Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), Netherlands invites online Application for various Postdoctoral Fellowship in their different Departments. We are providing a list of Postdoc Fellowship positions available at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), Netherlands.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-doc on hybrid and approximated quantum optimization
Our overarching goal is to utilize and enhance quantum machine learning in order to develop solutions to real-world problems and to support the development of quantum devices. We try to identify, model and solve relevant problems that are classically hard to tackle and that fit to the special nature of quantum computing. The problems addressed are often related to domains such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, optimization and simulation. We also try to expand upon the specialized algorithms developed in order to reach efficient, scalable and generalized algorithms.
Deadline : 1 March 2022
(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-doc on multimodal optical imaging of plants
The post-doc develops advanced optical multiscale imaging tools for the rapid and automated assessment of plant physiology. The research focuses on the use of fluorescence imaging in combination with structural 3D information from stereography or laser ranging. Information of the plants’ state is determined from the generated images using image analysis techniques that are used to automatically determine parameters like surface area, volume, and amount of fluorescence.
Deadline : 1 March 2022
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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: PostDoc position for optical diffraction tomography for tumor histology
This project is in the field of optical diffraction tomography for high resolution imaging of optically cleared tissue biopsies. Based on an existing set-up, the post-doc will perform proof of principle experiments that show the potential of optical diffraction tomography for 3D digital imaging of large volume tissue resections. The research will involve work on the biochemistry of optical clearing, development of high speed optical imaging, and the accurate tomographic reconstruction of the 3D structure.
Deadline : 1 March 2022
(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Water Smart Solutions based on Resource Recovery
The Department of Water Management is actively looking for an ambitious and enthusiastic Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the field of water smart solutions based on resource recovery. The successful candidate will join the Urban Water Infrastructure (UWI) group led by Prof. Zoran Kapelan and will be employed as part of the ongoing EU Wider Uptake project, co-investigated by Prof Jan Peter van der Hoek.
Deadline : 28 February 2022
(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc Computer Science & Electrical Engineering
A central concern in smart city systems is the occurrence of function creep: the practice where tools designed with a specific use in mind, quickly get used for other goals as well. Actions such as software updates, cyberattacks, over-ambitiousness at government agencies, or hostile take-overs can change smart city systems to work beyond their intended goals.
Deadline : Open until Filled
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(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Multimodal Molecular Imaging
The Van de Plas lab is offering postdoctoral positions in signal processing and machine learning for multimodal imaging, to build 3-D molecular atlases of human tissue. The positions have a special focus on spectral imaging modalities such as imaging mass spectrometry and multiplexed immunofluorescence microscopy, as well as on exceptionally large and high-dimensional data.
Deadline : February 22, 2022
(07) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc Co-creating a Digital Twin healthcare prototype
A postdoc position is offered in a collaborative research programme between TU Delft and Erasmus MC in the area of designing smart eHealth solutions. This convergence impuls research program consists of 8 postdocs and 14 PI’s who are all researching and exploring opportunities of a health data-driven Digital Twin to promote individual health, support integrative healthcare, prevent disease and personalise treatments. Within this consortium we are looking for a 1 year 1fte postdoc who can cocreate, together with the involved consortium and endusers, a prototype for a digital twin that integrates (parts) of the developed knowledge of different involved researchers and workpackages.
Deadline : February 20th, 2022
(08) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: PostDoc on ‘Automated content analysis for transformational climate change adaptation’
This PostDoc position focuses on the systematic analysis of narratives in environmental & policy studies, history, anthropology and sociology literature about large disasters in the past. The goal is to identify socio-economic factors, conditions, and feedbacks that enable transformational changes in societies in response to environmental shocks. This systematic review will catalogue core socio-economic factors and processes differentiating between incremental and transformational societal responses to hazards. Since this literature is vast and largely qualitative, the candidate will employ automated content analysis methods. The outcomes of this AI-powered study will be compared to selected case-studies of transformational societal responses to floods in the Netherlands and USA to further identify conditions shaping social tipping points. The PostDoc researcher could also engage in co-supervision of two PhD students that join the VIDI team shortly after.
Deadline : 20-02-2022
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(09) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc Quantifying and Assessing Environmental and Circularity Performance of Road Infrastructure
We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher who will work with an international team on improving current LCA methodologies by accounting for multiple lifecycles and developing performance metrics for circularity and resource efficiency. The researcher will also assess the circularity of various technical solutions for road construction and maintenance, as well as processing technologies by means of a quantitative risk-based framework that aims to quantify the benefits and risks of adopting RE & CE solutions in road infrastructure assets.
Deadline : 20 February 2022
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(10) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc Material degradation mechanisms and kinetics for space applications
The aim of the postdoctoral project is to design, execute, analyse and report data from accelerated tests and report material degradation mechanisms and kinetics based on single material (e.g. metallic, polymer, adhesive, coating materials) and their assemblies (e.g. adhesive joints or painted metals). This will serve as input for improved and representative material degradation models suitable for life time prediction taking into account environmental exposure condition effects such as moisture concentration, temperature, etc. and their combinations.
Deadline : 20 February 2022
(11) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc Biophysics of DNA origami nanoactuators
We are seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher with an interest in cross-disciplinary research to join our BioNEMS lab at TU Delft. The 2-year position involves the design, characterization and integration of DNA origami nanoactuators as smart, programmable nanopores for controlled biomolecule transport across cell membranes.
Deadline : February 18, 2022
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(12) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: PostDoc on integrated photonics based sensors for Bragg peak localization using ultrasound
We are looking for a highly capable researcher with a PhD degree in Applied Physics, Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering or similar. Expertise in design and manufacturing of integrated photonics, MEMs, optics, or acoustics is essential and affinity with medical devices is desirable. The candidate should be capable of combining simulation and experimental work and enjoy multidisciplinary projects. Our candidate is highly motivated, adventurous and creative, has an good command of the English language and excellent communication and team working skills. We expect the candidate to keep good contact with TNO and other collaborating parties. The research will be performed at the Ultrasound group (TU Delft) and at the optics department of TNO.
Deadline : 15 February 2022
(13) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: PostDoc: Optical Nanoscopy at Cryogenic Temperatures
The researcher will work in a team of experimentalists and theorists who share the common goal to imaging at the nanometer scale. She/he will work as an experimentalist designing and performing experiments with cryo fluorescent microscopy. In order to achieve very high spatial resolutions from single molecule emitters in 3D will be use a so-called 4pi setup with two opposing objectives. In addition the wavefront of the light must not be disturbed by optical aberrations. In reality such aberrations are always present, but only at our targeted high resolution at cryogenic temperatures, do they play a crucial role. Therefore the candidate will incoropate adaptive optics instrumentation and algorithms to measure the wavefront distortion and subsequently correct the distortions.
Deadline : Open until Filled
(14) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: PostDoc: Real-time image corrections for live-television
This project is part of a larger national program “Synoptics” with several high-tech imaging industrial partners and universities involved. In this particular project Grass Valley from Breda is the industrial partner. Grass Valley produces cameras and related equipment for media and entertainment industry in particular for live-television. The branch in Breda has a particular interest and history in developing cameras for live-stream television.
Deadline : 15 February 2022
(15) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-doc on Improving the adoption of circular ICT in businesses
We are currently searching for a post-doctoral researcher. The post doc will operate in a national consortium with 10 partners that has the objective to develop a new Critical Resource Planning for ICT tool that will help businesses in their purchase, maintenance, and repair decisions to adopt more circular ICT solutions and to change their behaviors into more sustainable behaviors. The consortium will develop a prototype for this tool: RePlanIT.
Deadline : 8-2-2022
(16) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc Modelling of dynamic dredging processes for loading of a Methanol fueled combustion engine
The Postdoc position in this project focusses on the application of methanol as a fuel on board of a dredging vessel. For this purpose a combustion engine that runs on methanol will be developed. This engine will be tested in a laboratory setting using a programmable resistance bank which has to be programmed with realistic dynamic loads that are typical for dredging operations.
Deadline : 6 February 2022
(17) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc microbial proteomics
This Postdoc project is part of a Horizon 2020 consortium consisting of 13 international partners. The aim is to establish and apply high throughput microbial proteomics approaches to enable the discovery of new enzymes and to support the development of efficient fermentation processes for the newly discovered enzymes. Enzyme producing bacterial and yeast strains are constructed by international project partners. Model based fermentation process design will be performed by another Postdoc from the same department.
Deadline : 1st of February, 2022
(18) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc Acoustic detection of unmanned aircraft systems supported by optical sensors (ACTION)
We are looking for a candidate with a PhD degree in an area such as Robotics, Aerospace Engineering, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Physics or a similar field. The candidate is expected to be passionate about data analysis methods with an application to real data. Programming experience is required in Python/MATLAB and/or C/C++. A very good command of the English language is required, as well as excellent communication skills. Experience with robotic systems is appreciated.
Deadline : January 31, 2022
(19) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc CFD modeling hydrogen combustion for gas turbines
TU Delft and OPRA gas turbines will be working together in the H2Flex project on the development of the next-generation hydrogen combustion technology to meet the future requirements of a cost-effective, ultra-low emission combustion system for the OPRA gas turbine that can operate on 100% natural gas and 100% hydrogen, and any mix thereof. Moving towards hydrogen gas turbines allows for zero carbon combustion processes. OPRA is further developing its Dry Low (NOx) Emissions (DLE) combustors.
Deadline : January 31, 2022
(20) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc High-Resolution Mesoscale Modelling for Offshore Wind & Solar Energy Applications
Under the auspices of the European Green Deal, the EU-SCORES project (EUropean – Scalable and Complementary Offshore Renewable Energy Sources) has recently been funded. We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher to join our team and contribute to this large-scale collaborative project. Specifically, the postdoc will apply state-of-the-art numerical weather prediction approaches (e.g., gray-zone parameterization) for reliable simulation of offshore wind and solar resources with sub-kilometer resolution. In parallel, the post-doc will also explore novel machine learning-based methodologies (e.g., deep learning-based super-resolution approach) for the downscaling of coarse-resolution modelled data. The research findings will be presented at various international conferences and disseminated via peer-reviewed publications.
Deadline : January 31 2022
(21) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc Physics-Aware Machine Learning for Atmospheric Cloud Research
We invite you to apply for a 1.5-year postdoctoral position in the field of data-driven atmospheric cloud research. Within the broad scope of physics-aware and interpretable machine learning, you will be free to set your own scientific emphasis. Possible research directions include data-driven model discovery under incorporation of partial physical knowledge such as conservation laws. Examples for applications include boundary-layer clouds and cloud microphysics.
Deadline : 31 January 2022
(22) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc position in computational chemistry and catalysis
We are looking for a highly motivated and ambitious candidate with a PhD in computational chemistry, physical organic chemistry, computational catalysis (or have submitted a PhD thesis prior to taking up the appointment) or relevant experience. A good background in computational chemistry and affinity with computer sciences and programming are required.
Deadline : 31 January 2022
(23) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc position on Design and manufacture of micro-actuators for active mechanical metamaterials
This Postdoc project focuses integration of active elements in a metamaterial structure to provide the structure with active properties, i.e. switching or tuning. This is a two-sided challenge. The design challenge is to determine at which locations in the metamaterial structure actuators are best located, as well as what type of actuator suits best in a particular design. The manufacturing challenge is how to integrate such actuator structures into the metamaterial, together with the power and control functionality.
Deadline : February 1, 2021
(24) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc Robust and Safe Reinforcement Learning for Control
Automation and decision-making have many applications in engineering, such as automated vehicle control, inventory control and data-centre cooling problems. The control problems are complicated in these applications due to disturbances acting on the system. The disturbances can be measured; predicting the temporal disturbance profile is not easy. However, Control Theory methods can leverage some information about the disturbance to provide a safer control policy. This is, in particular, true of H-infinity control methods, which are focussed on control problems with uncertainty and disturbances. On the other hand, the Reinforcement Learning methods could be leveraged to learn temporal disturbance profiles for policy computations. Therefore, it stands to reason that a combination of the two decision-making paradigms can benefit the problems affected by disturbances. In this project, our goal is to develop a robust reinforcement learning algorithm with control-theoretic safety measures.
Deadline : January 31, 2022
About Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), Netherlands –Official Website
Delft University of Technology, also known as TU Delft, is the oldest and largest Dutch public technical university. Located in Delft, Netherlands, it is consistently ranked as one of the best universities in the Netherlands, and as of 2020 it is ranked by QS World University Rankings among the top 15 engineering and technology universities in the world.
With eight faculties and numerous research institutes, it has more than 26,000 students (undergraduate and postgraduate) and 6,000 employees (teaching, research, support and management staff).
The university was established on 8 January 1842 by William II of the Netherlands as a Royal Academy, with the primary purpose of training civil servants for work in the Dutch East Indies. The school expanded its research and education curriculum over time, becoming a polytechnic school in 1864 and an institute of technology (making it a full-fledged university) in 1905. It changed its name to Delft University of Technology in 1986.
Dutch Nobel laureates Jacobus Henricus van ‘t Hoff, Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, and Simon van der Meer have been associated with TU Delft. TU Delft is a member of several university federations, including the IDEA League, CESAER, UNITECH International and 4TU.
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