Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden invites online Application for various Postdoctoral Fellowship in their different Departments. We are providing a list of Postdoc Fellowship positions available at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral positions in Quantum Nanophotonics
Our goal at Chalmers is to build a useful quantum computer. The complexity of today’s quantum processors must be increased to help fields like chemistry and medicine. We are forming a new interdisciplinary team to understand and increase the power of quantum technology.
Deadline : March 10th 2024.
(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title: Post doc position on thermo-chemical recycling of plastic waste
In our group, you will have access to our own pilot scale facility for pyrolysis and gasification, as well as to advanced analytics for product characterization. Complementary experimental lab facilities are also available to investigate specific aspects isolated. Contribute to our extensive experience in hydrocarbon characterization by pioneering the development of methods that expand our current analytical capabilities.
Deadline : 2024-03-01
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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in molecular modeling for data-driven materials discovery
To engineer PFAS replacements for use in surfactants for etching solutions during semiconductor manufacturing, we must better understand what factors lead to their unique molecular properties, namely, their low surface tension in liquid-liquid interfaces. Because of this, PFAS are ideal surfactants which enable surface coat uniformity and improved line roughness during the semiconductor manufacturing process. However, surface tension is particularly challenging to model computationally due to the long time-scales and sensitivity to simulation parameters needed. Obtaining a better understanding of how molecular structure is related to surface tension can thus help design PFAS replacements with equivalent or better wetting characteristics than the currently used PFAS, but without the detrimental health and environmental effects.
Deadline : 2024-03-05
(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: PostDoc in Physics-informed AI-digital twin systems for efficient shipping
We are looking for a highly motivated and skilled Postdoc with cross-disciplinary knowledge to develop a hybrid ship energy performance digital-twin method framework, which integrates generic physical ship energy models into data-driven ship energy models established by machine learning methods. This postdoc position provides you with unique opportunities to cooperate within the entire division of Marine Technology at Chalmers University of Technology related to ship energy efficiency applications, as well as real-time ship monitoring data for ML modeling.
Deadline :3, March, 2024
(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc position on Phase-sensitive optical parametric amplifiers
This research project deals with phase-sensitive optical parametric amplifiers (PSA) that have unique and superior properties compared with all other optical amplifiers, most notably the potential of noiseless amplification, very broad optical bandwidth, and being an enabler of a range of ultrafast all-optical functionalities. While these amplifiers have great promise for use in optical transmission, there exist many other very exciting applications as well ranging from spectroscopy, sensing, to free-space communication.
The objective is to unleash the unexplored potential of PSAs by generating knowledge and implementing experimental demonstrations that go substantially beyond current state-of-the-art. This involves a mix of engineering and scientific challenges with telecom and non-telecom applications in mind.
We are now seeking an innovative self-motivated person that will be able work independently as well as in larger teams. Fluency in English is a requirement. The person filling this position will be involved with both experimental and numerical/theoretical work.
Deadline : 2024-03-01
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(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc position on Optical interconnects in harsh environments
This research project deals with optical interconnents operating up to 100 Gb/s in various applications such as supercomputers, automotive and radar applications. In many such applications, the required temperature range of operation is -40 to 125 C, which is partularly challenging. We are used concept such as signal pre-empasis and machine learning to improve the overall performance.
We are now seeking an innovative self-motivated person that will be able work independently as well as in larger teams. Fluency in English is a requirement. The person filling this position will be involved with both experimental and numerical/theoretical work.
Deadline : 2024-03-01
(07) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc position to the Computing Science division
This postdoc position is part of a grant (from the Swedish Research Council) on making new verified compilers based on the verified CakeML compiler. Early results include the verified PureCake compiler for a Haskell-like source language [PLDI 2023] and the verified Pancake compiler for a low-level programming language [PLOS 2023]. The project itself is quite open ended, but the overall aim is to build new verified compilers based on (parts of) the CakeML compiler.
My group is part of the Formal Methods unit within the Computing Science division at the Computer Science and Engineering department of Chalmers university. The unit and the broader division are lively environments with fun interactions between research areas such as functional programming, formalised mathematics, type theory, information security and more.
Deadline : 5, March, 2024
(08) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc position in signal processing for distributed radar
In this position you will perform research on signal processing for emerging radar systems, particular for novel radars where the receivers and transmitters are geographically distributed. Chalmers and SAAB together are pooling resources to develop the ultimate radar system for the future, and you are intended as a key member in this strategy.
As a key member of a cross-disciplinary team your research will combine theory and algorithms with experimental real-world investigations using Chalmers advanced multi-antenna testbed. Your research is an important part of our goal to demonstrate robust, energy efficient and highly efficient radar systems.
Deadline : 2024-03-15
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(09) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in synthesis of biomaterial and polymer as binder for battery
The lithium-ion battery market is currently experiencing exponential growth all over the world. As one of the important components in batteries, the binder plays a critical role not only in the mechanical properties of the formed electrode but also in determining the long-term cycling performance of the battery. However, the polymer-based binders used for both anode (especially silicon-based anode) and cathode have their issues. The current postdoc position will focus on the development of a new binder system, which includes both the synthesis/modification of the polymer or biomaterials-related binders and also development of a new electrode manufacturing process. This is a fundamental research but also a practical application-oriented project. You will closely work with researchers in both academia and industry, in a multidisciplinary research environment. You will publish results in the form of scientific journal articles or patents, and present results at international conferences.
Deadline : March 30, 2024
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(10) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc position on conjugated polymers/2D materials
Academic freedom, interdisciplinary research, entrepreneurship and making societal impact, are key factors in our work. We strive to offer an environment where you can combine world leading research and teaching with a good work-life balance.
Deadline : 2024-03-31
(11) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: 2 post-docs: Development of novel catalysts for green chemical production
Perstorp is today producing many specialty chemicals that are important for our society. These research projects, funded from Swedish Energy Agency, are focusing on producing chemicals with lower CO2 footprint, by using more efficient processes as well as green feedstocks.
Deadline : 19 March, 2024
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(12) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc researcher in quantum network systems
Deadline : 2024-03-04
(13) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Functionalized Zeolites for Challenging Catalytic Reactions
Deadline : 2024-03-19
(14) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research fellowship in joint analysis of infrared and microwave radiances
Today, microwave and infrared cloud observations are largely used separately, even though it is commonly accepted that they provide complementary measurement information. This project aims at bridging the gap between the two wavelength regions to improve the use of the observations in the derivation of climate data and weather forecasting. The project is timely considering the upcoming launches of the first sub-millimetre operational sensors (AWS and ICI). The position is a fellowship funded by EUMETSAT, placed at the Division of Geoscience and Remote Sensing at Chalmers University of Technology (Gothenburg, Sweden). We are now inviting applications from suitably qualified scientists from EUMETSAT’s member states.
Deadline : 2024-03-17
(15) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc position in Systems assessment of hydrogen-based energy carriers
Our research aims to provide long-term, and most often global, perspectives on future renewable fuels for transport. We seek to rigorously analyze the feasibility of energy transitions, utilize empirical as well as estimated data, and explore whether and under what conditions changes can occur as well as the cost-effectiveness and environmental effects of such changes. Research tools include life cycle assessment, techno-economic assessments, and cost-minimizing models where all energy sectors compete for the same primary energy sources in a future carbon constrained world. Currently, we have a special interest in the role of hydrogen and electrofuels (fuels produced by combining energy from electricity, hydrogen from water via electrolysis, and carbon, or possibly nitrogen, into liquid or gaseous hydrogen-containing end-fuels) in the fuel mix, meeting ambitious climate targets.
To meet future climate targets all sectors, need to reduce their climate impact and renewable fuels needs to increase for all transport modes. Biomass-based fuels, electrification, hydrogen and electrofuels are being developed for different parts of the transport sector.
Hydrogen-based energy carriers, such as liquid organic hydrogen carriers (LOHCs), ammonia or methanol, are especially interesting in a future global energy system when large volumes of energy may be distributed long distances from low electricity price regions. The research within the postdoc position will focus on answering the following question: what are the potential roles of different hydrogen-based energy carriers in the transition to a low carbon society?
Deadline : 2024-03-31
(16) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in hydrometallurgy for critical metals recovery
The research group is internationally and nationally recognized to be one of the most successful groups in the field. Group has an extensive collaboration with the industry and it also has a large network in the metal production and recycling sector.
Deadline : 2024-04-12
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(17) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in bioinformatics with emphasis to ML
As a researcher in this role, you will lead computational work using ML approaches with applications in synthetic biology. You will lead your given project involving the analysis of large datasets from high-throughput NGS assays and training large neural networks to design DNA and proteins for multiple applications as required by the project objectives.
Deadline : 2024-03-14
(18) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc position in Assessment and mitigation of underwater radiated noise from ships
We are offering a position as a Postdoctoral Researcher in the field of underwater radiated noise from ships and boats. The objective is to assess and analyse different means to mitigate the noise emissions, through design and technical solutions as well as from a change in operation of a vessel. Part of the work will incude developing CFD-based analysis tools to be able to perform this analysis. The computed sources will be used within the BluEcho project as input into sound map computations and to derive impact scenarios concerning both environmental impact as well as economic costs to implement or enforce different mitigation solutions.
To achieve this objective, several components are necessary to master. The flow around the vessel and its propulsion system will be studied and characterised using scale resolved CFD (DES and LES). A particular focus will be on propeller cavitation as this is considered the dominating noise source. The assessment of radiated noise based on these simulations is not trivial and need further development in order to reliably separate the different measures studied. Experience in acoustic analysis will be merituous, as well as experiences in marine propulsion systems and simulation of cavitating flows. In addition to the interdiciplinary research team in the project, industry stakeholders are engaged in proposing solutions and measures and discuss the implementation.
Deadline : 2024-03-20
(19) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc position in 2D materials based sensor for battery monitoring
Deadline : 2024-03-11
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(20) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc position in Stabilizing plant proteins with polysaccharides
Deadline : 2024-03-15
(21) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-doctoral researcher within modelling of kraft delignification
Both projects will work closely with the major companies within the Swedish forest industry, Södra and Valmet, that will provide a strong industrial context and complementary data.
Deadline : 29 February, 2024
(22) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Optical metasurfaces: Science and Applications
Deadline : 2024-03-22
(23) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in PFAS Removal Using Electrochemical Methods
Deadline : 2024-03-15
(24) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc position in metal sinter-based additive manufacturing
We are a young and highly motivated research group working together and supporting each other to advance metal AM in critical areas for this technology advancement. Now we are seeking a post-doctoral researchers with interest in sinter-based metal additive manufacturing, in particular high-resolution metal, metal/metal and metal/ceramic composites, with special focus on multi-material sintering process development and simulation.
Deadline : 2024-03-15
About Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden –Official Website
Chalmers University of Technology is a Swedish university located in Gothenburg that focuses on research and education in technology, natural sciences, architecture, mathematics, maritime and other management areas.
The university was founded in 1829 following a donation by William Chalmers, a director of the Swedish East India Company. He donated part of his fortune for the establishment of an “industrial school”. Chalmers was run as a private institution until 1937, when the institute became a state-owned university. In 1994, the school was incorporated as an aktiebolag under the control of the Swedish Government, the faculty and the Student Union. Chalmers is one of only three universities in Sweden which are named after a person, the other two being Karolinska Institutet and Linnaeus University.
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