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28 PhD Degree-Fully Funded at University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

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University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg invites online Application for number of  Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.


(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral researcher (PhD candidate) in Computer Science

The successful applicant will be a member of the Doctoral School for Science and Engineering (DSSE) offering a Doctoral Program in Computer Science aiming to provide interdisciplinary and internationally competitive research training.

The proposed PhD project will be a continuation of research done by Jim Barthel in computational number theory and public key cryptography in the context of the PRIDE project. A possible research starting point for this PhD project is the practical evaluation of a combination of graph-based techniques with number-theoretic problems like the “simultaneous Chinese Remainder Theorem” or integer factorisation and generalizations thereof, especially practical evaluations of possible algorithms for the “Decisional Simultaneous Chinese Remaindering” problem is of interest. Suggestions for other interesting research topics in computational number theory or public key cryptography can also be discussed.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD application call of the Research Group Applied Thermodynamics

The successful candidate will join a strong and motivated research team led by Prof. Stephan Leyer to pursue the PhD degree in one or more of the following signal processing topics:

  • Adiabatic boiling
  • Evaporation Modelling
  • Machine Learning in Fluid Mechanics
  • Characterization of Flashing Phenomenon in Adiabatic Riser pipe – CHFPAAR
  • Heat Transfer Optimization in Solids

For details about the proposed topics, please visit: Depending on the topic chosen, the position holder will be required to perform the following tasks:

  • Carrying out research in the predefined areas
  • Participating in research proposal drafting and project deliverables
  • Perform laboratory experimentation, validation, and testing
  • Development of data acquisition and processing algorithms
  • Disseminating results through scientific publications and conference presentations
  • Assisting in organization of relevant workshops and demos

Deadline : Open until filled

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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidates / Spontaneous Applications

The candidate should possess an M.Sc./M.Eng. Degree in Telecommunication Engineering, signal processing, machine learning or a closely related field in Electronic, Electrical and Computer Engineering.

The ideal candidate should have been within top 10% of class during his/her graduation, and should have published at least one authored conference paper in an international conference or one authored journal paper in an international journal.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidates in Computer Vision

We offer attractive PhD candidate positions including industrial PhD positions conducting research in close cooperation with an industrial partner.

The successful candidates will join the Computer Vision, Machine Intelligence and Imaging (CVI2) headed by Prof. Djamila Aouada in order to pursue a PhD in the general area of Computer Vision. Multiple positions are open. They will carry out research in predefined topics contributing to CVI2’s activities in computer vision and pattern recognition. CVIoffers the opportunity to work on industrial projects (with industrial partners such as Lift-Me Off, ARTEC 3D and DataThings) or national and international academic projects. CVIis a young group composed of highly motivated and active members. Their work focuses on innovative research topics such as 3D shape modelling, 6DOF object pose estimation, human behavior understating, and deep learning and is disseminated in top-tiers venues.

The position holder will be required to perform the following tasks:

  • Carrying out research in a predefined topic and producing results
  • Disseminating results through scientific publications
  • Providing support in setting up and running experiments in the SnT Computer Vision laboratory
  • Proposing and implementing real-time solutions
  • Participating in organizing relevant workshops and demonstrations

Deadline : Open until filled

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(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD candidates – Spontaneous Applications for Next Generation Radar Sensing Networks


The group has been working on next generation radar sensors in different applications, including automotive, autonomous vehicles, in-cabin monitoring, occupancy sensing, drones, multi-copters, gesture recognition, smart buildings, smart street lighting, smart factories, healthcare and robotics. The emerging radar sensors that are in use by the group, are using multiple input multiple output (MIMO) technology and can be connected to build distributed and co-operative sensing networks. SPARC group has further expanded its research to integrated sensing and communications, weather radar systems and metacognitive radars,. To develop the signal processing techniques, the group researchers are using real data captured by the available radar modules at the lab, or the custom built MIMO radar with flexibility of changing the transmit waveform and signal processing units on the fly. Its members have been involved in a number of seminal papers in the area of waveform optimization, vital signs monitoring, joint radar and communications, sparse arrays, interference modeling, 4D radar imaging, distributed sensing, and tracking. SPARC has also collaborating with long term industry partner IEE S.A ( , University of Naples Federico II, US Airforce Laboratories, TU Berlin and TU Munich among others.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Ph.D. position in secure and privacy

The position is linked to INVISIMARK, a multidisciplinary research project carried out by three research groups: (a) the Interdisciplinary Research in Sociotechnical Cybersecurity (IRiSC), led by Prof. Gabriele Lenzini; (b) the Experimental Soft Matter Physics (ESMP) led by Prof. Jan Lagerwall, and (c) the Automation & Robotics Group (ARG), led by Prof. Holger Voos.

The project is about a new generation of fiducial markers (as those used in robotics and Augmented Reality to encode information about objects on which they are applied), designed to carry encrypted messages interpretable only by authorized parties. The markers are made using polymerized Cholesteric liquid crystal Spherical selective Retroreflectors (CSRs), allowing them to be invisible to humans while easy to detect by machine vision.

The PhD candidate will be hosted by the IRiSC and working under the supervision of Prof. Lenzini, in close collaboration with the other 2 Ph.D. candidates of the ESMP and ARG recruited simultaneously.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Candidate (PhD student) in 6G Communications

The research group focuses on wireless/satellite communications and networking and is headed by Prof. Symeon Chatzinotas. The research areas focus on the formulation, modelling, design, and analysis of future 5G and beyond communication networks that are capable of supporting new services in a cost-efficient manner. Use cases of interest include IoT verticals, unmanned aerial vehicles, integrated satellite-space-terrestrial networks, quantum communications and key distribution, spectrum management and coexistence, tactile Internet, and autonomous transportation. As far as technical enablers are concerned, we leverage expertise on massive MIMO cell-free communications, smart-radio environments through the use of intelligent surfaces, machine-type and ultra-reliable and low-latency communications, edge computing and caching, RAN slicing, and network softwarization and visualization. Finally, due to the large-scale nature, complexity, and heterogeneity of 5G and beyond networks, for their analysis and optimization we use tools such as artificial intelligence/machine learning, graph theory and graph-signal processing, and convex/non-convex optimization. Furthermore, our activities are experimentally driven and supported by the SDR CommLab, the SDN Lab, the 6G-Space Lab, our SW Simulators, and our OTA Facilties. For further information, you may refer to

Deadline : Open until filled

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(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Forming Effective Code Representations

The successful candidate will join the Serval research group by working on the MiCE (FNR-funded) project. The subject of the thesis will be “Mutation-based code embeddings” with supervisor Dr. Mike Papadakis. Successful PhD candidates will extensively explore and develop software engineering techniques that include the feasibility, practicality and success evaluation of prototype implementations.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Forming Effective Code Representations

The successful candidate will join the Serval research group by working on the MiCE (FNR-funded) project. The subject of the thesis will be “Mutation-based code embeddings” with supervisor Dr. Mike Papadakis. Successful PhD candidates will extensively explore and develop software engineering techniques that include the feasibility, practicality and success evaluation of prototype implementations.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering

As the successful candidate, you will primarily contribute to a partnership project with BGL – BNP Paribas, one of the major banks in Luxembourg. The title of the project is “AI for AI” and it concerns the design of an AI ‘metamodel’ tool that will monitor and improve AI algorithms effectiveness and robustness, allowing their application to business-critical use cases at scale. The objective of this project is to develop automated means to continuously monitor the performance of AI models (including NLP models) developed by BGL BNP Paribas and to determine when and how to retrain these models in order to improve their performance. Achieving these objectives requires addressing crucial research challenges such as the definition of proper quality metrics across the bank’s use cases, the identification and explaination of the limitations and blanks spots of the models, and the design of sustainable improvement mechanisms. Overall, the project supports BGL BNP Paribas in scaling-up their AI and data science activities through ground-breaking research, thereby enabling the widespread dissemination of AI products and services throughout the bank. The project is held in close collaboration with BGL-BNP Paribas and, as the successful candidate, you will be expected to program prototype tools showcasing the practical benefits of your research outcomes.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Software and System Verification, Model Checking, Cyber-Physical Systems

As the successful candidate, you will join the Security, Reasoning and Validation (SeRVal) group of the SnT, under the supervision of Dr. Maxime Cordy. You will contribute more specifically to the VARIANCE project, funded by Luxembourg National Research Fund. The topic of the project is “Variability-Aware Design of Cyber-Physical Systems” and it concerns the development of novel verification methods to effectively support the design process of cyber-physical systems. The key idea is to represent a large set of design alternatives in a concise model with a well-defined semantics and then apply efficient verification techniques to assess the performance of these designs with regard to different indicators and objectives. The involved analysis techniques include (but are not limited to): model checking, guided sampling, metaheuristics, simulations, prediction models (machine learning). The results of the project are expected to apply to multiple use cases across different domains, e.g., automotive systems, space systems, smart grids, smart factories, etc. Depending on your profile, the project can focus more on theory, development and/or applications. However, all three aspects are expected to be covered during the project.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD en Droit constitutionnel luxembourgeois

Le/la chercheur/se en formation doctorale travaillera sous la supervision du professeur Luc Heuschling. Sa tâche principale sera de préparer une thèse de doctorat dans le domaine du droit constitutionnel luxembourgeois, au sens large. La thèse doit être effectuée à l’Université du Luxembourg ; si le sujet le justifie, une cotutelle avec une autre Université est envisageable. Des séjours de recherche à l’étranger sont également possibles et encouragés.

Tout candidat/e est invité/e à soumettre un projet de thèse étayé portant sur un sujet librement choisi de droit constitutionnel luxembourgeois ancien ou actuel (organisation de l’Etat et/ou droits fondamentaux). Le projet peut être focalisé sur un aspect du passé du droit luxembourgeois ou, à l’inverse, se focaliser sur une thématique de dogmatique juridique actuelle. Quel que soit le sujet, ancien ou actuel, celui-ci doit être contextualisé et peut/voire doit être éclairé sous un angle comparatif, en lien avec le/les systèmes juridiques étrangers pertinents. Le sujet de thèse peut également porter sur l’interaction entre le système juridique luxembourgeois et les systèmes juridiques plus larges dont faisait partie ou fait partie le Luxembourg depuis sa naissance jusqu’à aujourd’hui (Deutscher Bund, Zollverein, droits européens, droit international, etc.). La thèse peut porter sur des sous-disciplines comme le droit parlementaire, le droit électoral, le contentieux constitutionnel, etc. ou encore se situer au croisement avec d’autres disciplines juridiques comme le droit administratif luxembourgeois, le droit privé, etc.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Candidate (PhD Position) in Domain Adaptation for Space Applications

We offer an attractive PhD candidate position research in close cooperation with our industrial partner LMO. LMO is a start-up located in London and Luxembourg designing novel AI Solutions to enable future in-orbit services ( The successful candidate will join the Computer Vision, machine Intelligence and Imaging (CVI2) research group headed by Prof. Djamila Aouada to pursue a PhD in the area of Domain Adaptation for Space applications. He/she will carry out research in predefined topics contributing to SnT and LMO’s R&D activities. This project will require conducting full scale experiments, including data acquisition, training and validation at the SnT Zero-G Lab.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Autonomous Driving Systems

The successful candidate will join the UBIX Research Group, led by Prof. Raphaël Frank, in collaboration with the CVI2 Research Group, led by Prof. Djamila Aouada. Additionally, this industrial project will be conducted in partnership with the companies emile weber and the eBus Competence Center as part of the IPBG ATLAS Programme.

This PhD project aims to develop and validate an infrastructure-aided automated driving system for electric buses at the main depot of emile weber in Luxembourg. The project will deploy sensors and communication devices at the depot to automate e-bus navigation, enhancing operational efficiency. Instead of retrofitting buses with expensive equipment, the system will utilize depot-installed technology, requiring only a communication module and a drive-by-wire system on the buses. The project’s outcome will be a proof-of-concept demonstrating the feasibility of this approach, with potential applications for broader automated driving initiatives.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral researcher (PhD candidate) in Educational Sciences – HORIZON-EUROPE Project MTSS-K

As part of the HORIZON-Europe-funded project MTSS-K (Early identification and remediation of literacy, numeracy, and social-emotional difficulties in kindergarten: an examination of the efficacy of a multi-tiered system of support), we are looking for a Doctoral researcher at the University of Luxembourg.

Effective and inclusive education systems are the foundations of successful and cohesive societies. Yet, several European education systems are regularly pointed out as being underperforming, inequitable or segregated, as is the case for Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, France, Italy, and Switzerland. Their prevalent ‘wait-to-fail’ model of education particularly affects the most vulnerable students who only receive appropriate pedagogical support when they encounter significant academic challenges, which is sometimes too late for many students. This calls for a drastic change through preventing learning difficulties and providing early intervention measures.

The core objective of the 4-year MTSS-K project is to adapt, implement and assess the effectiveness and efficiency of a promising North American educational approach for kindergarten in five European countries. The so-called Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) aims at reducing inequalities by training teachers to improve the socio-emotional, literacy and numeracy skills of all students and, more particularly, of the most vulnerable ones. This model calls to adopt evidence-based teaching practices and to regularly, and monitor students’ progress on the basis of objective data (Tier 1); to provide early and more intensive group interventions to students who do not progress as expected (Tier 2); and to provide even more intensive interventions to students who continue to need it (Tier 3).

Deadline : Open until filled

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(16) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Candidate (PhD) in Automated Testing of Autonomous Satellite Operation Orchestrators

We offer an attractive doctoral position in the context of the ATLAS project, funded by the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) and GomSpace Luxembourg. Specifically, you will contribute to one of the space systems track of ATLAS, which concerns the automated assessment of Autonomous Satellite Operation Orchestrators (ASOOs). ASOOs automate tasks that, a few years ago, were performed manually to minimise costs and improve the quality of service. Unfortunately, physical constraints (e.g., orbits), continuous evolution (e.g., to achieve more autonomy), and the distributed nature of ASOOs make their validation and verification (V&V) costly, ineffective, and nearly infeasible. Our research will lead to a toolset capable of exercising the PUS and REST entry points of those systems, automatically setting up simulation environments, and automatically determining the correctness of execution results. To this end, we aim to combine meta-heuristic and fuzzing approaches with natural language processing (e.g., enabled by Large Language Models) to automatically derive system-level testing scenarios that ensure requirements coverage and maximise structural coverage, in addition to deriving expected outputs.

The successful candidate will join the SVV research group, headed by Prof. Domenico Bianculli, and will report to Prof. Fabrizio Pastore (lead for one space systems track of ATLAS). The team focuses on the development and design of reliable, safe, and secure software systems, carrying out both upstream activities, such as requirements quality assurance and architecture analysis, as well as downstream verification & validation activities, primarily software testing and analysis. For further information, you may refer to

Deadline : Open until filled

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(17) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidates in Automatic Testing (via computational intelligence) in Continuous Integration Environments

The successful candidates will join the Serval research group and will contribute to its Software Testing research agenda. The subject of the thesis will be the automatic testing via computational intelligence techniques (targeting the test creation, test oracle and test assessment topics) with supervisor Dr. Mike Papadakis. Successful PhD candidates will extensively explore and develop software engineering techniques that include the feasibility, practicality and success evaluation of prototype implementations.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(18) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Research Fellowship within the LawMode Project

The research fellowship is integrated into the LawMode research project, which is supervised and coordinated by the University of Luxembourg and led by Prof. Dr. Stefan Braum, Professor in European Criminal Law, Criminal Procedures, Criminology and Philosophy of Law at the University of Luxembourg. LawMode is conducted in partnership with the National University of Laos and is funded by the Luxembourgish National Research Fund (FNR) under the LuxAidBridges program which aims to fuel aid and development policies through rigorous research on topics such as the rule of law and good governance.

The overarching topic of the PhD thesis to be conducted under LawMode is “Rule of Law Principles: Which Model for the Global South? – The People’s Democratic Republic of Laos in Transition to a Constitutional State.

Therefore, in the context of Lao PDR, this research fellowship enables in-depth research into important topics for the country’s development, such as climate protection, poverty eradication, access to justice, law enforcement, and transparency. The research fellow is expected to significantly contribute to improving the quality of the legal system in Lao PDR.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(19) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in 5G/6G Communications for UAV Cross-border Service Continuity

The successful candidate will join the SIGCOM Research Group, led by Prof. Symeon Chatzinotas, in collaboration with the Automation and Robotics Research Group, led by Prof. Holger Voos. Additionally, this industrial project will be conducted in partnership with the Proximus company as part of the IPBG ATLAS program.

This PhD project aims to develop a solution for 5G-UAVs in the context of service continuity in roaming scenarios between Luxembourg and Belgium. 5G-enabled UAVs will be deployed to deliver a wide range of services across both countries. The project will aim to design solutions to reduce the handover and roaming procedure time, validate the resulting approaches using simulations firsthand, and then implement them on practical testbeds.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(20) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral researcher (PhD) in Cyber Policy

The doctoral researcher will be working under the supervision of Professor Niovi Vavoula, Chair in Cyber Policy. The doctoral researcher’s main task will be to prepare a doctoral thesis in the field of cyber policy. The thesis work will be undertaken at the University of Luxembourg but can also be jointly-supervised with another university. The suggested theme of the PhD is cyber policy, broadly encompassing topics relating to cybersecurity, cyber defence and cyber sovereignty. The candidate is, however, welcome to suggest any other topic within the overarching project theme. The doctoral candidate will contribute to the teaching of classes ranging from one to three hours per week, of small group teachings and tutorials.

The doctoral researcher will benefit from being part of large research group comprising several PhDs and Postdoctoral Researchers working on related topics of cyber policy or cyber crime. Being part of the project will allow the doctoral researcher to enhance his/her knowledge-base and experience; working on the various aspects of the project will not only strengthen his/her academic profile, but also give him/her access to (and the chance to critically engage with) some of the most renowned experts in the field.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(21) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral researchers (PhD) in Law and Political Science

The Department of Law of the Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance (FDEF) and the Department of Social Sciences of the Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Science (FHSE) of the University of Luxembourg are opening various funded PhD positions, in the framework of the Doctoral Training Unit on Green and Digital Transitions in the Single Market (DTU-GREITMA)on the following topics:

  • The impact of green and digital transitions on the Single Market’s essential components and their transformative effect. The research might focus on the impact of the green and digital transitions on : the enablers of the functioning of the Single Market such as public procurement (supervisor: Prof. Luca Ratti) and intellectual property (supervisor: Prof. Martin Stierle); market actors via concepts in European business law (supervisor: Prof. Thomas Mastrullo) ; the energy market (in particular the analysis of the greening of the European energy market using political sciences methods, under the supervision of Prof. Anna-Lena Högenauer)
  • The regulatory scheme on which the green and digital transitions are based and the use of the Single Market as a normative corridor for standard setting. The research might focus on: the exercise of EU regulatory powers addressing digitalisation challenges (supervisor: Prof. Herwig Hofmann); the impact of national tax measures pursuing environmental objectives and promoting green economy on the Single Market (supervisor: Prof. Aikaterini Pantazatou); consumer education and sustainable consumption in the digital market (supervisor: Prof. Elise Poillot); the external dimension of the European value-based regulation in the Digital Single Market and the impact of the EU digital rulebook beyond the territory of the Union, as a regulatory role model (supervisor: Prof. Mark Cole); the impact of the twin transition in the Single Market on the international position of the Union as a global actor, in particular the use of trade instruments and investment protection mechanisms as projection of the EU human- centric values as developed in the EU regulatory framework (supervisor: Prof. Eleftheria Neframi)
  • The enforcement of the Single Market’s rules as a key element of maintaining a level playing field and as an expression of the normative interactions that occur in a multi-level governance structure. The research might focus on: the digitalization of justice in the enforcement of Single Market rules (supervisor: Prof. Silvia Allegrezza); the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg as ‘laboratory’ for the study of the transformative effect(s) of the twin transitions on the four freedoms of movement and on enforcement challenges, in particular the role of public agencies entrusted with the enforcement of the Single Market rules (supervisor: Prof. Jörg Gerkrath); the role of the private sector, including the financial sector, in enforcement against environmental crime, with a focus on the interplay between punitive and compliance frameworks and the impact of these enforcement duties on companies (supervisor: Prof. Stanislaw Tosza) as well as issues that concern judicial cooperation in criminal matters in the context of a multi-level governance structure (supervisor: Prof. Katalin Ligeti)

Deadline : Open until filled

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(22) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral researcher (PhD candidate) in quantum Monte Carlo methods

The Theoretical Chemical Physics (TCP) group led by Prof. Alexandre Tkatchenko aims at the development of novel and efficient methodologies to address fundamental and challenging phenomena at the intersection of physics, chemistry, and biology.

This is achieved by combining first-principles quantum methods and coarse-grained statistical approaches, and through the development of novel mathematical and computational techniques.

Our group includes physicists, chemists, mathematicians, and computer scientists, and maintains collaborations with many leading researchers across the world.

At the TCP group, we are currently looking for a highly motivated Doctoral researcher (PhD candidate) in Physics to contribute to the quantum Chemistry research with a particular focus on the development of quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) methods for the study of van der Waals (vdW) interactions in molecular systems.

The successful candidate will be expected to conduct research under the guidance of Prof. Tkatchenko and to contribute to the department’s many activities, including seminars, teaching, outreach, and various other research-related events.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(23) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral researcher (PhD) in Intellectual Property Law

In the framework of the upcoming Doctoral Training Unit on Green and Digital Transitions in the Single Market (DTU-GREITMA), the Department of Law of the Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance (FDEF) of the University of Luxembourg is looking for a PhD candidate to conduct research in intellectual property (IP) law.

The doctoral researcher will be working under the supervision of Professor Dr Martin Stierle. The main task will be to prepare a doctoral thesis in the field of IP law. The candidate is welcome to suggest a topic within the overarching theme of DTU-GREITMA.

The doctoral researcher will benefit from the training at DTU-GREITMA and will become a member of a collegial team of IP researchers at FDEF. The Faculty is a vibrant European IP hub with a strong research profile in European IP law well-located in the proximity of multiple European Courts (e.g., the Court of Justice of the European Union, the European General Court, the Court of Appeal of the Unified Patent Court).

For more information concerning this position, please contact Prof. Dr. Martin Stierle, email: [email protected]

Deadline : Open until filled

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(24) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD in Biostatistics, Computational Biology and Bioinformatics

We seek a highly motivated biostatistician or computational biologist who is well versed in the statistical and machine learning analysis of biomedical data and bioscientific programming for projects on neurological and cancer diseases. The candidate should have experience in the analysis of large-scale biomedical data (omics, clinical or other large-scale biological data), using statistical methods, pathway/network analysis or machine learning. The candidate will conduct integrative analyses of biomedical datasets, focusing on single-cell omics and clinical data to predict clinical outcomes of interest and therapeutics. This will include implementing and applying software analysis pipelines and interpreting disease-related data together with experimental and clinical collaborators. With the help of statistics, machine learning and pathway- and network- and analyses, the goal is to improve the mechanistic understanding of disease- and treatment-associated alterations in complex neurological and cancer disorders.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(25) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Vehicular Communications

The successful candidate will join the UBIX Research Group, led by Prof. Raphaël Frank, and work in close collaboration with the industrial partners that are part of the 5GDrive consortium.

This PhD project focuses on developing a tele-operated driving system for autonomous vehicles using 5G technology. The aim is to create a low-latency, high-throughput network application that enables real-time control and video transmission for remote vehicle operation. The project will develop a prototype, rigorously tested in both lab environments and real-world conditions, to validate its reliability and safety. The research will contribute to advancements in autonomous vehicle technology, focusing on secure communication, reducing latency, and optimizing 5G’s application in connected transportation

Deadline : Open until filled

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(26) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral researcher in Financial History

The Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH) at the University of Luxembourg is an interdisciplinary research centre committed to high-quality research and public dissemination in the field of contemporary history with a particular focus on digital methods and tools.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(27) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral candidates in Statistics and Probability

The successful candidates will be expected to conduct research under the guidance of professors (names and areas of expertise listed above), with the aim of obtaining a PhD in mathematics. They will also be expected to contribute to the department’s many activities, including seminars, teaching, outreach and various other research related events.

Our departments offer an outstanding and dynamic environments for PhD candidates, with multiple seminars, working groups, colloquia, and doctoral schools which also grant access to multiple training opportunities, including some not only focused on mathematics. 

Deadline : Open until filled

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(28) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD candidate for Deployment and Control of a Distributed Telescope as a Formation of Nanosatellites

GLITTER offers a rich inter-sector training program, with private and academic partners, recognized in all segments of satellite-based Earth observation at microwaves. The program has been designed taking into consideration the “triple i” aspects: international, inter-sectoral, and inter-disciplinary, thanks to the different competences brought by each partner of the network as well as lecturer outside of the consortium with complementary competences. Each Doctoral Candidate (DC) will benefit from an individual and customized training program, established in a personal career development plan that offers a combination of research specific and transferable skills. A network-wide training will be offered by the consortium during the whole project life cycle through 4 training schools and 3 workshops.

This PhD project aims at the development of an improved distributed control of such formations of small satellites, also using a combination of solar and aerodynamic forces for propellant-less control. This will be ideal to deploy, maintain and reconfigure cost-efficiently a large formation of small satellites but requires the detailed modelling of the satellite dynamics, including the effects of aerodynamic forces (caused by the residual atmosphere in LEO) and the solar radiation pressure. After an analysis of optimal formation geometries for Earth observation, suitable orbital guidance and attitude control approaches will be developed and tested, using advanced simulation tools as well as formation flight experiments on a smaller scale with drones. These flight tests will also provide a better understanding of the level of control needed to achieve satisfactory beamforming.

Deadline : Open until filled

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About University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg –Official Website

The University of Luxembourg is a public research university in Luxembourg.
The University of Luxembourg was founded in 2003, by combining four existing education and research institutes.

The university offers fourteen bachelor’s degrees, forty-two master’s degrees, and doctorates. Students at the university getting a bachelor’s degree are required to spend one semester abroad. The university also offers sixteen vocational training and lifelong learning training courses.

The university is multilingual. Courses are generally taught in two languages, being French and English or French and German. Some courses are taught in three languages and some courses are taught entirely in English.

The university has three faculties, the Faculty of Science, Technology, and Medicine; the Faculty of Law, Economics, and Finance; and the Faculty of Humanities, Education, and Social Sciences, and three interdisciplinary centers, the Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust; the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine; and the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History. All the faculties offer baccalaureate, masters, doctoral, and vocational programs.


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