Uppsala University, Sweden invites online Application for various Postdoctoral Fellowship in their different Departments. We are providing a list of Postdoc Fellowship positions available at Uppsala University, Sweden.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral researcher in Molecular Biology of Colorectal Cancer
The Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology at Uppsala University has a broad research profile with strong research groups focused on cancer, autoimmune and genetic diseases. A fundamental idea at the department is to stimulate translational research and thereby closer interactions between medical research and health care. Research is presently conducted in the following areas: cancer precision medicine, cancer immunotherapy, genomics and neurobiology, molecular tools and functional genomics, neuro-oncology and neurodegeneration and vascular biology. Department activities are also integrated with the units for Oncology, Clinical Genetics, Clinical Immunology, Clinical Pathology, and Hospital Physics at Akademiska sjukhuset, Uppsala. The department has teaching assignments in several education programmes, including Master Programmes, at the Faculty of Medicine, and at the Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology. The department has a yearly turnover of around SEK 500 million, out of which more than half is made up of external funding. The staff amounts to approximately 345 employees, out of which 100 are PhD-students, and there are in total more than 700 affiliated people. Feel free to read more about the department’s activities here: www.igp.uu.se
Deadline : 2023-10-02
(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title: Postdoctoral position in coupled climate and marine carbon cycle modeling
This position is part of the GreenFeedBack project (Greenhouse gas fluxes and Earth system Feedbacks) funded under the Horizon Europe framework. The GreenFeedBack project is led by AU-ENVS and brings together scientists doing fieldwork and modelers from across Europe. The aims are to enhance our knowledge of greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes within terrestrial, freshwater, and marine ecosystems at high northern latitudes. In the project, we will investigate the impacts that human pressures have on ecosystem GHG fluxes, how the GHG fluxes will respond to a changing climate, and how changes to ecosystem GHG exchanges in the boreal and Arctic regions affect feedbacks in the global system. This postdoc project is within work package 6 focusing on the latter, namely how the marine carbon cycle responses feed back onto the global carbon cycle and modulate projected climate changes. The specific focus of the postdoc will be to use the coupled earth system model EC-Earth (v3 to begin with, perhaps transitioning to v4) and implement developments achieved in other work packages into the EC-Earth, and to perform global-scale sensitivity and future simulations. The work will be done in close collaboration with teammates from Aarhus University (working with EC-Earth on the terrestrial carbon cycle) as well as GreenFeedBack partners at other organisations within the consortium.
Deadline : 2023-10-02
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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc position in materials synthesis and characterisation of materials for Gen IV lead cooled nuclear reactors
Within the programme for Inorganic chemistry research is conducted on solution chemical materials synthesis. This implies development of new processes for advanced functional materials and detailed characterisation of all steps taking the precursors in solution into the solid target material upon heating. The materials produced are of different morphologies and complexity. Therefore, a wide range of experimental techniques is required in order to understand and control the reactions and obtain the desired materials. The Post-doc position is directed towards development of hard, durable materials compatible with molten lead at the high temperatures employed in Gen IV nuclear reactors. The research is conducted within the SSF project ”SUNRISE” (SUstainable Nuclear Research In Sweden) directed to development and verification of materials for use in Gen IV nuclear reactors. This six-year project is conducted in a close collaboration between KTH, UU and LTU. Therefore, while most of the work is conducted at the solution synthesis group at the programme for inorganic chemistry at UU, there will be much collaboration with researchers at KTH (Stockholm) and LTU (Luleå). More information is found on our website and SUNRISE website.
Deadline : 2023-09-29
(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral researcher position in (bio)organic chemistry and mass spectrometric chemical biology
The postdoctoral fellows will work on developing new methods for the analysis of metabolites with mass spectrometry and chemoselective metabolomics techniques. These methods will be applied for the discovery and analysis of microbiome metabolites and biomarkers for liver diseases. The postdoctoral work will include chemical synthesis, analysis and interpretation of the results, precise documentation, as well as reporting the results on a regular basis and forward planning as well as collaboration with doctoral students, students and the laboratory of Johannes Hov. The postdoctoral positions will be 100% research.
Deadline : 2023-10-04
(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral fellow in bee population genomics
A postdoctoral research position is available in Matthew Webster’s research group to carry out a project that aims to uncover the genetic basis of local adaptation in honeybees. We will generate and analyze whole-genome sequences from an extensive collection of honeybees that are being sampled throughout Europe. The sequence data will be analyzed together with associated morphological measurements and environmental parameters to identify genotype-environment associations, with the goal of uncovering genes involved in local adaptation and predicting the effects of future climate change on resilience of honeybee populations. The project will also involve analysis of experimental evolution populations and experimental crosses designed to reveal the genetic basis of adaptation to climate. The position is connected to the Better-B project (www.better-b.eu), which has an overarching aim to improve the resilience of beekeeping to abiotic stresses such as climate change, habitat loss and hazardous chemicals. The Better-B consortium comprises 18 partner organizations across Europe and is funded by European Union through Horizon Europe. The project involves extensive collaboration within this consortium.
Deadline :2023-09-25
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(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral position in Compound Climate Extremes and their Impacts
G. Messori’s research group hosts four H2020/Horizon Europe research projects and several national projects, focussing on multiple aspects of mid and high latitude climate extremes. More information on ongoing research can be found at https://gmessori.eu/. The post-doc will work on H2020/Horizon Europe funding and look at the predictability and impacts of weather extremes, with a focus on North America and Europe. There is considerable freedom to focus on different approaches, from machine-learning or data-driven analyses to numerical modelling. The post-doc, if s/he so wishes, will also have the opportunity to engage in teaching/supervising duties.
Deadline : 2023-09-29
(07) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral position in surface hydrology, with focus on modeling human-water systems
Within the framework of a recently granted EU project (TRANSCEND), we are announcing a postdoctoral position. The project aims to study and model the interactions between drought, water scarcity and society in a changing climate. Human societies strongly rely on access to water resources, which are essential to support livelihoods and provide favourable conditions for sustainable development. While benefiting from water services and struggling with drought and water scarcity, humans also alter the hydrological regime by building dams, canals, levees, etc… The purpose of this project is to improve the modelling of human-water interactions, and simulating future dynamics emerging from the feedbacks between social and hydrological processes. The researcher will be placed at Uppsala University, Department of Earth Sciences, Programme for Air, Water and Landscape Sciences (LUVAL) and collaborate with CNDS (Centre of Natural Hazards and Disaster Science) in Uppsala.
Deadline : 2023-09-29
(08) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral position in development of digital twins of buildings
Collection, handling and processing of technical building data. Development of probabilistic and/or machine learning-based models for simulating occupancy patterns in buildings with high time resolution. Development of BIM models and models for energy simulation of buildings. Scientific reporting and publication. The work is carried out as part of a Vinnova-funded research project together with the Building Department at Uppsala University and Akademiska Hus, which means that collaboration and coordination are part of the position. Teaching within courses in construction engineering and/or energy systems can be included in the position with a maximum of 20%.
Deadline : 2023-09-26
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(09) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: 1-2 Postdoc positions in Molecular Epidemiology with a focus on the role of the human gut microbiota and the plasma metabolome in cardiovascular health
The Department has an opening for one to two positions as a postdoc in the group of Molecular Epidemiology led by Professor Tove Fall. The research in the group focuses on diabetes and cardiovascular disease using various methods. These methods range from modern molecular epidemiology techniques with ‘omics’ data to more traditional epidemiology approaches with large datasets. The research environment is international, and English is the working language. The group currently includes several members with extensive training and experience in advanced statistical, epidemiological, and bioinformatics methods. Additionally, the group has secured funding from the European Research Council and national funding agencies. The primary work responsibilities involve study design, data analysis, and manuscript preparations under the supervision of Tove Fall. The overall goal of the project is to assess the causality between gut microbiota, the plasma metabolome and atherosclerotic disease. To this end, the research project has three main objectives: 1) Identification of gut microbiota characteristics (assessed with shotgun metagenomics) associated with incident myocardial infarction and ischemic stroke measured by coronary computed tomography angiography in a population-based sample of 17,000 individuals, 2) Identification of plasma metabolites associated with image-based subclinical atherosclerosis in 8,000 participants, and 3) Clarification of the causal effects of gut microbiota characteristics and plasma metabolites on atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction and stroke by developing of novel genetic instruments and applying Mendelian Randomization analysis. The project is expected to lead to identification of characteristics of atherosclerosis-enhancing gut microbiota and associated plasma biomarkers that may open up new avenues for effective prevention of atherosclerotic disease. The group has a strong track record of publishing high-quality research in peer-reviewed journals, including most recently in Nature Communications and Circulation on microbiome and metabolome.
Deadline : 2023-09-27
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(10) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: A postdoctoral fellowship in clinical research
Those qualified for appointment as a postdoctoral fellow have been awarded a Degree of Doctor or an equivalent qualification awarded by a foreign higher education institution. The degree should have been awarded no more than three years before the deadline for applications. If special grounds exist, consideration may be given to applicants who were awarded a Degree of Doctor earlier. Special grounds may be parental leave, sick leave, elected office in a trade union, leave of absence to serve in the Swedish defence forces or similar circumstances, or a clinical position or other service/assignments of relevance to the position.
Deadline : 2023-10-02
(11) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: A postdoctoral fellowship in medical research
Those qualified for appointment as a postdoctoral fellow have been awarded a Degree of Doctor or an equivalent qualification awarded by a foreign higher education institution. The degree should have been awarded no more than three years before the deadline for applications. If special grounds exist, consideration may be given to applicants who were awarded a Degree of Doctor earlier. Special grounds may be parental leave, sick leave, elected office in a trade union, leave of absence to serve in the Swedish defence forces or similar circumstances, or a clinical position or other service/assignments of relevance to the position.
Deadline : 2023-10-02
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(12) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: A postdoctoral fellowship in cardiovascular disease
The position is being funded by Sonja Engströms stiftelse för medicinsk forskning (91048), Stina och Bertil Engströms stiftelse för medicinsk forskning (91052), Henning och Gösta Ankarstrands stiftelse (91106) and Rolf och Irma Lindmans stiftelse för medicinsk forskning (91130). The position will be placed at one of the departments of the Faculty of Medicine.
Deadline :2023-10-02
(13) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: A postdoctoral fellowship in cancer research
Those qualified for appointment as a postdoctoral fellow have been awarded a Degree of Doctor or an equivalent qualification awarded by a foreign higher education institution. The degree should have been awarded no more than three years before the deadline for applications. If special grounds exist, consideration may be given to applicants who were awarded a Degree of Doctor earlier. Special grounds may be parental leave, sick leave, elected office in a trade union, leave of absence to serve in the Swedish defence forces or similar circumstances, or a clinical position or other service/assignments of relevance to the position.
Deadline : 2023-10-02
(14) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: A postdoctoral fellowship in neurological research
The position is being funded by Stina och Bertil Engströms stiftelse för medicinsk forskning (91052), Gunvor och Majvor Lundbergs stiftelse för medicinsk forskning (91141 och Monica Sjöströms stiftelse för medicinsk forskning (91213). The position will be placed at one of the departments of the Faculty of Medicine.
Deadline : 2023-10-02
(15) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral position in Molecular Systems Biology
As a postdoctoral fellow in molecular systems biology, you will develop a new method for mapping basic processes in bacteria using DNA microscopy (Weinstein et al. Cell 2019). With this method, intracellular structures can be visualized through hybridization with unique nucleotide probes, concatenation, sequencing, and finally image reconstruction based on molecular proximity. The imaging is optics-free but analytically demanding; the project thus includes some computational science and possibly AI-based analysis methods. The fellowship is a full-time research position with teaching opportunities if you are interested. You are expected to run your project independently and you have the freedom to develop your ideas within the overall scope of the research plan. We offer a stimulating interdisciplinary environment where you will work closely with experts in microbiology, biophysics, microscopy, image analysis, and molecular biology.
Deadline : 2023-10-30
(16) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Researcher position in stochastic control theory
Conduct research in stochastic control theory within the project “Stochastic Control with Uncertainty”. Teaching and administration can be included, no more than 20 percent.
Deadline :2023-09-25
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(17) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral position at ALMEDA
The ALMEDA (African Literary Metadata) project is a five-year research project, funded by a European Research Council. ALMEDA is recruiting a postdoctor with expertise in East and/or Central African literature. Literary circulation across sub-Saharan African is dominated by informal, ephemeral and not-for-profit literary and oratory cultural forms, such as spoken-word poetry, street theatre, self-published writing and a variety of online genres. These informal African literatures are rarely catalogued and therefore exist outside of any structured metadata system. The consequence is that formally published English and French African novels are hyper-visible globally, while the rich literary and oratory cultures of the continent itself are caught in a perpetual state of structural ephemerality.
Deadline : 2023-10-31
(18) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral position at ALMEDA
The ALMEDA (African Literary Metadata) project is a five-year research project, funded by a European Research Council. . ALMEDA is recruiting a postdoctor with expertise in of West African literature. Literary circulation across sub-Saharan African is dominated by informal, ephemeral and not-for-profit literary and oratory cultural forms, such as spoken-word poetry, street theatre, self-published writing and a variety of online genres. These informal African literatures are rarely catalogued and therefore exist outside of any structured metadata system. The consequence is that formally published English and French African novels are hyper-visible globally, while the rich literary and oratory cultures of the continent itself are caught in a perpetual state of structural ephemerality. The ALMEDA project addresses this problem in three ways. First, by providing a history of literary metadata on the African continent, the project will provide a diachronic understanding of how colonial cataloguing systems came to construct the idea of the ‘literary work’ as book-based and thus dismissive of Africa’s oral cultures. Secondly, ALMEDA aims to develop a metadata scheme specifically aimed at rethinking the very idea of the literary from a history of oral culture. This scheme, which is predominantly aimed at accurately creating metadata for contemporary informal literary materials, will be multilingual, which will enable a unique descriptive model that allows African-language genres to inhabit their own categories, rather than having to be forced into European literary ontologies. Thirdly, the project will develop a linked open metadata database to make these literatures searchable and their records enduring.
Deadline :2023-10-31
(19) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral researcher position in natural hazards, climate policy and sustainable development
The position is located within the research project “Enabling climate-resilient development: How disasters can act as a pathway to a safer and more sustainable world”, with funding from the Marcus and Marianne Wallenberg Foundation and the Centre of Natural Hazards and Disaster Science (CNDS). We study whether and how disaster events alter countries’ policies for climate mitigation, adaptation, and sustainable development. The candidate will conduct research (80%) within the project, including data preparation, statistical analyses and co-authoring scientific articles. The candidate is expected to participate in the activities of CNDS, primarily research seminars.
Deadline : 2023-10-12
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(20) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral position in Building Physics
Deadline : 2023-09-28
(21) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral position in grid integration of offshore multi-source renewable energy parks
This project will focus on grid integration aspects and energy management of multi-source parks: different combinations of wind, wave, and solar power parks. Various electrical layouts will be proposed and analyzed with the aim of providing high-quality power by smoothing active power variations, as well as the necessary ancillary services to support the mainland grid operation. Within the project, a set of control tools should be developed to enable the increased performance of mixed operation of a varied set of offshore generation technologies. Using hardware- and software-in-the-loop simulations, the impact of the control tools shall be analyzed, and necessary mitigation measures evaluated. The goal of the project is to provide an enhanced contribution to mainland power systems operation and seamless integration of offshore variable resources.
Deadline : 2023-09-29
(22) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: 1 Postdoc in History, focus on British 20th century History of Medicine
This employment as postdoctoral researcher involves a two year full-time post with the possibility of one further year extension provided sufficient funds. The work consists of pursuing research on the history of patient organizations in the United Kingdom, using a combination of qualitative and computer-based analysis methods. There is the opportunity to run seminars, workshops and conference events related to the project. The postdoctoral researcher is expected to work on site and be an active participant in the research environment at Uppsala University, but will have the opportunity to conduct archival and other sourcework abroad.
Deadline : 2023-10-18
(23) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: 1 Postdoc in History, focus on French 20th century History of Medicine
This employment as postdoctoral researcher involves a two year full-time post with the possibility of one further year extension provided sufficient funds. The work consists of pursuing research on the history of patient organizations in France, using a combination of qualitative and computer-based analysis methods. There is the opportunity to run seminars, workshops and conference events related to the project. The postdoctoral researcher is expected to work on site and be an active participant in the research environment at Uppsala University, but will have the opportunity to conduct archival and other sourcework abroad.
Deadline : 2023-10-18
(24) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: 1 Postdoc in Digital Humanities with focus on historical text mining
This employment as postdoctoral researcher involves a two year full-time post with the possibility of one further year extension provided sufficient funds. The work consists of pursuing methodological development in the field of historical text mining, in close collaboration with the other members of the project team. There is the opportunity to run seminars, workshops and conference events related to the project. The postdoctoral researcher is expected to work on site and be an active participant in the research environment at Uppsala University, but will have the opportunity to conduct archival and other sourcework abroad.
Deadline : 2023-10-18
About Uppsala University, Sweden –Official Website
Uppsala University is a research university in Uppsala, Sweden. Founded in 1477, it is the oldest university in Sweden and all of the Nordic countries still in operation. It has ranked among the world’s 100 best universities in several high-profile international rankings during recent years. The university uses “Gratiae veritas naturae” as its motto and embraces natural sciences.
The university rose to pronounced significance during the rise of Sweden as a great power at the end of the 16th century and was then given a relative financial stability with the large donation of King Gustavus Adolphus in the early 17th century. Uppsala also has an important historical place in Swedish national culture, identity and for the Swedish establishment: in historiography, literature, politics, and music. Many aspects of Swedish academic culture in general, such as the white student cap, originated in Uppsala. It shares some peculiarities, such as the student nation system, with Lund University and the University of Helsinki.
Uppsala belongs to the Coimbra Group of European universities and to the Guild of European Research-Intensive Universities. The university has nine faculties distributed over three “disciplinary domains”. It has about 44,000 registered students and 2,300 doctoral students. It has a teaching staff of roughly 1,800 (part-time and full-time) out of a total of 6,900 employees. Twenty-eight per cent of the 716 professors at the university are women. Of its turnover of SEK 6.6 billion (approx. USD 775 million) in 2016, 29% was spent on education at Bachelor’s and Master’s level, while 70% was spent on research and research programs.
Architecturally, Uppsala University has traditionally had a strong presence in Fjärdingen, the neighbourhood around the cathedral on the western side of the River Fyris. Despite some more contemporary building developments further away from the centre, Uppsala’s historic centre continues to be dominated by the presence of the university.
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