King’s College London, United Kingdom invites online Application for various Postdoctoral Fellowship in their different Departments. We are providing a list of Postdoc Fellowship positions available at King’s College London, United Kingdom.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in Membrane Protein Folding
A post-doctoral position is available to work in the group of Prof Paula Booth. The research will focus on the folding and biogenesis of integral membrane proteins. This is part of a long-term multi-disciplinary project investigating the co-translational folding of membrane proteins using innovative approaches across biochemistry, biophysics, cell biology and chemistry.
Deadline : 01 June 2023.
(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title: WP3 Research Associate
We are looking for an enthusiastic and motivated post-doctoral Research Associate to work on a new project within our research programme – RE-STAR (Regulating Emotions – Strengthening Adolescent Resilience). Based at King’s College London, RE-STAR is a multi-disciplinary and cross institution programme of research bringing together developmental psychology, data science, psychiatry and neuroscience with educational studies and the performing arts. Its goal is to better understand the role of exposure to upsetting experiences in the development of mental health problems in neurodivergent adolescents such as those with ADHD and/or autism traits; and then to translate the knowledge gained into new school-based interventions tailored to the needs of these young people.
Deadline : 18 June 2023.
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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in the School of Education, Communication & Society
The responsibilities of the post include: planning and organizing the qualitative fieldwork; qualitative data collection, analysis and data management; facilitating the project’s youth advisory group; and undertaking and supporting dissemination and knowledge exchange activities, including academic and non-academic writing. The postholder will also co-lead the impact work with the young people. This will include, for example, in the final year of the project working in partnership with a human rights charity and professional film maker to support young people to reflect on the project data and their own experiences as a springboard for developing their self- and collective advocacy skills.
Deadline : 04 June 2023.
(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in the Department of War Studies
The Department of War Studies at King’s College London is seeking a postdoctoral researcher to assist on a research project within the UK Research and Innovation GCRF Gender, Justice and Security Hub, ‘Legacies of the Disappeared’. This is a three-year research project run by Dr Rebekka Friedman. It examines the varied effects of disappearances and more broadly the targeting of family during state oppression and systematic violence. It focusses on the gendered dimensions of disappearances and their effects on communities. The project seeks to expand understandings of harm in transitional justice. The project is focussed on affected areas in Sri Lanka (and the Tamil community in the UK). It also puts the targeting of family in historical context by examining past injustices.
Deadline : 18 June 2023.
(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in the Department of War Studies
The project specifically studies violent and peaceful behaviour (e.g. intergroup conflict, terrorism/radicalisation, peacebuilding, reconciliation, etc.) in FCAS such as Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, South Sudan, as well as others. The project includes large-scale longitudinal psychometric surveys, randomised control trial studies of mental health and trauma interventions, and qualitative interviews across the aforementioned countries. This is a policy-oriented research project which produces written outputs such as reviews of evidence, policy briefing notes, working papers, journal articles, and commentaries/Op-eds. In addition, project members conduct broader engagement through governmental policy presentations, public conferences, podcasts, video explainers, and other media.
Deadline : 14 June 2023.
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(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in the Department of Political Economy
The Department of Political Economy is seeking to appoint two Postdoctoral Research Associates to work with Anne Rasmussen for up to four years as part of the research project ADVODID, which is funded by an European Research Council Consolidator Grant. The Advocacy in Digital Democracy (ADVODID) project seeks to implement the first large-scale project designed to provide evidence on the effects of advocacy on citizens and policymakers in both online and offline settings. It analyses the use, impact and democratic consequences of digital advocacy strategies by assessing interactions of advocacy groups, citizens and political representatives in eight countries (Australia, Chile, Denmark, India, the Netherlands, Spain, the UK, and the US). It sets out to address – theoretically and empirically – the potentials and challenges for modern democracies that arise from digital advocacy tools.
Deadline : 15 June 2023.
(07) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in Software Security
Web browsers are systemically important but present a large attack surface due to their scale and complexity: they are a magnet for attackers, with frequent published attacks. Chrome already splits itself into processes but we want to explore how to take that further with more fine-grained compartments: what are the trade-offs in doing so? Using CHERI will make intra-compartment communication much faster, so how can we take advantage of this when considering where to put compartment boundaries?
Deadline : 12 June 2023.
(08) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in Inorganic Chemistry (maternity cover)
The person appointed will be the primary point of contact for the research group and will be based at KCL Chemistry (Britannia House). As is the nature of the role, a willingness to be contactable between 8am and 6pm Mon-Fri (building working hours) and for out of hours emergencies is necessary. Research in the group is centred around the synthesis and reactivity of main-group organometallics compounds in unusual oxidation states, therefore a strong back ground in synthetic inorganic chemistry is essential.
Deadline :08 June 2023.
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(09) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging
The candidate will work in an interdisciplinary team consisting of physicists, engineers, computer scientists, biologists, chemists, and clinicians to develop novel multiparametric 3D free-breathing whole-heart acquisitions. The research will be performed in close collaboration with industry (Siemens Healthineers) and clinicians to allow fast prototyping and validation in a multicenter study. The research team is located in St Thomas´ Hospital in the Department of Biomedical Engineering which has access to 10 state-of-the-art clinical research scanners with field strengths varying from 0.55T, 1.5T, 3T to 7T. The specific aims of the project will be:
Deadline : 04 June 2023.
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(10) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate / Research Fellow in Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence for Surgical Imaging and Robotics
We are seeking a Post-doctoral Research Associate to develop novel trustworthy artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms able to extract actionable information from surgical imaging data. Candidates should have demonstrable experience in AI applied to imaging data in the field of surgical data science or related fields, in working with robotic-related application, and in translating research into surgical workflows. Candidates are expected to have demonstrable experience with machine learning libraries, such as PyTorch, and robotics frameworks such as ROS. Familiarity with software engineering, version control software, and experience working within a multi-developer team is desirable.
Deadline : 15 June 2023.
(11) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate -Event-Centric Framework for Natural Language Understanding
Applications are invited for a Research Associate position on the UKRI-funded Turing AI Fellowship project ‘Event-Centric Framework for Natural Language Understanding’ led by Prof. Yulan He. The 5-year project aims to develop a knowledge-aware and event-centric framework for natural language understanding, in which event graphs are built as reading progresses; event representations are learned with the incorporation of background knowledge; implicit knowledge is derived by performing reasoning over event graphs; and the comprehension model is developed with built-in interpretability and robustness against adversarial attacks.
Deadline : 04 June 2023.
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(12) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate – Sound Mind project
The Sound Mind project aims to investigate a novel non-invasive method of brain modulation as a treatment for mild cognitive impairment, and eventually dementia. Sound Mind is funded by the Tianqiao and Chrissy Chen Institute and the study is led by Dr Gráinne McLoughlin. We are seeking someone to join our team who is ambitious and intellectually eager, with a ‘can do’ approach to working with us to develop the methods in this cutting edge area of cognitive neuroscience. Candidates must have a PhD in neuroscience, engineering or a related field with extensive experience of EEG data analysis and coding in various programmes, including MATLAB and Python. Knowledge of auditory experiments is preferable but not essential.
Deadline : 11 June 2023.
(13) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate – Neurodevelopment and Mental Health
The successful candidate will be responsible for conducting analyses to identify developmental pathways to later mental health and cognitive/behavioural outcomes and candidate risk and resilience factors associated with these. This work will integrate very large, deep phenotyped datasets, including the AIMS Longitudinal European Autism Project of >700 autistic and non-autistic children, adolescents, and adults who have been comprehensively characterised by their clinical characteristics, behaviour/ cognitive profiles (including sensory processing), brain structure and function, inflammatory markers, and genetics. Also, the work will include data (including fetal ultrasound, EEG, cord blood, genetics, placental samples, and infant development measures) from a large South African cohort of ~4,500 children and adolescents with high exposure to pre-and postnatal adversities linked to poverty (e.g., maternal malnutrition, infection, substance use, and mental health during pregnancy, community violence), who have been followed up since the prenatal timepoint.
Deadline : 18 June 2023.
(14) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate
The postdoctoral position will be an integrative part of an exciting ERC project dedicated to characterize charge transport mechanisms in a new class of cytochrome proteins involved in bacterial respiration. The project entails the use of state-of-the-art single-protein electrical detection methods based on scanning tunnelling microscopies (STM) in wet environments. The project is highly interdisciplinary mixing single-protein biophysics, wet chemistry and molecular biology.
Deadline :28 May 2023.
(15) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate
The Centre of Construction Law and Dispute Resolution was established 35 years ago and is now part of the Dickson Poon School of Law at King’s College London, one of the oldest law schools in England and recognised globally as one of the best law schools in the world. It is ranked 16th in the world and 5th in the UK in the QS World University Rankings for Law 2021. The Centre is housed in the Old Watch House, a Grade Two listed building, on the College’s Strand Campus, no more than a couple of minutes’ walk from the Royal Courts of Justice and Inns of Court and midway between Westminster and the City of London. The Centre has an international reputation for teaching and research in construction law and dispute resolution and has excellent contacts with practitioners and policy-makers and a strong tradition of engagement with the legal profession and the construction industry
Deadline : 18 June 2023.
(16) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Assistant/Research Associate in Immunology
The post-holder will be based in the Immunohaematology-oncology Lab led by Dr. Giorgio Napolitani, and will apply Mass Cytometry and state-of-the-art immunological techniques to define the immune landscape in the Bone Marrow and the Peripheral Blood of individuals with or without ARCH. The aim of this project will to characterize abnormalities in immune cell populations which might underlie the increased risk of developing chronic inflammatory diseases and blood cancers in individual with ARCH. The successful applicant will be embedded in a team including immunologists, haematologists and bioinformaticians working at the interface between basic and translational immune-haematology.
Deadline : 29 May 2023.
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(17) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Assistant/Associate in Medical Statistics
We are looking for a Research Assistant/Associate to join the Unit for Medical Statistics (UMS) in the School of Life Course & Population Sciences. The main duties of the postholder will be to take day-to-day responsibility for the statistical aspects of specific studies such as clinical trials and/or other clinical studies and registry projects (epidemiological studies). This will include project planning and protocol development, study conduct, plans for all statistical analyses and liaising with the appropriate multidisciplinary teams to represent the statistics view and role. In addition, the postholder will contribute to statistical consultancy and teaching as part of UMS. All work will be supervised by a senior member of UMS.
Deadline : 04 June 2023.
(18) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Assistant in the Department of Digital Humanities
The Department of Digital Humanities is seeking a part-time research assistant to work with Dr Vita Peacock on the European Research Council Grant SAMCOM. The project investigates how and why people are using monitoring technologies to advance social goods in the comparative contexts of Germany and Britain. Using the perspectives and methods of anthropology, the team is exploring the role that digital monitoring technologies are now playing in the domains of care, health, safety, and citizenship. The research assistant will work together with the four-person team, to facilitate the communication of the project and its ongoing management. We are looking for a highly organised individual with a demonstrated ability to communicate effectively, both on and offline. The candidate should have previous experience of activities that support the production of funded research, including website management. The successful candidate will work closely with the Principal Investigator as well as independently.
Deadline :31 May 2023.
(19) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Assistant in Nutritional Sciences
The Department of Nutritional Sciences are seeking a highly motivated Research Assistant to work on a British Dietetic Association GET funded systematic review project: Workplace nutrition and health – synthesising the evidence of benefit. The aim of the project is to conduct systematic reviews across two priority areas (i) the impact of nutrition on mental health and wellbeing in the workplace, and (ii) the impact of nutrition and health on organisational outcomes.
Deadline : 06 June 2023.
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(20) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Assistant in Deep Learning and Biomedical Image Analysis
This post may appeal to candidates with background in computer science or engineering interested in now developing skills and experience in biomedical research. Candidates with good experience in machine learning, bioinformatics, database management, and visualisation techniques will also be considered. The successful candidate will be joining a new group and thus this position provides an opportunity for the right candidate to be part of an exciting new venture.
Deadline : 28 May 2023.
(21) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Assistant in Deep Learning and Biomedical Image Analysis
This post may appeal to candidates with background in computer science or engineering interested in now developing skills and experience in biomedical research. Candidates with good experience in machine learning, bioinformatics, database management, and visualisation techniques will also be considered. The successful candidate will be joining a new group and thus this position provides an opportunity for the right candidate to be part of an exciting new venture.
Deadline : 28 May 2023.
(22) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research assistant Genomics lab
This position provides an exciting opportunity to work in a cross-disciplinary research group that is applying cutting-edge genomic technologies, with advanced semi-automated biobanking to the study of psychiatric and other complex disorders. The post holder will carry out a range of technically complex tasks including dealing with large number of samples, processing them to support biobanking activities. This innovative project requires an enthusiastic, organized and highly motivated individual. As a member of the research group, you will work closely with a multidisciplinary team of scientists to ensure high quality data production and will be expected to contribute to reports, study design, basic data analysis and follow-up investigations.
Deadline : 18 June 2023.
(23) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Assistant / Research Associate in Interprofessional Science
We are seeking two talented and self-motivated individuals with health or social science research experience and an interest in qualitative methods to join our growing team. As a Research Assistant/Associate, you will work with Dr Andreas Xyrichis to deliver FEARLESS ICU, an NIHR-funded research project investigating interprofessional collaborative working in intensive care units (ICU).
Deadline :31 May 2023.
(24) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Assistant – Sound Mind project
The post is most suitable for a researcher with a psychology, neuroscience or related degree. The post would be suitable for someone seeking a career in clinical research. The successful applicant will take an active role in recruitment of participants for the project, which will also include data management and follow-up phone calls for data collection. The postholder will have experience of recruiting participants to research studies and ideally EEG data collection within a mental health setting. Additional responsibilities include assessments and interviews with participants.
Deadline : 10 July 2023.
(25) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Assistant – Evidence Development and Incubation Team (EDIT)
As an essential member of the Policy Institute, the Research Assistant will support the Evidence Development and Incubation Team (EDIT) in the scoping, delivery and research coordination of ongoing and new projects. We have a lot of exciting projects at the moment which you will have the opportunity to get involved in. Current projects include evaluations of: financial education initiatives in primary schools; interventions aimed at reducing homelessness; programmes that support young people into work; and interventions to reduce youth violence. Our ideal candidate will have formal training in econometrics or quantitative data analysis in R, and experience or an interest in researching effective practices in a range of areas, including but not limited to education, youth work, youth violence reduction, homelessness, violence against women, social justice, and inclusion.
Deadline : 11 June 2023.
(26) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate in Theoretical Computer Science
The department of Informatics is looking to appoint a Postdoctoral Research Associate in Theoretical Computer Science. The successful candidate will be hosted by Hubie Chen and will work on the computational complexity of database query evaluation and related topics. The position, which is funded by a grant from UK’s EPSRC, is offered for 2 years. Research interest and experience in the following areas will be valued: logic in computer science, database theory, finite model theory, structural decomposition methods, and parameterized complexity theory.
Deadline : 09 July 2023.
(27) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate in Molecular Imaging
Working in collaboration with medicinal chemists and radiochemists, the successful candidate will use radionuclide-based molecular imaging and radionuclide therapy for the detection and treatment of drug-resistant cancer (‘theranostics’). We have successfully developed a library of theranostic agents that selectively target biomarkers of treatment failure. You will lead the biological evaluation for one of our theranostics programmes using a range of advanced mouse models of cancer (syngeneic, genetically engineered and patient-derived). The project will use molecular biology, protein biochemistry, and enzyme assays to further characterise these agents and understand their mechanism of action. You will further optimise radionuclide therapy scheduling to exploit the vulnerabilities of drug-resistant cancer. Support will be provided for you to take the project in new and interesting directions.
Deadline : 31 May 2023.
(28) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate in Modern Bioinformatics
We are looking for a highly skilled and self-motivated post-doctoral researcher with demonstrated expertise in modern bioinformatics analysis of high-dimensional data using programming languages such as R or Python. The successful candidate will be responsible for designing and implementing biostatistical and bioinformatic pipelines for analysing multiomic data sets, with a focus on identifying potential biomarkers and pathways associated with early neurodegenerative disease in clinical research.
Deadline : 06 June 2023.
(29) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Associate in the Department of War Studies
The project takes a wide and interdisciplinary understanding of ‘injury’; to bodies and psychological states, socio-economic well-being, cultures and ways of life, lived and public spaces, and political institutions. These can emanate variously from conflict, discriminatory practices, displacement, the breakdown or absence of infrastructures, the lack of access to public institutions and resources, climate change and environmental degradation. The project seeks understanding of the socio-political and legal dynamics that relate injury to mechanisms and processes of response, both domestic and international. We have a particular focus on the Global South, with reference to Colombia, Lebanon, Nigeria, and South Africa.
Deadline : 04 June 2023.
(30) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-doctoral Research Associate – EEG Analysis
An exciting opportunity has arisen in the Department of Forensic and Neurodevelopmental Sciences for a post-doc to join the world class academic team in neurodevelopmental disorders. This role involves working as part of an international multidisciplinary team, including university and industry collaborators, to develop EEG analytic pipelines. They will contribute to the deliverables of AIMS-2-TRIALS – the world’s largest grant for autism. They will be responsible for developing new processing pipelines to analyse EEG data at scale from a range of multi-site clinical observational research and drug challenge studies, and clinical trials.
Deadline : 18 June 2023.
(31) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Associate
We now seek a Postdoctoral Research Associate to join in our efforts to uncover the biological significance and mechanisms through which influenza A virus inhibits host gene transcription termination and mRNA expression. You will use a multidisciplinary approach that employs biochemistry, genetics, transcriptomics, molecular and cellular biology. You will be encouraged to use your own initiative and to work in collaboration with others to develop a comprehensive picture of how transcription termination affects RNA fate and consequently gene expression in influenza A infected cells.
Deadline : 14 June 2023.
About King’s College London, United Kingdom – Official Website
King’s College London (informally King’s or KCL) is a public research university located in London, United Kingdom, and a founding college and member institution of the federal University of London. King’s was established in 1829 by King George IV and Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington, when it received its first royal charter (as a university college), and is one of the oldest universities in England. In 1836, King’s became one of the two founding colleges of the University of London. In the late 20th century, King’s grew through a series of mergers, including with Queen Elizabeth College and Chelsea College of Science and Technology (in 1985), the Institute of Psychiatry (in 1997), the United Medical and Dental Schools of Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospitals and the Florence Nightingale School of Nursing and Midwifery (in 1998).
King’s has five campuses: its historic Strand Campus in central London, three other Thames-side campuses (Guy’s, St Thomas’ and Waterloo) nearby and one in Denmark Hill in south London. It also has a presence in Shrivenham for its professional military education and in Newquay, Cornwall, where its information service centre is based. In 2019/20, King’s had a total income of £964.3 million, of which £200.5 million was from research grants and contracts. It has the fourth largest endowment of any university in the United Kingdom, and the largest of any in London. It is the 12th largest university in the United Kingdom by total enrolment. Its academic activities are organised into nine faculties, which are subdivided into numerous departments, centres, and research divisions.
It is a member of academic organisations including the Association of Commonwealth Universities, the European University Association, and the Russell Group. King’s is home to six Medical Research Council centres and is a founding member of the King’s Health Partners academic health sciences centre, Francis Crick Institute and MedCity. It is the largest European centre for graduate and post-graduate medical teaching and biomedical research, by number of students, and includes the world’s first nursing school, the Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. King’s is at times regarded as part of the “golden triangle” of universities located in the cities of Oxford, Cambridge and London.
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