Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark invites online Application for various Postdoctoral Fellowship in their different Departments. We are providing a list of Postdoc Fellowship positions available at Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Machine Learning: Uncertainty Quantification in Graph Neural Networks – DTU Compute
Deadline : 10 January 2025
(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title: Postdoctoral Positions in AI-Driven Antitoxin Discovery at DTU Bioengineering
Are you a scientist ready to push the boundaries of biotechnology and AI-driven drug design? In this collaborative project between the Digital Biotechnology Lab (DTU) and the Molecular Design Laboratory (ETH) you will be part of leveraging the latest protein design technologies as well as high throughput automation guided in vitro validation approaches to tackle snakebite envenoming. We are looking for 2 postdocs and you can either be a wet lab expert looking to engage with computational therapeutic design, or a professional protein designer with a drive to take your designs into the lab. This is your opportunity to leverage Nobel Prize winning technology to contribute to advancing global health.
Deadline : Tuesday 10 December 2024
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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Direct view to Quantum Dot prototyping – DTU Nanolab
This project aims to pioneer CPQD formation in NWs by adjusting growth conditions inside a Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM), enabling real-time growth observations with a direct view to quantum dot prototyping! This avoids the ‘black box’ of traditional growth reactors where you have little knowledge of what is going on as the CPQD are formed. However, bridging the unique control of the crystal phase engineering during growth in a TEM with optical measurements of the functionality is a major challenge due to contamination of the samples during growth, which will be addressed during the project.
Deadline : 22 December 2024
(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral research fellowship on spin-charge interconversion phenomena in oxide heterostructures – DTU Energy
At DTU Energy our research efforts are aiming at developing spintronic applications. Spintronics is a promising approach which goes beyond the operating principle in present-day electronics where the logic operation relies on the electron spin instead of its charge. Recently, heterostructures based on complex oxide systems have attracted a lot of interest in spintronics where the interconversion between electron spin and charge occurs through the spin-orbit coupling. Realising breakthroughs in such conversion phenomena will pave the way for a next generation of logic devices based on spin rather than charge.
The position offered is part of a new national project supported by the VILLUM Foundation. The project is carried out in close collaboration between DTU Energy in Denmark and international partners.
The objective of this project is to investigate the coexistence of a large spin-orbit coupling and electron mobility in oxide heterostructures and devices for spintronic applications. We hope that you are interested in joining this exciting project at the crossroads between physics, materials science, and logic device applications!
Deadline : 1 January 2025
(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral research fellowship on energy storage using topological spin textures in oxides – DTU Energy
Do you want to contribute to the creation of a new generation of energy storage devices relying on topological spin textures?
At DTU Energy our research efforts aim at developing novel energy storage principles. Topological spin textures and skyrmions have traditionally been investigated in their relationship within future logic and memory units. This postdoc fellowship will build on this knowledge and attempt to realize energy storage using such topological spin textures in complex oxides thin films.
The position offered is part of a new national project supported by the Independent Research Fund Denmark which also funds a PhD student working on the same topic. The project is carried out in close collaboration between DTU Energy in Denmark and international partners.
The objective of this project is to investigate the possibility of storing the energy in topological spin textures like skyrmions. Due to the magnetic exchange interaction, the stability of each skyrmion can be enormously high and can easily at room temperature have an average lifetime that would enable energy storage over timescales of years! Similarly, due to the large displacement speeds of skyrmions, one could imagine a corresponding charging and discharging process of the energy storage principle on very short timescales – something together with the unparalleled energy storage stability cannot be achieved with any existing technology today.
Deadline : 1 January 2025
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(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc within Science and Technology Studies and the Energy Transition – DTU Management
Deadline : 15 December 2024
(07) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Mid-Infrared Ultrafast Lasers and Frequency Combs – DTU Electro
We are working on novel ultrafast lasers and frequency combs operating in the mid-infrared spectral range for precision molecular sensing applications. Traditionally, such long wavelength frequency comb sources come with high complexity of operation. Our focus is to establish efficient dual-comb lasers to simplify the optical setup, making it attractive for further integration and field-deployable measurement tools. This Postdoc position will empower you to lead some of the key project objectives including studying novel laser and saturable absorber devices, and dual-comb application demonstration.
Deadline : 9 December 2024
(08) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Obesity Research – DTU Health Tech
DTU department of Health Technology (DTU Health Tech) houses a world leading research environment on the immunology of obesity based on a highly translational large animal model and cutting-edge immunology and imaging facilities.
We offer a focused 2-year project, situated at the Innate Immunology and Metabolism group at DTU Health Tech comprising the unique DTU Ossabaw facility platform and collaborating with DTU Bioengineering(microbiome)and Harvard Medical School endocrinology), offering a great environment for networking at Danish and International scale. The project is fully funded by NNF and highly likely to be continued with new, independent support if successful.
Deadline : 22 December 2024
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(09) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in plant cell wall analytics – DTU Bioengineering
N2CROP is a centre for legume innovation funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation. We focus on legume research and innovation in genetics, agronomics, crop modelling, and molecular nutrition. Our vision is to facilitate development of sustainable agri-food systems powered by biologically fixed nitrogen to deliver high quality plant food protein. The centre is a partnership between Aarhus University, the Technical University of Denmark, University of Copenhagen, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, and La Trobe University.
Deadline : 7 January 2025
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(10) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in analysis of Environmental DNA – DTU Aqua
The main task of the position is to develop and apply environmental eDNA as a precise early detection method to prevent the spread of invasive pink salmon in Iceland, who constitute a threat to native salmonids that have very high economic and cultural value for the society. Autonomous eDNA analysis offers a sensitive, cost-effective early warning system for pink salmon detection. The project also aims to map local biodiversity and ecosystem effects via eDNA metabarcoding. This initiative is part of the EU-funded PHAROS project to restore and enhance aquatic biodiversity in the Atlantic and Arctic regions.
Deadline : 6 December 2024
(11) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Ultrasensitive 2D Material Magnetometry – DTU Physics
We are seeking an excellent candidate for a 2-year postdoc within electronic engineering of 2D magnetic sensors for room-temperature magnetic sensors for ultrasmall fields. The position will be part of the 2DPHYS – 2D Materials Engineering and Physics – section at DTU Physics and is funded by the Novo Nordisk Challenge project BIOMAG. The aim of the BIOMAG team is to develop sensor technologies to measure the ultrasmall magnetic fields originating from nerve cells in the human brain, based on optical or electrical detection schemes.
The candidate will work on device fabrication of electrical devices based on 2D materials, where the shape of the device and the potential landscape as well as the materials and processes, will be engineered to optimise the sensitivity and noise-equivalent field towards detection of small magnetic fields. The responsibilities involve design, fabrication, characterisation of 2D magnetometers and analysis of measurements, in collaboration with BIOMAG colleagues from DTU Physics and DTU Energy. While the initial goal is centered around magnetoresistance effects driven by Lorentz force (i.e. Hall-effect and extraordinary magnetoresistance – EMR) other, more sophisticated magnetoresistance effects could become relevant.
Deadline : 1 February 2025
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(12) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Multimodal Sensor Fusion for Infrastructure Mapping – DTU Electro
Your overall focus will be to strengthen DTU Electro expertise in multimodal sensor fusion and mapping through distributed sensor networks, with emphasis on creating real-time 2D/3D representations of civilian infrastructures, by developing novel methods and tools at the intersection of sensor fusion, machine learning, perception, and estimation theory. Focus should be on calibration agnostic methods to overcome the challenges connected with the fusion of data provided by the distributed network of sensors. You will play a pivotal role in the collaboration with industry partners of the innovation projects where the position is anchored. You will work closely with other members of the research team focusing on resilient autonomous systems.
Deadline : 13 December 2024
(13) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdocs to lead activities on Energy Data Spaces, and Trustworthy AI for Power Systems – DTU Wind
Deadline : 1 December 2024
(14) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Indican-based Light-Driven Denim Dyeing – DTU Electro
The work combines research in photochemistry, optical engineering, and process optimization in a collaboration between DTU Chemistry and DTU Electro and is funded by a Distinguished Innovator Grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation.
The aim is to optimize the light driven dyeing process to be technically feasible and economically viable at industrial scale; and develop a scalable dyeing system with continuous in situ measuring of both indican concentration and indigo waste as well as yarn color.
Deadline : 5 January 2025
(15) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Multifunctional (Opto)Acoustic Probes for in-vivo Applications – DTU Health Tech
The research activity aims to explore and develop optoacoustic probes for sonogenetics and in vivo tissue classification and identification. The technology will be based on optical probes for optoacoustic shock wave generation by pulsed laser excitation and plasmonics, integrated with piezoelectric transducers to record acoustic signals.
You will join a laboratory with expertise in photonics, piezoelectric materials and device fabrication methods for sensors and actuators, working under the supervision of Prof. Massimo De Vittorio. You will be a part of the IDUN Center of Excellence, led by Prof. Anja Boisen at DTU Department of Health Technology. IDUN is a highly cross-disciplinary research center with over 40 members that focuses on the development of micro and nanotechnology-based sensors, detection systems, and drug-delivery devices.
Deadline : 4 December 2024
(16) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Real Time Detection of Mass Transport in Engineered Tissue – DTU Health Tech
With the project 4DMAPPER – 4D mapping of transport and metabolism in organ on a chip, we develop a novel, label-free dynamic molecular profiler with high resolution in space and time (4D). 4DMAPPER will enable localized measurements of unlabeled molecules in 3D, and real-time visualization of mass transport in ex-vivo tissue and other 3D materials.
Deadline : 4 December 2024
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(17) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Hyperspectral Raman Imaging – DTU Health Tech
With the project 4DMAPPER – 4D mapping of transport and metabolism in organ on a chip, we develop a novel, label-free dynamic molecular profiler with high resolution in space and time (4D). 4DMAPPER will enable localized measurements of unlabeled molecules in 3D, and real-time visualization of mass transport in ex-vivo tissue and other 3D materials.
Deadline : 4 December 2024
(18) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Exoplanets – DTU Space
We are seeking talented and highly motivated researchers to work at the cutting edge of the rapidly moving research field of exoplanets. If you have previous experience in the mentioned areas of research, strong programming skills, and knowledge relating to data reduction and analysis and/or modelling of spectroscopic data, you are especially encouraged to apply. Flexibility and self-motivation are desired skills at DTU Space. In particular, the Exoplanet Group fosters a vibrant collaborative work environment, where collaboration with other group members is highly encouraged.
Deadline : 20 December 2024
(19) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in phase-field modelling of piezoelectric materials – DTU Energi
If you are interested in computational modelling of physical systems and want to help advance the understanding of the piezoelectric energy conversion phenomena at the microscale, this postdoc position is for you.
At DTU Energy we are conducting a research project where we apply computer simulations to investigate the behavior of piezoelectric/electrostrictive materials with the goal of improving their performance. Piezoelectric materials exhibit a coupling between electric and elastic phenomena. This means that applying an electric potential causes the material to deform, or vice versa: applying a mechanical force causes the material to generate an electric field and hence a current. As such, they are already used in several applications either as actuators or as power generators, especially for miniaturized devices, e.g. Internet of Things (IoT) devices.
It is known that the performance of piezoelectric materials is determined by several features of their microstructure, e.g. size and shape of their crystal grains or presence of inclusions. However, in this project we investigate a yet unresolved question: how can we optimize the microstructure such that the best performance is achieved? To answer this question, we will use phase-field modelling: an elegant mathematical formalism that can be used to predict the behavior of the material at the micro- and nanoscale.
Your focus will be to further develop our existing COMSOL-based finite element method (FEM) implementation of a phase field model, and to employ it for investigating the link between microstructure and macroscopic performance. After completing the development and validation of the model, you will use it to simulate the behavior of artificially generated or experimentally extracted microstructures. The output of the model is a visualization of ferroelectric domains, their motion, and their interaction with grain boundaries and other local defects present in the microstructure. Moreover, the model predicts the electric and electro-elastic hysteretic behavior of the material, from which one can extract the relevant figures of merit (e.g. remanence, coercivity, and piezoelectric coupling coefficients).
Deadline : 1 December 2024
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(20) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Energy Geotechnics – DTU Sustain
If you are establishing your career as a scientist and you are looking for the best possible foundation for fulfilling your dreams and ambitions, it is right here in front of you. At DTU Sustain you will break new ground at the absolute forefront of science providing solutions to major societal challenges related to climate change, sustainability, and infrastructure.
We offer a postdoc position for a motivated candidate to join the Energy Foundations project and conduct pioneering research on testing and modelling of coupled thermal-hydro-mechanical performance of energy foundations. You will work with enthusiastic academia and students in the Section of Geotechnics and Geology.
This energy foundation project will develop a Solar-Geothermal Energy Pile (SGPile) system, to address the current limitations of the current ground source heat pumps (GSHP) in building heating/cooling systems. Detailed experiments and numerical analyses will be conducted to investigate the thermal and structural performance of energy foundations, and to provide guidance on the new design method. Digital twins will be developed to integrate the test data with the simulation, and to optimize the thermal performance of the system without compromising the structural safety.
Deadline : 30 November 2024
(21) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Immersive Virtual Reality and Human Decision-Making – DTU Management
Do you have experience in designing and implementing immersive virtual reality experiments? Are you interested in developing and testing new methodologies to conduct immersive virtual reality experiments? Are you eager to apply these methodologies to real-world challenges in transport and infrastructure systems? If so, we invite you to apply for this two-year postdoctoral position in Immersive Virtual Reality and Human Decision-Making at DTU Management.
The position is part of the project IMMERSION: Explaining human decision-making by combining choice and process data, which is funded by a European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant. The project aims to advance the study of human decision-making by developing new innovative methods for combining choice and process data. This includes new methods for collecting rich behavioural data in immersive experiments using virtual reality.
You will be part of a diverse research team led by Assistant Professor Rico Krueger. You will be a member of the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) section within the Division for Transportation Science at the Department of Technology, Management and Economics (DTU Management) at DTU.
Deadline : 30 November 2024
(22) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc position on the role of Policy in Advancing the Green Transition – DTU Entrepreneurship
Deadline : 30 November 2024
(23) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in life cycle impact assessment of natural resources – DTU Sustain
Do you want to work with international front-runners in life cycle assessment? Do you want to innovate in the field of assessing impacts on natural resources in an inspiring environment with a strong research team? If so, this postdoctoral position might be the right fit for you!
You will develop a new life cycle impact assessment method for the characterization of natural resources (carbon, metals) in life cycle assessment. You will apply this method in the environmental sustainability assessment of technologies.
The position is offered at the Section for Quantitative Sustainability Assessment of the Department of Environmental and Resource Engineering (DTU Sustain). The section spearheads the development of sustainability assessment methods. You will become part of an energetic and team-based research environment with around 40 international staff members, postdocs, and PhD students. Interactions with researchers from the DTU’s Centre for Absolute Sustainability are foreseen.
Deadline : 30 November 2024
(24) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Microscopy of Enzyme Immobilization – DTU Physics
The candidate will work on visualizing the position, density, structure and dynamics of immobilized enzymes using a suite of state-of-the-art optical and electron microscopy techniques. The work is part of a highly interdisciplinary collaboration – Biocatalysts Interactions with Gases (BIG) – comprising novel characterization, analysis, testing, and modeling of gaseous substrates at immobilized enzymes, with international leading partners at North Carolina State University (NC State), Technical University of Denmark (DTU), and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL).
Deadline : Open Until Filled
About Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark – Official Website
The Technical University of Denmark, often simply referred to as DTU, is a university in the town Kongens Lyngby, 12 kilometres (7.5 mi) north of central Copenhagen, Denmark. It was founded in 1829 at the initiative of Hans Christian Ørsted as Denmark’s first polytechnic, and it is today ranked among Europe’s leading engineering institutions.
Along with École Polytechnique in Paris, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Eindhoven University of Technology, Technical University of Munich and Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, DTU is a member of EuroTech Universities Alliance.
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