Newcastle University, England invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at Newcastle University, England.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentship–Computational Design of Solid-State Battery Materials
Achievement of net-zero target requires electrification of end use applications such as the energy grid and transportation sector. The rechargeable lithium-ion battery is the technology of choice for this. However, the commercial standard requires the use of highly flammable and corrosive liquid electrolytes. To improve safety and stability, solid-state batteries and new solid electrolyte materials must be developed.
During your PhD, you will develop theoretical expertise in the field of solid electrolyte technologies. You will learn how to carry out atomic-scale simulations of a variety of topical solid electrolytes (oxides, sulfides and halides) and their nano/microstructures using a combination of density functional theory, classical molecular dynamics and other complimentary computational methods.
Solid-state batteries are a rapidly emerging technology with the potential to revolutionise energy storage. Our objective, in collaboration with world-leading experimental partners, is to develop and apply state-of-the-art computational and experimental techniques to provide a fundamental understanding of ion transport at the microscale of solid electrolytes for solid-state batteries. Such an understanding will allow for the design of solid electrolyte microstructures that promote ion transport instead of restricting it.
The studentships will be based in the School of Natural and Environmental Sciences at Newcastle University with Dr James A Dawson. The successful candidates will be part of a large group working on solid-state batteries as part of the UKRI Frontier Research Grant “AMPed”.
Deadline : 30th April 2024
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD studentships in Geospatial Systems
The Geospatial Systems CDT is training a world-leading generation of engineers, scientists and practitioners with advanced knowledge and skills in geospatial data science, including big data and artificial intelligence approaches. Successful applicants will conduct interdisciplinary PhD research with elective application into one or more of: smart cities; urban and infrastructure resilience; spatial mobility (transport); energy systems; sustainable spatial planning; structural monitoring; social inclusion and healthy living; environmental applications; the translation of geospatial methods to global challenges. Students will benefit from graduating with both a MRes in Geospatial Data Science (Year 1) and a PhD in Geospatial Systems (Year 4).
Deadline : Open until filled
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentships – Process Industries: Net Zero
These PhD projects will train the next generation of process and chemical engineers, and chemists, to develop the new processes, process technologies and green chemistries required for the process industries’ transition to Net Zero. We expect our graduates to become the architects of the UK process industries’ transition to Net Zero.
Deadline : 31st May 2024
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentship: New methods and applications of targeted degraders in cancer drug discovery
Two studentships will work on the development of new technologies to degrade proteins and to apply them to innovative treatments for cancer within the Medicinal Chemistry group of the Cancer Research UK Newcastle Drug Discovery Centre.
Deadline : 15th April 2024
(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD studentship – Investigating the molecular mechanisms behind iron and siderophore uptake in pathogenic bacteria
Iron is essential for bacterial cells to grow and replicate. Bacteria rely on iron scavenged from their environment for survival and its availability is particularly critical during infection, where the host sequesters iron to hamper pathogen proliferation. Under such iron-limiting conditions bacteria secrete small molecules called siderophores that can capture ionic forms of iron and subsequently transport the iron loaded siderophores inside the cells. Siderophores also function as bacterial virulence factors and influence microbial communities and ecological dynamics. Due to their essential nature as scavengers of iron, siderophores are very attractive vehicles for the transport of antimicrobial compounds. Chemical fusion of antibiotics to siderophores allows for targeted delivery into cell using the bacterium’s own transport machinery. By understanding the molecular details of siderophore transport my group aims to devise novel antimicrobial compounds.
Deadline : 16th May 2024
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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentship Optimisation of the cryogenic bulk liquid production and supply market
This PhD project is part of the CDT in Process Industries: Net Zero. The successful PhD student will be co-supervised by academics from the Process Intensification Group at Newcastle University.
Linde and BOC plants make cryogenic liquid air products at various production rates. Production is subject to variable power prices and customer locations, as well as vehicle and driver availability which creates a complex optimisation / scheduling problem. Moreover, any derived schedule must be automated and continually updated to account for variations in production capacity and efficiency.
The PhD project will develop construct and apply an optimisation strategy for bulk liquid production accounting for the subsequent supply market (liquid oxygen, nitrogen, and argon to customers from UK production sites). This will be constrained by customer demands and subject to electricity spot market prices as well as process carbon intensity (net zero) objectives. Plant start-up penalties and inter-site optimisation capabilities will be incorporated into the optimisation model to emulate realistic operational flexibilities and costs.
Deadline : 31st May 2024
(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentship in Understanding non-equilibrium dynamics using Quantum dynamics
Modern experiments can investigate quantum systems undergoing dynamic change and provide important new insights of core processes relevant to chemistry, materials and quantum technologies. However, the interpretation these experiments often requires detailed quantum dynamics simulations. Such simulations are on the cusp of being able to make quantitative predictions about large molecular systems. However, important methodological challenges remain, such as computational expense and accurate prediction of experimental observables.
This PhD studentship forms part of a large, concerted research effort in this area initiated through the EPSRC funded Programme Grant, Universal Approach for Solving Real-World Problems Using Quantum Dynamics: Coherent States for Molecular Simulations (COSMOS). It will be based in Prof. Thomas Penfold’s Theory and Computational Chemistry research group at Newcastle University, and will develop and deploy new quantum dynamics strategies that will uniquely deliver impact and insight for real-world applications across a range of technological and biological domains. These simulations will be directly connected with the new experiments made possible by X-ray Free Electron Lasers. This project will therefore provide extensive training across theory and computation, programming, quantum dynamics and analysis/interpretation of new experimental data.
Highly motivated students with a physics or chemistry background are strongly encouraged to apply for this post. A good background knowledge of molecular quantum mechanics and computational chemistry is expected and basic programming skills are desirable.
Deadline : 25th April 2024
(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD studentship in Public Health: Exploring how local economic development is influencing the obesogenic environment
Are you interested in understanding how the levelling up agenda is shaping the food and physical activity environment? A large number of local authorities have received funding from central government to invest in their local areas. Different types of projects have been funded, including those supporting the growth of local businesses and regenerating town centres.
The overall aim of this PhD is to explore how local economic development strategies are affecting the determinants of obesity, such as diet and physical activity. The student will aim to characterise the changes in the food and/or physical activity environment that have occurred as a result of town centre regeneration, analyse the impact on inequalities in diet or physical activity and explore some of the decision making processes at the local-government level. Although the student will be able to shape the project, we anticipate conducting a systematic review, secondary analysis of an existing dataset and interviewing relevant stakeholders. A budget is available for training.
You will develop expertise in how local governments are impacting the healthiness of our urban environments. You will have the opportunity to join and learn from the incredibly strong public health and urban development networks that are based in Newcastle University and the north east of England.
Deadline :29th April 2024
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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD studentship in Population Health Sciences: Developing machine learning models for integration of molecular and clinical data
Are you interested in learning how to develop and apply AI methods in cancer research? Then this is an ideal post for you. We are looking for an enthusiastic PhD candidate with strong skills in quantitative subjects and computing to integrate large-scale transcriptomic and clinical datasets to uncover signatures of patient prognosis, biomarkers and potential targets of new drugs. The project will primarily use melanoma datasets but designing AI methods is relevant to all cancers, such as liver cancer where we have collaborations.
Deadline : 17th May 2024
(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentship in Mechanical Engineering: Design of pipeline steels towards better capacity of retaining hydrogen
Interested in how hydrogen will change our future life? This PhD project will investigate the mechanism of hydrogen embrittlement and develop safe and cost effective methods for hydrogen transmission.
A key priority of the UK’s sustainability agenda is achieving zero carbon emissions by 2050. This requests a cost-effective and economically-productive pathway towards a clean energy economy dominated by renewables, instead of fossil fuels and natural gas. Currently, heating, cooking, and industrial processes produce ~ 37% of CO2 emissions from natural gas in the UK. Hydrogen, as an alternative to natural gas, has been identified as a clean energy source that brings the world to net-zero emissions, as it burns to emit water vapour. It is well known that hydrogen can be delivered by infrastructure including pipelines, tankers, and trailers from production factories to end users. Compared with other methods, pipelines with a high flow rate and long service time, are considered economically viable.
One possibility to speed up the hydrogen delivery infrastructure is to convert natural gas pipelines. However, the conversion of natural gas pipeline, which are made from X52 to X70 steels, to hydrogen delivery, also has unknown issues, such as the risk of leakage, hydrogen contamination, and hydrogen embrittlement, especially at welded positions. This makes it difficult to transport pure hydrogen gas at high pressure, and the hydrogen transmission also causes embrittling microstructures that induce failure in pipelines. Thus, the efficient and safe transmission of hydrogen via current pipelines is still a challenge.
The Ph.D. project aims to test the current pipeline steels under service in pure hydrogen conditions and build a material database for industrial use. A multiscale, predictive model for engineering assessment of hydrogen induced failure will also be developed to facilitate the limited state-based design of hydrogen pipelines. These databases and models will support the new microstructure development with excellent properties for hydrogen storage to restrict hydrogen diffusion and permeation, which is the critical technology to increase hydrogen resistance. The outcomes of the project will facilitate the design of the next generation of pipeline steels for pure hydrogen transmission. This project is supported by TATA, Liberty Steel, and Uppsala University.
Deadline : 19th May 2023
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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD studentship in Mechanical Engineering – Project VISION: Evaluating and modelling the performance characteristics of intraocular forceps
Do you want to work on the cutting-edge intersection of mechanical engineering, physics and biotechnology? Could you formulate ideas to answer our research questions: is it possible to design a machine which can accurately evaluate the surgical performance of intraocular forceps? Can you use this machine to design the next generation of forceps for our NHS? If the answer is yes, we want to hear from you!
Intraocular forceps, often used during surgical procedures on the retina, are designed to carefully peel tissues away from the retina with precision and control. These vitreoretinal forceps are used in 70-80% of all retinal surgeries, which is approximately 24,000 cases a year in UK alone, and over a million globally. Currently tip design is based on theoretical design parameters without reference to measured performance and success is based on surgeon feedback. The lack of quantitative data makes it challenging to ensure that forceps design is optimised.
Project VISION aims to fill the gap in this ability by further developing a recently patented machine to accurately assess the performance of forceps and forge the designs of the next generation of forceps for use across the global market.
Deadline : 22nd April 2024
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(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentship in Marine Technology: Development of an Artificial Intelligence Model to Assess Nonlinear Multibody Structural Response of Container Stacks
The maritime container sector is the backbone of the world trade and covers the worldwide carriage of some 80 percent of all goods. This has been realised by the changes to ship design and construction including the changes associated with container securing systems. However, these changes have made the container stacks vulnerable to nonlinearities, which the majority of the recent container loss incidents are ascribed to.
Current stack assessment models must be fast and stable enough to compute the results of hundreds of container stacks with various loading configurations and securing arrangements within a reasonable time. However, they disregard transient and some nonlinear effects. Consequently, the safe transport of containerised cargoes is essentially suffering from the comprise between accuracy and practicability. Artificial Intelligence can be used to mitigate this compromise.
Deadline :17th May 2024
(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentship in Marine Ecology – Quantifying changes in marine ecosystem services in a changing climate.
Interested in understanding how marine ecosystem services will change under a changing climate? This interdisciplinary PhD project is focussed on trying to better understand and inform management of marine social-ecological systems by identifying key marine ecosystem services, predicting how these might change under future climate change, and identifying areas of greatest value and resilience.
Globally, ecosystems and the biodiversity they support are subjected to increasing human pressures that can negatively impact ecosystem condition and functioning. In turn, degradation from cumulative pressures can reduce societal benefits from ecosystems, i.e., ecosystem services. However, little is currently known about how the distribution and integrity of marine ecosystem services (e.g., fisheries, storm protection, recreational space, etc.) may change under future climate conditions, and the impacts that this may have on society. Ecosystem services provide the “common language” to facilitate stakeholder engagement and explore synergies and trade-offs between different values and benefits to society.
Deadline : 20th April 2024
(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentship in Geospatial Engineering: Smart Earth Observation Satellite Constellation
Processing satellite data plays an important role in the ecosystem of space based earth observation (EO). Currently, satellites are tasked from the ground to collect data on demand and download it whenever passing over assigned ground stations. All processing is then performed on the ground in dedicated data centres, or on the cloud. Simply, there is no “intelligence” on-board the satellites to perform data analysis. Key consequences are a vast amount of data that needs to be stored and processed on the ground, leading to considerable operating costs and inefficiencies that cascade to delays in decision-making.
The concept of ‘smart satellites’ is an emerging research topic. Most research to date, such as the ESA Phi-Sat-1 mission, has focused towards on-board processing to optimise data transmission. This proposed PhD research will build upon this, looking towards the collective potential of constellations of satellites combined with modern Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data communications. The research programme will rethink the EO modus operandi to enable satellite on-board image processing, data analysis, information exchange with other satellites and the ground, to invent an overall intelligent EO ecosystem.
Deadline : 30th April 2024
(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentship in Computer Science: Human-Computer Interaction/Interaction Design – Digital technologies for social justice and transformative futures
The PhD will contribute to research in social justice-oriented design and transformative innovations by exploring how participatory methodologies and new socio-technical capabilities can be harnessed to usher more just and equitable futures.
The ubiquitous introduction of new and emergent technologies is bringing significant changes to societies. Yet, these digital innovations can simply replicate unjust systems, exacerbate inequalities and social divisions, in contexts of increasing socio-economic uncertainty, ecological crisis, and political instability. Instead, designing for transformative futures seek to contribute to systems change towards equitable and sustainable living.
The candidate will establish collaborations with relevant stakeholders and communities and utilise participatory approaches to imagine, co-create and rapid prototype socio-technical innovations to support social justice endeavours and transformative futures in relevant domains.
This PhD will be shaped by the candidate’s own interests and experience. The candidate will define their own approaches and contexts in dialogue with the supervisory team.
Deadline : 31 May 2024
(16) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD studentship in climate change and healthy ageing: unravelling perceptions and impact of climate change among older people
This project will focus on gaining a better understanding of the impact of climate hazards on healthy ageing. Older people are disproportionally affected by climate change. This is due to a heightened vulnerability of older individuals, stemming from physiological, social, and contextual factors. Older people have often been neglected in climate change impact studies. In combination with the interests of the selected student, a plan will be developed to generate evidence on the impact of climate change on healthy ageing and/or on perceptions of climate change among older people. Given that healthy ageing is a broad concept, the outcome could focus on its broad conceptualisation or on specific sub-domains. This could focus on generating epidemiological evidence on health impacts, using secondary data sources, including cohorts of ageing populations and/or electronic medical records datasets. Mixed-methods research, which may include conducting qualitative interviews with older adults, will be encouraged.
Deadline : 1st May 2024
(17) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentship Development of Water-Soluble and Biodegradable Detergent Ingredients from CO2 and Bio-renewable Sources
The PINZ CDT will train the next generation of process and chemical engineers, and chemists, to develop the new processes, process technologies and green chemistries required for the process industries’ transition to Net Zero.
Fast moving consumer good, such as fabric and home care products, have a high market volume and can contribute positively for industrial and consumer sustainability. This project is co-funded by Procter and Gamble and will be focused on the development of novel renewable and biodegradable water-soluble detergent ingredients through a circular economy approach.
The candidate will research CO2 activation and conversion techniques and exploit bio-renewable platform molecules in Newcastle University, with a specific focus on catalysis, molecular functionality creation, and production pathways development.
The candidate will access to Procter and Gamble’s R&D facility in Newcastle, and explore application of the novel ingredients in fabric and home care products.
You will be co-supervised by Academic supervisor from Newcastle University and Industrial supervisors from Procter and Gamble. Project co-creation with our industrial partners will guarantee the industrial relevance and impact of the research. Some projects will also be in collaboration with our partners at the Green Chemistry Centre of Excellence at University of York.
Deadline :31 May 2024
(18) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD studentship – Optimizing Pulse-Jet Cleaning for Sustainable Energy: A CFD Approach to Emissions Control
This PhD project is part of the CDT in Process Industries: Net Zero. The successful PhD student will be co-supervised by academics from the Process Intensification Group at Newcastle University.
This project between Newcastle University and Durham Filtration offers a unique PhD research opportunity to advance pulse-jet cleaning systems for flue gas treatment emissions control in waste-to-energy and biomass combustion plants.
This project will explore Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methodologies for optimising filter cleaning processes, with the goal of enhancing filtration efficiency, reducing emissions, and improving the sustainability of energy production. The results will feed directly into real-world applications by leveraging tools such as generative design, CAD/CAM and 3D printing.
The successful applicant will be based at Newcastle University’s School of Engineering, benefiting from comprehensive academic guidance, access to cutting-edge facilities, whilst also working closely with Durham Filtration’s industry professionals at their Jarrow headquarters, with opportunities for field work on energy facilities around the UK.
The research will contribute to the development of more effective and environmentally friendly waste management solutions, aligning with both partners’ commitment to tackling climate change and advancing sustainable technologies.
Deadline : 31 May 2024
(19) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD studentship – Mitochondria and nuclear positioning in skeletal muscle
We are offering an exciting opportunity for a motivated and talented individual to join our team. Our prior studies have revealed intriguing structural changes in patients with mitochondrial myopathy, a condition characterised by mitochondrial dysfunction. Specifically, we have observed an increased presence of nanotunnels, which are double membrane connections between non-adjacent mitochondria. Additionally, preliminary data suggests that the organization of myonuclei, the nuclei found in muscle cells, is altered in individuals with mitochondrial myopathy.
We have state-of-the-art Bioimaging and Electron Microscopy core facilities, staffed by highly skilled specialists, and renowned expertise in mitochondrial biology. We aim to leverage these exceptional resources to develop a cutting-edge methodology, Correlative Live Light and Electron Microscopy, for the study of mitochondria in cells and tissues.
Deadline : 30th April 2024
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(20) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD studentship – Defining the mechanisms underpinning HIF-1 and HIF-2 dependent transcriptional specificity in hypoxia.
The cellular response to low oxygen levels (hypoxia), is crucial for cell survival and identity. At the cellular level, the transcriptional response is primarily orchestrated by the transcription factor Hypoxia-Inducible Factor (HIF). In low oxygen conditions, HIF is rapidly stabilised, initiating transcription of genes involved in processes such as metabolism and angiogenesis, to restore oxygen balance and promote cell survival. Hypoxia and HIF activation underpin many diseases like cancer and neurodegeneration, emphasising the need to understand HIF’s regulatory mechanisms.
HIF is a heterodimeric transcription factor with oxygen-sensitive alpha subunits (HIF1-α and HIF-2α) and an oxygen-insensitive beta subunit (HIF1β). While HIF-1 and HIF-2 recognise identical genetic sequences and share common target genes, they also have distinct DNA-binding patterns and regulate unique cellular processes. However, the precise mechanisms governing their transcriptional specificity are unclear. One potential mechanism may involve interaction with specific chromatin-associated protein complexes. Unravelling how HIF-1 and HIF-2 exert their specific activities holds therapeutic potential, allowing selective modulation of HIF’s functional arms to alter cell function and treat disease.
Deadline :14th June 2024
(21) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD studentship – Commercial Applications of Skin Bioenergy Research
Many studies have now implicated the key role of skin bioenergy in the process of skin ageing (1-4), particularly oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction. Many studies have been conducted to elucidate the mechanism of ageing, and there is continuing evidence that supports the proposal that mitochondria are implicated in both normal ageing and skin photoaging. Mitochondrial DNA is established as a reliable and sensitive biomarker of UV-induced damage in the skin and the Birch-Machin group has pioneered this over the last 29 years (1-4). There are also synergistic interactions of the individual components of sunlight along with effects of urban pollution. The project will investigate and address the commercial applications of skin bioenergy research in relation to topical products within the field of skin aging and protection of cellular damage by external stressors.
Deadline : 30th April 2024
(22) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD in Mechanical Engineering Project TEAR: Developing super-miniature sensors to measure vitreoretinal traction during vitrectomy
Do you have what it takes to do a PhD? Do you want to work on the cutting-edge intersection of mechanical engineering, physics and biotechnology? Could you formulate ideas to answer our research question: Is it possible to develop a series of micro-electro-mechanical-systems (MEMS) sensors to measure the instantaneous traction force exerted on the retina during eye surgery? If the answer is yes, we want to hear from you!
Vitrectomy is performed globally in around 1 million people per year to treat blindness. One of the commonest complications of vitrectomy surgery is retinal tear formation, which leads to recurrent retinal detachment requiring repeat surgery and reduced vision in up to 10-15% of cases. Creating sensors to assess traction during vitrectomy is paramount for refining surgical instrumentation. This PhD project aims to fill the gap in this ability by developing super-miniature sensors to elucidate on the interactions between cutter and vitreous, enabling surgeons and researchers to evaluate and fine-tune vitreoretinal cutter designs for optimal performance.
Deadline : 22nd April 2024
(23) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: NUAcT PhD Studentship – Parisian Cultural History in the Long Nineteenth Century
The School of Modern Languages at Newcastle University invites applications for a doctoral studentship within the broad area of Parisian cultural history in the long nineteenth century. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to shape their own research project related to this broad topic. Their research will be supervised by Dr Hannah Scott. Interdisciplinary proposals are warmly encouraged, and applications are welcomed from students of Modern Languages, Musicology, History, Art History, Theatre Studies, Comparative Studies, or other related fields in the Humanities.
Deadline : April 10th 2024
About Newcastle University, England –Official Website
Newcastle University (legally the University of Newcastle upon Tyne) is a public research university based in Newcastle upon Tyne, North East England. It has overseas campuses in Singapore and Malaysia. The university is a red brick university and a member of the Russell Group, an association of research-intensive UK universities.
The university finds its roots in the School of Medicine and Surgery (later the College of Medicine), established in 1834, and the College of Physical Science (later renamed Armstrong College), founded in 1871. These two colleges came to form the larger division of the federal University of Durham, with the Durham Colleges forming the other. The Newcastle colleges merged to form King’s College in 1937. In 1963, following an Act of Parliament, King’s College became the University of Newcastle upon Tyne.
The university subdivides into three faculties: the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences; the Faculty of Medical Sciences; and the Faculty of Science, Agriculture and Engineering. The university offers around 175 full-time undergraduate degree programmes in a wide range of subject areas spanning arts, sciences, engineering and medicine, together with approximately 340 postgraduate taught and research programmes across a range of disciplines.The annual income of the institution for 2021–22 was £543.2 million of which £109.6 million was from research grants and contracts, with an expenditure of £624.3 million.
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