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31 Postdoctoral Fellowship at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden

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Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden invites online Application for various Postdoctoral Fellowship in their different Departments. We are providing a list of Postdoc Fellowship positions available at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.


(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title:  Postdoctoral researcher position on interstellar medium science for CMB foreground modelling

We seek a postdoctoral researcher to work on Polarized Galactic Emission Modelling at Small Scales (P-GEMSS), a program funded by the Swedish Research Council. The aim of the program is to improve the analysis of the polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) by creating high-fidelity models of the Galactic foreground emission. The focus of the program is to obtain a description of the statistics of polarized dust and synchrotron emission on sub-degree angular scales.

The successful candidate will work with existing surveys of the radio sky at GHz frequencies in total intensity and polarization to create all-sky models of the polarized synchrotron emission at CMB frequencies. They will develop Bayesian inference algorithms, use morphological measures of diffuse emission and quantify spatial statistics of Galactic emission. Previous experience in Bayesian statistics, CMB foreground modelling, radio astronomy, polarization or ISM science is a plus.

Deadline :2024-01-15

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(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc summary/title: Postdoc position in Storage and flexibility for enhancement of grid capacity

A decrease in CO2 emissions is necessary to reduce the global warming. One component in this reduction is to reduce the use of fossil-based fuels in electricity generation and shift production towards renewable energy sources such as wind-power and solar-power. The shift to such sources comes with an additional challenge in the inherent variability of such energy sources as the level of possible production changes with meteorological factors beyond our control. A fundamental property for an electrical power system in a stationary operation is that the produced electric power must equal the electric power consumed in the loads. Uncontrollable variations in either load or production must hence be balanced by changes in other parts of the system. This project aims to study how this balancing can be accomplished from two perspectives. In the first perspective, we study how energy storage systems can be placed and dimensioned to obtain optimal reduction in variability. In the second, we study how the energy market mechanisms influence the loads to participate in balancing the variability of the renewable sources. The project is conducted within the competence centre “Swedish Electricity Storage and Balancing Centre” (SESBC) funded by Swedish Energy Agency and Swedish industry.

Deadline : 12 January, 2024

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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Business network studies, business models for energy storage

The critical role of business models and business model innovation has become increasingly recognized in recent years. In parallel, industrial markets have increasingly become described and analyzed as networks of business actors and their relationships. An important issue in the Swedish energy system is to handle electricity storage and balancing and therefore the technological development is intense in this area. In view of these developments, there is a need to consider how technologies and business models develop in tandem and how they rely on a broad range of interacting actors.

The postdoc will be employed at the division of Supply & Operations Management and join our team of business network scholars with an interest in how business models are organised among actors in industrial networks. The project aims at analyzing and designing network embedded business models for storage and balancing solutions based on emerging technologies and involving different types of industry actors. By describing and analyzing current and emerging technologies and business models the project will contribute to enhancing the viability of the various interrelated solutions that are needed to transform the Swedish energy system. The project addresses three levels of analysis: individual firms, business relationships and the industrial network in terms of the Swedish energy system and its key links to other contexts being crucial for storage and balancing.

Deadline : 2024-01-10

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(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc position within the WWSC: circular production of biomaterials

As postdoctoral researcher, your major duties are devoted to your research project, where you will be responsible for planning, running experiments and evaluatiing the scientific outcome. You are also expected to communicate your results in different settings, group and division meetings at Chalmers but also during bi-annual meetings at the WWSC. You are also expected to perform the scientific writing of articles for publication in high impact journals and participate in international conferences. Moreover, you will be involved in the co-supervision of master and PhD students and in the participation of research activities within the group.

Deadline : 2024-01-12

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(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc position on circular and functional food packaging

This postdoctoral position offers the possibility to work in a creative, international and dynamic working environment at a leading technical university, and to generate knowledge and skills for a sustainable future.
You will be part of a multidisciplinary environment with competences in molecular biology, biochemistry and material sciences towards the use of natural resources for high value applications.
You will be part of a project with direct impact on a more sustainable food value chain in Europe.

Deadline :2024-01-12

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(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Monitoring and Assessment of Thermal Energy Storage technologies

Thermal Energy Storage (TES) is an essential technology for providing flexibility within energy systems management. The efficient utilization of large-scale TES demands robust monitoring schemes and equipment. By systematically gathering relevant data, the operation of TES can be strategically planned and its lifespan accurately forecasted.

This postdoctoral training is dedicated to the monitoring and assessment of existing underground TES, with applications ranging from de-icing of pavements and roads to high-temperature TES for solar energy applications. The overarching objective is to assess current monitoring schemes and techniques, with the aim of identifying areas for enhancement and proposing innovative improvements. The training involves collaboration with several on-going research projects such as IEA TS Task 39 and USES4HEAT (HORIZON-IA), providing a unique platform for robust academic training and extensive networking opportunities.

Besides the project work, the postdoctoral training includes teaching at BSc and/or MSc level, supervision of PhD students, and preparation of research proposals.

Deadline : 2024-01-02

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(07) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc position in Biotechnology and Applied Microbiology

We are looking for a highly motivated postdoc to join our group of researchers that is busy investigating the huge yeast biodiversity in nature, with the aim of identifying and characterizing non-conventional yeast species with biotechnologically interesting traits. Such traits include for example the ability to grow on specific carbon sources or the capacity to produce valuable metabolites. We also work with cell factory design and development of both baker’s yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and non-conventional yeast species, where the strains are intended for various applications including bioproduction of fuels, chemicals and materials.

Deadline :  2024-01-17

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(08) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc research on Vehicle to Grid (V2G) and virtual powerplant

This position will be working in several projects related to Vehicle to Grid (V2G), including a national project dealing with design and control of virtual power plants based on Electric Vehicles utilizing V2G technology. The projects involves several industrial partners, including an electric vehicle manufacturer, a charge infrastructure provider and transmission and distribution system operators, in order to develop and demonstrate vehicle to grid (V2G) solutions. Chalmers part is to develop and evaluate trading algorithms for different size of EV fleets that maximize the income from EVs and reduce the energy cost for the end user. The models will be used both for simulation studies and for real time operation of the EV fleets, hence handling of uncertainty and forecasting errors is important. Furthermore, Chalmers will support the development of interfaces between different markets (e.g. local flex markets, ancillary service markets etc.), and evaluate the demonstration.

Deadline :  2024-01-06

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(09) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc position on Alkali-related chemistry in high-temperature processes

The position is unique with its theoretical and experimental work form laboratory to industrial-scale application. You will get the chance to develop new diagnostic tools and assess them on commercial scale with industrial participation. The need to strengthen knowledge in the area of alkali transformation is great in many applications and we consider this project to be a platform for continued research and development.

Deadline : 2024-01-05

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(10) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doc in Sustainable and critical methods in robotic research

As a PostDoc researcher in the Applied Robotics in Gothenburg group, you will be part of a team of researchers with a focus on critical methods within Human-Robot Interaction. The candidates will benefit from our many ongoing collaborations with academia and industry and the opportunities for further professional development.

In this project we seek to bridge the epistemological gaps between design and engineering to establish a critical and sustainable view of robots in society. The group is currently involved in a WASP-HS funded project on Social Drones with two ongoing PhD students. In connection to this project, we propose continued work in the methods necessary for the critical and sustainable development of robots taking in consideration society and whether the risks outweigh the benefits of their application. Simultaneously, there is an ongoing collaboration project with the healthcare organisation in Gothenburg (Västra Götalands Regionen – VGR) on the development of automated delivery drones for medicine out to the remote islands on the archipelago of the region.

The results of the research will provide insight on the ethical and sustainability risks and benefits of such applications of drones. The successful candidate is expected to be experienced with field work, STS theory, and the capacity for addressing municipality and regional stakeholders as real demand owners and to research, develop and incorporate their needs into ethnographic methods.

Deadline : January 22nd 2024 

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(11) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in sustainability assessment of novel antifouling coatings

Marine biological fouling (biofouling) is a severe problem for the shipping sector as it leads to higher frictional resistance with subsequent speed reduction or higher fuel consumption. At the unit of Maritime Environmental Sciences (MES) we are involved in several projects with researchers from Luleå University of Technology where novel lignin- and oleogel based multifunctional self-healing, wear resistant, anti-corrosion and anti-fouling coatings are developed. In this postdoc position, several novel marine coatings will be assessed based on their efficacy to prevent biofouling and environmental impact through field and lab studies. The position also includes opportunities to collaborate with other national and international universities and research institutions.

Deadline : January 8, 2024

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(12) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in aerosol-cloud interactions and cloud microphysics

The project will focus on the Arctic, which is one of the most sensitive regions with respect to climate change, showing very rapid warming related to complex feedback processes. Clouds play a key role in modulating the energy budget and thus the melting and freezing of sea ice. Understanding these feedback processes is critical for understanding Arctic climate change. Within this project you are going to investigate the structure, properties, and lifetime of clouds in the Arctic and how these are influenced by different processes. One process you will in particular study are warm and moist air intrusions (warm air transported into the Arctic from lower latitudes). To do so you are going to use a combination of observational field data from a recent campaign to the Arctic (ARTofMELT 2023), a sophisticated three-dimensional small-scale large-eddy simulation model (MIMICA), and a mesoscale model (Polar WRF). This project is unique in that sense that it couples observational work with a modeling project. There is the possibility to work on an alternative project in case you come with your own research idea and concept which is in line with the group’s interests.

Deadline : 2024-01-06

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(13) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc position in pre-crash virtual safety assessment

In the Vehicle Safety Division we apply human factors and engineering to better understand the safety problem, find solutions, and assess the impact of both problems and solutions on safety. Specifically, within the research area of Virtual safety assessment, we work on methodological aspects of prospective (predictive) traffic safety assessment of technologies and behavior.
Within the safety assessment group, research ranges from computational modeling of driver behavior and how to integrate such models into virtual simulations, via research of crash causation and the fundamental understanding of driver behavior, to methods for efficient simulation and validation of assessment results. This postdoc position will focus on one or two of these virtual safety assessment components.

Deadline : January 31, 2024

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(14) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in marine proteins from underutilized sources

The division of Food and Nutrition Science (FNS) is one of four research divisions at the department of Life Sciences (LIFE). FNS addresses major societal challenges related to sustainable food production, nutrition and health. We conduct fundamental and applied research, innovation, education and dissemination in Food and Nutrition Science with the aim to provide new knowledge and solutions that pave the way for a sustainable planet and healthy humans. Research topics span from food chemistry and food technology to molecular and data- driven nutrition (Precision Nutrition). In Food Science, we focus primarily on marine and plant-based food systems for which we develop tools and processes to promote high food quality, minimize losses throughout the value chain and allow nutrient recovery from alternative biomasses. In nutrition, we focus on human observational and intervention studies as well as cell- based model studies and apply advanced data-driven approaches and state of the art biochemical and OMICs technologies to understand and predict the role of foods, dietary components and dietary patterns in human health. The research is also related to global food security topics in an international context.

Deadline :  7th January, 2024

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(15) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Sustainable Production Systems Services

This position is a great opportunity for a recent PhD, aspiring to engage in state-of-the-art research towards creating the next generation of industrial sustainability tools, where servitization is at the core. You will join a diverse, professional, and friendly team of excellent researchers working in national and international research projects together with industry.

Deadline : 2024-01-08

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(16) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc – Human-centred automation and collaborative robotics

This position is a great opportunity for a recently graduated PhD, aspiring to engage in state-of-the-art research towards creating the next generation of human-centred automation and truly collaborative robots. You will join a diverse, professional, and friendly team of excellent researchers working in national and international research projects, together with industry.

Deadline : 2024-01-12

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(17) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral fellow in communications and coding for channels with memory

Our modern society depends entirely on global networks for high-capacity data communications, in which almost all data is carried by optical fibers. The physical layer algorithms in such communication systems are traditionally optimized for transmitting bit streams and are not optimal for modern packet-oriented applications. The aim of this project is to bridge this gap by designing innovative coding and decoding algorithms, inspired by a similar paradigm shift in wireless communications. The project is led by Professor Erik Agrell (IEEE Fellow) and funding is provided by a prestigious grant from the Swedish Research Council. The research will be carried out in collaboration with a well-known research group at the University of Toronto, Canada.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(18) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc researcher in quantum network systems

We offer a position at a leading technical university that generates knowledge and skills for a sustainable future. You will have engaged and ambitious colleagues from both industry and academia, along with a creative, international and dynamic working environment.

Deadline : 2024-01-14

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(19) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Software Engineering

Together with the successful applicant, we aim to investigate, develop, and systematically evaluate automated approaches to improve the safety, security, and adaptability of cyber-physical systems, so that they better meet humans’ needs. In the past, we have developed approaches to elicit quality requirements from human users, to explain the quality tradeoffs in automated planning using machine learning techniques, and to monitor systems in an adaptive way. Depending on the context that a system operates in, it might be more or less desirable to ask a human for help, start collaborative tasks, or to give control to a human user. How can safety and security constraints be guaranteed in such contexts? How can systems plan their actions in a human-aware way? How can possible attacks and faults in cyber-physical systems be effectively identified and mitigated?

Deadline : 2024-01-24

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(20) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc on Distributed MIMO Localization and Sensing for 6G Systems

Chalmers University of Technology is part of a large European effort to define 6G communication systems. In this project, you will support and lead activities related to radio localization and sensing in distributed MIMO (D-MIMO) systems. Cell-free D-MIMO emerges as a promising technology for 6G networks to overcome challenges associated with conventional network-centric implementations. Such an architecture not only enhances communication metrics (i.e., more uniform coverage and better interference management), but also introduces significant benefits for localization and sensing, via increased line-of-sight probability and phase coherent processing. This position is part of several ongoing projects on 5G and Beyond 5G localization, and integrated sensing and communications (ISAC), in which you will gain not only theoretical knowledge, but also industry contacts. You can check out for our recent publications in this field.

Deadline : 2024-02-01

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(21) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Arctic carbon cycle dynamics

The aim of the project is to investigate and unravel the two-way linkages between climate change in the Arctic region and shifts in the regional carbon cycle dynamics. The specific research questions will be defined by the successful candidate in collaboration with the PI, and can include both how climate change has affected and will affect the Arctic carbon cycle, as well as how changes in Arctic vegetation and plant physiology have triggered changes in the regional Arctic climate.
The ideal candidate will have deep knowledge of carbon cycle dynamics and climate science, and be proficient in data analysis, programming, and numerical modeling techniques. The candidate is also expected to have the ability to conduct original and independent research, collaborate with other researchers, and excellent written and verbal communication skills.

Deadline : 2024-01-21

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(22) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc: Interactions of nanoparticles with endosomal membrane mimics

Within this project you will develop small angle scattering and reflectometry tools to study the lipid chemical and physical arrangement in membrane bilayers and nanoparticles, including mixed nanoparticle populations. Specifically, you will work on developing model endosomal membranes and studying their interactions with lipid-based nanoparticles such as extracellular vesicles, liposomes and lipid nanoparticles. The membranes, particles and their interactions will be characterised using neutron reflectometry, neutron scattering and X-ray sattering techniques. The goal of the project is to uncover the interactions between nanoparticles of different morphology and chemical composition with endosome-mimicking membranes, to shed light on their mechanisms of interaction (including lipid transfer and flip-flop), and cargo release. You will be responsible for designing and applying for beamtime experiments, carrying out and analysing the results, as well as training PhD students in the group in these techniques. The results will contribute to uncovering fundamental knowledge of membrane biophysics and will also be applied to studying lipid-based nanocarriers for biomedical applications. 

Deadline : January 15th, 2024

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(23) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc position, Functionalisation of polysaccharides derived from pea

We are offering a two-year post-doctoral experience where you will have responsibility for valorization of partly insoluble fibers obtained from agroindustrial side-streams. The project takes place in collaboration with researchers at SLU, Kristianstad University as well as with Lantmännen. You will actively interact with scientific communities at different organisations, as well as industrial partner giving possibilities to access different views and a large scientific and industrial network.

Deadline : 2024-02-01

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(24) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral position in Plasma physics

The successful applicant is expected to perform simulations with modelling tools for research relating to scenario development of fusion grade reactors. The research group is pursuing research in two complementary areas: integrated modelling of plasma scenarios and analysis of turbulent transport with gyro-kinetic models. The two activities are tied together with use and development of reduced quasilinear models in the predictive modelling such as TGLF, QuaLiKiz and EDWM. The fusion community has developed a wide range of turbulent transport models with varying degree of physics fidelity and by validating them towards present devices and ab-initio modelling tools we can learn to extrapolate them towards future reactors.

Deadline : 2024-01-20

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(25) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc position on circular aluminium alloys for advanced casting

The position is based at the division of Materials and Manufacture at the Department of Industrial and Material Science, and the successful candidate will have the opportunity to work in a truly interdisciplinary team and work closely with Volvo Cars, our industry partner. The position holds merit for future research responsibilities within academia, industry, or the public sector.

Deadline : January 21, 2024

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(26) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Researcher

The position has two parts: improving analysis and handling of large amounts of data, including the use of machine learning techniques, and helping in developing our project management in the center.

Deadline : January 20, 2024

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(27) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research fellowship in joint analysis of infrared and microwave radiances

Microwave all-sky assimilation is a proven concept today, while infrared correspondence is in early development. Climate ice cloud products show a reversed situation; multiple examples based on infrared measurements exist, while passive microwave data, at best, provide background information. There are several reasons for this situation, but already differences in terminology and assumptions on particle sizes and shapes made for the two wavelength regions hamper the progress. This project aims to establish a common ground, particularly to develop and apply particle model parametrisations that allows joint treatment of infrared and microwave radiances. The launches of the Arctic Weather Satellite (AWS, 2024) and the Ice Cloud Imager (ICI, 2025) give urgency to the project, but also result in that completely new data will be at hand for constraining particle models. The project will be performed in collaboration with the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), ECMWF and EUMETSAT.

Deadline : 2024-01-31

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(28) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Researcher for an ALMA Advanced Data Product pipeline

We have been awarded an ESO grant to adapt existing tools developed for spectral line source finding in large HI spectral line surveys from SKA precursors (e.g. SoFiA-2) to the spectral line output from the ALMA Science pipeline. The goal is to produce an end-to-end pipeline which identifies, parametrizes, and catalogs spectral line detections in image cubes from the ALMA Science Archive; performs quality assurance on the source finding results; and produces advanced data products on a per-source basis to be re-ingested to the ALMA archive. The pipeline will be adapted to work for both compact and extended sources and for cubes with both single and multiple spectral lines. While the overall project will be directed by Dr. Kelley Hess, the postdoc will lead the development and integration of the ADP pipeline, and will be supported by domain-specific expertise within the ADP team. At Onsala, the postdoc will work closely with experts from the Nordic ALMA Regional Center (ARC), and will be embedded within the globally distributed SoFiA software development team. We expect the postdoc will lead the publication of ADP pipeline.  In addition, it will be made publicly available for ALMA users, as well as delivered back to ESO to be run on data from the archive.

Deadline : 2024-01-19

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(29) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doc in AI Engineering – processes and products

A key aspect of human-AI interaction, which is neglected when designing AI systems, is the human decision-makers. In essence, the human’s perception of the communication received from the AI is core to this interaction. AI systems that are developed to bridge the gap between AI and humans, where humans are the consumers of AI system predictions, are intended to improve the quality of decisions. However, humans often make less than optional decisions since they are distorted by their cognitive biases, thus AI systems can reinforce biases or improve the way humans think about a situation. Thus, we argue that it is natural to use the dual-process theory as a lens to understand human cognition when designing AI systems that are intended to augment human intelligence.

Deadline : 2024-02-28

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(30) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Researcher in High Performance Computing

As a postdoctoral researcher with a focus on programming models, your main task will be to link our programming model efforts in the SSF PRIDE, and the EuroHPC EUPilot and eProcessor projects. The focus of PRIDE are processing-in-memory technologies. The focus of EUPilot and eProcessor are long vector multicore architectures. The goal of our team is to develop effective runtime support to program these architectures using programming models such as OpenMP and SYCL.

The core team currently consists of seven members, five of which are women. We are part of the computing systems unit (4 professors) within the unit of Computing Networks and Systems, which itself belongs to the Compute Science and Engineering department. Our team contributes to many Swedish and European projects. The team also has a long running collaboration with Riken-CCS in Kobe, Japan. The team meets once a week to discuss updates and research topics. In addition the team leader holds individual weekly meetings with all PhD students and postdocs.

Deadline : 2024-01-31

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(31) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc position in biomaterials based polymer-binder materials for battery

The lithium-ion battery market is currently experiencing exponential growth all over the world. As one of the important components in batteries, the binder plays a critical role not only in the mechanical properties of the formed electrode but also in determining the long-term cycling performance of the battery. However, the polymer-based binders used for both anode (especially silicon-based anode) and cathode have their issues. The current postdoc position will focus on the development of a new binder system, which includes both the synthesis/modification of the polymer or biomaterials-related binders and also development of a new electrode manufacturing process. This is a fundamental research but also a practical application-oriented project. You will closely work with researchers in both academia and industry, in a multidisciplinary research environment. You will publish results in the form of scientific journal articles or patents, and present results at international conferences.

Deadline : 2024-02-11

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About Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden –Official Website

Chalmers University of Technology  is a Swedish university located in Gothenburg that focuses on research and education in technology, natural sciences, architecture, mathematics, maritime and other management areas.
The university was founded in 1829 following a donation by William Chalmers, a director of the Swedish East India Company. He donated part of his fortune for the establishment of an “industrial school”. Chalmers was run as a private institution until 1937, when the institute became a state-owned university. In 1994, the school was incorporated as an aktiebolag under the control of the Swedish Government, the faculty and the Student Union. Chalmers is one of only three universities in Sweden which are named after a person, the other two being Karolinska Institutet and Linnaeus University.



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