Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in AI / Machine Learning – Reinforcement Learning
This position revolves around the fundamental principles of AI and machine learning, with a specific emphasis on reinforcement learning. Machine learning encompasses a range of data-driven techniques that derive models for tasks such as prediction, exploratory data analysis, and explanation. The primary focus of this position is on reinforcement learning which examines the interactions between an agent and its environment, aiming to maximize cumulative rewards (to reach the goal as efficient as possible). Within this project, we will develop novel reinforcement learning methods considering aspects such as sample efficiency, robustness, efficient training and inference, multi-agent reinforcement learning, etc. This position will explore fascinating theories and innovative methods while also giving you the chance to investigate them in interesting real-world applications.
The research group of Morteza Haghir Chehreghani is based in the Division of Data Science & AI (DSAI) in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). Our primary focus lies in the development of advanced AI and machine learning methods and their application across various domains. Currently, our research is concentrated on areas such as reinforcement learning, decision making under uncertainty, unsupervised learning, and generative AI.
Deadline : 2024-06-10
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student position in Urban Design and Planning
The PhD position is part of the EMC2 project that aims to reduce the risk of 15-minute city policies exacerbating the tensions between central cities and peripheral areas, the project proposes a new model, adapted to conditions in peripheral areas: Evolutive Meshed Compact City (EMC2). EMC2 proposes a pragmatic transition pathway to the 15-minute City for European metropolitan peripheries, along existing main roads. More specifically, the project will produce: a transferable, multi-scale method to assess EMC2 potential in European suburban areas, and guidelines for EMC2 implementation, including examples and obstacles.
The EMC2 project has been selected for financing within the European tender of the Horizon Europe call “Driving Urban Transitions”. The project will be carried out by a consortium of four academic research units and four local authorities in four different European countries : UMR ESPACE (CNRS – Université Côte d’Azur – Aix-Marseille Université – Avignon Université), Agence d’Urbanisme Azuréenne and Agence d’Urbanisme de Lille Métropole, in France, SMoG (Chalmers University of Technology, Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering) and City of Gothenburg, in Sweden, DESTeC (University of Pisa) and City of Viareggio, in Italy, as well as the Department of Urban Design (Vienna University of Technology), in Austria.
Deadline : 2024-04-30
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student position in Climate adaptation design and modelling for thermally resilient housing
The PhD position is part of a multidisciplinary initiative funded by the Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development FORMAS. The overarching goal of the research is to comprehensively address the challenges of overheating in multifamily buildings during heatwaves by bringing together researchers from diverse fields, including building services engineering, architecture, sociology, psychology and building stock modelling, as well as housing companies and The Swedish Tenants’ Association. This specific PhD project will focus on development and simulation of building adaptation measures and scenarios based on analysis of monitored indoor temperatures and comprehensive analysis of the thermal performance of representative multifamily buildings. The research will be performed in close collaboration with PhD students and researchers from different fields, as part of the larger multidisciplinary project.
Deadline : 2024-04-30
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student position in Building Design and Occupant Practices for Climate Adaptation
The PhD position is part of a multidisciplinary initiative funded by the Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development FORMAS. The overarching goal of the research is to comprehensively address the challenges of overheating in multifamily buildings during heatwaves by bringing together researchers from diverse fields, including building services engineering, architecture, sociology, psychology and building stock modelling, as well as housing companies and The Swedish Tenants’ Association. This specific PhD project will focus on integrating characteristics of building and apartment typologies with occupant behaviour, surveyed through building and apartment analysis, questionnaires and interviews, to understand how these affect overheating, and indoor thermal comfort and resilience. The research will be performed in close collaboration with PhD students and researchers from different fields, as part of the larger multidisciplinary project.
Deadline : 2024-04-30
(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student position in Data-driven methods for evaluating thermal resilience in buildings
The PhD position is part of a multidisciplinary initiative funded by the Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development FORMAS. The overarching goal of the research is to comprehensively address the challenges of overheating in multifamily buildings during heatwaves by bringing together researchers from diverse fields, including building services engineering, architecture, sociology, psychology and building stock modelling, as well as housing companies and The Swedish Tenants’ Association. This specific PhD project will focus on the development of methods and models for evaluating indoor thermal resilience using extensive monitored data of indoor and outdoor temperatures from apartments in multifamily buildings and thermal comfort surveys with occupants. The research involves processing and analysis of data, statistical modelling and thermal comfort data collection and analysis.
Deadline : 2024-04-30
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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student positions in Semiconductor devices for future terahertz electronics
The PhD positions are related but with an individual focus on two different types of semiconductor devices. One doctoral thesis aims to demonstrate the first indium phosphide-based cryogenic amplifier on silicon. In this first European Chips Act project at Chalmers, you will closely collaborate with the Swedish company Low Noise Factory AB, world’s leading industrial producer of cryogenic low-noise amplifiers, and the key European actors in the field in Europe. The other doctoral thesis aims to explore new receiver architectures for submillimetre wave applications using low-noise semiconductor diode mixers. This project is part of the Wireless Infrastructure Technology Centre at Chalmers (WiTECH), and you will closely collaborate with Swedish industry and the American company Virginia Diodes, Inc., a world leader producer of millimetre wave and terahertz devices, components and systems.
Deadline : 2024-05-01
(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position: Metallic materials for green hydrogen production
Materials performance stands as a crucial barrier inhibiting the transition towards sustainability in energy systems. Join us as we tackle this challenge head-on, with exciting Ph.D. opportunities available for 1-2 ambitious students.
Metallic interconnects for Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells (SOEC) are a major lifetime limiting factor in today’s SOEC. Together with our partners we develop alloys and coatings to extend the lifespan of the interconnect aiming at unlocking the full potential of this highly promising technology.
Deadline : 2024-04-30
(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student position in Formal Verification of Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems
The goal of this PhD project is to develop techniques for the design and verification of assured ACPS with a focus on runtime assurance. You will develop theory and tools for the construction of runtime monitors that capture under what conditions an ACPS is guaranteed to maintain safety. A key challenge in developing such monitors is to handle noisy, missing, or delayed data. Of particular interest is the investigation of compositional methods for constructing runtime monitors. The candidate will build on the latest advances in formal methods and learning theory, to develop methods that allow for building monitors with formal guarantees on their correctness and reliability.
Deadline : 2024-04-30
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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student position in Dynamics of spins and chiral phonons
We welcome applications for a PhD position in condensed matter theory within the research group led by Matthias Geilhufe at Chalmers University of Technology. Our group primarily focuses on quantum materials, exploring aspects such as the symmetry and topology of ordered phases of matter, non-equilibrium dynamics, and stochastic processes in materials. The PhD position has a duration of 4 years, with a starting date August 2024 or shortly thereafter.
This opportunity is part of a research initiative on emergent magnetic phenomena due to the coupling of spin and laser-excited chiral phonons. The overarching goal is to derive coupling mechanisms between phonons and spin, e.g., based on inertial effects and estimate their strengths and impact in realistic setups. This information is crucial for understanding the complex phase diagram of materials outside of equilibrium.
Deadline :2024-04-30
(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD positions in Quantum Nanophotonics
Looking for a unique and collaborative endeavor at the cutting edge of photonics and quantum engineering? Read on!
Our goal at Chalmers is to build a useful quantum computer. The complexity of today’s quantum processors must be increased to help fields like chemistry and medicine. We are forming a new interdisciplinary team to understand and increase the power of quantum technology.
Deadline : April 30th 2024.
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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student position in the biomathematics/biomechanics of insect flight
As a PhD student, your primary role will be performing and publish scientific, engineering, and applied mathematics research. Research areas may include the analysis of nonlinear systems arising in insect exoskeletal, muscle; and fluid flows; application of computational tools for fluid and structural mechanics to problems arising in entomology; and establishing a fundamental framework for studying energy-efficiency in forced oscillators. Mathematical biology is the primary focus of this position; but biomechanical testing and/or robotic development may be involved, and it is anticipated that the line of research will be highly interdisciplinary. You will be guided by senior researchers in the department, and will be expected to communicate the results of your research at leading conferences and in international journals. A secondary role involves teaching or other departmental duties corresponding to 10% of your time.
Deadline : 2024-06-01
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(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student position in Safety Engineering for Trustworthy Autonomy
We are announcing one PhD position that is placed at the Division for Interaction Design and Software Engineering with Chalmers University of Technology as the employer. Our division provides world-leading research and education in the development of complex and software-intense systems and is characterized by extensive international cooperation as well as close collaboration with the local industry. With approximately 50 researchers including PhD students, PostDocs, and professors, we are one of the largest academic software engineering research groups in the world. Our core expertise is in AI Engineering, software testing, requirements engineering, behavioral software engineering, and software engineering for automotive systems. Being broadly recognized in the academic community, our division has hosted top international conferences such as ICSE, SPLC, ICSA, REFSQ, and EASE during the past recent years.
Deadline : 2024-05-15
(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in Marine Technology – Crashworthy Ship Structures
Design of crashworthy ship structures is a research discipline within marine structural engineering that has again received increased attention. Autonomous ships/navigation, increased ship traffic density along the coasts, and passive protection of parts of the hull structure for cargo or machinery room are some examples where a crashworthy structure is needed.
The PhD candidate will work on a research project to investigate barriers within regulations for ship design/construction and propose solutions for commercial ships if small modular reactors (SMR) are introduced. The SMRs must be located safely in the ship. The side-shell and bottom structures must, therefore, be protected against ship collision and grounding accidents. Different alternatives for crashworthy structure designs will be investigated and compared using the finite element (FE) method by simulation of ship-to-ship collision and grounding events. The results from the FE simulations will be assessed with respect to each structure’s structural integrity, focusing on energy absorption (accidental limit state) and contribution to the ship’s global strength (ultimate limit state). Optimization analysis may be performed for the most “promising” structure design. The PhD candidate will conduct the research in close collaboration with industry partners that are considering installing SMRs in commercial ships and with NTNU (Norway), which has an ongoing project on the same topic.
Deadline : 2024-05-13
(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student position in Graph Modification
We are offering a PhD position in the field of algorithmic graph theory. The position is a full-time employment with a competitive monthly salary and full social benefits for up to five years, and you will be part of a lively research environment located in the beautiful city of Gothenburg on the West coast of Sweden.
Deadline : 2024-05-21
(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student position in neutron scattering studies of 2D hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites for energy applications.
Lighting stands for 16.5% of the world’s electricity consumption. Novel and energy efficient lighting is therefore needed to reduce the impact on the environment originating from this enormous energy consumption. Phosphor-converted LEDs have become mainstream for many lighting applications. Commercially used LED phosphors are inorganic crystals doped with rare-earth ions, but since the rare-earth elements belong to the EU critical raw materials, new lighting solutions are urgently needed. Several hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites (HOIPs), free from rare-earth ions, show visible luminescence, which has opened an opportunity to create LED devices based on phosphors that are composed of abundant chemicals. Additionally, some of these materials, especially two-dimensional (2D) variants, show broadband (almost white) luminescence, which is very attractive for applications in LEDs. Recent studies indicate that the white light emission is (in part) related to the materials’ dynamic properties, such as the rotational diffusional dynamics of the organic cations and/or vibrational dynamics of the underlying perovskite lattice, but the nature of dynamics remains to be elucidated.
Deadline : 2024-05-20
(16) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student position in Organic Chemistry
We are looking for a highly motivated PhD candidate, with an interest in organic synthesis and transition metal catalysis, to join the Kann group. The goal of your project will be to develop metal-catalyzed reactions for the synthesis of functionalized polycyclic scaffolds and to investigate the biological properties of the prepared molecules, as well as their potential ability to act as sensors for different chemical species.
Deadline :2024-05-07
(17) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in Circularization of the Construction Industry
The development of buildings and infrastructures is an immensely carbon- and resource-intensive process and circular economy strategies are key to decrease the environmental impacts of the construction industry. Still, reuse rates remain dramatically low. According to practitioners, facilities to store and redistribute reclaimed construction materials – aka urban resource centers (URCs) – are too few and decentralized. As a result, the organizational, logistical, and environmental implications of upscaling URCs remain unclear.
The aim of this PhD project is to investigate the extent to which wide-scale implementation of URCs could help decrease the construction industry’s environmental impact. This project is trans-disciplinary with, at its core, the research topics of material stock modeling and construction logistics. As such, the project will integrate different research methods and tools (e.g., material stock and flow modeling, spatial analysis, stakeholders engagement, multi-criteria decision analysis, life cycle assessment). This trans-disciplinarity will also be reflected in the supervisory team.
Deadline : 2024-05-15
(18) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in bioinformatics and artificial intelligence
The position is in the field of data-driven epidemiology and biology of infection, which covers research that will transform our understanding of pathogens, their interactions with hosts and the environment, and how they are transmitted through populations. The research in this field have a strong focus on computational analysis or predictive modelling of pathogen biology or host-microbe systems for which multidimensional, genome-scale experimental data are now available or it may use population-scale genetic, clinical, or public health data from pathogen surveillance efforts and biobanks.
The position is interdisciplinary and combines mathematics and computer science with applications in biology in medicine. A substantial part of the research will therefore be done in close collaboration with scientists from different disciplines. The Ph.D. position will be supervised by Professor Erik Kristiansson and will be part of a research group combining multiple competencies. The position will be co-supervised by Professor Joakim Larsson at the Department of Infectious Diseases, University of Gothenburg, Johan Bengtsson-Palme, Chalmers University of Technology, and Dr. Anna Johnning, Fraunhofer-Chalmers Centre.
Deadline : 2024-06-07
(19) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student position in developing methods for climate optimal flying
The department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences at Chalmers conduct fundamental and applied research in all modes of transport. The division of Fluid Dynamics is one of the seven divisions within the department. Research at the division covers turbulent flow (both compressible and incompressible), aeroacoustics, and turbomachines. The research group of turbomachinery and aeroacoustics, consisting of two professors, one associate professor, one assistant professor, two researchers and nine Ph.D. students, is part of the fluid dynamics division. Focusing on the area of air transport, the group works mainly with aircraft propulsion. This includes system level assessment, engine concept evaluation, and detailed component design and optimization, such as compressors, turbines, transition ducts and heat-exchangers, through implementing combinations of numerical modeling and experiments. Based on the in-house tools developed for aircraft propulsion system design and emissions assessment, the research portfolio of the group has been expanded to multidisciplinary topics, such as improved climate impact modelling of air transport. I collaboration with the Swedish air transport authorities, airlines and aero engine industry we will try to develop new understanding for the climate impact of flying.
Deadline : 2024-05-21
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(20) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in New Materials Concepts for Stable Organic Solar Cells
A PhD student position is available in the research group of Christian Müller at the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Chalmers University of Technology. We are looking for a highly motivated PhD student who will develop new material concepts for organic solar cells. The project is funded by the Swedish Research Council. You will work closely with several PhD students and postdocs at Chalmers as well as other universities in Sweden and abroad. There will be the opportunity to travel to attend conferences and to visit labs at other universities.
Deadline : 31 May, 2024
(21) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student position in X-ray-based in situ characterization of CVD coatings
Within the framework of the new national competence center NEXT, we are looking for a PhD student focused on developing methods based on synchrotron and laboratory X-ray diffraction for real-time in situ studies of thin films and coatings. You will be a part of a large cross-organizational environment focused on the use of X-rays and neutrons for the study of industrial materials and processes, and you will work in close collaboration with industrial partners to enable a future combination of competitiveness and sustainability. You will become an expert in state-of-the-art characterization using large scale facilities, while at the same time help addressing important societal challenges.
Deadline : 2024-05-19
(22) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Neuro-symbolic AI for Mathematical Discovery
Generative AI, with tools like ChatGPT, driven by Large Language Models (LLMs), have in the past year demonstrated impressive capabilities in generation of not only fluent text but also computer code. They take instructions in natural language and can perform seemingly creative tasks very well. However, LLMs can be unreliable: a well-known issue is hallucinations where seemingly sensible but incorrect answers are produced, and their reasoning capabilities are fragile.
Research mathematicians are increasingly staring to use computers to assist in their research, not least in cases where proofs turn out to be so large that it is impossible to check each step manually (a amous example is Thomas Hales’ proof of Kepler’s conjecture). Proof-assistants are software designed for exactly this: keeping track of precise definitions and checking each step of the proof. However, using a proof assistant requires both expertise in how to program them, and libraries of foundational mathematics to already be in place.
We believe that LLMs has the potential to speed up this process and even provide creative suggestions to working mathematicians. But not on their own: Proof assistants have the complementary capabilities missing for this to work. The goal of this proposal is therefore to bring LLMs and proof assistants together via a neuro-symbolic architechture.
Deadline : 2024-05-31
(23) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student position – Future of Work and Artificial Intelligence
We are looking for a highly motivated and curious PhD candidate to join our great team, to explore the impact of AI on work, skill requirements, skills matching, and technology that will support people in human-centred manufacturing.
Deadline : 2024-05-30
(24) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student position in biomaterials based binder for battery manufacturing
The lithium-ion battery is the dominant rechargeable energy storage devices. In order produce high-performance lithium ion battery, different component need to be optimized, especially the binder which plays a critical role not only in the mechanical properties of the formed electrode but also in determining the long-term cycling performance of the battery. However, the polymer-based binders used for both anode (especially silicon-based anode) and cathode have their issues. This PhD position will focus on the development of a new binder system, which includes both the synthesis/modification of the biomaterials-related binders and also development of a new electrode manufacturing process.
Deadline : 2024-05-31
(25) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student position in stochastic modelling of infectious diseases
The position is in the field of data-driven epidemiology and biology of infection, which covers research that will transform our understanding of pathogens, their interactions with hosts and the environment, and how they are transmitted through populations. The research in this field have a strong focus on computational analysis or predictive modelling of pathogen biology or host-microbe systems for which multidimensional, genome-scale experimental data are now available or it may use population-scale genetic, clinical, or public health data from pathogen surveillance efforts and biobanks.
The position is interdisciplinary and combines mathematics and statistics with applications in medicine. A substantial part of the research will therefore be done in close collaboration with infection control practitioners at Region Västra Götaland. The Ph.D. position will be supervised by Professor Philip Gerlee with diverse interests in the field of mathematical biology. The position will be co-supervised by Dr. Jon Edman Wallér (M.D., Ph.D.) at the department for Infection Control of Södra Älvsborg Hospital and the Institute of Biomedicine at Gothenburg University.
Deadline : 2024-05-29
(26) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student position in deep generative modeling for medical image analysis
This PhD position offers an opportunity to delve into the area of deep generative modeling within the broader landscape of machine learning, computer vision and medical image analysis. As a candidate, you’ll have the chance to develop theoretical concepts and innovative methodologies while contributing to real-world medical imaging applications. Moreover, you will enjoy working in a diverse, collaborative, supportive and internationally recognized environment.
PhD project centers on deep generative models for image synthesis, creating realistic images from limited data, and image translation, transforming images between different domains. We aim to explore the application of these models in various medical image analysis areas, including domain adaptation, weakly supervised segmentation, out-of-distribution detection and model explainability. The goal is to develop state-of-the-art methods based on key enabling techniques from machine learning such as representation disentanglement and conditional generative networks.
Deadline : 2024-05-20
(27) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in integrated AI/MD for the discovery of new materials
Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have long been used in various industrial applications due to their favorable chemical and thermal stability, water resistance, and electrical insulation. In particular, they are widely used in the process of semi-conductor manufacturing; however, due to recent evidence of their adverse environmental and health effects, regulatory agencies are increasingly tightening restrictions on PFAS usage and pushing for their eventual phase-out, spurring an urgent need for alternative compounds. As such, semiconductor manufacturers face the imminent need to align their manufacturing practices with these strict, new regulations. The development of new PFAS replacements which address the potential risks associated with them while maintaining their favorable chemical properties is one of the crucial problems facing humanity in the next decade.
PFAS replacement compounds hold the potential for significant environmental and human health benefits. Known for their stability, PFAS are persistent in nature, to the point that they have become ubiquitous in air, water, and soil. This raises serious concerns about their long-term ecological impact. By identifying and employing new compounds that possess equivalent or superior functionality to PFAS, we can significantly reduce their environmental footprint and mitigate the contamination risks associated with their widespread use. Furthermore, the engineering of PFAS replacement compounds is a vital step in safeguarding human health. Studies have linked exposure to PFAS with adverse health effects, though there are limited studies on the computational prediction of PFAS toxicity. This motivates the inclusion of health effects and toxicity prediction in any future tool developed for the discovery and design of novel PFAS replacement compounds. By identifying compounds that exhibit similar or enhanced properties in semiconductor manufacturing, such as excellent thermal stability and superior electrical insulation, we can not only meet the existing requirements of semiconductor manufacturing, but also pave the way for innovative breakthroughs in environmental and human health. However, in order to engineer PFAS replacements with desired property profiles, we must have an understanding of their molecular structures, chemical and thermal stabilities, hydrophobicity, charge transport mechanisms, and device architectures in which they are to be used. In addition, we cannot neglect the identification of potential degradation pathways under mild conditions, as without considering the full lifecycle of these materials, it is not possible to assess nor improve their environmental impact.
Deadline : 2024-05-25
(28) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student position in optical quantum network
The quantum network is anticipated to surpass the classical network in both computing power and security. As a fundamental component of the classical network, the adaptable optical fiber communication network must take on the task of facilitating the transition to these new communication and computing paradigms by linking quantum processors in a networked manner. This project aims to explore the deployment and enhancement of quantum networks, with specific attention to the integration of quantum and classical communication and computing resources.
We are seeking a highly motivated and talented Ph.D. researcher to join our team and contribute to an exciting research project focused on optical quantum network technologies. By leveraging the principles of quantum mechanics, the successful candidate will explore innovative ways to seamlessly integrate quantum computing and quantum communication protocols into classical optical infrastructure. This endeavor holds immense potential to revolutionize information processing and communication paradigms.
Deadline : 2024-05-15
About Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden –Official Website
Chalmers University of Technology is a Swedish university located in Gothenburg that focuses on research and education in technology, natural sciences, architecture, mathematics, maritime and other management areas.
The university was founded in 1829 following a donation by William Chalmers, a director of the Swedish East India Company. He donated part of his fortune for the establishment of an “industrial school”. Chalmers was run as a private institution until 1937, when the institute became a state-owned university. In 1994, the school was incorporated as an aktiebolag under the control of the Swedish Government, the faculty and the Student Union. Chalmers is one of only three universities in Sweden which are named after a person, the other two being Karolinska Institutet and Linnaeus University.
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