Forschungszentrum Julich, Germany invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at Forschungszentrum Julich, Germany.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position – Electrochemical Nitrogen Reduction
The BMBF-funded project “iNEW 2.0” is investigating sustainable electrochemical value chains based on CO2, Hydrogen and N2. Here, we want to investigate the possibility of electrochemical reduction of molecular N2 towards value chemicals like ammonia at a high-quality analytical level. Electrochemical N2-activation is a new field of electrocatalysis. Catalysts are currently investigated from a broad field of material classes. Although ammonia is often detected as a product, it has also been shown that this does not always originate from actual N2-reduction, but from NOx reduction or other experimentally induces impurities. Careful analytical detection of the reaction educts and products is therefore the basis of new catalysis research. In this project, we therefore want to construct a high-end electrochemical setup with all necessary purity and analytical measures to ensure the detection of “true” electrochemical N2-reduction, before screening suitable electrocatalysts.
Deadline : Open until filled
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position – The Role of Agriculture in the Global Energy Transition
Support us in providing orientation knowledge for politics, industry and society for the success of the energy transition by joining our team in the topic area Global Emissions from Agriculture. You will work on the following crucial tasks:
- Identification and analysis of agricultural production systems, including regional conditions
- Identification of agricultural land use and quantification of emissions
- Modelling of the global agricultural sector with a focus on dual land use (e.g. Agri-PV) and future land use change
- Potential extension to forestry land and other land uses
Deadline : Open until filled
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position: Method development of cryo-STEM imaging
This PhD position is dedicated to the advancement of Cryo-EM imaging methods at the interface of Structural Biology and Electron Imaging. Cryo-EM has become a very powerful method to visualize ice-embedded samples including purified proteins at close to atomic resolution. Single-particle cryo-EM as well as cryo-ET are based on conventional transmission electron microscopy (TEM) exposures taken in underfocus. In this project, we aim to further develop the imaging capabilities based on scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) including differential phase contrast as well as ptychography in order to apply them to vitrified biological specimens.
Deadline : Open until filled
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position – Heterogeneous Catalysis for Electrocatalytic Valorization of Biomass-Derived Feedstock
You will be part of the Electrocatalysis research department (, which research area is an investigation of fundamental aspects of the electrolyte-electrode interface during applied processes of conversion of electrical to chemical energy. Our aims are to develop an efficient methodology for the electrochemical transformation of readily available feedstock (bio-mass) to value-added or fuel products. Besides commonly used offline analytical methods, in the department of Electrocatalysis, a unique platform for online (real-time) analysis of electrochemical processes is developed, proving to be a powerful analytical support for the conducted research
Deadline : Open until filled
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(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position – Ionic Liquid-Tuned Interfaces for the Electrochemical Reduction of Carbon Dioxide
You will be part of the Electrocatalysis research department (, which research area is an investigation of fundamental aspects of the electrolyte-electrode interface during applied processes of conversion of electrical to chemical energy. Our aims are to develop an efficient methodology for the electrochemical transformation of readily available feedstock (bio-mass) to value-added or fuel products. Besides commonly used offline analytical methods, in the department of Electrocatalysis, a unique platform for online (real-time) analysis of electrochemical processes is developed, proving to be a powerful analytical support for the conducted research. As part of the PhD position, you will work on this project with practical orientation in cooperation with Wacker Chemie.
Deadline : Open until filled
(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position – Electro-chemo-mechanical optimization of ceria-based solid oxide electrolysis cells (SOEC)
The processing and improvement of next-generation solid oxide electrolysis cells (SOEC) is the core of a project funded by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) coordinated by IEK-1. A particular focus is on the electro-chemo-mechanical stresses in the cell during electrolysis operation. In this project, the primary goals are to improve the processing and performance of the cells, as well as the characterization of the chemical expansion of doped ceria under relevant operational conditions. The latter demands complex experiments to quantify the chemical expansion of doped ceria under the influence of temperature, oxygen partial pressure and electrical potential with non-destructive techniques. In cooperation with our project partners, this data will supply the foundation for a 3D model of the electrolysis cell that will allow the analysis of mechanical stresses during operation, and supply the basis for optimization of the cell.
Deadline : Open until filled
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(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position – Terrestrial Modeling and Data Analytics
- Develop and apply coupled terrestrial models in the research areas hydrogeology (groundwater), hydrology (soil and land surface including vegetation), and meteorology (weather/climate)
- Perform scientific simulations in supercomputer environments
- Analyze large geoscientific data sets
- Present and publish results at international conference and peer reviewer journals
Deadline : Open until filled
(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position – Interfacial compatibility of all-solid-state Li battery consisting of sulfide electrolyte
All-solid-state Li batteries will play an important role in future applications in the automotive industry and for stationary energy storage. Key focuses of research and further development are highly conductive sulfide electrolytes and their compatibility with the metallic anode. In this context, fabricating high-performance materials, properly engineering the interfaces in batteries, and systematic investigations of interfacial properties are especially desired.
Deadline : Open until filled
(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in the field of bacterial metagenomic analysis
- Design and implementation of bioinformatic analysis pipelines for bacterial metagenomics analysis
- Structured analysis of microbial genomes and their metabolic pathways, carboxylation reactions, and secondary metabolite synthesis pathways
- Presentation of results in project meeting, scientific journals and at (international) conferences
Deadline : Open until filled
(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in Chemical Reaction Engineering
The avoidance of fossil raw materials requires alternative process routes for the production of fuels and basic chemicals in the future. Biomass represents an attractive renewable raw material source for this. You will be part of a project that deals with the production of fuels, fuel additives and basic chemicals from biomass derivatives.
Deadline : Open until filled
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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position – Graph Convolutional Neural Networks in computational enzyme engineering
- Development and parameterization of machine learning models to guide enzyme engineering
- Iterative application of the machine learning models in cycles of predictions/experiments (together with collaboration partners)/re-training to increase performance and address additive and cooperative effects
- Publication and presentation of the results on (inter)national conferences and in scientific journals
Deadline : Open until filled
(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position for High Throughput Materials Testing in Membrane Electrode Assemblies
- Design and optimization of a high throughput electrochemical characterization setup for MEAs (catalysts and protective coatings)
- Benchmarking state of the art materials as a baseline for the developed system
- Conducting a study of next-generation materials degradation during electrolysis
- Close collaboration with data scientists and automation specialists to develop a reliable and fast material testing process
Deadline : Open until filled
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(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position – Optimal Control Theory for Open Quantum Systems
- Develop techniques to simulate and control open system dynamics for complex quantum information tasks, including both negative and positive roles for environmental noise
- Build effective models for open quantum systems involving especially cold atoms and ions, e.g. using tensor network methods
- Research open quantum control methods such as reservoir engineering and feedback control, including co-design of system parameters and development of quantum protocols
- Cooperate with and provide theory support for experimental partners developing quantum processors using these technological platforms
- Design and implement optimization techniques for fixed point engineering and active feedback
Deadline : Open until filled
(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position – Optimal Control Theory for Emerging Quantum Technologies
- Develop techniques to simulate and control the dynamics for increasing system complexities
- Build models and simulations of solid state systems ranging from superconducting qubits, to quantum dots, to Nitrogen vacancy centres, and others, with an aim towards practical technological implementation
- Provide theory support, in situ code and actively cooperate with experimental partners developing quantum processors using these technological platforms
- Design and implement optimization techniques for controlling the dynamics of experimental quantum-technology platforms
- Model and mitigate major sources of experimental error (such as dissipation)
Deadline : Open until filled
(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD-Position: Operation of Local Energy Communities
The concept of organizing energy systems in Local Energy Communities (LEC) coordinated across multiple energy carriers has gained significant attention in the last few years as a way to combine local coordination with the need for national and international interconnection. In the EU framework, LECs have been recognized by the EU as a key component of the energy transition. The European Commission’s Clean Energy Package has also defined a legislative framework for the operation of LECs that aim at participation of LECs in energy markets. While coupling of multiple energy carriers seems a promising solution to further reduce carbon emission and to maximize generation from renewable sources, their coordinated operation is still a challenge.
Deadline : Open until filled
(16) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD-Position: Monitoring of Energy Systems for Control Purpose
There is no doubt that energy systems generate a large volume of data. It is common to find applications where a large number of data are generated, in real-time, from IoT devices located in various part of the system of interest. The use of those data to support control actions is nevertheless still very limited. At FZJ in the framework of the Living Lab Energy Campus initiative we installed sensors that total to more than a 1M measurements point. Your work will focus on defining methods and algorithms for monitoring and state estimation applications, that can take advantage of the large and heterogeneous (in nature and time resolution) nature of this data to support control approaches.
Deadline : Open until filled
(17) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position – Proximal sensing for improved determination of management zones for sustainable crop production
Your work will be part of the cluster of excellence PhenoRob “Robotics and Phenotyping for sustainable crop production” ( ). The main goal of PhenoRob is to change crop production by optimizing breeding and farming management using new technologies. It is focused on developing methods and new technologies to observe, analyze, better understand and specifically treat plants to improve the fundamental understanding of cropping systems and their reaction to management decisions. Your research will contribute to Core Project 5 on “New field arrangements”. With the development of new light-weight robotics in the future, it will be possible to reduce field sizes, reshape field geometries and improve spatio-temporal crop diversity to improve resource use efficiency as well as the provision and regulation of ecosystem services. This requires detailed information on areas within a single field that require different treatment, so called management zones.
Deadline : Open until filled
(18) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD-Position: Data-driven modelling for power system operation
The increasing availability of data has motivated the whole scientific community in developing data-driven approaches (e.g. based on machine learning) for the analysis and operation of modern power systems. At IEK-10, you will focus on the development of new methodologies for the development of data-driven models using probabilistic machine learning approaches and demonstrate the use of such models in power systems operation. A large volume of data is available at IEK-10 for validation of the developed methods.
Deadline : Open until filled
(19) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position – Chemical mechanism development of atmospheric VOC degradation aided by pattern analysis of high-resolution mass spectrometric data
The PhD work will maximize the use of such mass spectrometric information in a model-based prediction-comparison-refinement approach, which comprises:
- Generating chemical mechanisms applying structure activity relationships (SARs) for organic radical chemistry based on an established approach (GeckoA).
- Running model simulations based on that explicit mechanism for the conditions of our experiments in the simulation chambers SAPHIR and SAPHIRSTAR (further information on the atmospheric simulation chambers can be found here: and )
- Categorizing the products/intermediates in the model, to visualize their correspondence to the mass spectrometric measures
Deadline : Open until filled
(20) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD-Position – Development of scalable superconducting quantum systems
This position focuses on building, operating, and testing superconducting quantum devices. Your tasks in detail are:
- Design and fabrication of superconducting quantum circuits
- Setting up experimental systems for cryogenic measurements
- Development of a microwave quantum control & readout stack
- Development of Python code to operate quantum systems
- Detailed experimental characterization of superconducting qubits to quantify performance and identify limiting physical mechanisms
- Perform quantum device calibrations, benchmarking, and run quantum algorithms
- Presenting and publishing the research on an international stage
Deadline : Open until filled
(21) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position – High Dimensional Multi Omics Data Integration
Your project has the aim to develop novel (interactive) workflow tools for high dimensional data integration and data mining. The data used should comprise multiple omics disciplines e.g. transcripts, metabolites and epigenetic sig-nals. Currently many analyses comprise ad-hoc methods or “standard” procedures that are disjunct.
Deadline : Open until filled
(22) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position: Application of Machine Learning to Ranking Exhaustive Enumerations of Molecular Conformers
Researchers at the IEK-8 investigate the chemical reactivity of organic molecules emitted to the atmosphere. To accurately predict the rate of reaction using theoretical methodologies, this requires the computationally expensive characterization of all molecular shapes. By joining forces with the Institute for Advanced Simulations (IAS-8), we aim to study and create machine learning techniques to fully enumerate the likely molecular geometries involved for both reactants and transition state, and rank them by their estimated relative energies. This information then allows for reduction in computational effort, as well as enabling hybrid approaches for subsets of the structures.
Deadline : Open until filled
(23) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position: Scientific Discovery in Earth System Science: Applying Deep Learning Technologies in the Exploration of Big Data from Terrestrial Modeling
In this project we tackle this challenge by developing and applying state of the art machine and deep learning technologies in massively parallel supercomputer environments leading to novel data mining and exploration capacities and new discoveries of previously unknown information in big simulation data. The project will be conducted in collaboration with the German Aerospace Center (DLR), and the Centre of High-Performance Computing in Terrestrial System, Geoverbund ABC/J.
Deadline : Open until filled
(24) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position: Model informed data acquisition for emission flux estimation using 4-dimensional variational data assimilation
Observations of atmospheric constituents provide detailed information about the state of the atmosphere but lack in temporal or spatial resolution. Numerical models provide a temporally and spatially resolved analysis of the atmosphere but lack of accuracy due to various uncertainties in the input data. Data assimilation methods enable to combine observational accuracy and model resolution for reliable analyses of the atmosphere. How-ever, the information content of many diverse observations from different platforms on the analyses remains unclear.
Deadline : Open until filled
(25) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position – Framework for Meta Data Analysis and Interactive Exploration of large Plant FAIR data sets
- Conceptualization, development and implementation of FAIR data standards
- Development of services for metadata analysis for data analysis using interactive visualization and (potentially web-based) deep learning and approximate data embedding approaches for data visualization and interpretation
Deadline : Open until filled
(26) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position – Impact of High-Frequency Demand and Supply Fluctuations on Energy System Design and Operation
Large energy system models optimize the size, allocation and operation of components based on simplified assumptions and finite time steps. Most of the models consider an hourly temporal resolution due to limited data availability and computational limitations imposed by the optimization problem. However, due to the coarse temporal resolution, it is not guaranteed that the optimized energy systems as proposed by the model would be operatable in reality. Therefore, the optimized models need to be tested for high-resolution time series, which steadily gain importance due to a growing share of renewable energy sources.
Deadline : Open until filled
(27) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position – Modelling Near-Optimal Energy System Alternatives under Consideration of Economic, Environmental and Social Objectives
The necessary energy policy and planning decisions to achieve climate neutrality are complex, given the many possible technological options and social and political hurdles. Energy system optimisation models can serve as decision support by identifying system configurations that can achieve this objective at minimum cost. However, cost optimality alone ignores the social and environmental dimensions that are equally important for the political feasibility in reality. Furthermore, focusing on a single optimal solution neglects a range of equally feasible but potentially radically different system configurations. By explicitly modelling and comparing these alternatives, energy system modellers can more effectively support decision-making.
Deadline : Open until filled
(28) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position – Data-Driven Approaches to Rational Designs of Covalent Drugs
The rational development of covalent inhibitors has been steadily increasing in the past decades. Numerous warheads have been developed, expanding the covalent warhead toolbox and allowing for selective targeting of specific amino acid residues. Covalent compounds are on the market or in advanced clinical trials. As more data emerge regarding safety and efficacy of covalent drugs, the structure-guided optimization and rational development needs to be improved. The PhD project aims at developing data driven models for the optimization of covalent docking procedures.
Deadline : Open until filled
(29) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position – Mechanical Long-Term Behavior of PEM Water Electrolyzers
The project you will be working on is a collaboration with several industry and scientific partners who work on topics towards the industrialization of water electrolysis. After identifying the status quo of the actual stack technology you will analyse the influence of mechanical properties on the performance and failure tolerance as a function of operational time. On the basis of this information you will develop new concepts for redesigning or optimizing stack components and stack assembly.
Deadline : Open until filled
(30) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position – Development and application of high-performance models for the analysis of European energy systems
- Modelling and analysis of the European energy markets
- Modeling and analysis of Europeans power and gas grids
- Development of energy scenarios
- Development of a data basis and models for the erngy infrastructures of the European Electricity market
- Development and programming af a simulation platform that is able to capture the interaction between markets and grids using HPC infrastructures
- Development of integrated software tools for automated data analysis
- Integration of web interfaces for user-friendly operation and application
Deadline : Open until filled
(31) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position – Use of Hardware Solutions for Modern Energy System Simulation and Control
- Analysis of the current state of the art in the simulation and control of energy systems with the aid of specialized computer hardware (e.g. based on FPGAs)
- Definition of innovative methods for the simulation and control of multi-modal energy systems based on application-specific instruction-set processors
- Development of test cases and scenarios for the evaluation of implemented methods
- Validation of the approaches with benchmarks and real-world energy system models (data is, for instance, available from research projects such as Living Lab Energy Campus)
- Evaluation of defined methods` performance using last generation computer hardware and Hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) approaches
Deadline : Open until filled
(32) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position – Methodical Conception, Design and Development of Modern Multi-Modal Energy System Simulation
- Analysis of the current state of the art in continuous and discrete simulation
- Development of innovative approaches for the simulation of multi-modal energy systems with the aid of hybrid simulation and co-simulation
- Validation of the approaches with benchmark and real-world energy system models
Deadline : Open until filled
(33) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD-Position – Conception, Design and Development of Multi-FPGA Simulation Methods for Real-time Verification of Power Electronics enabled Energy Systems
- Analysis of the current state of the art in real-time simulation methods
- Development of simulation methods for multi-FPGA platforms
- Programming of a simulation solution that is able to execute on multi-FPGA platforms with execution time below 50ns
- Development of test case and scenarios for the evaluation of the developed platform
- Development of simulation interfaces between the developed simulator and commercial products
- Validation of the simulation models on the basis of the energy infrastructures of the campus Forschungszentrum Jülich
Deadline : Open until filled
About Forschungszentrum Julich, Germany –Official Website
Forschungszentrum Jülich is a member of the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres and is one of the largest interdisciplinary research centres in Europe. It was founded on 11 December 1956 by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia as a registered association, before it became “Kernforschungsanlage Jülich GmbH” or Nuclear Research Centre Jülich in 1967. In 1990, the name of the association was changed to “Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH”. It has close collaborations with RWTH Aachen in the form of Jülich-Aachen Research Alliance (JARA).
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