University of Copenhagen, Denmark invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Fellow in Explainable Natural Language Understanding
The PhD fellowship is offered in the context of an ERC Starting Grant held by Isabelle Augenstein on ‘Explainable and Robust Automatic Fact Checking (ExplainYourself)’. ERC Starting Grant is a highly competitive funding program by the European Research Council to support the most talented early-career scientists in Europe with funding for a period of 5 years for blue-skies research to build up or expand their research groups. ExplainYourself proposes to study explainable automatic fact checking, the task of automatically predicting the veracity of textual claims using machine learning (ML) methods, while also producing explanations about how the model arrived at the prediction. Automatic fact checking methods often use opaque deep neural network models, whose inner workings cannot easily be explained. Especially for complex tasks such as automatic fact checking, this hinders greater adoption, as it is unclear to users when the models’ predictions can be trusted. Existing explainable ML methods partly overcome this by reducing the task of explanation generation to highlighting the right rationale. While a good first step, this does not fully explain how a ML model arrived at a prediction. For knowledge intensive natural language understanding (NLU) tasks such as fact checking, a ML model needs to learn complex relationships between the claim, multiple evidence documents, and commonsense knowledge in addition to retrieving the right evidence. There is currently no explainability method that aims to illuminate this highly complex process. In addition, existing approaches are unable to produce diverse explanations, geared towards users with different information needs. ExplainYourself radically departs from existing work in proposing methods for explainable fact checking that more accurately reflect how fact checking models make decisions, and are useful to diverse groups of end users. It is expected that these innovations will apply to explanation generation for other knowledge-intensive NLU tasks, such as question answering or entity linking.
Deadline : 01-02-2024
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Morten Meldal PhD fellowships in Chemistry
We are looking for strong candidates within the broader field of Chemistry. Applicants should hold a MSc or a BSc degree related to one or more of the areas of experimental and theoretical chemistry listed above, with excellent results and good English language skills. The three criteria for the assessment of the applications will be the A) The excellence of the PhD candidate based on former performance at BSc and MSc level, B) The academic originality and expected impact of the proposed project and C) Implementation including the relevance of the supervisor host environment and the feasibility of the PhD project plan. In order to develop a research proposal that can be supported at the Faculty of Science (SCIENCE), it is commended that you contact a relevant supervisor at one of the departments listed below.
Deadline : 01-02-2024
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Fellowships in Extragalactic Astrophysics
We invite applications from outstanding candidates with a background in astronomy, physics, or related technical disciplines with strong motivation for doing research within DAWN’s research themes: high-redshift galaxy evolution, epoch of reionization, first stars and galaxies, dust, cosmochemical evolution, and the ISM in the early universe and dark matter, as well as within HEAVYMETAL’s research area: follow-up observations and modelling of neutron star mergers and kilonovae. Research projects involving both analysis of observations (including from JWST) and/or theoretical modelling are available. Positions are available for three years for candidates holding a 2-year MSc, or for five years in the “Integrated MSc and PhD programme” for very strong candidates holding a 1-year MSc or BSc only.
Deadline : 31 January 2024
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in Theoretical Computer Science and/or Combinatorial Optimization
The positions are available for period of 3-5 years, depending on your current education level as discussed further below, and your key tasks as a PhD student at SCIENCE are to:
Deadline : 10-01-2024
(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD scholarship in the intersection of innovative health infrastructures, data sharing and complex regulatory frameworks
We are thrilled to announce a unique PhD opportunity to carry out research at the intersection of innovative health infrastructures, data sharing, and complex regulatory frameworks, with an emphasis on GDPR, EU AI Act, and other upcoming legislations). The position is hosted by the dynamic Inter-CeBIL program, anchored at the Center for Advanced Studies in Biomedical Innovation Law (CeBIL), Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen. Supported by a 50 million DKK grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation, the Inter-CeBIL program unites core partners from the Universities of Copenhagen, Harvard, Cambridge and the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), along with research fellows and affiliates from top universities globally. The program will focus on three key areas: (1) Advanced Medical Computing, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Quantum Technologies (QT); (2) Pandemic Preparedness and Anti-Microbial Resistance (AMR); and (3) Sustainable Innovation and Biosolutions. Research in these three key areas is complemented by studies on practical implementations and use-cases, involving numerous public and private stakeholders from Denmark and around the globe.
Deadline : 07-01-2024
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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Two PhD fellowships in critical data studies at the Department of Public Health
We are offering two PhD fellowships in the broad interdisciplinary area of critical data studies/science and technology studies commencing 1 April 2024 or as soon as possible thereafter. These PhD positions form part of a larger project funded by the European Research Council (ERC) about what drives the establishment of cross-border data infrastructures and how they affect everyday healthcare.
Deadline : 17-12-2023
(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in Muscle Cell Biology at the Department of Biomedical Sciences
Patients who are critically ill are treated in specialised intensive care units. Because of developments in critical care medicine, most of these patients now survive and are ultimately discharged from hospital. Despite this, patients’ physical function is often markedly impaired for long periods after hospital discharge, affecting their ability to work and deeply impacting healthcare resources. This prolonged loss of physical function has been largely attributed to ‘critical illness myopathy’. The present project aims to define the exact underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms of critical illness myopathy. For that, we will perform deep phenotyping of human muscle samples using multiple cell-based assays, X-ray diffraction and proteomics.
Deadline : 13-12-2023
(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship within the Complexity and Big Data Group
Your key tasks as a PhD student at SUND are:
- Carrying out an independent research project under supervision.
- Completing PhD courses or other equivalent education corresponding to approximately 30 ECTS points.
- Participating in active research environments including a stay at another research team.
- Obtaining experience with teaching or other types of dissemination related to your PhD project
- Teaching and disseminating your knowledge.
- Writing a PhD thesis on the grounds of your project
Deadline : 12-12-2023
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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD scholarship – “Green Futures: Strategic Partnerships in the Anthropocene” project, funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF)
The planetary-scale climate crisis is fostering a new form of international cooperation: green strategic partnerships. This still-evolving intergovernmental collaboration locates the climate crisis at the core of bilateral exchange and cooperation. The green framework, at once, signals a reconfiguration of the older forms of bilateral strategic partnerships as well as an expansion of the existing edifice of global climate policies and multilateral institutions. Green Futures: Strategic Partnerships in the Anthropocene examines this emerging multi-scalar architecture of climate diplomacy and climate partnerships. Taking the Denmark-India green strategic partnership as the empirical ground, the project delves into the unfolding battle for global sustainable futures along multiple scales and sites across the global north and south.
Deadline : 10-12-2023
(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in Cosmochemistry at the Globe Institute Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen
The position is funded by the Villum Young Investigator grant “EXPRICE: Extraterrestrial proxies for icy pebble delivery towards a habitable Earth” awarded to Elishevah van Kooten. This project aims to understand the origin and evolution of pebble-sized astromaterials that contain a rich prebiotic inventory and bombarded the Hadean Earth during the era that was essential to set the stages for the origin of life. As a PhD, you will learn a wide spectrum of analytical techniques, including scanning and transmission electron microscopy, laser ablation mass spectrometry, clean lab techniques and secondary ion and multiple-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. You will join and collaborate with a highly interdisciplinary team of researchers that is not limited to StarPlan but extends to other researchers at the Globe Institute who work on understanding the origin of life.
Deadline :03-12-2023
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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in intercropping of grain legumes and cereals
We are looking for candidates within the field(s) of crop science, agronomy and/or root science. Applicants can have a background with specific knowledge on root development and function, grain legume production, intercropping, crop competition and biological nitrogen fixation. Experience with greenhouse and/or field studies in combination with one or more of the abovementioned topics is an advantage.
Deadline : 03-12-2023
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(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in Bioanalytics at Department of Pharmacy
The project will address the question of what are the molecular contributors to material at the interface of particles exposed to gastrointestinal fluids and how this changes with different underlying particle structures and compositions. The candidate will receive training in advanced microscopy and analytical techniques (proteomics and lipidomics).
Deadline : 01-12-2023
(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in Structured Biointerfaces at Department of Pharmacy
The project will address the question of the structure of material at the interface of particles exposed to gastrointestinal fluids and how this changes with different underlying particle structures and compositions. The candidate will receive training in advanced scattering and interfacial analysis techniques, with significant exposure to experiments at large scale facilities such as synchrotron and neutron sources.
Deadline : 01-12-2023
(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Fellowship in Philosophy of Science
We are looking for a highly motivated candidate for a three-year PhD project commencing April 1st, 2024 or as soon as possible thereafter. The PhD position is available via an ERC-funded project called DataSpace, conducting theoretical and ethnographical studies of what drives the establishment of cross-border data infrastructures and how they affect everyday healthcare (PI: Professor Klaus Hoeyer at the Department of Public Health). The PhD project will be part of a work package led by Associate Professor Sara Green, at the Section for History and Philosophy of Science, Department of Science Education, University of Copenhagen.
Deadline : 01-12-2023
(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in in Planet Formation at the Globe Institute
The successful candidate will work on a PhD project on understanding the formation and composition of Earth and other rocky planets. The methodology can involve either hydrodynamical simulations of planets embedded within a protoplanetary disc or modelling the partitioning of elements between the core, mantle and atmosphere of a growing planet. The results will be compared to data from telescopes, satellite missions and meteorites.
Deadline : 01-12-2023
(16) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Project in mafic crustal growth
Understanding Earth’s crustal growth is crucial to understanding the evolution of its tectonics, the birth of the first continents, and the fundamental changes that transformed Earth into a habitable planet. However, our current understanding of crustal growth is heavily biased towards felsic compositions, despite the continents being intermediate on average. This bias becomes increasingly problematic earlier in Earth history, when the continents were likely more mafic than they are today. During this PhD project, you will address this bias and for the first time attempt to reconstruct a complete crustal growth curve for an Archaean continental nucleus, the Superior Craton. This work will focus on the recently developed use of detrital chromite grains in sedimentary rocks for detecting the age and composition of since-destroyed ancient mafic crust. You will collect your own samples during fieldwork in the Superior Craton, Canada, develop geochemical tools for tracing chromite provenance and ages, and combine these with existing methods to produce the first ever combined mafic-felsic crustal growth curve for an Archaean craton.
Deadline : 30-11-2023
(17) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD scholarship in economics at the University of Copenhagen
The broad aim of the project is to understand how household decisions about spending, saving and investment are shaped by developments in the macro-economy. A salient example is the recent episode of negative interest rates on retail deposits, which may have induced households to increase spending and restructure their balance sheets. The analysis will employ large administrative datasets combined with online surveys designed to investigate behavioral mechanisms underlying the household responses.
Deadline : 28-11-2023
(18) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Project in Phytoplankton evolutionary ecology
We are looking for candidates within the field(s) of Ecology, Limnology or Marine Biology. It is an advantage to have previous work or research experience in phytoplankton culturing techniques. Experience with large-scale experimental-design and executation is also advantageous. The candidate should have a curious and creative mind-set with a strong interest to work with organisms and in the field. It is also necessary to possess excellent data analysis, communication, presentation, and academic writing skills in English.
Deadline :27-11-2023
(19) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in The DELIVER (DELiberative ImproVEment of oRal care quality) project
The position will be under The DELIVER (DELiberative ImproVEment of oRal care quality) project, which is an EU funded project that aims to enhance the quality of oral care through deliberative dialogue and action involving citizens, patients, providers, payers, and policymakers. DELIVER will create a synergistic problem-solving ecosystem to convert deliberative dialogues into meaningful improvement of oral care quality. DELIVER consists of work packages entailing different sub-projects. The position will primarily entail work within work package 4 (WP4), which covers community oriented collaborative enterprises, addressing a well-known but still poorly understood public health problem: how to structurally maintain oral health at population level in Europe, and foster the healthy life span with good oral health and related wellbeing at population level in an inclusive manner through community based oral healthcare service delivery.
Deadline :26-11-2023
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(20) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in Precision Nutrition, Metabolomics and Bioinformatics
Metabolomics is a broad interdeplicinary field that combines analytical chemistry, biochemistry and bioinformatics to understand perturbations of and interactions within a biological system. To master this field a broad interest and training is therefore required. Therefore, depending on background and interest of the candidate, the candidate will be trained in all aspects of a metabolomics study. Specifically this will include:
Deadline : 23-11-2023
(21) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Fellows at Department of Neuroscience
The project will investigate the differential characteristics of dopaminergic signalling in subcortical regions of the brain, with specific focus on striatal dopaminergic signatures recorded both during unconstrained exploratory activity and learned attentional tasks. The project will also probe the relationship between subregional dopamine release dynamics and the corresponding intracellular signalling that results from this differential dopamine release. Primary methods used for this project will include stereotactic surgery to facilitate the use of fiber photometry and opto- and chemogenetics, advanced behavioral analysis including body-part tracking and machine learning, and detailed analysis of extensive datasets. Other relevant techniques will include classical IHC, tissue/brain clearing (iDISCO), qPCR, genotyping, and various imaging techniques.
Deadline : 22-11-2023
(22) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in the Virus-like particle vaccine group at the Centre for Medical parasitology
You will join a group of highly dedicated scientists working hard to develop vaccines based on cutting-edge technologies. The team has previously developed a virus-like particle (VLP) based COVID-19 vaccine, which has shown best-in-class immunogenicity and safety in phase I/II clinical trials (now in phase III). To succeed with our ambitions, we are now looking for a new PhD-student who can help running specific projects. As part of the consortium, you will work on developing vaccines against viral pathogens with a pandemic risk. Specifically, you will express, purify and quality check each VLP vaccine e.g., by ultracentrifugation, SDS-PAGE, densitometry, dynamic light-scattering, and transmission electron microscopy.
Deadline : 21-11-2023
(23) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in Systems Neuroscience at the Department of Neuroscience
We are seeking a highly motivated student for a project addressing the generation and functions of theta oscillations in spatial navigation using systems neuroscience and population-level approaches. The research will take place at the Department of Neuroscience ( at University of Copenhagen in the lab of Dr. Peter C. Petersen ( The project involves performing electrophysiological recordings from freely moving animals using chronically implanted high-density Neuropixels silicon probes and applying optogenetics for single cell tagging, and behavioral manipulations.
Deadline : 20-11-2023
(24) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD scholarship at the Department of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen (UCPH)
Applications are invited for a PhD scholarship at the Department of Anthropology. Enrolment will be at the Faculty of Social Sciences under Copenhagen Graduate School of Social Sciences.
Deadline : 19-11-2023
(25) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in Evolutionary Modelling for Human Genomics at the Supek Group, BRIC
We invite the brightest minds in the world of computational biology to dive into the frontier of evolutionary genomics research using long-read sequencing and machine learning. As a part of our dynamic team, you’ll be at the forefront of understanding structural variation (SV) mutations in the human genome, and their impact on disease risk and cancer evolution. We aim to understand and predict the effects of copy number altering (CNA) SVs, which can change gene dosage. Current methodologies to identify which CNA are pathogenic present a plethora of inaccuracies, because CNAs affect many genes at once and thus the causal gene within a CNA segment is hard to pinpoint. Your studies will innovate by comparing observed CNA SV rates in tumors against a novel machine-learning based SV risk predictions, thereby inferring positive selection (identifying cancer driver genes) or negative selection (identifying new tumor vulnerabilities). Further, you will venture into the less-charted territories of somatic SVs, focusing on those that disrupt gene regulatory regions. By pooling together myriad regulatory regions linked to each gene, you will spearhead the identification of a novel class of non-coding cancer driver mutations that alter gene regulation.
Deadline : 20-11-2023
About The University of Copenhagen, Denmark – Official Website
The University of Copenhagen is a public research university in Copenhagen, Denmark. Founded in 1479, the University of Copenhagen is the second-oldest university in Scandinavia, and ranks as one of the top universities in the Nordic countries and Europe.
Its establishment sanctioned by Pope Sixtus IV, the University of Copenhagen was founded by Christian I of Denmark as a Catholic teaching institution with a predominantly theological focus. In 1537, it was re-established by King Christian III as part of the Lutheran Reformation. Up until the 18th century, the university was primarily concerned with educating clergymen. Through various reforms in the 18th and 19th century, the University of Copenhagen was transformed into a modern, secular university, with science and the humanities replacing theology as the main subjects studied and taught.
The University of Copenhagen consists of six different faculties, with teaching taking place in its four distinct campuses, all situated in Copenhagen. The university operates 36 different departments and 122 separate research centres in Copenhagen, as well as a number of museums and botanical gardens in and outside the Danish capital. The University of Copenhagen also owns and operates multiple research stations around Denmark, with two additional ones located in Greenland. Additionally, The Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences and the public hospitals of the Capital and Zealand Region of Denmark constitute the conglomerate Copenhagen University Hospital.
A number of prominent scientific theories and schools of thought are namesakes of the University of Copenhagen. The famous Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum mechanics was conceived at the Niels Bohr Institute, which is part of the university. The Department of Political Science birthed the Copenhagen School of Security Studies, which is also named after the university. Others include the Copenhagen School of Theology and the Copenhagen School of Linguistics.
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