims to enable 100% carbon efficiency from complex biomass by developing innovative POM catalyst-solvent systems for aerobic and anaerobic applications and to develop this into an innovative and widely applicable process technology.

Polyoxometalates (POMs), as a unique class of anionic polynuclear metal-oxo clusters with high structural diversity at the atomic level, are highly promising candidates for the selective oxidation of biomass to organic acids. In the field of homogeneously catalysed, selective biomass conversion, POMs are already used intensively. One example for the potential of POMs is the already commercialised OxFA process, in which biomass is oxidatively converted to formic acid in aqueous systems.

Recent research has shown that POM catalysts can completely suppress the undesired total oxidation to CO2 under oxidative conditions when methanol is used as a (co-)solvent. Manipulating molecular catalysts such as POMs in solution by tuning the solvent properties and gas atmospheres introduces a new paradigm in homogeneous-catalysed biomass valorisation technologies. The proposed BioValCat project aims for developing this technology towards an industrial viable biomass valorisation process by laying the foundations for a scalable, safe and economic process for the oxidation of biomass to valuable carboxylic acid esters.

Deadline : 02.07.2024

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(17) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate § 28 Subsection 1 HmbHG

Research associates will be expected primarily to teach and conduct research. The research associate will also have the opportunity to pursue further academic qualifications, in particular a doctoral dissertation. At least one-third of set working hours will be made available for the research associate’s own academic work.

Deadline : 01.07.2024

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(18) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate to work on particle tracking in JUNO § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG

Our group has a longstanding history in experimental neutrino physics with large unsegmented liquid scintillator detectors. After a previous involvement in Borexino, we are now active in the JUNO and ANNIE experiments. One of our main focuses is the reconstruction of particle tracks in liquid scintillators. To strengthen our activities in this field, we are offering this postdoc position.

Deadline : 30.06.2024

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(19) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate for the Project “Reconstruction and Calibration in JUNO” § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG

 Our research group is active in the field of experimental neutrino physics with large, unsegmented liquid scintillator detectors. We are a member of the currently ongoing DFG research unit FOR5519 “Precision Neutrino Physics in JUNO”. JUNO will soon start operation, and first data taking is expected in 2025. To strengthen our activities in the sub-project “TP3 reconstruction & calibration”, we are offering a 2/3 position for a fixed time period of three years. Your tasks will include the implementation of the topological track reconstruction to work with real data from JUNO. Further analysis tasks that fit the scope of our group are also possible. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to write a dissertation on the project.

Deadline : 30.06.2024

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(20) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate for the Project “Fast Timing with LGADs” (PhD student) § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG

Duties include academic services in the project named above. Research associates may also pursue independent research and further academic qualifications. They may also pursue doctoral studies outside of working duties.

Our group is deeply involved in detector R&D, fast timing with LGADs, CMS pixel phase II upgrade, and in the investigation of radiation damage on silicon sensors. Candidates are expected to engage in the development and characterization of novel LGADs based on the “Monolithic Array of Reach Through APD” (MARTHA) design. A close collaboration with international partner institutes is

Deadline : 30.06.2024

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(21) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate for the Project “Higher structures, moduli spaces and integrability” § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG

In addition to research, associates will be expected to actively participate in the scientific events of the research center and in their organisation. The position does not involve teaching duties but there will be opportunities to teach based on voluntary commitment.

Within the collaborative research center “Higher structures, moduli spaces and integrability” we advertise several PhD positions for a duration of three years to start in 2024.

The research center is a joint initiative of the departments of Mathematics and Physics of the University Hamburg, DESY Hamburg, and the Technical University of Munich. It will provide a vibrant and focused research environment in the three core areas “higher structures and (topological) quantum field theories”, “integrability of non-perturbative effects in quantum field and string theories” and “deformations and asymptotics of moduli spaces”.

Deadline : 28.06.2024

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(22) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG

The position serves to acquire methodological knowledge in the area of robust estimation methods, the use of non-precise information in the context of estimating functions, multiple imputation to compensate for missing values and/or machine learning techniques, as well as programming skills in R to create a corresponding R package in preparation for a proposal under the Emmy Noether program of the DFG or to further qualify for a successful application for a (junior) professorship. The teaching obligation is 4 teaching hours/week.

Deadline : 27.06.2024

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About University of Hamburg, Germany – Official Website

The University of Hamburg  is a university in Hamburg, Germany. It was founded on 28 March 1919 by combining the previous General Lecture System (Allgemeines Vorlesungswesen), the Colonial Institute of Hamburg (Hamburgisches Kolonialinstitut), and the Academic College (Akademisches Gymnasium). The main campus is located in the central district of Rotherbaum, with affiliated institutes and research centres distributed around the city-state.

The university has been ranked in the top 200 universities worldwide by the Times Higher Education Ranking, the Shanghai Ranking and the CWTS Leiden Ranking, placing it among the top 1% of global universities. Six Nobel Prize Winners and one Wolf Prize Winner are affiliated with UHH.

On a national scale, U.S. News & World Report ranks UHH 7th and QS World University Rankings 14th out of a total of 426 German institutions of higher education.



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