University of Cambridge, United Kingdom invites online Application for various Postdoctoral Fellowship in their different Departments. We are providing a list of Postdoc Fellowship positions available at University of Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Assistant/Associate in Optical Engineering (Fixed Term)
The key responsibilities and duties include: conducting research and the development of novel high- precision optical measurements in photonic devices, in particular in the context of spatial light modulators with subpixel-accuracy hologram setting for precise beam steering, system design and implementation and performance benchmarking and optimisation; research and design tests and experiments to address research objective and find solutions; compile and analyse quantitative and qualitative data, prepare reports and present results to summarise main findings and conclusions; write journal articles to reveal research findings if possible; manage own research and administrative activities, with guidance if required; work in a team and provide support to other work when required; and may assist in the development of student research skills.
Deadline : 1 November 2024
(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate [Maternity Cover]
We are inviting applications for a Postdoctoral Research Associate to work on our project “Developing whole classroom online measurement of sensory and cognitive skills in 5-6 year olds”. The post-holder will take on this project to cover maternity leave and during this time will work in collaboration with the team, including Matt Davis and Adam Attaheri to develop and pilot (with adults and children) a series of online assessment games appropriate for children aged 5-7. These assessments will measure auditory and audiovisual speech perception as well as efficiency of spoken word recognition.
Overall, this project aims to provide research infrastructure and novel methods for assessing sensory, cognitive and behavioural abilities in classroom-based research studies that can operate at an unprecedented scale (e.g. collecting data from all children in a school in days rather than weeks). Specifically, this project aims to establish and test a supervised, online whole-classroom approach to data-collection of hearing and speech processing skills that will be modifiable for other researchers to use in other domains. The approach will also allow us to develop individually adaptive testing, giving insight into children’s speech, language and listening skills.
Deadline : 30 October 2024
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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Assistant/Associate (Fixed Term)
A Research Assistant/Research Associate position is available immediately to work on electronic devices based on two dimensional semiconductors. The project, which is funded by the ERC Adv Grant, will involve synthesis, characterisation and fabrication of devices based on two-dimensional semiconductors such as MoS2 and other transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs).
Applicants should have experience in device fabrication and measurements. We encourage candidates with broad range of experience in CVD growth and mechanical transfer of 2D TMDs and their heterostructures. We will also consider candidates who have experience in making good metal/semiconductor and dielectric/semiconductor interfaces for electronic devices. Candidates with experience in making devices such as tunnel FETs, ferroelectric FETs, MESO logic, or power electronics with other semiconductors such as SiC and GaN are also encouraged to apply.
Deadline : 28 October 2024
(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in Quantum Sensing of Emergent Magnetism in Layered Materials
The aim of this role is to study emergent magnetism and the formation of nanoscale spin textures in a plethora of 2d layered material heterostructures using diamond-based scanning quantum magnetometry. The goal of this ambitious research program, with a strong interdisciplinary nature across quantum optics, quantum sensors, materials science and magnetism, is to capture emergent magnetic phenomena and their dynamics under electrical, magnetic, temperature and current control. There will also be opportunities for additional related research topics, such as exploring moiré physics of excitons in 2d TMD heterostructures and investigating optically active spin defects in hexagonal boron nitride.
Deadline : 28 October 2024
(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Assistant/Associate in Cell Biology (Fixed Term)
A postdoctoral Research Associate position in Cell Biology is available in the Cambridge Institute for Medical Research (CIMR) to work with Dr Nick Bright, Professor Paul Luzio and Professor David Owen on an MRC research project entitled “Organelle remodelling and function of endolysosomes, lysosomes and secretory lysosomes” The aim of this project is to study the mechanisms regulating lysosomal pH and specifically the assembly of V-ATPase on endolysosomes and disassembly on reforming lysosomes. The work follows on from a recent publication doi: 10.1091/mbc.E23-08-0322.
Applicants should have a good knowledge of intracellular membrane traffic and established skills in some or all of generating plasmid constructs and stably transfected/transduced mammalian cell lines, depleting proteins by knockdown or knockout, confocal fluorescence microscopy (including live cell microscopy and colocalisation analysis), electron microscopy, subcellular fractionation and biochemical assays. Experience of biochemical methods to study protein interactions, some knowledge of using alphafold and a proven ability to interact with structural biologists would be an advantage. Specialised training in confocal and electron microscopy will be available.
Deadline : 23 October 2024
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(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate- Cryo-Electron Microscopy Facility (Fixed Term)
The Department of Biochemistry is one of the largest departments within the School of the Biological Sciences, and it conducts diverse cutting-edge research on cancer, cell, structural biology, and biomolecular interactions. The Department of Biochemistry boasts a cutting-edge Cryo-Electron Microscopy (Cryo-EM) Facility featuring top-tier equipment such as the Talos Arctica 200 kV and Titan Krios 300 kV electron microscopes. Additionally, the facility offers a range of associated equipment for preparing cryo-EM grids, data processing, and analysis.
We seek an enthusiastic and talented individual to join our energetic Cryo-EM Facility team. The successful candidate should have (or be close to completing) a PhD/doctoral level degree in Structural Biology, Electron Microscopy, or a related field. Ideally, the post-holder will also have strong experience and practical knowledge in preparing cryo-em grids and operating cryo-electron microscopes for single particle and tomography data collection and analysis. Previous experience working in a multiuser research facility would be advantageous.
Deadline : 23 October 2024
(07) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate in Circuit/Systems Neuroscience – Neural Circuits for Spatial Orientation (Fixed Term)
Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Research Associate position in Dr. Sepiedeh Keshavarzi’s lab at the University of Cambridge, Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience ( The lab’s research, funded by the Wellcome Trust, focuses on the organization and function of neural circuits underlying spatial orientation and self-motion perception.
This project aims to explore how interactions between the thalamus and retrosplenial cortex influence orientation computations and to determine the role of distinct thalamocortical circuits in behaviour. The successful candidate will develop novel behavioural tasks to assess spatial orientation in mice, record neural activity using electrophysiology (Neuropixels) and/or calcium imaging (two-photon imaging and miniscope), manipulate specific circuits and cell types with optogenetics and chemogenetics, and perform comprehensive data analysis.
Deadline : 18 October 2024
(08) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Associate: Chemical Biology (Fixed Term)
Applications are invited for a post-doctoral research associate to join the group of Professor Bernardes at the Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge to work on the BBSRC grant “A Platform for Identifying GlycoRNA and Identifying Biases in RNA Pulldown”. The role is to develop methods to probe glycoRNA in cells, and to exploit the roles of glycoRNA in cancer.
The successful candidate will perform bioorthogonal chemistry to apply in the context of glycoRNA probing. This will consist of reaction optimisation and synthesis of suitable reagents, test the conditions developed at the cellular level and purify and characterise (mass spectrometry) glycoRNA.
Deadline : 17 October 2024
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(09) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in single cell RNA-Sequencing and Functional Genomics in Cardiovascular Biology
We invite applicants for a postdoc Research Associate position for a new project in Dr Helle Jørgensen’s group in the Heart and Lung Research Institute at the University of Cambridge. The position is available for 3 years in the first instance.
The Jørgensen group studies regulation of cell plasticity and heterogeneity in vascular diseases, such as atherosclerosis. We have demonstrated remarkable transcriptional and functional heterogeneity of smooth muscle cells and identified regulatory mechanisms relevant for disease. The group combines computational analysis of single cell profiling with functional analyses in a collaborative environment. Examples of our work include Chappell 2016, Circ Res; Dobnikar/Taylor 2018, Nat Comms, Lambert/Oc 2024, Nature Cardiovas Res, Taylor 2024 bioRxiv.
We are now seeking a highly talented and motivated individual to join our team to identify mechanisms underlying the heterogeneous cellular responses in human arteries with an aim to improve prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease. The project will involve generation and mining of genomic datasets (e.g. single cell RNA-seq, ATAC-seq and ChIP-seq), in vitro screens, mechanistic and functional analysis using both in vitro and in vivo disease models.
Deadline : 13 October 2024
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(10) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (Creixell Group) (Fixed Term)
A postdoctoral position is currently available in our lab for a highly talented and motivated individual interested in developing and using our technologies, particularly peptide display, to screen tyrosine and serine protein kinases with the aim to eventually target them better. The aim would be to use the peptides as a template of how to target these kinases using small molecules. Our lab is currently developing technology that allows the screening and computational interpretation of combinatorially complete libraries of mutant protein variants. We are interested in further developing and deploying these technologies in applications ranging from signaling and therapeutics. This position is funded through the Brain Tumour Charity and is in collaboration with Professor Bill Weiss (UCSF) and Professor Kevan Shokat (UCSF) who will collaborate with their expertise in the follow-on stage of the initial peptide screening.
Deadline : 13 October 2024
(11) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (Fixed Term)
Applications are invited for a Research Associate position. This two-year position offers an excellent opportunity for a researcher with a background in relevant disciplines and a keen interest in interdisciplinary approaches to productivity. The successful candidate will collaborate with colleagues across the University of Cambridge and with others in The Productivity Institute network. Applications are invited from candidates with backgrounds in any relevant discipline, with experience in quantitative or computational research methods.
This post will be located in the Bennett Institute for Public Policy, a major, University-wide interdisciplinary institute housed in the Department of Politics and International Studies and supported by the School of the Humanities and Social Sciences. It is led by its inaugural Director Professor Michael Kenny and Professor Diane Coyle, the Bennett Professor of Public Policy.
Deadline : 13 October 2024
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(12) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in Palaeoecology (Fixed Term)
Applications are invited for a Post-doctoral Research Associate (PDRA) in Palaeoecology as part of the project Integrating past and present ecologies, and traditional knowledge for effective biodiversity management into the future (IPPET) funded by UKRI. The post is based at the Department of Geography, University of Cambridge, under the guidance of Dr Matthew Adeleye.
Wetlands house the largest portion of carbon in the pedosphere and provide habitats for many unique species. However, they face significant threats from climate change and human impact. Effective management requires an understanding of how present ecologies and cultural values relate to the past, as well the different roles of climate and people have played in shaping wetlands over centuries¿millennia. By working closely with land managers and incorporating local/traditional knowledge alongside palaeoecological and ecological methods, project IPPET will document detailed centennial-millennial ecological (vegetation, fire, carbon accumulation, hydrology) and cultural histories (Indigenous/traditional use) of wetlands and wetland-related ecosystems (e.g., swamp forests) in different world regions and reveal how humans may have shaped their response to climate in the past. Results will be contextualized to on-ground management needs.
Deadline : 13 October 2024
(13) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Assistant/Associate in QD-on-Silicon PICs (Fixed Term)
The role of the Research Assistant/Associate position is to carry out research on QD-on-Silicon PICs as part of the UK EPSRC QUDOS (QUantum Dot On Silicon systems for communications, information processing and sensing) project, which is looking to create a new era in optical integration so that all major photonic functions can be implemented on the QD-on-silicon platform.
The RA will also work with collaborators to develop QUDOS building blocks that involves Si, SiN, and III-V QD-on-Si, with the key technology step of developing a temperature-insensitive, low-reflectance, defect-free coupling interface between the III-V area and Si waveguides.
Deadline : 10 October 2024
(14) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Assistant in Cell Biology (Fixed Term)
Applications are invited for an enthusiastic and committed graduate research assistant to join a vibrant team investigating the cell biology of a group of neurological conditions called hereditary spastic paraplegias. This project is based in the group of Professor Evan Reid at Cambridge Institute for Medical Research and is funded for 1 year. It would suit a recent biological sciences graduate who would like to obtain more practical laboratory experience before embarking on a PhD.
The project aims to understand the functions of hereditary spastic paraplegia proteins in the molecular pathogenesis of axonal degeneration. The work will be at the interface between cell biology (especially membrane traffic) and molecular neuroscience, and will focus on functional genomic synthetic lethality screens using iPSC-derived neuronal models of HSP. The lab employs an integrated approach that combines state of the art cell biology, biochemistry, proteomics, functional genomics and stem cell-derived neuronal modeling. We aim to produce high quality research that impacts our field and stands the test of time. Cambridge Institute for Medical Research is a centre of excellence that has a strong focus on understanding the molecular mechanisms of disease, with the aim of translating basic discoveries to clinically meaningful therapies. It is known for its positive research culture.
Deadline : 9 October 2024
(15) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate on the LHCb experiment
The High Energy Physics group at the University of Cambridge seeks to appoint an outstanding researcher to join its effort on the LHCb experiment. The Cambridge group is actively involved in the LHCb physics programme, and has responsibilities in the RICH project, Real-Time-Analysis project and in data processing. The group supports the maintenance, operation and upgrades of the RICH subdetectors, and carries out research and development on the RICH electronics and MightyTracker device with a view to its use in the next phase upgrade of LHCb (Upgrade-II). The group has diverse interests in the exploitation of LHCb data, searching for physics beyond the Standard Model. Particular interests include studies of rare B-hadron decays and of CP-violating effects in charmless B decays.
The role holder will analyse data from the LHCb experiment with focus on the study of rare B decay modes, which provide great sensitivity to physics beyond the Standard Model. The LHCb group at Cambridge has played a leading role in the study of the golden channels B(s)- >mumu, and in the measurements of angular observables, CP asymmetries and lepton-flavour universality ratios in other rare B meson decays. The successful candidate is expected to take a leading role in physics analysis in these or other associated areas, and to contribute to several aspects of the Group’s activities on the LHCb project.
Deadline : 7 October 2024
(16) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate on the LHCb experiment
The High Energy Physics group at the University of Cambridge seeks to appoint an outstanding researcher to join its effort on the LHCb experiment. The Cambridge group is actively involved in the LHCb physics programme, and has responsibilities in the RICH project, Real-Time-Analysis project and in data processing. The group supports the maintenance, operation and upgrades of the RICH subdetectors, and carries out research and development on the RICH electronics and MightyTracker device with a view to its use in the next phase upgrade of LHCb (Upgrade-II). The group has diverse interests in the exploitation of LHCb data, searching for physics beyond the Standard Model. Particular interests include studies of rare B-hadron decays and of CP-violating effects in charmless B decays.
We are looking for a particle physicist with experience in instrumentation to undertake research and development for future upgrades of the LHCb RICH system. Experience in the application and characterization of single photon sensitive devices, data acquisition and analysis of data is also essential. The successful candidate is expected to take a leading role in these or other associated areas, and to contribute to several aspects of the Group’s activities on the LHCb project.
Deadline : 7 October 2024
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(17) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Clinical Research Training Fellow (Fixed Term)
We are now inviting applicants to apply for an Expression of interest for 1-year Entry Level Clinical Research Training Fellowships to support substantive fellowship applications, particularly for a clinician of exceptional promise where an external fellowship application is not feasible or would not secure the candidate in time. Awards will include full salary plus £11K pa towards other costs. These Fellowships provide an exciting opportunity for future leaders in cardiovascular science to pursue a period of full-time research with world-leading investigators and access to state-of-the-art facilities.
Successful applicants will have a medical degree and will be expected to register for a research-based higher degree (MD/PhD). Candidates will have excellent communication skills and will need to be able to work independently as well as in active collaboration with multi-disciplinary partners. Candidates are asked to contact potential supervisors directly to discuss potential projects, and the supervisor confirm their support and indicate availability of additional funding for the term of the research
Deadline : 6 October 2024
(18) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Assistant in Computads for Higher Categories (Fixed Term)
Applications are invited for a Research Assistant to join Jamie Vicary’s group in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Cambridge. The research group focuses on the computational tooling and mathematical foundations of higher category theory, and its applications in computer science, mathematics, and physics.
The Department of Computer Science and Technology is an academic department that encompasses computer science along with many aspects of engineering, technology, and mathematics. With a world-wide reputation for academic research with consistent top research ratings, the Department has an open and collaborative culture supporting revolutionary fundamental computer science research:
Deadline : 6 October 2024
(19) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (Fixed Term)
An exciting opportunity has arisen for a highly motivated and talented post-doctoral biostatistician, statistician or researcher in statistical machine learning to join Dr Brian Tom’s group at the MRC Biostatistics Unit, Cambridge University, to develop and apply statistical methodology in the area of precision medicine.
Dr Brian Tom’s group focuses on using longitudinal data and complex phenotypes and endotypes for improved understanding and decision making in medicine. He has a number of collaborations locally, nationally and internationally. His group sits within the Unit’s Precision Medicine Theme that comprises three other groups, which are complementary with significant interactions and cross-fertilisation. The Theme positions itself at the interface between statistical methods and substantive biomedical applications, which allows for innovation and breadth.
Deadline : 6 October 2024
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(20) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (Fixed Term)
Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Research Associate, funded by the Wellcome Trust, to explore the bacterial evolution of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus as part of the group of Professor Andres Floto, based at the Heart Lung Research Institute, on the Cambridge Biomedical Campus. The post is available immediately for 2 years in the first instance.
This project will explore how bacterial determinants influence intracellular survival within macrophages and will incorporate the use of genome-wide forward genetic screening, super-resolution microscopy and novel fluorescent sensors. Candidates should have a Ph.D degree with a strong background in microbiology (ideally in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus) and molecular biology. Essential experience includes generating knockout, knock-in and complementary bacterial strains, cloning and expression of fluorescently tagged proteins, and standard biochemical techniques. Previous experience with mammalian cell culture and/or advanced microscopy would be advantageous, although training can be provided. Candidates should have a strong background in infection/immunology. Essential experience includes use of in vitro and in vivo bacterial infection models. This post is well suited for independent, highly motivated and creative researchers with a proven track record in molecular bacteriology and immunology respectively who wish to explore exciting biology at the interface between host and pathogen.
Deadline : 6 October 2024
(21) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics x 2 (Fixed Term)
The Theory of Condensed Matter group at the Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge aims to fill up to 2 Postdoctoral Research Associate positions, until 30th September 2026 (with the possibility of an extension, subject to funding). These are intended as group positions in a research programme involving several academics, including Profs B.Béri, C.Castelnovo, N.Cooper, and A.Lamacraft. We are particularly, though not exclusively, interested in the following research areas: Thermodynamic and response properties in topological magnetic materials, from microscopic modelling to effective theories; Emergent quantum dynamics, in frustrated magnets, driven dissipative, and/or topological quantum many-body systems, and in quantum circuit models; Emergent classical dynamical effects, from kinetically constrained relaxation pathways in topological systems to the non-equilibrium phase behaviour of soft and biological systems.
Deadline : 6 October 2024
(22) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Assistant/Associate (Fixed Term)
We are seeking a dedicated and skilled Research Assistant to join our team. The successful candidate will contribute to the development of cathode materials for fuel cells, focusing on both the synthesis and characterisation of these materials.
Key Responsibilities: – Grow specific composition cathode materials for fuel cells. – Anneal thin films to achieve exsolution of species. – Analyse electrochemical properties using impedance analysis. – Determine structural properties using X-ray Diffraction (XRD). – Contribute to the writing of at least one research article. – Participate in meetings and discussions as appropriate.
Deadline : 4 October 2024
(23) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Assistant (Part Time, Fixed Term)
Highly motivated graduate scientists are invited to apply for the position of Research Assistant, based at the Crop Science Centre, Department of Plant Sciences at the University of Cambridge, to work with Dr Sebastian Eves-van den Akker’s team. The successful candidate will be joining a vibrant and friendly group of researchers in the Crop Science Centre.
The Crop Science Centre opened in October 2020 and benefits from the diverse skills and expertise of the University of Cambridge and NIAB, providing an environment for research excellence in crops, with the drive and expertise for scientific translation to address real-world problems. About 80 staff and students are located at the Centre, with 6 research groups.
The project will focus on characterizing the bewildering diversity of HYP effectors of plant parasitic nematodes and the role holder will provide support to ongoing research experiments and analyses.
Deadline : 2 October 2024
(24) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate (Fixed Term)
Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Research Associate position to help direct and conduct research in a team of scientists under the leadership of Prof Duncan Astle, alongside a wide team of collaborators across the University of Cambridge. The research work will support a Medical Research Council funded research programme aimed at understanding how the development of the human brain, and characterising the drivers of variability in that development. This role holder will use a range of methods, and a strong quantitative background is highly desirable for the role.
Research conducted in the lab sits at the intersection between developmental systems neuroscience, cognition, neuroinformatics and computational modelling. Anyone with experience in those areas is encouraged to apply. A hallmark of our work is the application of novel methodological approaches to large scale datasets, so experience with this would be a real advantage.
Deadline : 30 September 2024
(25) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate – Waller Group (Fixed Term)
A postdoctoral position is available in the Waller laboratory to work on a joint BBSRC-NSF-funded project, in collaboration with Prof Christopher Lane at the University of Rhode Island, to study Nephromyces symbionts as evolutionary precursors to parasitism in Apicomplexa. The project will use fluorescence and electron microscopy techniques to investigate the lifecycle stages and structural details of these cells, and leverage genomics and single-cell RNA-Seq data to interpret their biology and evolution. The position will be based in the University of Cambridge, Department of Biochemistry, Central Cambridge, and interact with colleagues at the University of Rhode Island, USA.
Deadline : 6 October 2024
(26) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (Mendez-Ferrer Lab) (Fixed Term)
The project, which is funded by the European Haematology Association, will investigate candidate pathways to improve the outcome of blood stem cell transplantation procedures. Blood stem cell transplantation is routinely performed for lifesaving procedures in patients with blood cancers or inherited metabolic/immune disorders. Allogeneic blood stem cell transplantation generates the graft vs leukaemia effect necessary to eliminate malignant cells. However, many recipients develop a reaction of the graft against their own body (graft vs host disease, which is also a major problem during solid organ transplantation). A major focus will be on novel signalling pathways regulating immune cell metabolism, graft vs host disease and the graft vs leukaemia effect.
Deadline : 30 September 2024
(27) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (Fixed Term)
Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Research Associate position to help direct and conduct research in a team of scientists under the leadership of Prof Duncan Astle, alongside a wide team of co-investigators across the University of Cambridge, including Profs Ed Bullmore, Petra Vertes, and Drs Varun Warrier, Danyal Akarca and Sofia Carozza. This new appointment will support a Templeton World Charity Foundation funded research programme aimed at understanding the development of the human brain, and characterising the role of the environment as a driver of variability in that development. This role holder will focus on the use of generative models to simulate the formation of networks over developmental time, so a strong quantitative background is highly desirable for the role.
Deadline : 30 September 2024
(28) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (Fixed Term)
A post-doctoral Research Associate position is available in the Bhatia group starting in November 2024 at the Sainsbury Laboratory Cambridge University. The lab will investigate the mechanistic basis of the function of the plant hormone cytokinin (CK) in plant development using Arabidopsis thaliana as model. CK is a fundamental plant hormone that is conventionally considered to promote cell division in plant aerial organs but surprisingly, can also promote cellular differentiation in aerial organs, in a stage-dependent manner. Therefore, the roles of CK in shaping plant aerial organs are much more diverse than previously thought. How CK regulates and coordinates cell proliferation and differentiation decisions remains largely unclear.
Deadline : 30 September 2024
(29) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Assistant/Associate in Non-equilibrium Physics of Ultracold Atomic Gases x 3
Three positions are currently available for Research Associate in Department of Physics, group led by Prof. Zoran Hadzibabic (Quantum Gases and Collective Phenomena).
The aim of the role is to work on experiments on non-equilibrium physics of ultracold atomic gases. The work will involve leading experiments, guiding PhD students, writing up results for publication and presenting them at conferences.
You will hold (or be close to obtaining) a PhD in Physics or a related field, with a proven track record in atomic physics. Preference will be given to candidates with experience in experiments with ultracold atoms, as demonstrated by publications in major journals. A solid understanding of many-body theory is desirable. You will also have proven organisational, communication and team working skills.
Deadline : 30 September 2024
About The University of Cambridge, United Kingdom – Official Website
The University of Cambridge is a collegiate research university in Cambridge, United Kingdom. Founded in 1209 and granted a royal charter by Henry III in 1231, Cambridge is the second-oldest university in the English-speaking world and the world’s fourth-oldest surviving university. The university grew out of an association of scholars who left the University of Oxford after a dispute with the townspeople. The two English ancient universities share many common features and are often jointly referred to as Oxbridge.
Cambridge is formed from a variety of institutions which include 31 semi-autonomous constituent colleges and over 150 academic departments, faculties and other institutions organised into six schools. All the colleges are self-governing institutions within the university, each controlling its own membership and with its own internal structure and activities. All students are members of a college. Cambridge does not have a main campus, and its colleges and central facilities are scattered throughout the city. Undergraduate teaching at Cambridge is organised around weekly small-group supervisions in the colleges – a feature unique to the Oxbridge system. These are complemented by classes, lectures, seminars, laboratory work and occasionally further supervisions provided by the central university faculties and departments. Postgraduate teaching is provided predominantly centrally.
Cambridge University Press, a department of the university, is the oldest university press in the world and currently the second largest university press in the world. Cambridge Assessment, also a department of the university, is one of the world’s leading examining bodies and provides assessment to over eight million learners globally every year. The university also operates eight cultural and scientific museums, including the Fitzwilliam Museum, as well as a botanic garden. Cambridge’s libraries, of which there are 116, hold a total of around 16 million books, around nine million of which are in Cambridge University Library, a legal deposit library. The university is home to, but independent of, the Cambridge Union – the world’s oldest debating society. The university is closely linked to the development of the high-tech business cluster known as ‘Silicon Fen’. It is the central member of Cambridge University Health Partners, an academic health science centre based around the Cambridge Biomedical Campus.
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