Aarhus University, Denmark invites online Application for various Postdoctoral Fellowship in their different Departments. We are providing a list of Postdoc Fellowship positions available at Aarhus University, Denmark.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Two postdoctoral positions in research project on political polarization at Aarhus University
Research will primarily be carried out in collaboration with other project members, but there will be some opportunities to pursue independent work within the overall focus of the project. The project offers significant funding for data collection, research assistants, travel, and workshops.
The successful applicant will be part of a cutting-edge research project and a vibrant, supportive research team with an informal atmosphere. There will be excellent opportunities for intellectual development and mentoring, as well as developing an independent research agenda within the context of the project. Focus is also placed on how the candidate can make use of the postdoctoral position to develop their own career.
In addition to the outlined research tasks, the position implies modest teaching obligations equivalent to one course per year. If an applicant is interested, a one-year further extension in return for additional teaching might be negotiable, depending on the applicant’s prior teaching experience and the department’s need for teaching capacity. Interested applicants are thus encouraged to describe their potential contributions to teaching obligations in the Department’s BA or MA programs. Salary is according to the Danish pay schedule.
Deadline : 15 Aug 2024
(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title: Postdoc position in modelling of hazardous substances in the marine environment
Deadline : 13 Jun 2024
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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdocs in insect breeding for food and feed at the Center for Quantitative Genetics and Genomics, Aarhus University, Denmark
Deadline :1 Jun 2024
(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post Doctoral position in Food Consumer Science
The position is funded through Aarhus University and is situated in the context of the green consumer transition as it relates to plant-based foods. It specifically aims to better understand what’s holding people back from reducing reliance on animal foods and transitioning to more sustainable plant-based diets.
We seek a candidate with knowledge of quantitative food-related consumer research methodologies, especially those suitable for online surveys. This should ideally be coupled with experience in implementing the different stages of survey research, from planning and ethics approval, through pilot work and data collection, to statistical data analysis and write-up. Qualitative research skills and experience are an advantage but not essential. Considering the wider field of research, a background in food-related consumer behaviour as well as good teamwork and networking skills would be central.
The Post doc position is part of the Science Team ‘Food Quality Perception and Society’ at the Department of Food Science. The candidate is expected to take part in teaching at BSc and MSc level, as well as participating in supervision of students. It is expected that the Post doc candidate participate in attracting funding for further research in the area.
Deadline : 31 May 2024
(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc – Entomologist in Arable Crops
- A PhD degree in agroecology, agronomy, biology or similar
- Specialization in insect biology, applied ecology, insect pests and their natural enemies
- Expertise with data handling including collection, analysis and interpretation
- Ability to develop and conceptualize ideas and formulate hypotheses
- Interest for dissemination of research findings
- Knowledge of crop physiology (cereals, grain legumes and seed crops)
- Proven publication records in international peer-reviewed journals
- Teaching and supervision experience at the BSc and MSc level
Deadline : 31 May 2024
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(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-doc on modeling of two-phase flow in novel water electrolyzers
Green hydrogen is a pillar of green energy transition. The ambition to reach net zero emission means that the production capacity of green hydrogen needs to increase multiple times in the coming years. Among technologies used to that end, alkaline electrolyzers are the most mature option; however, there is a clear room for improvement of their energy efficiency. The current project aims to develop a new porous electrode concept, and modeling provides a basis for understanding and optimization of the performance of this novel concept.
Your tasks in the project consist of development/improvement of numerical solvers for two-phase flow and mass transfer, conducting the simulations, analyzing the results, communicating and discussing the findings with project partners, and disseminating the results in form of articles, presentations, and the like. Numerical simulations are mostly done using OpenFoam, but use of other open-source research solvers can be considered.
Deadline : 31 May 2024
(07) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc position in biodiversity of marine restoration project
The postdoc position is part of a newly funded Aage V. Jensen project: Quantification of marine Ecosystem Services in connection with Marine nature Restoration (QESMAR). The overall aim of the QESMAR project is to develop a standardized assessment framework to efficiently quantify achieved ES´s and make them comparable across different restored habitats. To support this, the postdoc will collaborate with 2 PhD projects to develop tools to efficiently monitoring and quantify a range of ES’s associated with marine restoration projects.
Deadline : 15 May 2024
(08) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc: De novo protein design for neuroscience
The center of Excellence for “Protein in Memory” seeks to understand the molecular basis for memory with an emphasis on protein mechanism. Recent developments in protein structure prediction (e.g. AlphaFold2) and protein de novo design (e.g. RFDiffusion) have opened new possibilities for probing such mechanisms. The project will seek to use existing algorithms to new biological problems and is thus not focused on development of computational methods. We wish to generate small protein binders against a range of important neuroscience targets and use these for mechanistic studies in cellular models. There will be considerable room for the successful candidate to shape the project within the overall project theme. Further details about the project will be provided for short-listed candidates.
Deadline :15 May 2024
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(09) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc Position in DNA Nanotechnology
The candidate should have a PhD degree within the broad field of (bio)chemical sciences and have experimental experience in DNA nanotechnology.
The focus of the project is on the functionalization of nanowires with DNA and their subsequent immobilization within DNA nanostructures. These structures will undergo characterization through Atomic Force Microscopy and Transmission Electron Microscopy.
The project will entail the placement of various DNA-functionalized nanomaterials within the gaps between two nanowires on a surface. Consequently, expertise in bioconjugation is highly desirable, as the project includes bioconjugation of DNA with various proteins, molecules, and nanoparticles. In collaboration with other researchers, the immobilized structures will be integrated onto patterned microelectronic surfaces to monitor conductivity between the nanowires.
The long-term goal is to refine these designs for single-molecule sensing applications. The project includes collaboration with Professor William Shih’s group at Harvard University and the Solid-State Physics group led by Professor Peter Bøggild at DTU.
Deadline :12 May 2024
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(10) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: PostDoc positions in RNA research
Deadline : 12 May 2024
(11) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc position – plant food hydrocolloids and binding
The Department of Food Science, Aarhus University (Denmark), invites applications for a 24-month postdoc position to work on food hydrocolloids and investigate their binding to small dietary molecules. The starting date is September 1, 2024, or subject to mutual agreement. The position is strongly research oriented but also connected to industry. This project will aim at finding the optimum plant food hydrocolloid to stabilize small molecules in selected food systems and understand the involved mechanisms.
The postdoc will work on this exciting project in collaboration with and mentored by Associate Professor Mario M. Martinez. The successful applicant will be embedded in the Science Team ‘Food Technology’, a strong international research lab where cooperation, creativity, and kindness are valued.
Deadline : 10 May 2024
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(12) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post doc position on manipulation and optimization of Black Soldier Fly performance
Deadline : 10 May 2024
(13) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdocs in genetic modeling of feed efficiency in dairy cattle at the Center for Quantitative Genetics and Genomics, Aarhus University, Denmark
The primary responsibility of the selected candidate will involve conducting genetic analyses of feed efficiency data to estimate breeding values, thereby enhancing the breeding goals for dairy cattle. Working collaboratively within our team and with external research partners, the candidate will contribute to ongoing projects focused on feed efficiency and methane emission traits in dairy cattle.
Deadline : 8 May 2024
(14) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in ecophysiology and nutritional biology of soil invertebrates
Deadline : 6 May 2024
(15) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Remote Sensing for Agroecosystem Sustainability
You will be part of a research environment focusing on developing novel remote sensing algorithms to monitor agroecosystem productivity and services for sustainable agriculture. You will focus on processing and analyzing multi-source satellite remote sensing data, such as hyperspectral, multispectral, thermal infrared, microwave and solar-induced fluorescence, to quantify key agroecosystem variables. These variables include crop nitrogen and yield, cover crop growth, and tillage practices. You will develop novel algorithms to integrate data-driven machine learning and process-based radiative transfer models for remote sensing retrieval of agroecosystem variables. The research project will primarily target the wheat cropping systems across Denmark or the EU.
We expect that you will be an important part of the research environment and that you will contribute positively to the social working environment. We also expect that you will take part in our teaching activities and that you will report research results in high-impact scientific journals.
Deadline : 2 May 2024
(16) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in single molecule RNA folding
The project is centered on how RNA molecules fold during synthesis (co-transcriptional folding), a kinetic non-equilibrium process important in Nature and harnessed for making RNA origami structures. The postdoc focus will be on experimental investigations of RNA folding and conformational heterogeneity and dynamics using single molecule fluorescence and FRET tools. The postdoc is expected to interact with the computational and synthetic biology groups in the COFOLD consortium for the design of RNA structures, including RNA origami structures, and development of a folding model.
Deadline : 2 May 2024
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(17) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral position for a research project in Neuroscience, Pain and Placebo
The position is research-oriented but will involve teaching assignments. In your daily work you will work closely with both Danish and international researchers, clinicians and patients.
As postdoctoral fellow you will receive supervision and pedagogical upgrading.
Deadline : 1 May 2024
(18) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral position for a research project in Neurostimulation, Pain and Expectations
The position is research-oriented but will involve teaching assignments. In your daily work you will work closely with both Danish and international researchers, clinicians and patients.
As postdoctoral fellow you will receive supervision and pedagogical upgrading.
Deadline : 1 May 2024
(19) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in proteomics and functional analyses of protein carboxylation
In addition to leading their research project, the postdoc will be involved in the supervision of PhD, Master and Bachelor students, and is expected to contribute to teaching activities.
Deadline : 1 May 2024
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(20) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc position focused on investigating Infections, Regeneration, and Carcinogenesis Using Single-Cell Omics, Organoids, and Mouse Models
We seek candidates holding a Ph.D. in Biotechnology, Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics, or related disciplines, with a profound interest in developmental and stem cell biology. Ideal applicants will be deeply committed to investigating the intricate biological systems influencing infection effects and cancer development.
The ideal candidate will have proven experience with organoid development, mouse models, CRISPR/Cas9 and omics technologies. In addition to technical expertise, responsibilities include manuscript preparation, presentation of research findings, and active participation in laboratory operations.
Candidates should also demonstrate strong interpersonal skills, with an emphasis on collaboration in an international research setting.
Deadline : 30 Apr 2024
(21) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Green transition and climate adaptation
You will be part of a research environment focusing on the exploration of new measures that simultaneously reduce greenhouse gas emissions and create resilience to climate change. These include biochar, nitrogen application and cropping strategies as well as collection of drainage water for use in irrigation. Emphasis will be on potential synergies and the role of such systems in the green transition. You will be contributing to specifically the area of quantifying the effects of the novel systems on the water/nitrogen balance and performance of crops including nitrous oxide emissions and nitrate leaching. You will work experimentally with already established field experiments and full-scale facilities established by farmers different places in Denmark. The latter will be carried out in collaboration with the Danish advisory service within a living labs approach. Remote sensing from drones and satellites will be an important tool to make surveys and assessments in combination with other advanced measurement methods.
We expect that you will be an important part of the research environment and that you will contribute positively to the social working environment and the living labs approach to research. We also expect that you will take part in EU-project meetings, activities in relation to our new educations, and that you will report research results in high-impact scientific journals.
Deadline : 30 Apr 2024
(22) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral position in the “Understanding (mis)perceptions of economic inequality as a way to reduce it” research project
Deadline : 30 Apr 2024
(23) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc for DanMAX beamline in Lund, Sweden
The DanMAX beamline is a collaboration between Aarhus University, the Technical University of Denmark, University of Copenhagen and Lund University. It is designed to perform materials science using 15-35 keV X-rays for powder X-ray diffraction and full field imaging. There is a strong focus on in situ and in operando experiments. AU is heading the design and implementation of PXRD. The PXRD2D instrument at DanMAX is in regular user operation. During the employment period the successful candidate will be part in bringing the Imaging instrument and the high resolution PXRD instrument into operation. He/she is expected to take part in the general operation of the beam line, participate in user support, and help develop both hardware and software.
The candidate must have a PhD in chemistry, crystallography, materials science, or equivalent. Additionally, he/she must have a strong background in crystallographic techniques, particularly powder diffraction, PXRD data modeling, and texture modeling. The candidate must have experience in using synchrotron and neutron facilities. Experience with instrumentation development and python programming is required.
Deadline : 28 Apr 2024
(24) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc for ultrafast surface spectroscopy
Deadline : 28 Apr 2024
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(25) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc position – plant-based protein ingredients in foods
To respond to some of the most critical societal changes of the next decade, we need to explore more sustainable food ingredients to replace more CO2 heavy ones. Food functionality ingredients play a significant role in building structure and providing texture by gelation, foaming and emulsification in a wide range of food matrices, which in food production can be provided by plant-based proteins, alone or in combination. We are looking for a successful, competent and motivated candidate, who will develop and support the research project at the intersection of protein chemistry, food physics and functional properties.
The Postdoc position is part of the Food technology group at the Department of Food Science and may also include teaching and dissemination activities, as well as supervision of students. You are expected to complement and grow your expertise, and to actively participate and deliver on projects carried out in one of the most dynamic groups in food science at Aarhus University. You will have many opportunities to connect with other research partners, and collaborate with PhD and other post doctoral fellows, in cross-disciplinary collaborations with other research groups both national and international as well as with industrial partners.
Deadline : 25 Apr 2024
About Aarhus University, Denmark – Official Website
Aarhus University is the largest and second oldest research university in Denmark. The university belongs to the Coimbra Group, the Guild, and Utrecht Network of European universities and is a member of the European University Association.
The university was founded in Aarhus, Denmark, in 1928 and comprises five faculties in Arts, Natural Sciences, Technical Sciences, Health, and Business and Social Sciences and has a total of twenty-seven departments. It is home to over thirty internationally recognised research centres, including fifteen Centres of Excellence funded by the Danish National Research Foundation. The university is ranked among the top 100 world’s best universities. The business school within Aarhus University, called Aarhus BSS, holds the EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development) Equis accreditation, the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) and the Association of MBAs (AMBA). This makes the business school of Aarhus University one of the few in the world to hold the so-called Triple Crown accreditation. Times Higher Education ranks Aarhus University in the top 10 of the most beautiful universities in Europe (2018).
The university’s alumni include Bjarne Stroustrup, the inventor of programming language C++, Queen Margrethe II of Denmark, Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark, and Anders Fogh Rasmussen, former Prime Minister of Denmark and a Secretary General of NATO.
Nobel Laureate Jens Christian Skou (Chemistry, 1997), conducted his groundbreaking work on the Na/K-ATPase in Aarhus and remained employed at the university until his retirement. Two other nobel laureates: Trygve Haavelmo (Economics, 1989) and Dale T. Mortensen (Economics, 2010). were affiliated with the university.
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